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Prince Nana

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Posts posted by Prince Nana

  1. well there is a difference between a "shit" wrestler which has come fobles and seems to have rubbed someone up the wrong way and one that's just not very good and dosen't aspire beyond that if you get on one of those list's the best way to handle it is to see if there is anything that resonates as true then use it to improve.


    anyway where's the list? :)

  2. It's my belief Paul Malen wasn't 26th in 2008, I'm pretty sure 2009 was his first entry (don't have time to check!)


    It seems that Shane Spyral is just really really annoying rather than being really really shit. I've seen him on some shows and he looks decent. For people who complain that he's skinny he looks better than 1/2 the roster of most shows he's on (FWA excluded).


    Now i'm not this kids biggest fan but his FWA exposure has been his downfall here.



    You know if you meet him up close he suddenly dosen't seem so skinny.


    Deffinentley not a bad wrestler in terms of being inept but probably just need's to learn that wrestling is more than just doing spots, Is also very wreckless.

  3. For what I understand about Ike is that if you look for it he do's have decent ideas but you have to wade through lizzards and panitoid moons to get there.


    I can't remeber who said this, but I remeber somone saying once that you should allways look at Persons individual arguments. A person may talk 80% crap but not allways.


    it can work the other way too with somone always seen as being right due to their reputation.

  4. Conscience. - can just about understand the self elevation critisisim, however I have a point, I may be wrong here but do's he actually book the NWA british title? it's not an SWA exclusive belt as far as I know and if i'm not mistaking only held the SWA title once then never got it back again. Tends not not to job much at least not the last time I saw him 3 years ago I XVII pinned him and it was only soposed to be the third time in history.

    The NWA-UK title finds it's home around an SWA guys waist, but you're right in thinking it's not our title. It's Hammerlocks which comes under the control of Andre Baker.Funny thing about jobbing... when I was down at TXW for a show last year, the night before their promoter asked "Who's SWA's jobber?" to which Con took a moment to think about his recent loss record before saying "Seems to be me these days..."For the ones you don't know about check out the DVD's available at Ringside Live and have a peek at the roster thats been shining through.All that typing for a cheap plug for a store I have absolutely no stock in :(
    I'm sure Majik love's you though.I thought so which is why I don't really get the "he's like tripple H" critisim.
  5. Might as well just go though all this now :Jonny Lions - the intial match of his that was posted wasn't that bad but I cringed at him wrestling the kid, also apears to be one of the best performers in is promotion which is a problem, some of the roster can appear to do decent stuff but the word underdeveloped comes to mind. After what he said I probably will go to a show if I happen to be in that area. But may not anounce myself before hand just incase it's a trap :) Drew McDonald - I think I only ever seen 3 matches all of which I thought were ok, I understand why some people wouldn't like him because doe's seem to have quit a basic style but I have never seen a match of his and thought it was really bad. Brad Fusion - havn't seen an awful lot of brad he's never really intrested me, hve found memories of him geting squassed by sabotage :)=11 - Abraxas - have seen next to nothing on him, can't really coment.=11 - Rob McKai - will repeat what kenny said. LOLZ. Carl Conroy - never got to see wild when I was up in scotland so no nothing about his ringwork has a good concept with wild though..No. 9 - Killian - Not a scooby.No. 8 - Micken - Never seen the lader match that was talked about but confermed what I used to think of him decent wrester but he's not a high fligher he just isn't. Flght? yeah ok whatever.No. 7 - Raging Bull - some decent points made in the write up with main advice being trim down a bit, so fair enough.No. 6 - Bravehart - PassNo. 5 - Highlander - Kenny has already mentioned the good thing being that he has brought though a lot of good wreslters which is a non ballbag thing to do, Never liked him as a performer himself though and if I had to vote he would have been the first name in my head. Was quite critical of his product during the time I watched it, to the point he added me on MSN but I never see him anymore, the fact he took intrest in me because I didn't like the product was probably a good thing. The main problem I had was even though they had good talent they all got put on the under card while mr import flavor of the week got put on the main event. never really prmoted their shows beyond "look who were bringing over" I like being given reasons to care but never thought BCW did that. they don't appear to be doing that anymore and their talent seems to be shining though.Mike Musso - Abosulutly no idea what so ever. Kongo Kev - See jonny lions nothing to really add about him. - KG Tyler - actually explained to me how he's geting booked, makes sense and from what i've seen he do's tend to get protected is not like they have in in 20 minute epics and try and use him to his strangths. Conscience. - can just about understand the self elevation critisisim, however I have a point, I may be wrong here but do's he actually book the NWA british title? it's not an SWA exclusive belt as far as I know and if i'm not mistaking only held the SWA title once then never got it back again. Tends not not to job much at least not the last time I saw him 3 years ago I XVII pinned him and it was only soposed to be the third time in history.Mr wallace - oh dear, oh dear, oh dear that is not how you respond to somthing like this that's a threat and is out of order. Misses the point nobodys saying he's a bad wreslter just that his attitude is Ballbagy which he just proves there silly manKenny may be right in that he may have infulenced votes. but so did moj I tihnk but moj dosen't seem to care about that.

  6. To Prince Nana, finally some constuctive critism. You seem to have done your research and know our structure. When I first got into this I was never intending to train anyone. It was only wrestling parties I was going to do. But the sheer amount of demand I got for training I couldn't ignore. Now anyone who knows me, knows that was always a tempory thing. I trained for 2 years, but I reconise that is not enough to give someone a full education in wrestling. I have been in talks with some big name Scottish wrestlers over the last month, with veiw of bringing them in and furthering the training here. Unlike the description of me, I very much like to improve and every match I am in I do give it 110%. Its that or nothing. Setting up a business is a tough venture, and to be where we are within 8 months is amazing. Some of the pros said we would be closed within a month. My earlier post about wanting to be a bigger bawbag, was sarcasm, and in character. But Prince Nana, it doesn't matter what I do, I will never appease some people. So what do you do? Cry in a corner and quit? Thats not my way, I wont quit, until either, A, Im bancrupt, or B, im dead.Once again, Prince Nana, thank you for being constuctive and fair, I take it on board. I hope you can come to another of our shows soon and let me know what you think.CheersStu

    I wasn't nessisarly expecting that, but that's cool. As fan's we care about quality wrestling at least I do, I think that's why we can come off as a bit pasonate but i's because we care.I think on the surface it just looks like some guy quit his training and then decided to set up his own company due to arrogance, It's easty to see how that assumption can come about.Somtimes I think the connection between fan and wrestler could be better with their being misunderstandings on bothsides also on message boards it's quite easy to take peoples tone the wrong way.I live a bit far away to come to a show since I currently live in leicstershire but if i ever happen to be in that area i'll consider it since you put it like that.
  7. You're entitled not to like certain wrestlers, that's fine but displaying a lack of fundamental understanding of the difference between in character and out of character is as much bawbaggery as lacking a fundamental understanding of how to wrestle, so does writing a lengthy post on people you've never seen wrestle outside of a youtube video.

    I just had to comment on this point. your saying you can't judge peoples ability on a you tube video?I'm watching tna right now do's that mean I can't jdge them because I havn't seen them live? it's recored video it's the same thing.a video full of clips fair enougth but a match on youtube is like a match seen on any other format.
  8. Hey, Johnny Lions here, bawbag no15, remember. Just to say, thank you all for my award in bawbaggery. I strive to be an even bigger bawbag next year. I think at this time I should inform all the SMARK community that wrestlezone is doing very well. We have a documentary airing on channel 4 at the end of the year. They are filming our shows at the moment. Also at the moment we are doing so well finacially that we are opening 2 new wrestlezones next year. Dont believe me? read this weeks courier. There is a picture of your no 15 bawbag with his apparant "Munta" of a wife. Anyway thank you all for your votes. Im off now to have a wheely bin match with Jay Hazard, yes the same one discussed earlier.

    "Hey, Johnny Lions here"Hello :)"I think at this time I should inform all the SMARK community that wrestlezone is doing very well. We have a documentary airing on channel 4 at the end of the year. They are filming our shows at the moment. Also at the moment we are doing so well finacially that we are opening 2 new wrestlezones next year. Dont believe me? read this weeks courier. There is a picture of your no 15 bawbag with his apparant "Munta" of a wife. Anyway thank you all for your votes. Im off now to have a wheely bin match with Jay Hazard, yes the same one discussed earlier."You know the one thing I will say is your shows do appear to be well attended, and the concept of wrestlezone isn't atually that bad with things like the childrens parties if you still do them. You tend to appeal to children which is the largest demographic while other promotions who are runed by people like you go for the internet fans and draw about 12. Your wife apears to have her stuff together and the promotional side of things seem ok.However and this is quite a big problem.You guys can't really wrestle....from what i've seen your matchs seem half baked the fact all the wreslters seem quite spotty without any technical guys speaks for it self and there seems to be a lack of pshycology and things like that.So you may appear to be doing well but you'll only get so far while the actuall product isn't there. Saying that though Mcdonalds is an examle of success without a quality product. So who knows, but there allways be people that see through you.According to reports you are only half trained yourself so training other people dosn't seem right.one more thing and if you read this please think about it, I f you appear on the list it means theres somthing you need to work on when a lot of people don't like you theres a reason for it, So instead of dissmising it you would do well to take abord somthings which means either go back and extend your training or get people on board who are fuly qualifyed and experenced.If you combine a good product with the structure you seem to have you'll to really well, as oposed to doing quite well and then maybe geting found out eventually posibly by channel 4.
  9. Firstly the SWA photos are three years old do's that not tell you somthing?"1. You try to slag of Jonny Lyons wife."not really if anything she's probably the more together of the two. just mentioned the co oned the promotion just thought it was a bit..."2. Instead of waiting for Kongo Kev's appearance on the list you piled in with more anti Wrestlezone shite."fail to see why I had to to be honest. I never even heard of wresltzone or the swe before the thread even started so I went on you tube to look for stuff then posted what I found on here if I knew who they were I probabably wouldn't have even bothered to look. "You post sfter Bravehart's listing that Wrestlezone should make up the whole list"yep, note it was after the listing which points to that I didn't even know they existed so like I say I went on you tube to have a look. Also i'm not the only one that thinks that the could make up the whole list. So I don't see what's wrong in stating what seems quite a comon opionon. and i'm sure I said SWE not wresltezone. Also that isn't to imply I think the people on the list shoudn't be on it. Which is what you seem to think i'm implying.4. You post a link to an admittedly VERY bawbag-gy SWE promoyou know I acually liked that thought it was funny, just looking for somthing on bravehart and that was what i found.. Lots of people on the shitarse thread looked for a wreslter then posted what they found back here.. Your post beginning "more SWE crap"well thats my opinon, to be fair I did leave links so people were entitled to have a look and make up their own mind I mean do you actually disagree?Also I didn't EDIT those video clips! they speek for themselve it be different if I wrote a big paragrath aginst them but all I did was post somthing they created. I didn't make the video's ballbaggy!"YES these men are bawbags but be honest and just admit you are either defending whoever trains with/trains you, your mates or most likely yourself." now here I can say your compleatly 100% wrong i'm not a wrestler lets get that one straight I work in health and social care if you must know. So that rules out myself and who I train with because i'm not a wrestler and I don't train. and as far as mates are concered I have KG tyler on my livejournal but that's it and I didn't even come out to defend him! or conscience or the raging bull. So i'm not sure who i'm soposed to be defending since I havn't been making many posts defending many people at all. Apart from micken who I said was ok but needs to work on his look thats constuctive critisism right there. I currently live in leisctershire a bit far away from scotland so even if I was a trainee I wouldn't even be in te right region to care other than the fact I used to be a fan of the SWA."At least Haraga has the guts to have a discussion back and forth without being a baby."what do you mean have a discussion back and forth? not sure what you geting that there."Basically every one of your posts has been an attack on SWE/Wrestlezone. "not evereyone I posted about micken like I said and in the last few posts I was slaging myself off about voting for britsh match of the year between a ballbag and a shitarse 3 years ago. this is a bit pedantic of me but that statment is actually factually wrong. The post you qouted wasn't doing that either."So on the flipside in your opinion clearly there is nothing wrong with SWA? Thats what your posts make it seem like because if there was, you being the objective wrestling fan would have pointed it out. But you haven't have you? My point...made! "I'm sorry but what a rubbish point so you look at what I don't say and make an assesment based on that? that's just compleatly awfull. It's been 3 years since I seen them so can't make a full assesment of ther product currently, if I jumped to their defence you would have a point there but I didn't i largy said nothing, so that's quite bollocks. actually there was a point about the swa or more specificlay everone on the list, theres soming about the highlander that I havn't got round to saying. i was going to make at the end after ball bag no1 was going to see who was on the list then lump it together I didn't wait for swe because I didn't know them and I thought what I saw was so bad I posted.Any more twisted points full of assumptions you would like to make?

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