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Posts posted by scotswizard

  1. Why is everything else not affected then? Why does 15 million watching NCIS? Why does The Walking Dead which is on cable too also get over 10 million viewers weekly? Why does the NFL dwarf everything on TV. People's habits haven't changed at all. Millions in America on a daily basis are quite happy to sit in front of their TV.



    Different time now? The last I checked the Walking Dead was one of the most violent shows out there. Sex? I thought Game of Thrones had that covered. There are plenty of TV shows that are violent and sexual. Infact one of my favourite shows out just now is Colony on the USA Network and last year during it's first season it got many people talking at the fact they showed side boobage with no censoring on the nipples at 8pm. Same time USA Network shows Raw. Same channel.



    The WWE is the way it is for no other reason than them wanting to be that way and that's fine. Everything else on TV has changed for the better. Comedies are better. Horror is better, my goodness there are shows on at the same time of Raw that show things, unbelievable things. We have crime shows. Drama shows. Look at some of these TV shows. Some of the best actors in the world are on TV every working in the small screen because that is where the talent is, the talented writers, ORIGINAL IDEAS, talented directors, people that have their finger on the pulse and then you watch pro wrestling and it's like a 40 year time warp. It sticks out like a sore thumb. And Twin Peaks. I loved Twin Peaks, that's coming back soon. And I bet you the characters and storylines and writing on that show will blow everything else out the water. Can you imagine watching an hour of Twin Peaks and going back to a midget in a mask and a guy twice the size of him pretending the midget is hurting him, at 11pm at night? No chance.



    And you are right. WWE is a kids show. A kids show that ends at 11.15pm in America and 04.15am in the UK. A kids show. Bare that in mind. Even CBeebies over here cuts the cord at 7pm cause they know no kids are sitting watching past 7pm. So the Disco Inferno is right and Vince Russo is right and yes it is in opinion but when you look at the numbers other shows are doing .......people are more than willing to watch TV if they want to, they're just gonna be very choosey as to what they watch.




    And it's like the great Filter himself said to Russo when Russo started writing the WWF shows on his own. If it's good people will watch, if it's not good they wont watch. That was the almighty Filter, Vince McMahon back when he used to have his finger on the pulse. Well I guess that explains it all. A shame that 1995 Vince McMahon doesn't introduce himself to 2017 Vince McMahon.








    And that's another thing. Vince McMahon is 72 years old this year. I think when he goes that will be it, I think many TV companies and investors will do what Cbeebies do at 7pm and cut the cord. Even on Sky Sports over here where the ratings have plummeted, I think we are in the last 5 years or so of pro wrestling being on TV. The numbers are just getting lower and lower and with a 72 year old Vince McMahon winding down, the end is near. Of course it will still exist as a travelling company. They wont go out of business. I think the on screen product will start winding down definately in the next 5 years and then at the end get all the legends together, the ones still left from the 70s,80s,90s,00s and then from the 10's, the Daniel Bryans and Roman Reigns and they will do one big final curtain call on TV. Kind of like if Eastenders or Coronation Street ended. All the actors together saying goodbye and hugging because they're all good friends in real life. And that'll be it. Be a touring company then. And the crowd will stand in unison as the camera swoops over them and they will chant THIS IS AWESOME, THIS IS AWESOME! WE DESERVED IT! WE DESERVED IT! lol

  2. I'm just agreeing with the Disco Inferno and VInce Russo. They load the gun, I fire the bullets.





    And they don't like women. Wrestling fans don't cheer good and bad guys. They don't chant this is awesome everytime someone does a fancy move outside. They don't chant you deserve it to every single wrestler from NXT or the indys.



    Wrestling fans should have an organic response, raw emotion. Not trained to do certain chants throughout the show. And they are right, many are Asexual. Many of todays wrestling fans will have never had sex or want sex. They are repulsed at the idea of a woman not being covered head to toe in clothing. Repulsed at the idea of two people kissing. It disgusts them. Makes their skin crawl. Can't have that on the show. No no. We must have wall to wall, back to back wrestling matches.





    And people wonder why wrestling drew 10 million on a Monday night and it's now drawing less than 3 million. Oh the women are better wrestlers now!!!!! Really? Why is no one watching it then lol. Especially at night time. Night time is grown up time. Adults time.

  3. Russo is right in everything that he says as is Disco Inferno.





    Disco says today on Russos's show, today's wrestling fans are seals. They clap everyone. Everything is awesome. Everyone deserves a belt and they are Asexual.




    That's why they don't want sexy women on the show or any woman showing sexuality. They are Asexual and just want to watch wrestling mathches because sex isn't part of their life. And he is right! Those types of fans ruin the shows. Imbeciles. Some guy like Bray Wyatt who's out there doing his best to act and he's been told to play a bad guy and they stand cheer and clap like performing seals chanting YOU DESERVE IT. And people wonder why no one watches wrestling anymore? Just clowns. Absolute clowns. Asexual clowns lol.

  4. The years haven't been kind to Jeff Jarrett, even his voice is very very deep.





    It's the wrestling bubble again. The same people in the same spots doing the same jobs. Nothing will change. Just 1970s wrestling like WWE. Baby vs heel. One week the heel wins, the next week the baby wins. I hope TNA does well but if it's the same old wrestling nothing will change. You got programs like Fortitude, Blue Bloods, Walking Dead, 2 Broke Girls, Colony, Blindspot on TV at night and they're gonna stick on the same wrestling they've been doing for 10 years, same as WWE? It's just not gonna happen.

  5. They're all dropping like flies. All the big larger than life characters in the business.



    You see trash like the New Day and Kevin Owens and then you see George Steele. Look at George Steele. That's professional wrestling right there. That is what it should be about. That man done so much by doing so little in the ring. He knew how to work the crowd. He knew what he was doing. Where are the George Steeles of the business now? Where are the big larger than life characters?



    You just don't get stars like that anymore. Men that looked the part. Talked the part. Acted the part. They had it all.

  6. Absolutely the business needs more Goldberg, Brock Lesnar Roman Reigns types. That's how the business was for nearly 40 years and there was nothing wrong with that model.




    But I'm not gonna sit and argue about it. I've given my opinion on the business, why it is the way it is, I get attacked on here for that opinion, I've said why I think that is. And if you don't like my opinion that's fine but stop acting like a bunch of marks.

  7. If you sat next to me in a pub I'd end up fucking glassing you for being a boring cunt.



    Keith don't do all this keyboard warrior hardman stuff. Leave the acting to the professionals.


    I think the main problem with football nowadays is there's not enough women around with their tits hanging out.


    I think it would be more entertaining and more people would watch and enjoy it if the assistant refs were fit lasses in bikinis.


    Virgins only watch football for the players workrates, proper men would prefer it if there were stunners woth nice bums and boobs running the lines. Obviously women's football doesn't count because they have workrate, and real men just want to watch them parade about.


    The above is a made up opinion, but an opinion nonetheless, and as I'm sure you'll agree ... it's complete bollocks and wrong on so many levels.


    It's an opinion though so it has to be right, and I'll ram it down peoples throats endlessly with long drawn out posts. I won't accept a HUGE majority disagree with it so maybe re-evaluate my perspective. Nah, I'll just keep going on and on and on, spouting shite because it's my opinion.


    Pol Pot had an opinion of people who wore glasses.



    I see you are taking the piss too. The difference is football is a sport. Wrestling is not. No issues at all with real sports or women playing real sports infact I enjoy watching women playing sports but wrestling is like any other TV show. You expect to see attractive women on there. It's just how TV is. If you're gonna put women actors on a big budget show you know you're gonna get attractive women. I do however love watching women in sport and love the fact that they are now getting the respect they deserve and have always deserved but it can also be taken the wrong way by a certain group in society. They can do the women of this world a great disservice as I will point out below. Women deserve better!



    Do you know what this reminds me of? It's like the whole women's power movement thing. I kinda noticed it years back with Serena Williams in the tennis. The papers and the TV kinda put her over a bit too much and I thought oohh.......this is new. You know how the millennials wanted Hilary to be President and Donald Trump is a bad guy. It's like society wants things to be a certain way. The LGBT community is much the same way, they like to put themselves out there as victims. Now the women do it. We have celebrities who do not live like the rest of us chiming in with their opinion on politics. The whole Brexit thing, I'm in Scotland and I've no issue with Brexit, I am a YES voter and will always want Scotland to stand alone but that's being played out as a bad thing. The majority voted to leave the EU but yet according to the young people, the millennials this isn't what we actually want. It seems to be if you're a little bit different and a woman you must have everything you want, you have to be in all the powerful positions in the world and work.


    Basically what they want is a woman in charge and if not then someone different and we can go through the whole list of little boxes that can be ticked, I wont list them here. We need to represent all of society in there, we can't leave anyone out. Just like we need to leave our borders open and let anyone and everyone in even though they can do what they like, it's the right thing to do. It's the millennial thing to do. We are a loving world and we must love each other and help each other and all that good stuff.




    And to me this whole women's thing on here screams much of the same to me. You have men on here which I am assuming are between the ages of 18 and 35 and they have latched on to this wrestling stuff, and they've wrapped their whole life round it and they're living in this society and that's why people like me are being targeted. These young men absolutely are not into sex or sex appeal, they would never even think about getting a hardon during a women's wrestling match. They are so into it, nose deep up the arse of wrestling and the moonsaults and Bullet Club T shirts and it's all about matches and  In their mind the woman is the same way as the man, then need to be dressed up like athletes, just like the men are, there's no colourful characters in wrestling anymore, everyone has to dress like an athlete. It's all very respectable and prim and proper and no one puts a foot wrong. Everyone has a nice normal haircut. They have regular speaking voices. The names! Sasha! Bayley! Charlotte! Naomi! No different than John! Randy! Daniel! Everyone has  a realistic name and of course the bodies, they all look like regular people. You see Kevin Owens everyday taking the kids to school. Sometimes I see Bayley on the train going to work. I see Sasha in HMV with her friends. Sometimes I see the Sami Zayn in JD Sports. People that you can take in real life. People that you know you could take in a real life fight lol. Wrestling's meant to be this big larger than life panto show and you have regular dudes and women trying to do all the tough act. And that's the thing, that's the WWE feeding this millennial crowd that have no life experience, they just want matches, they don't want anything else and that's what the show is.




    We see the videos online of these morons getting pepper sprayed in the face at their riots in America lol. Society doesn't work like that. America voted for Trump. We voted for Brexit and men like me enjoy watching hot women on TV and that's it. That is how life is, that's how it's always been, that's how it always will be. And of course another way wrestling can sometimes mirror society is the minority have the loudest voice. The smallest group can shout the loudest however the silent MAJORITY always dictates how the world works. If the WWE want a sexualised character on their Raw TV show then I applaud them for it. I think a good 8 years of non stop wrestling matches is enough, it should be going back to a entertainment show and a variety show. The majority is where the money is. Not the minority that can shout the loudest. And rather than targeting me on here go ask your friends and family. I bet you the males in your family would rather watch Emmalina than Kevin Owens and his stretchmarked armpits jiggle around the ring breathless.

  8. All this because I gave an opinion.




    So you talk about pubs and fitting in and I should make more effort to fit in. In other words, if I don't agree with what is being said at that table in the pub, I wont be welcome to sit at it and therefore in YOUR WORDS I would -


    get shot down for talking utter shite




    And what is that utter shite you speak of? Giving my opinion on wrestling. That's it. Giving my opinion.





    That's really what it comes down to. You just don't like my opinion on wrestling. You can't accuse me of anything else.



    So basically I talk shite then. I am on a wrestling forum talking about wrestling and I am talking shite and that shite is my opinion isn't the same as everyone elses. I am at a table in a pub talking wrestling with other wrestling fans and because I say something about wrestling the other wrestling fans don't agree with I am told to leave. Can you imagine that with football? Can you imagine a football fan in a pub sitting with other fans of that team being told to leave because they didn't like a player or manager? Would never happen. You wanna talk about what a Scottish person would and wouldn't say in real life? That right there would never happen in real life. But that's the whole point right? People sitting at their keyboards saying things to me and other people that they would never say in real life but it's ok to say it to me from behind a screen. I will say this though, and I would have no issues saying this in real life, if you are gonna nitpick with me over a TV show then you need to find something new in your life. I don't know what it is. You shouldn't be sitting arguing with someone over their opinion. It's subjective. We're not all gonna agree on everything.

  9. It is hysterical.



    A message board is supposed to be a community. A place to discuss things. This goes back to 1998 when I first used AOL. I know how message boards work and what they are for.




    Again. I haven't said anything about women or gay people or transexuals or bisexuals. Never said nothing about immigrants. Never said nothing about religion. Never threatened anyone or used anyone's real names. Never said anything about other cultures.




    What I did, was give my opinion on a TV show, a TV show that is make believe and not real. An OPINION is enough to get you banned on here lol. Imagine that in real life. Disliking someone not because they've harmed you or your family or done something to you, you don't talk to them because of their opinion. I might aswell be banned for telling you my favourite movie or favourite band. I might aswell be banned for what my favourite colour is.



    The truth is and I seen it over the years on here when I looked in. The people on this forum are very cliquey and uptight. That's why  it takes so long to register an account here. Any other forum. ANY one. You would be registered within minutes of recieving a confirmation email. This one as always is done manually because the truth is this forum is by and large for wrestling fans in England. It just is whatever way you wanna dress it up and it comes across in the way people speak here. DId you read the bit about Raw where I said people don't talk like that in real life? How wrestlers talk like wrestlers and not the way real people speak? It's kinda the same thing, people in Scotland don't talk like that lol. That's why registrations take weeks. It's to vet everyone. It'e the same people all the time, just the same small group of English men going round in circles. On the roundabout. People are so uptight. So paranoid. So unable to sit and have a laugh. I live in Glasgow where there is awkwardness and misery everyday it's actually funny. People here enjoy smiling. We find humour in everything. I just don't get it. It's such a small cliquey forum.




    But if i do get banned, which obviously I will, I don't know if Neil is still wearing the apron strings here or not. Please don't remove my posts from this thread because I remember the fun I had back in 1998 on AOL, back when the internet was still new for most people. I remember the MSN video chats and the Stickam days, the Tinychat days, the Blog TV days, now we are all on the Google Hangouts and Skype but for hilarious historical reasons, just for me to pop myself huge and post the screenshots on other sites.



    Please leave this part of this post where I said I am on a public message board, giving an OPINION on a make believe TV SHOW.


    I never talked about religion.

    I never mentioned the real names of some of the active posters that are still on here posting.

    I never made any hate comments.

    I never made any hate comments about women.

    I never made any hate comments about anyone's sexuality.

    I never threatened anyone or said I would harm anyone.



    I was banned from a PUBLIC MESSAGE BOARD for giving my OPINION lol.

  10. You can tell this place is cliquey can't you lol. It's like when I first saw this place in 2004, granted it was a lot more fun then but man it's so funny here sometimes. There's 3 forums i can think of online right now where the people on it are so tightly wound. Even here where I literally am just giving my opinions, not once ever verbally abused anyone, never caused any trouble, I literally just posted my opinons on here about a make believe wrestling show that I have been watching probably longer than most of you have been alive and there's calls for me to be banned lol.




    Literally think about that. Being banned from a forum because you gave your opinion and it's not even something important, it's not a life changing thing, it's not politics or it's gonna affect nations or cultures or society, it's about a make believe TV show. Just giving your opinion is enough to get you banned. In some weird way I don't mind being banned. I never would have thought that it was really this way here, that people really are that tightly wound, they're so uptight, it's like people here can't laugh. Everyone is so paranoid and uptight, scared to laugh, scared to talk, scared to have an opinion that everyone just agrees with everyone. I live in Scotland! I'm surrounded by misery and awkwardness everyday. I'm Scottish. If there's no awkwardness in my day to day dealings with people there would be something wrong, but this on here is just hysterical.



    I'm not banned for being sexist. I'm not banned for badmouthing religion. I'm not banned for being against women's rights or immigrants coming to the country. I'm not banned for making hate messages to anyone or threatening anyone. I'm banned for giving my opinion on a fake TV show. A fake scripted TV show lol. It's just hysterical.

  11. It's the typical wrestling business. It's wrestlers talking like wrestlers.




    Next time Stephanie McMahon is in the ring cutting a promo, or it's Chris Jericho or Kevin Owens or The New Day or whoever it might be. Listen to how they speak......that's not how people speak in real life.


    Hold on a minute.


    You listen to me.


    I'm gonna tell you this.


    Is this what you want? (looks to the crowd)


    Let me tell you something.





    All of this is wrestler talk. No one speaks like that in real life. That's the advantage many other TV shows have over wrestling shows, they have script writers that live in the real world and not the wrestling bubble and they know how people speak. People don't talk in long sentances. People chat in short burts. People swear. Two people that hate each other don't stand in the ring talking to each other and not try to hit the other one. I hate this guy so I'm gonna stand and talk to him with a microphone and not try and punch him or hurt him! Only in wrestling.




    And here is the thing. You have your Netflix now. You have Sky Atlantic and FOX UK importing some of the best shows from America. You literally, in your home now, have access at the click of a button to some of the most well written, well acted productions in the history of television. TV is so sophisticated now. People binge watch shows now. That wasn't even a thing 10 years ago but it is now. People are so used to TV being so well written, and have such great actors with good production values that when you tune into a Monday Night Raw and you have Stephanie in there with her big manly shoulders, she's not even an attractive looking woman, she's more manly than she is female and the overacting and then you add in the wrestlers talking and you've made just spent an hour or two watching a real well written show with real proper actors that know what they're doing and you just think...........really? I've just sat and watched world class actors act out an interesting story for 1 hour and i'm gonna sit for 3 hours and listen to this?


    20 years ago it was different, 30 years ago it was different. When you have people with SMART TVs that have all the apps in the world and android boxes that can bring up anything, you literally have people in their homes with the remote control in their hand dying for you to give them an excuse to change the channel, you better not bore them or insult their intelligence cause all they do is change the channel. TV is so popular now that people are gonna settle for any less than they need to. People are so choosey now. They're not gonna sit for 3 hours every Monday night and watch badly acted fake wrestling when they can spend that time watching a TV show that's got great actors in it and a tightly written story. It's just so different now and it's passing WWE by and it's passing TNA by and  you seen Jeff crawlign back to TNA cause he can't even sell his GFW, TV companies wont touch it. Wrestling is a hard sell and when you look at GFW, TNA and WWE, who is in control? Who produces those shows? Wrestling  people. And what do wrestling people know? Wrestling. They don't know TV.


    That's all they know and that's why when you come across wrestling on TV it's like it takes time to adjust to it. You've flicked through all these other channels and now you're right back to 1970s wrestling. Right back to refferees pretending they can't see anything illegal. Wrestlers being interrupted by another wrestlers entrance music. Wrestlers getting punched 10 times in teh face while the crowd chants along yet not once will they put their hands up to protect themself or try and stop the other guy punching them. It's tanned skin men playing bad guys and pale white skin men playing good guys. It's so out of date, so out of place that many people wont watch it like they used to. Nothing has changed. They will not change with the times.

  12. Why would the charities have a problem? It's a TV show. It's not a sport. It's a TV show therefore it should have as many different characters as possible.



    No doubt it's aimed at kids. It is a kid's show on at night.



    And before anyone brings up WWE's stockholders or them being a public company, the WWE has been a public company since October 1999 and from October 1999 right through to when they made Raw and PPVS PG again in July 2008 I can list many nasty, violent, offensive and sexual things they did on the show and they still had hot women who were nice to look at doing nothing wrong on the show. It's nothing to do with sponsors or advertisers or being a public company but everything to do with how they book the show.

  13. Judge?



    Who said anything about judging?




    I'm talking about women being women. Dressing like women. Lana does it. Miss Elizabeth did it 30 years ago. Women being women. What's wrong with that? What's wrong with beautiful women being on a wrestling show but not wrestling?

  14. Need to call a massive stewards on the phrase 'mature'. Tits and arse might be characterised as 'adult entertainment' but it doesn't make it mature.


    And, for that matter, the attitude era, which I presume is your frame of reference, was the least mature thing ever. It was silly teenage kicks. It was about as mature as sticking your dick in a melon because you think the pips are magic. Sure, you wouldn't want the littluns to see, but it's hardly sodding Shakespeare.



    Daz it ends at 11.15pm in America and 4.15am over here. Littluns shouldn't be watching it anyway, TV at night SHOULD be aimed at adults. I have no issue saying this, I thought Miss Elizabeth in the WWF was attractive and sexy. I'm not talking about women acting slutty, I'm talking about genuinely attractive women who KNOW they are attractive being allowed to be beautiful and not covered in lycra and knee pads. Let women be women. There's a place for that in wrestling, there always has.

  15. Scotswizard, what about gay men? Are they only allowed to watch if they're fantasizing about handsome rusev putting them in the accolade?



    I think 5 hours across Monday and Tuesday of grown men in baby oil and Y fronts is enough for any gay man. They get more than their fair share of pleasure. All the grunting and groaning and pretending they're in pain is their fix. The rest of us don't have anything nice to look at.



    And that's the thing, if you look at every other TV show out there, and you look at the reality shows like X Factor and Big Brother. They always have TV ready people. People that look good on TV. The sob storys on X Factor, it's always a nice looking man or woman, nice teeth and skin, nice voice, nice personality. Big Brother has people both male and female that are very attractive. That is how TV works. Regular people don't just end up on TV, they always have a selection of very attractive people and the WWE should be no different. There should be sexuality. Sex sells. Always has always will.

  16. I have watched wrestling for 30 years. I don't care about matches, I would struggle to count 10 matches on my fingers that I could name off the top of my head. I don't care about workrate. I don't care about their backgrounds. I don't care about them winning prop belts that don't mean anything. All i like is entertainment. Wrestling should be no different than any other TV show. The X Factor is fake. Big Brother is fake. There are lots of fake staged shows on TV and they all have their place, the key is entertainment, people are entertained by them. Same with Eastenders and Coronation Street, Game of Thrones and The Walking Dead. These shows have lots of people of all ages watching.


    The WWE however over the past 3 years has aimed their shows at indy wrestling fans. It's no secret that the Sky Sports ratings have fallen off a cliff, They barely scraped 3 million in America this week. For comparison, the WWE is on basic cable in America, so is the Walking Dead which the night before did 12 million viewers. Same time on TV, both on basic cable, massive difference in viewers so the casuals are gone, all that's left are the indy fans and die hard fans. The kind of fans that if Sky Sports put a blank screen on TV between 1am and 4.15am these people would sit staring at it waiting for it to change colour.


    The WWE was right to try something different with the women. There should be sexuality on the show. Most adult men and women are sexual. Sex is good. Sex is a part of life. Now I realise most of the women in WWE are much like the men, you can see them every day in your local suburb going to the shops and dropping the kids off. Fairly normal looking people right? Of course. The indy fans want to cheer people that look like them. Like Bobby Heenan used to say, you don't dress the same way as the marks do but that's not the case now, now the wrestlers look exactly like the marks watching. Anyways, they tried something different, something that they should be doing since it is a TV show and it is on at night and rather than embrace it, rather than see the positive side of it we have fans that complain, fans that don't want to see, as if the other 2 hours and 50 minutes of fake wrestling wasn't enough, they couldn't even entertain the idea of what WWE was trying to do.


    And that right there is a perfect example. It couldn't have been any better. Grown men that don't want to see a beautiful looking woman dressing beautiful and acting sexy. Instead they want to watch nearly 50 year old Chris Jericho, fat Kevin Owens and 40 year old fat Samoa Joe. Embaressing is the word. I know it's not everyone but this is what many are like. If you're a grown man you should want to watch beautiful women, it doesn't matter what time of day it is or what TV program it is. The WWE now is nothing but matches, they should be going back to entertainment and it should be mature and it should be something people can enjoy again. No one cares about matches. All you need to see is the last 60 seconds of a match and see what the finish is, that's it. I knew that 30 year ago.

  17. Oh this is classic. This right here just shows you where society is and how wrestling fans fit into society.



    You have sexy women, women that have genuine sex appeal and rather than embrace it you have grown men snubbing it, turning their noses up at it and wanting to watch fake wrestling with fat 40 year old Samoa Joe and goodness knows who else.



    This is why wrestling fans get called virgins. This is why they get stereotyped about living at home and having no life. Why would any of you not want sexy women on the show? Why would you not want that? As a man. As a full grown adult man, why would you not want that?




    This is where it's fallen. Geeks and nerds chanting this is awesome that haven't been laid in years. Going off women? Not wanting to see nice women and you're grown adult males? Fucking hell lol. I used to ask where did all the real men go in wrestling, the men that didn't look like young boys or the local fat bastard up the street that takes his kids to school  at 5 to 9 just making it before the bell rings but now I need to ask where are the real fans. Where are the real men there. You've got hours of fake fighting, and not even good even good fake fighting, half of them can't even make it look real and you're gonna put down women being sexy and the WWE's idea of wanting there to be sexuality on the show?




    It's like Vince Russo said. Wrestling fans need to get laid. Get laid by a woman. Get a job. Get a life. Do something for fucks sake. Very first thing should be get laid. Once you've been laid trust me,  fat Samoa Joe and fat Kevin Owens jiggling around the ring fake fighting wont be important to you anymore. Your life will open up lol.

  18. LEGIT it is a bit to do with you getting old. And not only are you getting old but as you get older you start thinking differently and what's maybe happened is years ago you were much more into the wrestling than you are now and you followed the crowd. Nowadays when you watch a big match you know the finisher wont finish the match, you know the submission move isn't gonna do it, it's gonna be a series of false finishes. You already know what's gonna happen before it happens and it has to have an impact on your enjoyment, especially when it happens all the time and it does happen all the time. It happened on Smackdown a few weeks ago with John Cena in his match and the crowd are in on it too. If any of you watch the live crowd or if you attend a live show, a house show or TV taping you will notice the live crowd knows the score too. They know not to stand up when a finishing move is performed because that's not the end of the match. It's only when there's been a series of false finishes that they know when to react and after the 4th or 5th move NOW it's nearly the end of the match.



    There's a big difference in Ric Flair letting someone throw him off the top rope to make the other guy look good and he knows he can land safely and Shawn Michaels doing a moonsault or elbow which he has trained to do to perfection than someone climbing up there and doing something that could easily break their neck and cripple them for life. Same with the jumping through the middle rope, they all do it, looks relatively safe but all they have to do is clip their toe on the middle rope and that's it, it's party over.



    I'm not saying when Ric's in the air something couldn't go wrong, his opponent helps him perform the flip. When Shawn Michaels done his elbow drop, he positioned the guy in the right spot for him to land. When he did the moonsault many times you would see his opponent move themselves into position, if they're not in position it's not just Shawn getting hurt, it's them too. A big big difference. Wrestling is meant to be a show. Now granted, the millennials now are into all the high spots so they will encourage it but it'll only take one time. One time on Raw or Smackdown someone will break their neck, once that's happened and their in their wheelchair the WWE will say ok, we'll go back to doing wrestling the way it was done for 40 years prior and focus on that rather than the high spot stuff and that will be the end of it. People are meant to be going to see wrestling to see a show, not every single match, and IT IS EVERY SINGLE match people jumping through ropes and climbing the top ropes and you see the women doing it too and these women aren't built for it. Look at Charlotte and Sasha, Bayley too. What are they 5 foot? 5 foot 5? Are they built well? No. They're even more at risk of hurting themselves. At least the men have a good bit of muscle on them to try and shield and bad falls, they're landing on their own bodies and they're not getting the same protection. Wrestling is meant to be a show. Two people with grudges that wanna fight, that's what people USED to watch wrestling for. They didn't go there to sit and watch people hurt themselves.



    And that's all they're doing. Hurting themselves and for what? They're not getting a medal for it. No extra money for it. And some of you on here claim to be long term fans, can you tell me if in the last 10 years there's been more or less injuries on the roster than any other 10 year period in wrestling history? Even the last 5 years if you wanna narrow it down. I've never known so many wrestlers to get hurt and injured and when you look at what's going on, you find out every single injury, every one of them is self inflicted, either they hurt themselves doing a "stunt" or the other person in the match hurt them. Every time. Not once will you find a genuine accident. And it's always the younger wrestlers. They haven't been taught right and whoever is agenting the matches is wrong, Vince McMahon is wrong for allowing it. It's not professional wrestling. Call it something else. Don't call it wrestling because that's not what was on TV for 40 years prior. Never before have I seen so many wrestlers hurting each other. If you can't work safely then you shouldn't be doing it because the real wrestlers, the real LEGENDS knew how to do it.

  19. They are the video game generation. They grew up playing video games and wanting to emulate the moves they saw on their computer games when they were kids and that's why they work the way they do. That's why they get hurt. That's why they can't protect each other.



    That's also why the biggest stars in the business, the multi millionaires, the ones that live in mansions and never have to work for the rest of their lives never went to the top rope, never dove through the middle rope and worked with both feet on the ground. They weren't marks for the business but they treated the business like a business like any smart wrestler would do.




    And that's why Seth is hurt, that's why more people will continue to get hurt and the only thing that will change it is someone breaking their neck. When someone breaks their neck the WWE will say ok, we have to protect the wrestlers from themselves now and draw back on all the high spots. It doesn't even look like wrestling. Wrestlers talking to each other in the corners for the irish whips, referees holding their fingers every time they hit the mat, constantly talk to each other as they move around the ring stumbling around trying to figure out what to do. It's meant to be wrestling not Cirque Du Soleil. Just kills any atmosphere. The kind of thing where if a regular TV viewer was flicking through the channels they would shake their head and keep on pressing the button. The small fat guy that can hardly move beating up the tall skinny guy who's trying his best to act hurt while the middle aged guy outside stands and tries to do his angry face. Right up there with the Big Show falling around the ring while Zack Gowen beat him up or Rey Mysterio trying his best to hold the WWF Title without showing signs of it being too heavy for him.



    Maybe it's time to go back to proper professional wrestling and not this Cirque Du Soleil circus it's become.

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