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Bosco Blick

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Posts posted by Bosco Blick

  1. What was Goldust supposed to be in 1995? Was he supposed to be a film fan, or some sort of sex predator? Early Goldust stuff is absolutely mental.


    A homosexual predatory Rupert Pupkin type character.


    A great gimmick really.

  2. Last night I randomly decided to message a few wrestlers on Instagram saying if they were in the area I'd be happy to tattoo them. Got a reply from Barrett pretty much right away which was cool. He was friendly enough, but I doubt anything will come of it. Still got my heart set on tattooing Paige at some point. Think the ship has sailed on doing anything for Punk


    If Barrett asked you to try and fix/cover his awful red and blue tribal tattoo, how would you go about it?




    The NXT bird is cracking, though, so he still wins.




    That's the full story, with links to nobs and boobs too. If you're interested.


    He's going to have a rough couple of weeks at work..



    Haha, yeah, man's a pindick. He even tried to cheat with the angle in the lying down one to create an illusion of size, amateur. And she doesn't even have her rat on parade! It's hardly fair that Rollins' fiance leaked two dick pics in exchange for a bit of tit.


    I clearly have issues because I thought I was on a par to him and felt alright, but now i'm worried mine isn't a 24" Python



    Yeah it's a pretty average size in truth.

  4. Does the Rumble feel 'special' though? It did as a kid and that was only at the prospect and excitement of seeing some shock entrances.


    In reality the Rumble is in desperate need of an overhaul. 


    Though as you say it's the WWE's 2nd most popular event so even more reason to move it to a time when it's not right on top of Mania.

  5. In mid 2005 they switched Cena to Raw with the WWE Title and Trips went to Smackdown with the other one. Whichever one was on SD was second rate.


    Yeah but it wasn't particularly seen as second rate though, was it?


    Michaels, Triple H, Batista, Undertaker have all held it. I did learn recently though that Ziggler held it so it must have lost its significance somewhere along the line.

  6. I like the MITB match and breifcase but I hate the "cash in when you want" aspect. It's been done to death and it just means an endless succession of chickenshit heels. I'd change it to a title shot any time you want but the champion needs a week's notice.


    A chickenshit heel can be great fun but it seems everyone who isn't at least 6ft 6" or friends with the devil has to be one. Make a strong heel for a change. Have him be a despicable cunt, sure, but one who can win matches. And you'll be absolutley shocked to find that babyfaces who beat the strong hell will be *gasp* stronger!


    They should cancel the MITB PPV, move the Rumble to a time when it's not right on top of Mania then give the winner of the Rumble a title shot at any of the next let's say 5 PPVs.

  7. When did the big gold become seen as the second rate title?


    Mania 24 was around the time I lost interest and Undertaker v Edge went on last for the WHC. It seemed at that point more prestigious than the WWE title which was just Cena and Orton exchanging runs.


    Also remember the great Triple H and Batista feud.


    I'd rather have a smark crowd than a bored silent one


    This. Plus the NXT crowd know their role in the show and don't try to hijack it. They boo the heels and cheer the faces and are extremely supportive in helping wrestlers get their gimmick over.



    Which is something that can actually work against them if/when they get the call up as shown by Adam Rose and Bo Dallas.

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