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Posts posted by L_E_T_H_A_L

  1. 6 minutes ago, herbie747 said:

    Dude, WTF? You ripped on the guy, I was in full agreement with all your points, and then it turns out you still listen to his show? DECEIT!

    I know, I know. But only on Mondays! :/

    I should have just said it was a swerve, but it wasn't...

  2. 14 minutes ago, Egg Shen said:

    yet, based on the detail in your post Lethal you clearly listen to Russo on a regular basis. If he's unsufferable, why are you listening to his show?

    Generally I'm only listening to the Monday show now, because I quite enjoy the format and weirdly, I quite like the dynamic that Disco brings to the show. I've got no time for the rest of the week's shows but I'll listen to them if I've got no other material (with long commutes to and from work and hours spent in the gym, there's not enough wrestling podcasts about). That, and the undeniable fact that he's somewhat entertaining on an infrequent basis, sometimes for those wrong reasons I already spoke about in my last post.

    Apologies for offending you by offering a detailed explanation behind my dissatisfaction with Russo's podcasts - I should have just said it was shite and left it at that. :D

  3. Yeah. Russo is absolutely insufferable for a number of reasons:

    • His arse-licking sidekicks, all of whom seem utterly in awe, particularly Jeff Lane, who is terrified to disagree with him, even when you can tell he would desperately like to.
    • Blindly championing everything from the Attitude era (even absolute dogshit like The Oddities and "choppy choppy pee pee") while shitting on the current product and wrestlers (except those he has an inexplicable love for like Jinder Mahal (whom he refers to as "Ginger" of course).
    • That's another thing. Mispronunciation of wrestlers' names. Not only do we have Ginger Mahal, but also Baron Corbille, Dean Ambrosia, etc. Tries to make it look like it's not deliberate, but it is, and it's not even mildly entertaining. Ignorant as fuck. Even refers to Disco Inferno as Glenn Gilbernetti, despite knowing the bloke 20 years.
    • Repeating the same thing over and over. "I wouldn't be watching this if I was not paid to do so," "I DO NOT LIKE WRESTLE-ING ANY MORE," blah blah. Yeah Vince, we get it. You fall asleep during every fucking episode of Raw and SmackDown that you have to endure and you'd much rather be watching Teen Mom, which is quality television entertainment.
    • "It's a work." - Thank God Vince likes to tell us marks that every two minutes, because I thought it was real. Also, the belt is a prop, nothing more. It doesn't matter who holds it, it's just a prop bro. All you mahks out there need to GET.A.LIFE.
    • The constant lies and number-bending to suit his own agenda. Did you know that the ratings climbed up every week consistently at every week he was at WCW and TNA? No, and nor did the companies themselves - that must have been why they sacked him.

    It boggles my mind that people (the little virgin marks) pay to be insulted by Russo.


  4. Russo's podcast would be so much better without his arse-licking sidekick Jeff Lane. His podcast these days consists of Lane sucking up to him and agreeing with his every opinion while he bitterly slates the WWE product (often unfairly), making the same points over and over. LTBD on a Monday is literally the only show worth listening to (thanks to Disco Inferno).

    If Russo had a Conrad Thompson-type on there with him to structure the conversation for him, challenge him on his outlandish remarks and ignorance and show the balls to actually disagree with something he says, the show would be much more tolerable.

  5. I had zero interest in Enzo, Cass or their tag team prior to their work the last couple of weeks - however, their performances on the stick have been nothing short of excellent and the way the split has been handled was so good that I'm genuinely intrigued to see where they go from here.

    Enzo has so much charisma and star presence - but unfortunately, as Bruce Prichard often says, the bell has to ring and when it does it's hard to see him as much more than a jobber to the stars. He's still too big of a name to be put on 205 Live, mind.

  6. I think the best episodes of STWW are the two in which he discusses his TNA run at length. In those he has no issue with criticising the company, revealing little-known details and bashing those running it the way he does with WWE (understandably given his personal relationship with the upper echelon of the WWE hierarchy).


  7. 2 hours ago, Noah Southworth said:

    Snoop is who I'll be listening to when watching this. I just hope they let Snoop be himself, say whatever he's thinking, rather than trying to have him be a proper announcer.

    "Steppin' into the Octashizzle . . ."

    It'll definitely make things more interesting. Can't decide if this is an inspired decision or potential car crash situation. Probably both. :D

  8. It was difficult to listen to at first due to the audio quality and awkwardness, but WHW Monday with Tony Schiavone has really hit its stride in recent episodes. Schiavone himself comes across as a likeable old pervert and seems to enjoy sharing his stories and memories. He's a lot less guarded than Bruce Prichard, that's for sure. Definitely not the bitter hack with no time for wrestling or its fans that he's been perceived to be for years.

    Genuinely almost cried out with laughter at work with my earphones in when they were discussing the short lived career of Rick 'The Renegade' Wilson:



    Conrad: What was your thoughts on Renegade? Just a Warrior rip-off?"

    Tony: "He was... wait, he's passed away now, right?"

    Conrad: "Shit, yeah..."

    Tony: "Oh good, we can talk shit about him then. He was fucking awful."


    Add to that some other unreal stories, like the time Tony was invited to Flair's hotel room in the middle of the night to find a coked-up Nature Boy nose deep in a ring rat's bush while she tried to initiate a three-way-dance by making a lunge for our Tony's belt, and you've got podcasting gold. The next episode deals with BATB '96 and the Hogan heel turn. Looking forward to it!

  9. Limp Bizkit are a strange one. Build A Bridge missing from Survivor Series 2003, Rollin' and My Way intact on WMX7, Toe 2 Toe/Crack Addict missing from WMXIX Austin/Rock package (except their live performances on the show which remain intact).

  10. 4 minutes ago, Merzbow said:

    Russo's not as dense as this guy, he'd pick somewhere where the virgin to real man ratio was skewed more to the former to troll.

    This is hoss country after all.

    Honestly Merz, I just can't listen to Russo now. He fucking infuriates me.

    Mispronouncing the names of WWE main eventers (deliberate feigned ignorance - he fucking knows who they are), consistently reminding listeners how much he hates wrestling and only covers it because he's being paid to do so, bigging up everything from the Attitude era (including the stuff that was fucking drivel), bullying the idiots that knock their pans in building his so-called "brand" for pennies if they even get paid at all and then there's the "You're all marks/virgins" stuff and his new weekly show that apparently features him taking carefully chosen audio clips from Meltzer, Jason Powell etc and "burying" them with his "witty comeback" that he's doubtlessly been practicing all week.

    Absolute and utter cunt.

  11. 5 hours ago, scotswizard said:

    Russo is giving out a free 2 week trial of his website so you see all the podcasts on video. The LTBD podcast for Podcast One is on his site just now on video. You see all the  Podcast One podcasts on video a day earlier.

    I'm actually beginning to think you ARE Russo, since you consistently spout his opinion like its your own and shill his behind-the-paywall website.

    LTBD is the only Russo podcast worth a listen these days as it's the only day of the week that the overbearing cunt actually discusses wrestling. No one's interested in paying to hear him consistently bullying his little minions, talking about his log cabin in the woods or squealing "I HATE WRESTLE-ING" and putting down the fans by calling them pathetic marks, virgins, you name it.

    Bloke's a cunt, "bro."

  12. Just a quick one (oo-er). When did the "Fake Diesel" debut in the WWF? I remember that chaotic Raw ending with Fake Razor brawling with Savio Vega, but no sight or mention of "Fake Diesel". Cheers.


    If I remember correctly, Thursday Raw Thursday...

  13. No she isn't. She's a absolute slag who shagged about behind her boyfriends back while he was on the road with her with his fellow workers. Davey Boy, Michaels, Raven and Sabu have all put their name on that one. Missy Hyatt fucked about, but Tammy Sytch has been in various long term relationships and let people dip it in her while she was with them. Tammy Sytch is far, far worse. Missy is high class for someone way past it. She's taken it from A-listers like Gene Simmons, Brutus Beefcake and Jason Hervey From The Wonder Years.


    You'd have to think Bret Hart's had a crack at her as well...

  14. The main problem I have with Power Slam is the blatant ripping of everyone Fin doesn't like.


    For instance, John Cena. Fin makes sure that he refers to Cena's STF as the NPSTF (No-Pressure STF), refers to the man himself as Super Cena (due to his poor ring psychology) and, when Cena does offer a fair outing or manages to carry his half in a match, he blatantly receives no credit whatsoever within the hallowed pages of PS. Hogan, The Big Show, Jericho and others have received similar treatment throughout the PS era.


    Once is funny, but it's old and boring. You hate Cena, you hate Hogan. etc. We get it.

  15. I've become fed-up of you, and I'm sure I'm not the only one.


    If you don't like Power Slam, don't buy it. I still enjoy the mag, but not as much as I did in the late nineties and early 2000s. Currently, it's the best of a bad lot - by fucking miles.


    I look forward to your next pointless thread...


    EDIT: Oh, and by the way: Power Slam hasn't BECOME an anti-rag. It's ALWAYS been one.

  16. I do think that Guerrero is a bit overrated due to his death though

    Utter bullshit. Guerrero became an incredible all-rounder. When he died he was in the top 3 talkers and top 3 workers in the country. He's not over-rated at all. If anything, WWE's vomit-inducing use of his name since he died has tarnished his reputation.


    Hear, hear.

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