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Posts posted by MungoChutney

  1. Manged to walk into the local Tesco today and got a copy no problem. Although apparently they required police attendance at that store last night as it was chaos. They had at least 20/30 copies of both formats when I went in though.

  2. I didn't bother to pre-order this as I don't have the time I used to for playing games. However, now that the hyperbole and reviews have kicked in I'm starting to be very tempted. What's the chances of me going to a large retailer, Tesco, Asda, Smyths, Game etc tomorrow at lunchtime and being able to get a copy off the shelves?

  3. I've just found out there's going to be a public meeting about the Bedroom Tax (yes, I know it isnlt actually a tax) in the building I work in. I was really pleased because although I've been at a few in the surrounding areas the area where I work and live hasn't had a public meeting or information event as yet. However, I then found out that the woman who was in booking the room to have the meeting was stirring up support for it by telling people that Muslims are exempt if they decide to class a spare bedroom as a prayer room. Fucking hell.

  4. Just heard a wee rumour about a girl I work with and Del Rio. Will post an update when I confirm it. :devil:


    The f'n durty.


    It would seem so. :thumbsup:


    Rumour confirmed?


    And is she a high street honey?


    She hangs around the VIP area of clubs. Seems Del Rio was sufficiently impressed, as she also met up with him in Cardiff.

  5. I feel bad for laughing at this thread but some of the stuff said because people are ignorant of the real,meaning is downright hilarious.


    My family are all really tolerant, I have a sister in a civil partnership and a nephew who's also gay. My brother in law who passed away last year was a racist though, regularly referring to black footballers as monkeys. My wee boys gran, his mums mum is even worse. She's quite happily tells people she doesn't like blacks or their smell.

  6. That's ludicrous - that can't possibly sell, can it? I can barely understand the argument for pre-grated cheese (i.e. you want to make a REALLY quick sandwich, don't want to spend time grating or have a grater to wash up afterwards - or because you have to make a number of sandwiches quickly), but only just barely. Pre-fried onions? That's taking it into voice-controlled TV remote territory.



    That's not even the correct argument for pre-grated cheese... Grated cheese in a sandwich is shit. It should be sliced. Pre-grated cheese is for on the top of baked pasta dishes, and is often about the same price so you may as well since it saves a bit of effort.


    I've bought it before.


    I've used grated cheese to make pizzas with the kids at work, much quicker and avoids any grater related mishaps. I must admit I do also buy it for home sometimes, it's purely for laziness really when I'm making a pizza myself or a pasta bake as noted above.


    The fried onions I'll admit to buying as well but only for when my work has a big gala day and we do a snack bar type thing. Much easier for burgers or hot dogs etc than actually chopping and frying a whole laod of oinions.

  7. I love looking at the things in the canned food isle in a massive tesco's, breakfast in a tin, a steak in gravy and all that. Really curious but haven't got the balls to try them, anyone partaken in such delights?


    Tried the "Big Breakfast" and "Full Monty" ones. They're alright, they're just variants on baked beans with franks. Nothing offensive, nothing special.


    I had chicken curry in a tin a while ago. Bought it on a whim beacsue the packaging looked better than most of these things. Was actually pretty nice, bunged it on a tortilla wrap.

  8. Was a bit wary of opening this thread as I've started dieting again from today. (Lost 2 stone last year and have regained about 7/8lbs). Then I saw the chicken skins and thought 'oh shit, I need a snack'. All was well once Richie posted that chicken in a tin thingy though, be lucky if I eat dinner tonight now.

  9. I've just heard Monsoon refer to "Sid and saint Justice". Can anyone explain the "saint" part to me, or was Gorilla just temporarily driven insane by Heenan as per usual?

    Could it possibly have been Sid 'Insane' Justice? I'm sure he called him that a few times at 'mania 8.

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