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The Mighty LC

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Posts posted by The Mighty LC

  1. Does anyone know the details of Raven's 'Seven' storyline that was supposed to be the best thing since sliced bread?

    From what I remember after watching his Shoot:According to him, Vince loved the idea, so much that he wanted to put him on the writing team. Basically it went a little something like this:Take a babyface, Raven used Matt Hardy as the example, and basically it's a slow burning angle that takes at least two months to occur. The first few sins used are throwaway, not actually involving Hardy yet, just used to get Raven over. Say he uses Gluttony to force-feed an announcer backstage or something, just to get the story going.Anyways, Raven becomes friends with Lita (this is all waaaaaaaay before Edge/Lita/Matt/Soap opera 2005 of course), which pisses off Matt, who suspects foul play. Eventually Raven exposes Matt, revealing that he is cheating on Lita, and Raven gets off with the emotionally broken Lita, getting him over as a creepy heel. This is the Lust sin. But of course, Raven framed Matt, getting him over as a sympathetic babyface.Matt's sin is Wrath, as he wants revenge, which leads to a PPV match or two. In the end, Raven's sin is Envy, because he envied Matt and everything he had, which makes Raven out to be just pathetic. I can't remember exactly how it ends, but I'm pretty sure Matt goes over Raven. Raven then said they did a crappy watered-down version of it on Heat which lasted about three weeks. Raven made no bones about it being a total rip-off of the movie Se7en, he said that sometimes the best stories don't come from you, they come from somebody else.And I think he was right. Done right, that angle would have made stars of those involved.
    Interesting footnote to this, in late 1999, the gimmick of Seven appeared in WCW, the gimmick was supposed to be played by Dustin Rhodes.He wore a long trench coat, a black hat and has his face painted white. He floated to the ring a few feet about the ground, when he got in the ring he then trashed the gimmick and reverted back to Dustin Rhodes and began a feud with Jeff Jarrett.
    The problem with the gimmick was that they were aiming for a more sinister non-worm-eating version of what we have now in The Boogeyman, but the promos of him stalking frightened children in the dead of the night have him coming off more like a paedophile. Which I would hope even Russo (McMahon?) would see as something that just shouldn't be done...
  2. A few additions who I'm surprised haven't already been mentioned:Sky News weather girl Lisa Burke:lisa0002.jpg

    Sicho knows the score.
    Really nice girl, though not as hot in the flesh as you would assume. Taller than you'd think as well...
    You met Lisa?Oh. My. God.I think I'd fruit my looms on sight.How tall is she?
    If I told you I saw her most days you'd think I'm a stalker or something. It's the latter in this case. I'm not good at guestimating heights, but you'd assume she's like five-foot-nothing or something. She's not. I'm certainly taller than her (at around five-nine, five-ten), though not by as much as I would have thought. Let's say five-foot-three give or take an inch (fill in smutty comment here).Good to see all the Coren love as well. The book she and Charlie whathisface did is really good - so much so that I own two copies, the second bought accidently. Now that I own my own computer (finally, I'm above the law!) I might even seek out the film they made...
  3. I think WWE were under the impression that he would be working again, after he "screwed" Lex Luger at WM. I don't think he was thinking that way, not were his insurers Lloyds of London. There was also talk of him joining Rick Rude in WCW, though Rude's career ending injury may have scuppered that...

  4. Did TNA colour man Don West ever work for ECW? I ask, because throughout 'The Rise + Fall' I keep seeing a security-type bloke at arenas who looks the spit of him.Either that or after a lifetime of perfect eyesight I'm actually going to have to start wearing glasses...

    I'm pretty sure this question has been asked about ten times in this thread. No, he never worked for ECW...
  5. Konnan(big face) was in a retirement match with someone, Jake jumped out the crowd, DDT'd him to lose the match.  Then months later the fued kicked in.

    That was with chief rudo Cien Caras, head of Los Hermanos Dynamites, in-front of something ridiculous like 48,000 fans. Jake came out of the crowd, beat the hell out of Mascarita Sagrada (a mini/midget wrestler), causing Konan to run around the ring after him. I'm not totally convinced he actually DDT'd Konan, more like he just made sure he couldn't get back to the ring (I think he chased Jake down the fairly long aisle, and then couldn't beat the ten count). True to any stip like this, Konan was re-instated within a couple of months. I think he did 2 singles matches with Jake, including the aforementioned cage match.See, I used to know a thing or two about Mexican wrestling once upon a time...
    OK, a quick look at Barnett's site reminds me of a few occasions...5/93 - May have been the first meeting, where Jake teamed with Art Barr and Eddy Guererro (and was seconded by DDP) against Konan, Blue Panther and Perro Aguayo (with, somewhat bizarrely, Cien Caras) at the LA Sports Arena. I believe this was the first AAA show in LA...or at least, at the Sports Arena.8/93 - Jake v Konan v Caras, also at LA Sports Arena. IIRC, most of the match is a 2-on-1, with Caras on the verge of helping his hated enemy Konan on a number of occasions, only to let him down at the last minute. From what I remember, the psychology in this is awesome.11/93 - A rematch of the first trios match at LA, featuring a Blue Panther heel turn. I'm not sure I ever saw this one, but certainly wouldn't rule the possibility out.2/7/94 - The Cage match, held in LA, which wasn't, as I'd remembered, the hair match. But did feature the aforementioned Mascarita Sagrada doing a dive off the top of the cage (and AAA cages were pretty darn big).9/7/94- Triplemania. Triplemania being the AAA equivilant of, yes you've guessed it, Wrestlemania, which was done in two parts for 1994. No real idea why, but the second show does feature a swank 8-man match, featuring La Parka, Psiscosis, Blue Panther, Eddy Guerrero v. Jushin "Thunder" Liger, Tiger Mask 3 (Kanemoto), Santo, Octagon, which is possibly one of the most awesome line-ups for one match ever. I'm a bit confused here, but it seems the first night main evented with Konan, Aguayo and Caras against Roberts, Art Barr and Miguel Perez jnr. I remember seeing this match, but very little of it can I recall. The second night was the hair match, which seems to be a regular 2/3 falls match. Jake was in fact shaved completely bald, which may have ballsed up plans SMW had for him, the other promotion he was worked regularly.I'd always assumed that was Jake's final appearance for AAA, but it seems he may have fought Konan again in 1995. Unless I'm confused, which this thread proves I can be. There was loads of great stuff in this feud, particularly considering how physically limited both main guys were. But I suppose if you've got Los Gringos Loco alongside you, it's all going to be good. If I ever manage to find all my 1994 AAA stuff (from Galavision, which used to be on the Astra satellite) I'll definetly watch all this again...
  6. Konnan(big face) was in a retirement match with someone, Jake jumped out the crowd, DDT'd him to lose the match. Then months later the fued kicked in.

    That was with chief rudo Cien Caras, head of Los Hermanos Dynamites, in-front of something ridiculous like 48,000 fans. Jake came out of the crowd, beat the hell out of Mascarita Sagrada (a mini/midget wrestler), causing Konan to run around the ring after him. I'm not totally convinced he actually DDT'd Konan, more like he just made sure he couldn't get back to the ring (I think he chased Jake down the fairly long aisle, and then couldn't beat the ten count). True to any stip like this, Konan was re-instated within a couple of months. I think he did 2 singles matches with Jake, including the aforementioned cage match.See, I used to know a thing or two about Mexican wrestling once upon a time...
  7. I saw someone post this in a column, is it true?

    WWE has done booking-on-the-fly in the past regarding their World Title (example: Mankind was supposed to win the title at Mind Games 1996, but the ending was changed... you can clearly see then-announcer Vince McMahon directing both HBK and Foley to the new finish after a spot on the outside).

    This was, I believe, a Scott Keith claim which may or may not have been decreed as an absolute load of tosh. Pretty sure Foley just might have had something to say about it in his book(s)...
  8. How long has Mike Chioda been with WWE?

    I believe he referee's at Survivor Series 1993. I don't remember seeing him before 1993 that's for sure (at least not on PPV) so I would say 1993 was when he started so 12/13 years.
    I'm sure I've seen tapes of him there earlier than that (1989 maybe?)
    The earliest I remember seeing him, mullet and all, was Summerslam 90...
    When there was a big bru-ha-ha a ton of refs would come from the back (oo-er) to break it up. In 1990 I believe Chioda was one of them.I even think Shane McMahon was there too.
    Yeah, Shane O Crap dancer would have been there. He refereed the first match at WM6, for instance...
  9. How long has Mike Chioda been with WWE?

    I believe he referee's at Survivor Series 1993. I don't remember seeing him before 1993 that's for sure (at least not on PPV) so I would say 1993 was when he started so 12/13 years.
    I'm sure I've seen tapes of him there earlier than that (1989 maybe?)
    The earliest I remember seeing him, mullet and all, was Summerslam 90...
  10. Fearne Cotton :love::love::love:fearne%20cotton%201.jpg030903_fearne.jpg

    "Ah-mayh-zing".Nah, not really. I mean, I wouldn't turn down the chance of an indepth probe of the girl, but the thing that really annoys her about me, and the genre in general, is that she's a kids' TV presenter who was actually really good as a kids' TV presenter...before the lads mags started noticing her. Suddenly, she looks like a right tart (admittedly I'm pretty sure she doesn't do kids telly at all anymore, but it had started before TOTP). There's loads more examples of it. Oftentime, people most remark that the reason kids TV is good is because there's loads of jokes for the adults. I figure this is the same people who read Harry Potter books or something. Let kids be kids for gawdsakes, and lets have kids TV presenter who actually work for the children. Even though they've had their moments, that Dick and Dom duo seem to make their show all about the young-uns, and that's why it works. Adults have porn and animal documentaries to watch for crying out loud. That Blue Peter bint is another one, the one from Northern Ireland. I happened upon that show not too many days ago and there she is, resplendent in some cracking little number, a skimpy as all hell white dress. But, jeez, it's five o'clock in the afternoon. I really don't know these days.Anyways, sorry about that, lets have more fine looking women. Including kids' TV presenters if there are many more fitties...
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