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Big Bully Busick

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Posts posted by Big Bully Busick

  1. Dino Bravo never used to fucking lose. I think between 1986 and 1990 he must have lost about 5 times.



    This used to fuck me right off,i mean he is the worst fucking Wrestler ever i swear


    But Butch how nice was it when he finally started to get pinned often on TV?

  2. Where is that shite news piece from? Calling someone a "faggot" is completely unacceptable. Fuck all this "in 1995 this wouldn't have mattered" bollocks. Wrestling is supposed to be a good night out. The idea that wrestlers aren't allowed to call people a "faggot" is evidence of how you can't define what a heels role is is fucking idiocy. That isn't getting heat and if you are so quick to use words like that without thinking then you shouldn't be representing the promotion anyway.


    I like Bully and all that, but the backlash over "PC going mad" that the internet is giving off is daft. He did wrong so he should apologise. He's way better than to use words like that to get over. He's a excellent heel without it.



    Agreed,its cheap Heat and he like you say is so much better than that.

    I really enjoy Bully but i hope he does not end up getting dragged down by the Aces and Eights.

    Right now i think as the President of the group he should stand out more from the others

    Like having different if only slightly wrestling gear from the rest of the group and a different theme(again only slight changes needed)


    This is Bullys time and i hope they get it right

  3. Random question: What's the smallest arena the WWE have held a PPV at since say, 1997 (apart from the ECW One Night Stands)?


    It's not a quiz question or anything, I'm just genuinely interested.


    Ground Zero in 1997 was at the Louisville Gardens, which is 6,000 capacity. Since then, the only PPVs I can see in a venues below 10,000 are is James Brown Arena in Atlanta (December to Dismember. For full-blown WWE shows it would probably be Fully Loaded 98 which is a little over 10,000 for basketball.


    Though if Lister is around you will get a quick answer in any thread :D

  4. Am I right in thinking this is Arn Anderson, Chris Jericho, Gregory Helms and Christian?





    And what gave that away? The fact that Arn Anderson, Chris Jericho, Gregory Helms and Christian are standing in the picture? :rolleyes:



    Tbf its a very random group to see together

    I can see why you would ask

  5. Noble really was quite good wasnt he

    He did the indy style perfectly and adapted to WWE's stlye with ease

    Looking back him and Nidia were a very entertaining pair


    Anyone know if he is back full time?

  6. The Xi division has a good back catalogue of former stars they can pull out when they need to. Kid Kash has been great value since coming back, for example.


    I am surprised they can't find more good young talent though - WWE can't be signing THAT many cruisers up.



    For me i cant think of a guy that has improved more with age

    Very intense in the ring these days,a decent promo and has tightened up so much from his ECW days

    I used to think he was sloppy as f**k but thats all changed


    I agree about how WWE really cant be signing up everyone Cruiser wise,which is why i was ait shocked at what TNA brought in for that last tourney

  7. Id rather watch him than Lars Only


    That's really not saying much. Lars Only is less watchable than prolapse. The only way he could ever possibly be entertaining is if Brock Lesnar literally, not metaphorically, LITERALLY murdered him in the middle of the ring.


    Tbh the guys they brought in for the X division were mostly shite bar Kenny King and Rubix


    Didn't Zema Ion come in with that wave? He's one of the best they've brought in.


    Im not a huge watcher of the indys but were these guys the best TNA could find?


    I'm not a big indie watcher, and I really don't know why they don't bring in Adam Pearce.



    Id love to watch Brock mess his shit up,Zack Gowen style


    Adam Pearce should have some kinda job in the big 2 ,i mean they both have ALOT worse under contract


    Zima came in the year before did he not? i may be wrong but i thought he put Football boy out of action before Lars and Co came in

  8. Look who's back:

    Former WWE announcer Todd Pettingill, who later became a pretty well known radio personality in New York, is returning to host a Best of In Your House DVD set.


    Nice one, what does he look like these days?


    Metrosexual as fuck - someone posted a pic of him as he is now on the "Random Photo" thread.


    He looked like a Bulgarian hairdresser

    I hope WWE make him lose the Blonde


    Ill be buying the DVD so be good to see him on my screen again

  9. I'd be happy if someone opened a thread every week for Impact, but it's nice to also have a general discussion thread. I also don't think the show's lost its buzz at all, I think it's really good at the moment - the right mix of good wrestling, silly melodrama, fit birds and a bit of comedy.


    I don't mind Chavo, he's a good hand and sold nicely for TNA's finest.


    When's the next PPV? Interested to see how they do their first long build.



    10th March i think,Lockdown

  10. I don't blame Chavo for ripping off Eddy's moves - it's probably the only way he'll ever be over nowadays. It's actually surprising just how schizophrenic the crowd seem to be, booing him for most of his match, but then suddenly popping when he stands on the top turnbuckle pointing to the sky.


    I know what you mean, that's what I was saying about him using Eddies memory and cheap pops rather than being over on his own merit. He is capable in-ring, just has absolutely no charisma of his own. Must be hard living in the huge shadow of a much better and much loved family member, whilst still trying to get over on your own.


    Only time I was genuinely interested in Chavo for Chavo was when he was Kerwin White. That was a surprisingly good gimmick, and I would've loved to see that play out.






    Cmon i hate Chavo as much as the next guy but this was Gold looking back

  11. I alwas used to think she looked well skanky when she first started wrestling but god knows what it is,since the Summerslam promo vids id say

    Ive looked at her differently and she is a good looking girl


    Your right thought,WWE have a lot more Divas that could have taken her place on that list


    Joey Styles slipping her One? :confused:

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