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Arn Anderson's Darb

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Posts posted by Arn Anderson's Darb

  1. "You're not the boss Mick, I'm the boss"


    Well what the fuck is he doing there? Why are you employing him? Why do we need to be presented with this complex management infrastructure with ever changing rules?


    Struggling to see where Strowman fits in at mania at the minute which is a shame. I'd hate to have him reduced to the battle royal. Him retiring Kane or Menry would be my vote.


    The cruiserweight division is weird right now. There's some proper stars there but then there are some that are lower than jobbers. Really doesn't need as many guys as they have. There's a ton of Alicia Foxes that are just there to put people over or have half matches to set up run ins and it doesn't need it.

  2. On my quest for anything that will help with stress and wellbeing I finally did something I've been trying to work up the bottle to do for a while now - I went to a yoga class. It's right round the corner from my gym and I've been researching it on and off for a few weeks now but I've always binned it off for fear of sticking out like a sore thumb as a big bloke covered in tattoos. I don't have a lot of confidence issues but I imagined being a sweaty heap with breathing heavily and falling over in a room full of graceful "yummy mummy" sorts.


    It was sort of like that, but there was no judgement and everyone was incredibly helpful and nice. I didn't embarrass myself too much and fell in somewhere between the old women and the bloke that looked like Michael Stipe in terms of ability. 


    Here's where it gets a little fruity - It was candle lit with some Enya in the background, but the stretching and concentrated breathing along with a few minutes at the end of lying completely relaxed, dedicated to silent meditation. I felt like a new man when I left!


    Haven't told the wife about this yet. Partly because I think she'll find it weird. Partly because I don't want her to know me and ol' Stipey are the only stags in a room full of milfs. Not sure It'll be a weekly thing but it certainly has helped my mood and a couple of aches and niggles no end.


    Point of this post being, I recommend yoga after my first hour and don't be afraid to try something new. It will almost certainly not be as bad as you think.


    Spent the weekend binging on a show on History called Forged In Fire. Four blacksmiths are given materials and a brief and then have a couple of hours to make lethal bladed weapons. The two finalists are then given five days to go home and return with a historical sword design which is then tested by a US marine weapons specialist slicing pig carcasses and bamboo poles in pieces.


    It's like Masterchef but with swords. Brilliant stuff.

    I can't be the only person who read this and immediately thought 'I've got to tell my dad about this'.



    Turned 30 and becoming a dad in the last couple of years, I'm embracing Dad interests at an alarming rate.

  4. Spent the weekend binging on a show on History called Forged In Fire. Four blacksmiths are given materials and a brief and then have a couple of hours to make lethal bladed weapons. The two finalists are then given five days to go home and return with a historical sword design which is then tested by a US marine weapons specialist slicing pig carcasses and bamboo poles in pieces.


    It's like Masterchef but with swords. Brilliant stuff.

  5. Oh I forgot the in laws-


    Father in law, Dave varies from alright to outright cunt depending on his mood. He's condescending to literally everyone he encounters and I hate going out to dinner with them because he's always just outright rude and patronising to service staff for his own amusement. Can't knock him as a grandad though. He's brilliant with our lad.


    Mother in law is a different kind of hard work. She's never worked a day in her life, proper religious and serious hoarder. She always looks like there's a bad smell in the room, buys crap all the time, just because any kind of reduced item is like a fucking beacon of savvy consumerism to her, hence her house being full of junk, some of which is now finding it's way into my house - for example, I mentioned a few months ago that we were lacking salad tongs in my kitchen - we now have four sets. She's bought my three year old son some hideous Aldi fleece pullovers - aged 7-8 size, because it was on offer. These are taking up room in my house, and are completely useless to me for the next four years. She tells stories that don't go anywhere about people you don't know, completely at random and outside the context of a conversation like at the weekend I got "Well I saw Cath and her husband's not been well. She won't let him drive the car, he's been that bad", completely out of fucking nowhere while my brother in law is talking to me about Westworld. 


    Ten years I've been with their daughter and I still have no idea how to hold an enjoyable conversation with either of them.

  6. The bad:


    My cousin Matt - Generally a little shit in his childhood consistently, but particularly abusive to his and never disciplined for it due to her disabilities and uncle Geoff being even more of a cunt to her. This went on until he was about 12 and on Christmas day threw a mug at her, hitting her in the face which led to my other aunty going round their house. She was giving him a massive bollocking while he sat casually playing his Mega Drive until he finally told her to fuck off, resulting in her twatting him in the mouth and smashing the Mega Drive. He ended up doing a bit of bird for burglary around age 20 and then fucking off to Glasgow to become a full time heroin addict. He's back down here now and I get regular updates from my nan about how he's got a flat and a job and is trying to turn his life around. I haven't seen him in about 15 years, but he'll always be a cunt to me. Not as much as his Dad though, which brings me to...


    Uncle Geoff - Convicted of raping his own daughter from a very young age for who knows how long. Now done his time and back on the streets but completely cut off from everyone obviously.


    Uncle Graham gets a mention here but in comparison is a saint really. Racist homophobe throughout my childhood and father to two boys, one of which is now engaged to a Jewish man. Possibly the last man to ever use the terms "Woofter" and "Shirtlifter". Talks in a cockney accent even though he's lived in the midlands since moving down from Scotland at the age of 5.


    The Good:


    My cousin, above. Top bloke in general. Does loads for charity and the local community. Voted primary school teacher of the year once.


    My nan. The only person of that generation still alive in my family. Just love being in her company and taking my son round to see her. Always full of stories and has me in tears of laughter. Knows everything about everything and is mind blinding to sit and watch afternoon tv quizzes with.


    My brother. He is the absolute voice of reason in this world. Hardworking bloke, keeps to himself and never causes any bother. Never had a sick day from work. Great uncle to my son. Gets on with everyone. Hasn't done anything remarkable, he's just a solid bloke which is rare to find.

  7. Thing is though, those lads can get away with bullshit because nothing was documented and anyone that can call him on it is probably dead or mental. Even if it is blatant lies. If Jack Swagger did something exciting after hours it'd be all over TMZ and 300 podcasts before he'd even been bailed.

  8. I miss wrestlers being unreasonable dickheads all the time. It was a lot more exciting. Harley Race pulling a gun on Hogan as a joke and The Rougeaus knocking out Dynamite's teeth for being an arsehole to everyone all the time... Hawk fucked off to Amsterdam to do drugs with the Hell's Angels after Summerslam 92 for a few months. Cleaning up wrestling made it a lot less interesting. I mean, Xavier Woods and Fandango will probably lead long, healthy lives which is great but their shoot interviews and autobiographies are going to be shit.

  9. Letting Bryan wrestle one match would be tricky contractually. There was talk his contract was frozen while WWE considered him injured, so having him do a match would presumably start the clock ticking again. Kind of irrelevant if he's decided to call it quits, but if he can be persuaded it's OK to work, WWE will probably have to either let him come back full time or keep him on the injured list to stop him waiting out his contract and going elsewhere.


    So what is his contract status presently? I'm assuming that if he was able to he'd get his release and go and work elsewhere with the fit note his doctor has given him? Is he locked in as injured with WWE, under an existing contract or on a new contract as a tv personality only?

  10. As much as I enjoyed that hotel segment with Rusev/Lana and Enzo I couldn't help but wonder why Lana would have Enzo's phone number when she sent him that selfie. 


    There's loads of ways to send saucy photos to acquaintances and work colleagues these days. You should have been at my office Christmas party. 


    Really enjoyed that whole running story myself. I'd like to see them do this with someone different every week just to give the undercard guys ANYTHING to work with.


    Watching Raw this week was not the challenge it was earlier this year when I was on the verge of packing it all in. Last few weeks have been quite decent. 

  11. I loved that Warlord gear. I just loved Warlord in general. He was the best Hasbro too. This one




    Here's a story of me being an 8 year old idiot. I chipped some of the paint off his face mask in his many drubbings of Virgil I was always violently acting out, and I decided I wanted to repair him to his original condition. So this being 1993, for some reason it was ok for me and my younger brother to walk to the petrol station down the road and buy a tin of silver car spray paint.


    So obviously we didn't want to make a mess, so we did our delicate re-spray in the mint-green bathtub at home. And obviously I wasn't as skilled with a tin of spray paint as I assumed I would be, so Warlord basically ended up completely silver from the trunks up. And left a Warlord outline in the massive silver splodge that forever stained that bath until we moved out about 3 years later.


    I think this was around the time I used my Dad's toothbrush to clean mud of my Action Man motorbike. I'm surprised I was ever left unsupervised in my house quite frankly. I've still got silver Warlord lying about somewhere.

  12. Golga was a weird turn. Bringing back back Earthquake and then sticking him a mask, a Cartman shirt and a pair of Mick Foley's stained joggers?


    I'm not surprised ICP didn't let them use the music after listening to their YouShoot. They came in on the deal that they would get adverts for their album and work the shows for free, but the adverts never aired while they were getting routinely stiffed by the Headbangers for no money.

  13. Not to derail another thread with this but it's come up a couple of times in the Raw and Smackdown conversation... Anyone just not see Nakamura not making any difference to the main roster when he comes up? Seems to be a common opinion that he's going to be a game changer and is being wasted on NXT but while I really rate him and can see occasional show stealers with AJ and Owens happening, I never see him going higher than endless feuds with Ziggler or Cesaro in the long term.


    I don't even see it as a case of anyone trying to hold him down once he comes up, I just reckon he could be given the full AJ push and I don't think he'd win the masses over at all on a main event level.

  14. Hiding people on Facebook is an absolute godsend. Saves the awkwardness of actually deleting people but mercifully filters your aunty doing "Share = Prayer" for a sick child.


    Delete is reserved for anyone current sharing "NAMES OF GIRLS MOST LIKELY TO GET MARRIED IN 2017! SARAH CLAIRE HAYLEY FIONA LISA..."


    Why the fuck are people sharing that? Why the fuck is someone even making them?

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