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Posts posted by Larryboy

  1. Plenty of boxing is going on over the next few weeks, especially involving British fighters.


    For anyone with nuts tv, they're actually pretty good for boxing and tommorow night they're showing Arthur Abraham, who is definetly the top guy gunning for middleweight champ Kelly Pavlik now that Pavlik is not jumping to catchweights after that last arse kicking, vs Raul Marquez, who is a tough veteran but is definietly past his best. It should be a fun fight, both guys usually bring it, Abraham fought about 8 rounds with a broken jaw before.


    Joe Calzaghe vs Roy Jones will be on the same night, I do like to bet on an underdog, but I'm sure Calzaghe will take this. Jones resurgence is really just smoke and mirrors, 3 wins in 3 years, 2 against mediocre guys, 1 against a welterweight who hadn't fought in 2 1/2 years, anyone who thinks he's back is just deluding themselves. He still has great hand speed but Calzaghe isn't far behind him, and has pretty much every other advantage. He's been fighting more often, has been fighting proper competition these last few years, is younger and busier etc. I suppose you can never write a guy off, look what Bernard Hopkins did last month, but I'd bet the farm on Calzaghe.


    David Haye, Ricky Hatton and Carl Frock all also have big fights coming up.

  2. I haven't been watching much wrestling lately, but I caught a tag team match with Rey Misterio last week. He looked really slimmed down compared to how I remembered him. has he been gradually slimming down or did he return from injury this mall? or am I just imagining things?

  3. He whooped that ass. I had this feeling that Hopkins was going to ruin alot of plans with this fight, but I never saw such a domination coming. If Jones beats Calzaghe (which is starting to sound more possible to me by the day) then a good way to finish off both guys careers would be by finally having a re-match between them 15 years later.

  4. I doubt he'll retire. If he wins impressively there'll be too big a payday on offer for him to retire. If he loses he won't want to retire on a loss. Only if he wins un-impressively or gets a gift decision do I think he'll retire.

  5. That's fucked any chance of seeing an undisputed heavyweight champ anytime soon, I don't see anyone one on the horizon capable of beating either brother, and they'll never fight each other.

  6. The ending to that Mosely fight was like something out of a movie. I honestly couldn't beleive my eyes. I thought Mayorga was miles ahead on points, even with a knockdown in the last round he still should have won, all he had to do was stay vertical for about 5 more seconds, then boom, down he goes again.

  7. Have you heard it confirmed that his next fight will be on ppv? I'd assumed they wouldn't have the gall to expect people to pay for his next fight after what happened last time.


    By the way, I found the article, an interview with Frank warren, where he states that it was Khans' financial demands which meant they had to take him to pay per view. So I'm officially a hater now.


  8. According to the good folks at eastsideboxing, The Khan ppv did about 49,000 buys. Franks Warren said before hand they needed about 250,000. Ouch, springs to mind.Sky have finally done something to justify the money I pay by bringing us Shane Mosely vs Ricardo Mayorga tonight. I'm going with Mosely, TKO somewhere in the last third of the fight.

  9. as for bigging up Prescott. It's marketing, they gotta do this kind of thing or they won't sell the fights, i don't see how you can blame Khan, Sky, Promoters for that, it's just the way it is.

    They could put him on the undercard of a proper fight, which is where a match of this caliber should be. They could wait until he was ready for a better opponent to put him on ppv. They could have got him a better opponent for this match, he couldn't have done much worse. I am aware that they aren't the only people in boxing lieing and bull-shitting and exaggerating to make a profit, but I will not pat them on the back for it. In America HBO would never put such a weak match on ppv. The only comparably weak ppv I can thin of is a recent Julio Cesar Chavez Jr card, which was an independant show at a knock down price at least.

    Box Office, i ain't happy with that, i'd rather see it shown on Sky Sports 1 but again it's business, there's more too it than i'll ever know when it comes down to numbers of cash and whatever.

    The reason I've heard is that Khans dad wanted him to get more money, so Warren had to rush him to ppv. Either that or Warren decided himself to rush him to ppv. Either way, it's simple greed involved, they were making plenty of money for the low level fights they were taking. I'll never sound pleased about being gouged.

    As for competition, he's definatly been overprotected and perhaps his rise and been to slow, but for people to celebrate the fact that he got laid out is ridiculous.

    The British seem to like to do that, gloating when people fail. Myself personally I love to watch an undefeated, silver sppon fed boxer get his arse kicked, just because upsets make the sport fun. I was 100% behind Antonio Margarito in his recent match with Miguel Cotto because , though I like both boxers, rooting for the underdog is one of the joys of following sports.
  10. i only just read the stuff on here about Amir Khan...can anyone explain why everyone seems so happy that he lost?i dont understand the hatred for the guy.

    There's a whole multitude of reasons why I don't like him.He's been brought along incredibly slowly. There's been a very limited step up in competition with each fight he's taken, his previous fight was with Micheal Gomez, which was actually a step back from some of the others he'd fought, and he still got dropped by him. He's being boxing long enough now he should be moving up in class. Alexander Povetkin won gold at the same olympics, and he isn't exactly a mind blowing talent but he's progressed through the levels of fighters and looks to be fighting Wladamir Klitcshko before the year is out, while Khan is still scrapping with inter-continental belts and other piddling crap.Briedis Prescott has been drummed up by almost nazi party levels of propoganda into the re-incarnation of George Foreman by Frank Warren and others in British boxing, first to make the fight look like a PPV fight, secondly to make excuses for Khan, but he was a nobody, they never expected it to be a step up in class. He had a record which looked good on adverts but if you actually look at it, of his 19 previous opponents, 5 had winning records. Boxrec was the only place I could find mention of him, and they had him ranked as the 97th best lightweight in the world. But by drumming up him having 17 KO's in 19 wins, they hoped to fool enough people into buying the fight.

    you can't blame Sky for trying to sell their product.

    Yes I can, because they already charge me enough for me to watch sky sports, but instead they had the gall to stick a guy who's still just an up and coming hopefull against a nobody on ppv for 15 quid. Which is absolutely scandalous, I wouldn't have been bothered if it had been on sky sports one but ppv should be reserved for the real fights between real stars. If we have to pay to watch everyone fight every fight fan around the world will be bankrupt before long.I also don't like the way everyone in British boxing sucks his dick (even now, after being iced in less than a minute, people are still making excuses for him, blaming the trainer, saying he will definately be world champ one day etc) and ignores his obvious faults. I don't like his smugness, Frank Warrens smugness, his Dads smugness, the way he's been rammed down everyones throats first by ITV, then sky, since his debut while better talents get no spotlight at all, and there's proabably more reasons but that'll do for now.I actually used to be a fan of the guy, I have a signed boxing glove from him I got after going to one of his fights in 2006, but the last couple of years have put me right off him.
  11. I don't remember that happening. I think he started annoying people with lots of stupid storyline ideas like having a mask versus mask match with Rey Misterio, for which he'd put the mask he stopped wearing 8 years before back on for a week, and that he should be able to bring his girlfriend to ringside because Booker T did. They eventually got tired of him and booted him.

  12. I did.




    This was the only picyure I could find, doesn't really do it justice. I think Vitali Klitchkos cuts against Lennox Lewis were worse. I was actually quite enjoying that fight until it was stopped, Calderon's probably the best pure boxer going today now that Mayweather has retired and James Toney has waned.

  13. I would search for this but the function is broken. Does anyone know the exact details behind Shawn Michaels (allegedly) trying to get out of his WWE contract during the monday night wars so he could join WCW?

    After Bret Hart beat him up for real one day in the summer of 1997 he did threaten to go to the venue Nitro was being held at. I don't believe he was ever serious about defecting or went into serious negotiations with WCW but was just trying to save face on that night.
  14. Witter just pissed away his title and any chance of a crack at Ricky Hatton. I don't know why he did virtually nothing, especially in the late rounds after the knockdown, he had to have know it was very close. He should have pressed the other guy but there were long periods where'd he'd just stand there, doing that barnacle bill the sailor thing with his arm, waiting for a counter punch oppurtunity. Against Vivian Harris, a much more established and experienced opponant, he pressed him and got the knockout. And entertained some people for once. Considering it took him until 34 years of age to get to this position I'd say his chances of getting back again are slim.

  15. Okay guys I need some recomendations. Being at the very cutting edge of the gaming industry I've just discovered Deus Ex and absolutely love it. I've completed it now and was totally addicted to the open ended game play and futuristic / post apocalyptic setting. I'm now rocking an X-box 360 and was wondering if any of you out there could recomend a similar FPS / RPG typle title.

    Give Deus Ex 2 a try. Unfortunately they made some changes that weren't for the better, dumbing down some of the charcter parts like the skill points and bio-mods, and they made all the guns have the same ammo which was just annoying, but it was still a very good game, and you get alot more choice on how to follow the story. I think there were 3 paths you could take where you could completely avoid elements of the other 2 paths, apart from some key places like the start and the end. This came out on the X-Box, I'm not sure if it's compatable with the 360 but it's worth checking out.
  16. Joan Guzman vs Alex Arthur has been postponed because of problmes getting Guzman a work permit. Guzman was originally scheduled to come over here to fight Scot Harrison about 2 years ago. This Arthur fight has been on the books for a long time. Nobody thought to get the guy sorted out to box here until the week befire the fight?

  17. I know little about boxing and I'm confused, how does Calzaghe winning by 5 points mean he won 8 or 9 rounds?

    On one juges card he won 9 rounds to 3, however it was a point closer as Hopkins got a knockdown in the 1st round, making that a 10-8 round. Edit: let me explain fully. Boxing rounds are scored 10 points to the winner, 9 to the loser. If a fighter is knocked down or really hammered, it would be a 10-8 round. Multiple knockdowns would lead to 10-7.

    I've been told this Calzaghe fight was a good one, not really been into boxing but may try and find it somewhere.

    Whoever told you that must be high. It was very scrappy, Hopkins used just about every dirty trick in the book, and there was little in the way of action. I'd try tracking down his exciting fight with Mikkel Kessler, or the one sided drubbing of Jeff Lacy, which was an entertaining masterclass by Calzaghe.
  18. And judges often give the close rounds to the guy who is bringing the fight, not the guy running a clinching. Hence why Calzaghe won. He threw about 300 more punches, landed twice as many and landed a higher percentage.

  19. The fight was pretty excruciating to watch, and Hopkins tactics were both exceptionally dirty and boring, but I am thrilled Calzaghe got the deserved win. When I heard that one judge in favour of Hopkins I thought he was going to get the shaft.

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