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Posts posted by KFR42

  1. Did anyone watch Keith Meets Keith tonight? It's a prime example of why Keith Allen really needs to be on TV more, but it was also quite sad to see how old Keith Floyd was looking now. Nice constant use of The Stranglers tracks too.


    They could give him a whole series of interviews, but he won't get anyone who's the least bit supersticious on there!


    I'm nearing the end of my Lost rewatch. I'm not watching season 5 until it comes out on DVD, but I'm loving it as much as the first time. Can't wait for season 6.


    Once I've finished that I treated my self to the complete x-files set. Having only seen a handful of episodes over the years (which were all great) I finally went for it and bought the set. Almost a weeks worth of uninterupted x-files in that box, so it should last me a long time.

  2. if i remeber right it was 5 and 16,


    my computer wont let me play youtube videos for some reason so i cant watch it again to say which ones for sure

    It was more likely 5 and 14. 16 is way too easy, Jake the Snake. I'm stuck on 5 and 14 :/ 5 looks like Brian Kendrick in his Spanky days :confused:


    Wrestler 5 is clearly scotty 2 hotty and 14 is clearly sting. You were joking that you were stuck on them, right?

  3. Tim Curry was awesome as Pennywise.


    Did someone say Toy Story 3? I thought that wasn't happening because of Jim Varney being dead?


    it was announced months ago. And to be honest, how many of your casual movie goers are going to know who Jim Varney is/was. Toy Story is a sure-fire money maker for Disney, they won't cease production becasue a secondary charater vocal actor has passed away


    They're rereleasing toy story 1 and 2 in 3D first. Its listed as 'double feature' so I assume they're gojng to be shown together in cinemas.

  4. I finally go round to watching scarface for the first time this week. I can't say I crazy about it, but it was a good enjoyable movie. There was a great feature on the dvd about the changes they made to show it on tv. I carcked up at them changing the line "This city is like a giant pussy waiting to get fucked" to "this city is like a giant chicken, waiting to get plucked".

  5. Just watched flashpoint and action movie starring Donnie Yen. Storyline was a pretty generic cops and badies affair, but the fight scenes were excellent. Lots of MMA and wrestling style fighting which made an interesting change from the standard kung fu style. Very entertaining as far as mindless action flicks go.

  6. The main thing I remember about Sonic CD is that its special stages were awful.


    The main thing I remember is that all of it was awful. The music was uninspiring, the bosses except the metal sonic race were shite and i'm sure you fight one or two of them more than once, the levels were boring and the addition to travel through time took away from the playability.


    But the intro music was freaking awesome.




    Sonic booooom, Sonic booooom, Sonic boooooooo-ooommm :music:


    I was refering to this beauty:


  7. The main thing I remember about Sonic CD is that its special stages were awful.


    The main thing I remember is that all of it was awful. The music was uninspiring, the bosses except the metal sonic race were shite and i'm sure you fight one or two of them more than once, the levels were boring and the addition to travel through time took away from the playability.


    But the intro music was freaking awesome.

  8. Surprised so many thought I was accusing Mario 64 of aging badly based on its visuals. That'd have been horribly unfair on my part, no?


    Nah, I was talking gameplay-wise. 90% of missions are dull collect-a-thons; level design is in places very, very bland; bosses are pathetic; and it's generally just difficult to return to after experiencing sublime Galaxy. Don't get me wrong, I still like the game a lot - primarily for nostalgia and its indeniable charms - but the whole thing feels ever-increasingly like an extended tech demo. The PS1 platformers may have been nowhere near as innovative or daring, but they hold up far better in retrospect.


    While I agree, I have to say that Mario 64 was a huge leap from the previous mario games, whereas Sunshine and Galaxy were relatively tiny leaps especially given how long we have waited between Mario games. I'm not knocking the newer Mario games, Galaxy was brilliant, but given how many years after Mario 64 it was its not much different in appearance bar a bit of smoothing off.

  9. First I regretted not going for S3&K because I didn't know if it would count as one game, then I saw Sonic 1 was higher and despaired. No accounting for taste. The second screenshot is from the vastly... heck, infinitely superior Sonic 2 anyway.


    I'm pretty certain it's not. That baddie type didn't appear in Sonic 2. (The one where Knuckles is on screen on his own yeah?)


    No, he's right. The second screen shot under sonic 1 is actually from sonic 2. The ground pattern gives it away as being emerald hill rather than green hill. Sonic 2 was great (and the ending music is possibly my favourite game music of all time) , but Sonic 1 started it all for me so thats why I voted for 1 over 2.


    Ah sod it, heres the awesome end music from sonic 2:




    and a weird worded version!:


  10. :yinyang: The only thing that really annoyed me about GTAIV were the driving controls.


    Yeah the driving wasn't amazing. GTAIV didn't make my list either as I had other GTA games there. Although it also didn't make my list I have to make an honorable mention to GTA: Vice city stories which featured the greatest mission in any videogame ever. Nothing compares with killing assasins to stop them getting to Phil Collins while he's singing 'in the air tonight' on stage.

  11. Great, another game and quote from me (S3&K). Surprised it's so far down though as it's infinitely better than the awful GTA4,


    Sonic and knuckles was great, no complaint there, but how anyone can say GTAIV was awful is utterly beyond me. It wasn't as amazing as it should have been and it had annoyances like being called to go play pool every half hour, but it was still a brilliantly playable game with a great story.

  12. 20 games gone and still none.. woot yeah :duh:


    Anyhoo.> Secret of Monkey Island.. yes, yes yes, didnt put on me list cos although good ive not played it in eons, back in the amiga days tbh.. was it this one or Le Chucks that had the spitting contest? that was funny, as was the game, gotta love ole Guybrush.



    Super Mario 3.... *shudders* Oldtimer alert, ive never really gotten the Mario games after the 1st Super Mario Bros on the Nes... Ive tried them all up to Super Mario Sunshine, but they dont click with me. The raccoons cocking tale and other such cack in this didnt appeal at all. Please some one explain to me why i should give the series another go?


    The level design in Mario games is second to none. They are exciting, funny and challenging. The games have real charm due to it's cartoony graphics and soundtrack. Best and most important game series of all time.


    I always felt mario games severly lacked something until they went 3d. IMO the level design was dull. Good games, but not as fun to play as Sonic the hedgehog. Obviously once both games went 3d the tables turned.

  13. Just got done watching the big lebowski and I really enjoyed it. I'm fairly certain I've seen it before but it must have been years and years ago. Truly excellent film.


    Easrlier in the week I also got round to watching Brazil. I'm been meaning to buy it on dvd for ages and finally spotted it in HMV last weekend. I wasn't disapointed. For starters, any film that features Robert De Nero as a rogue air conditioning repair man gets a thumbs up from me. I'm on a bit kick for 80's futuristic movies an this is a great example. A world that could have only come from the mind of a python. On top of that there's just so many familiar faces scattered throughout. Fantastic film.

  14. Theres one other major influence on wrestling today that the union had. I can't remember who the authority was but towards the end of their short stay the union was given 'anything they wanted' and each member asked for one thing. One of them got a title match, Shamrock got a lions den match against vince and Test got a date with stephanie. Of course this was the start of the test - stephanie wedding angle which lead to the (at least onscreen) marriage of HHH and Steph. And the rest, as they say, is history.

  15. Big Fish.


    Seen this several times now and its one of my favourite films. Amazing, and the end gets me every time.


    Completely agree, I adore that film. Its really not my usual type of film, but its right up there as one of my favourite films.


    In other news, I went to see John Woo's latest, Red Cliff last night. Truly an epic movie. Was a little too long and dragged in places, but it was wonderfully filmed and the story kept my interest. Its just a shame I was so tired while I was watching it.

  16. Have seen adverts for the new BBC2 programme Psychoville from the people behind The League of Gentlemen. I never really watched this when it was on, say bits of it, and was wondering if anyone had any opinions on it, recommendations or reasons not to pick up a cheap boxset?



    I'm looking forward to this show, although its not all of the league, just 2 out of the 4 of them I think. The league of gentlemen is one of my favourite sitcoms/sketch shows (I've heard it classified as both before) it's very weird and dark, but not so weird and dark it loses its humour. Some say it got worse as the series' went on, but I really liked the approach they took for the final series even though the overall shows weren't as good. I bought the whole box set including specials for less than 15 quid over christmas, for that price you can't go wrong.

  17. I thought Black Sheep was a perfect example of a film trying way too hard. It also wasn't sure whether it wanted to be a legit horror with cheesy elements (see almost every 80s horror film ever made) or a comedy that parodies horror (see Shaun of the Dead).


    I don't think it matters. Surely you don't need to pigeon hole a movie into a particular genre to enjoy it? I see where your coming from as I remember watching black sheep and thinking similar things. Just see it how you want to see it. I personally thought it was a great film, it was essentially a horror comedy, a genre which is becoming more and more filled out in recent years with stuff like the cottage, which I also quite enjoyed, even if it did have Jenifer Elleson in it.

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