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Posts posted by KFR42

  1. My desire HD is a good few months old and still as quick as ever. I have had a few issues with the update put out over christmas, but they seem to have sorted themselves now.


    Texts should be instant, but thats not necessarily a fault with the phone, it could be the signal etc. But I assume you wouldn't be complaining about it if you didn't have a signal.

  2. I've said it before and I'll say it again, too many big companies have put too much money into 3D for it to just disapear overnight. Its here for the long haul folks. Personally I love 3D for the reasons I mentioned on the last page. Gimmicky 3d gets tired quick, but when used peoperly it can really add to a film. It'll never replace a good storyline, but it can make a film look simply stunning. If Avataur had been in 2D I would have dismissed it as another cgi fest with a crap story. But the 3d effects combined with the cgi and live action were stunning and simply beautiful. The story was still crap though :p

  3. Then while all this is going on in your brain, you're trying to pay attention to the actual film. I don't want stuff 'flying' at me in a scene that could be awesome just as it is. You're fighting to get through all the layers on the screen just to be able to watch the damn film. Special effects and CGI count for nothing because you're concentrating on what ever it is moving towards you, thus ruining the movie.


    Luckily the number of 'random shit flying around' 3d movies is getting less and less, which makes this kind of anti-3d arument rather pointless and untrue.


    I go and see loads of 3d films and have seen very few of that type of 3d film recently. The vast majority are now using 3d to show depth and detail and in many cases this is done to great effect and adds to the film experience with very little gimmicky, confusing and unusual camera shots just to have an excuse to show a pole sticking out towads you or something.


    Of course, theres still some which do it badly and suffer from the problems you mentioned above.

  4. Went and saw Scott Pilgrim vs the world last night. Had me in absolute stiches. As the guy above said, its all about visual gimmickery, but unlike the guy above I'd actually add marks for that as they were phenomenal. Hilarious film.


    I saw the expendables earlier in the week. Pretty much did what it said on the tin. Shooty shooty, explosion explosion. Not the greatest film ever, but I still enjoyed it.

  5. I watched Inception last night. Is it still too new? Well, just in case.


    <-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

    Can't bear to say it, but I really didn't enjoy it. I thought it was a fantastic idea that looked like it would really work in the opening 15/20 minutes, but I genuinely didn't feel entertained by it as soon as the central plot took shape. It didn't detract from some excellent individual performances by some (not all) of the cast, but really felt the whole thing was rather mishandled. The action sequences (particularly the snow ones) felt repetitive and anticlimatic, and at the halfway point I found myself losing interest in the central plot and any sort of character resolution. I also felt like I did about The Matrix (and still do now) - there became an over-reliance in the stunning visuals, rather than using them just to improve a scene or two.


    I'll have to watch this again in a few years time to see if I've changed my mind, but needless to say I was gutted to not enjoy it. I'd been really looking forward to it too.


    [close spoiler]



    I was the opposite. I came out of that film thinking 'I'm getting this on blu ray when it comes out'. Film of the year so far for me. But I can see how its a film that not all tastes will enjoy.

  6. I've got to show my love for Ovi maps. I've got a nokia 5800 (so nothing new, expensive or flashy) and they've just updated Ovi maps. I now have perfect sat nav without any need for any sort of network connection. I've also got an official nokia app which allows me to record my own sat nav directions to use instead of the default. All completely free. Although I'll likely upgrade to an HTC at some point in the future, I love my 5800 to bits.


    Depending on what you find scary/creepy, this will either do nothing for you, be entertaining, or freak you out through it all.


    This is the introduction, and the user is so far up to video 24, keep an eye out for the video responses from a user called "ToTheArk" from (I think) video 9.


    Plus there's a twitter account that the uploader posts to as well (called marblehornets as well) which is worth keeping an eye on if you get into it.


    Look back a few pages on this board, theres a whole thread discussing this series.

  8. I thought Zombieland felt more like a pilot for a TV show, then I found out that it was originally intended to be a TV series. They said they made alterations to turn it into a film, but it still felt like an extended pilot. I expected more, what with how highly rated it is, but it wasn't exactly shite either.


    I don't kmnow whether it was because I saw this comment before I saw the film but I would definately agree with it. It didn't have that film-ness about it, but was a still very good


    I kind of see what you mean. I loved it all the same though, laughed all the way through. Especially at


    <-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler


    Girl: Do you have any regrets?

    Bill Murray: Well, maybe Garfield



    [close spoiler]

  9. watched from within last night - shit film but ending wasnt to bad



    watched adventrueland other day , was shit as well


    gonna watch bronson tonight, mate keeps telling me how good it is


    Adventureland is the most self-indulgent piece of shit ive ever seen.


    i really liked Bronson, but it is not for everyone. im a big fan of Stanley Kubrick movies, and the style in which Bronson is made is very reminiscent of a Kubrick movie. If your watching it on DVD, the Director's Commentry is very good also and sheds a lot more light on the film and its context


    I quite enjoyed adventurland actually. Would have liked more laughs, but not bad by a long shot IMO.

  10. Ever seen Graveyard Shift? Total shit - except for Brad Dourif.


    It's funny actually because most people see him as a B-movie and straight to video actor and actually seem to have a greater fondness for him in those roles. Yet he's had major quality roles in Mississippi Burning, One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, Blue Velvet, Murder In The First and others as well.


    I've seen the graveyard shift. Hillariously cheesey stephen king horror movie. I liked it.

  11. Wasn't it something like "flying angels", hitting a "great city", or something? Or am I heavy tripping?


    I can't remember sorry but that sounds believable because Nostradamus's predictions were always kind of trippy sounding from what little I can remember.


    Like I posted I wish I still owned that book because it was filled with all kinds of wacky shit from UFO's all the way down to Ghosts, reincarnation, etc.


    I gave it to a mate but I think I'll ask if he still has it.




    I'm pretty sure this is the one I read.


    The sky will burn at forty-five degrees latitude,

    Fire approaches the great new city

    Immediately a huge, scattered flame leaps up

    When they want to have verification from the Normans


    I found it after a google seacrh and there was a few variations off it (one claiming the dead would walk the Earth or some shit) and I'm almost postive that is the version I read years back and if not it is the closest to it.

    The Nostradamus predictions are just a case of people seeing what they want to see in them.


    I agree completely, they are so utterly vague that they could be applied to almost any world event.

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