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Posts posted by WU LYF 4 LYF

  1. Just cruised around the local vicinity, no violence just a few gangs of soaked looking emo youths sitting under doorways sheltering from the rain. Increased police presence though, especially near the shopping centre.

  2. these criminals need to be beaten down and demoralised to get them off the streets.


    Isn't that simply going to make it worse? That will just make rioters more angry.

  3. Isn't the reason they aren't suppressing things more violently merely an attempt not to inflame the situation further? Considering they are rioting because of police brutality, more aggression from the law enforcement agencies will simply underline their point, and most likely inspire thousands more rioters.

  4. Most Police Forces use their purpose built training facilities for things like that, I know our Wethersfield HQ is always dealing with shit like the above, what force were you dealing with?


    Humberside/East Yorkshire.


    CPS would have just laughed, I personally would have liked to have seen you locked up.


    For possessing two ecstasy pills with no previous or intention to supply? We'll have to build a few hundred more prisons if you think people should be locked up for offences as minor as that.


    Driving charges are easy to nail compared to most offences, simple legislation.


    Um, exactly my point. They are concentrating on easy to achieve convictions that aren't particularly in the public interest, rather than harder to investigate convictions that might actually help someone. For their time, they only benefited insurance companies and got a few more quid for themselves, offset by the time they took to process it all. For a non-dangerous wrong turning at low speed.


    Took drugs off the street AND sorted out someone who was committing an offence in a car IE Driving down the wrong way on a one way road, that's in my public interest to be fair.


    Took two ecstasy pills off the street - what a triumph for local law enforcement. That will really help the 'war on drugs'.


    Yes, my mistake on the one way street should have been pulled up (though the fact they have two officers on the corner two days a week is wholly unnecessary and stinks of a money making venture). I'm just not sure three points and a

  5. From the outside, it all looks quite exciting.


    For me, I think it's time the police stood up and took responsibility. They've been fucking people for far too long, without ever dealing with the problems that people actually want them to tackle. They're corrupt, watered down since the introduction of 'special support officers' and the like, tainted by their pedantry when it comes to dealing with road offences which is seen as merely a money making venture. Then there's the more serious stuff, the people they kill by mistake, their tight knit group complex where if someone like Raul Moat targets one of them he is earmarked for particularly bad treatment.


    Take the case of the student who threw the fire extinguisher from the roof at the police. I'm not excusing his actions in any way, but how is it that within 2-3 weeks he had been sent down for three years. Normal cases like this don't get solved anywhere near as quickly, you often wait months, yet as soon as the aggrieved party is police officers it's done and dusted in double quick time. The same goes for the son of David Gilmour; yes, he vandalised a memorial, but the crime didn't really fit the heavy sentence, and in my view he only got such a heavy sentence because the police took the student riots so personally.


    Really, it all comes down to initial causality. If the police hadn't acquired a reputation for incompetence, racism and brutality, this one shooting incident wouldn't have acted as the final straw to a community. There are also a number of other more transient factors, such as the lack of money and help given to many areas to improve them and change the mindset of the young. The lies the government told about tuition fees that incited the riots earlier this year acted as a spur to people - had the government been honest, the modern precedent for rioting and vandalism would not have been set.


    The authorities, both governmental and law enforcement, should be looking at ways of helping areas and young people, and treating people with respect rather than suspicion. Then, perhaps, they would gain trust, the improvement of the areas would change the mindset of people who would be less inclined to react this way. As it is, hatred towards the police and the government is at a high we have not seen for years, and the consequence is rioting and vandalism, which I support until the authorities change the way they operate.


    That's not what I was suggesting at all. Protesting is one thing, but deliberately burning homes and livelihoods to the ground is inexcusable. How many people do you think are on the phone right now talking to the Jobseekers/Housing Benefit people because their place of work has been destroyed?


    This works two ways though, as people will have to be employed in the construction trade and various others to recover these buildings. As long as they have insurance, it shouldn't be a problem. In fact, they'll get nice shiny buildings out of it to make up for the inconvenience, it is the people paying the extra premiums who will suffer.

  6. I have a source very close to the daily's in London, and he tells me they were secretly planning coded mob style hits on Neil and Moo in the 'Mafia Scum Thread', and Neil decided to whack them all first, Don Corleone style. The suspension is merely a cover story - their bodies are lying in a canal in Wales.

  7. The reason I prefer books to Kindle is that in todays world, we spend hours staring at screens, and a book is a nice escape from that. Most people have work that involves computers at least somewhat, and also spend a lot of time with their laptop/PC/TV etc. As much as I love browsing the internet and watching DVDs, it takes its toll, and if I had to stare at a screen to read books as well then it would become intolerable.


    although books as a physical medium will take a lot longer to die out than, say, DVDs or CDs.


    I hate this idea that DVDs and CDs have somehow 'died out' as formats; they both sell millions every year. CD sales are dropping (new sales), but that doesn't take into account second hand sales on places like Amazon, I know Zoverstocks alone process hundreds of thousands of orders every year. DVDs are also still selling very healthily, despite the onset of downloading. Sales might be down on peak numbers, but that doesn't mean they are dying out.

  8. Yeah, Radcliffe is horrific, I liked the books when I was younger but can't watch any of the films. He brings absolutely nothing to the character, if it was me I'd change it up a bit and make Harry a bit colder as the series wore on but instead he just looks passive, characterless and one of the least people you'd ever expect to be any good at fighting evil.


    Then again, I'm currently watching Kenneth Williams playing Caesar in Carry On Cleo and class it as one of my favourite film performances of all time...

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