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Posts posted by BiffingtonClyro

  1. I was incredbly underwhelmed by this series of Peep Show. It's one of my favourite shows ever but this series just seems rather odd. I found myself not really paying attention to first episode as I found it so boring. The Jeremy in love with Dobby arc was incredibly uninspired and was executed as such.

  2. I watched a film called Deep End a few months ago which brillantly atmospheric and odd in equal measures. It's a British film from the seventies which was thought to have been lost but was recently rediscovered. A young man becomes obsessed with his coworker at a swimming baths which leads to various odd situations. Jane Asher is the object of his affection and is absolutely stunning in it. I also watched Rita, Bob and Sue too which I wasn't impressed by.

  3. Some of the boobs on those channels should not be seen by any man, let alone broadcast on TV. Some truly horrific enhancements, that look like they've been done by a butcher rather than a surgeon.


    I agree. Most of them look like the type of comedy tits you can buy from a joke shop. They all have really nice big arses though.

  4. They do hate each other, but its all done for a payday. Like worked shoots on camera. You tell your real feelings, you have a real argument, you personally attack each other and when someone gives you the sign behind the camera, go into work mode. They are both so desperate at this stage in the game because all their luxury bookings have been wasted and they are scraping by due to lack of interest that they'll do anything now. Its a bloke with one eye and brain damage arguing with a bloke with no teeth who's lost 100 pounds in the last year. They are knackered.

    it's always fascinated me that people can put real problems aside or weave them into a pro wrestling angle, i love it when the line is blurred and New Jack (as much as he's hated) does it as good as anyone, it's hard to tell if he's working or shooting, i think it's gotten to the point where i don't think he even knows anymore.


    I'll watch that outta morbid curiosity...Balls Mahoney is a fucking mess though, has any of the ECW-alumni fallen as far as Balls? Raven's a mess but he's got nothing on Balls, poor fucker.


    Ironically, Raven's a mess because he came off drugs. That's why he's put on so much weight. Face wise, I think he looks dreadful just because of all the previous drug problems he had have caught up with him. Saying that, WCW Raven is barely recognisable to the Raven of today.

  5. Just watched A Touch Of Cloth. The jokes were pretty formulaic but still managed to raise a laugh. On another note, from the adverts I could've sworn that it was James Nesbitt playing the lead. Sorry, John Hannah. :(


    Caught up with this last night. As you say, a few things in there that raised a laugh.


    As comedy police procedurals about a mid-life crisis murder squad DI with personal demons paired with a fast-rising young female partner go, however, it wasn't a patch on Vexed.


    Yes, I love this programme. Toby Stephens is such a phenomenal comedic actor. He can say one simple word and make it ludicrously funny. His new partner Georgie is terrific as well. It's been a while since I watched the first series, but I think this series may be better than that. I've heard ratings wise it's not doing too well, so I would imagine that might go against it getting a third series.

  6. Stephen Graham's not that menacing in Snatch. I want to watch that thing he was in with Sean Bean the other week. My idiot brother-in-law had a funny drunken rant about it. Being working-class and learning disabled, he was very offended that Bean -- a bloke he'd previously have had in his "firm" if he was making a British film -- was dressing up like a faggot. His favourite on Big Brother is Julian Clary, so it's not blanket hatred of gays, I think it was that Sean Bean pulled the wool over his eyes by not being queer in other things.


    I watched a wee bit of the Sean Bean transvestite thing you're talking about. I turned it off just before Stephen Graham's character went into the flat with him. I was expecting Graham to batter him in a very sadistic way inside. I wasn't in the mood to watch that, that night.


    I agree with what you're saying Magnum. In Heat De Niro's crew are cool as fuck, sort of like the cool heel ala Austin. Stephen Graham and his mob in Good Cop are like 1991 Jake the Snake. Utterly vile.

  7. The Richest Professional Wrestlers In The World Named - The Rock Tops List


    CelebrityNetworth.com has published an article listing the richest professional wrestlers in the world, with figures acquired from all publicly available information including salaries, real estate holdings, divorces, record sales, royalties and endorsements. The estimated net worths come from a formula that takes out taxes, manager

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