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Posts posted by kamicazze

  1. Roman is the boss and I'm glad he's still champion.

    Yes we've missed out on 3 incredible moments wirh Drew, Sami and Cody all Dalling short yet for me as who lapsed as a fan just before covid and only sporadically tune in - those 3 stories were strong enough to get me invested in as is the bloodline story without them.

    If Drew beat Roman in September, we don't get the Sami or Cody chase.

    And that's all i want from wrestling, something to be invested in and a reason to have hope. 

    They pulled it back after Drew and pulled it back after Sami.... 

  2. Bit of a glaring omission by DAZN to not do a lead up program like all access or 24/7 in the lead up to this. Matchroom do the production in the UK so any content is down to them though globally it's on DAZN, and I can't help feeling people would have bought into this more if they had a few episodes like such. They've done story so far which is just little recaps of the previous bouts. 

  3. Paddy and Molly to head over stateside to fill ppv cards was mentioned in their post fight presser. Surely there's scope for them being ppv stars here? Had the aspinall train not been so cruelly derailed then he could have been headlining for title shots with till and the Liverpool contingent filling the card.


    Strange. I don't think Paddy troubles any of the top 15 nor Molly get into the top 5. Even so they're good charismatic characters, and as annoying as they are they deliver some good messages. 

  4. The show was great for me. It just felt a bit of a slog to get through. That may be though as I normally squeeze in a nap though this time I soldiered through it which did have me clock watching. I imagine an 8pm start time in USA would make it far more palatable. 

    I've long not seen what people see in Eddie Kingston. From poor ring gear to poor shape, yet I'm invested now. His promos have pulled me in, his gimmick has. I'd still like to see the gear and look improved, yet he's doing enough in my eyes inspite of it. Jericho has really got himself in shape recently too. Enjoyable match, and it's nice to see Jericho doing an enhancement job where a win over him means something as opposed to losing all the time where it didn't matter.

    CM Punk vs MJF. Brilliant. Punk is a master story teller. His love letters to wrestlers of the past are great and long my they continue. The Wardlow turn at the end was done expertly too and kept MJF strong. Punk is the MVP of AEW for me.

    Danielson and Moxley was all kinds of fun and differently paced to the rest of the show. Great to see Regal come out and can't wait to see where they go with this.

    Young bucks was their usual fun match. Always a fun watch, and nice to see Jurassic Express run continue although i expect it to be ended in the not too distant future.

    Cargill has really improved. Britt Baker has lost a bit of momentum now, her feud with thunder rosa would have benefitted if Rosa would have got a crew and they could have done some 3 on 3's. Decent match although not their best.

    Page and Cole had such a difficult time following everything else. They did an okay job and Page's run goes on. None of his defences have really captured the imagination though, this one seemed like it had the backstory. Yet Kingston and Jericho had me far more invested with only a few weeks of build. 

    That Ricky starks bump in the ladder match looked nasty. Not sure Wardlow was the right choice of winner - the beauty of a ladder match is people can lose without looking weak. Yet booking Wardlow after this could be a conundrum. Where does Keith Lee fit in AEW too? It's very talent heavy with everyone booked well thought there's only so much TV time.

    I fell asleep for a large chunk of the tornado trios match so missed it. I've seen highlights, Sting is 63 years old this month! 63!!!!!! The guy is truly an icon and is highlighting the missed opportunities WWE had with him. We should have got Sting vs Taker. He feels a special attraction wrestling at the minute, he still bumps yet the tag matches also make his appearances entertaining. Expert use of a legend. 

    As mentioned with the bloated roster, there's potential for further debuts too with Jeff Hardy and Gargano being rumoured in the not too distant future. The ROH situation will be so important now. At the same time the bloated roster allows rotation and for everyone to feel fresh. 
    Really hope AEW come to the UK this year. 

  5. In fairness British boxing doesn't have many of the characters David mentions. It's overly regulated. 

    To the point where people who are let out early on good behaviour don't get licensed until their whole sentence is up. Further to this if the boxing boards don't want to be associated with the crime e.g. manslaughter, murder- said people won't get licensed no matter how reformed they are.

    Of course there's unlicensed boxing. Yet no ones sneaking in amateur or pro.

    MMA is a whole different kettle of fish. As u regulated as wrestling.

  6. What a great return. The entrance alone was worth it, a run in would have ruined that entrance.

    Promo was great, from the heart and he said he's got some stories to tell though he has time. Draws the audience in for future. Particularly liked that he wished he'd had those guys around him 10 years ago, but they're there now.

    This is a bit of a game changer. The guy walked out of the other place and they couldn't entice him back. He wouldn't come back to the business let alone them and here he is. Makes AEW feel big time.


    Plus does it pave the way for AJ Lee to join the women's division.

  7. What would Punks character even be? The pissed off guy trying to get some recognition ahead of part timers wouldn't go over so well unless he's heel, straight edge heel opposite Page?

    Punks one of my all time faves yet I don't see a place for him where he actually improves it. I may be wrong mind, I wasn't optimistic about the dark order, thought they'd made numerous errors with other characters such as brodie Lee, matt Hardy, FTR and so on to be proven wrong each time. 

  8. Add me to the list of people who are enjoying wrestling more than they have done in years. AEW is killing it week in week out. I remember early doors their target audience was the lapsed fan who used to love the product. Imagine how big the viewership would be if they could somehow attract the lapsed fan, as once they're in they'll stay in. 

    I went to Wrestlemania in 2019 and 2017, though I am now completely tuned out of the product with the exception of the big 4 PPV's. What I've seen of Romans great though I just can't watch that either. 

    Thank heavens for AEW or I'd be a lapsed wrestling fan. 

    Adam Page - What a story. Story telling 101, and it's original. So much of it's been done on BTE yet it's still over. Kenny Omega has been great ever since being heel. The Young Bucks ooze heel characteristics, and remain heel despite high spots. 

    Darby Allin has the same sort of charisma as an early Jeff Hardy did. Eccentric, crazy, enigmatic with loads of charisma. I can't help thinking he won't have a long career though it'll be fun no doubt. 

    I don't hate Cody as much as most. He's done a lot more good work in AEW than bad, it's just the more recent stuff has been energy draining, plus beating Ogogo clean was an annoyance. When he's on though, he's great. I quite liked Blacks promo, likening Anderson to a useless old horse. Made sense to me, and the 'I hoped you'd say that' - superb.

    Miro is a specimen. Great on the show. 

    Hope Jericho and MJF pay off will be worth the build. 

    Christian and Matt Hardy didn't fill me with joy. Both had good runs in Impact, though it felt like the b players in great tag teams squaring off. There's definitely a place for them in AEW mind. Loved the small detail of jungle boy at the end. 

    Britt Baker is the best promo in all womens wrestling worldwide. No one comes close and she smashed it. It was pointless cutting to Nyla and Vickie in the back, it felt like a child trying to get the last word in when they've already been disciplined.

    Moxley has put a little weight on during his time off with the baby. And why not, has to enjoy those moments with his family. I like the idea of other promotions titles being defended. It keeps AEW titles prestigious and also adds value to the contest at hand. Archer next though.

    Ricky starks was so over. I can't get into Sammy Guevera at the moment, he doesn't feel like he's close to any title, he doesn't have a meaty feud so just treading water. 

    Is Rampage another 2 hour show or is it 1 hour? Is there a concept behind it? Part of the reason i tuned out of WWE was a too much content made everything have less value so hopefully this works to the point i want to watch it. I like the idea i can miss Dark & Elevation and it have no impact on me following stories

  9. 4 hours ago, Mr Butternut Squash said:


    Wow. If this sticks then surely Mero'd in record time.

    I had no idea Scarlett wrestled too. Like a broken clock, maybe Vince is right on this one.

    Looks like the create a wrestler when you'd just started if and your mum calls you down saying your dinners ready, so you've saved your half assed job.

  10. if ever something needed a documentary on it to raise awareness this is it. Not for us, as us being on here makes us aware. For the people who take their children to these wrestling schools, the familys who watch these wrestlers at holiday camps & just to shine a light on the issues that have happened. 

    That said - it feels like it could fall the same way as many things in modern society where there's a massive uproar, followed by it being forgotten (BLM, Sarah Everard to name a few) about until the next thing to be upset to cause that uproar a few months later. The proof will be in the pudding later this year. 

  11. Looks legit. Mike Coppinger who is normally quite clued up as mentioned it too.

    Doesn't fill the void though. There's a fightzone app at the moment doing boxing from car parks. Hennessy is with C5 & Warren BT. 

    I've read that they'll be working with a few promoters across the country and pick up decent looking shows too. They'll have to build stars all over again.

    MTK was my original guess given the names under the umbrella though word is Sky won't work with them due to the criminal connections. So I imagine Sauerland will be one of the promoters. Outside of that maybe the Mcguigans, Carl Greaves, Sanigar, Steve Wood, Tommy Owens etc. 

    If all are given 2-3 shows each that can be their big shows that year where they showcased their top talent. It'll be hard now to keep any fighters showing promise out the clutches of DAZN and BT. 

  12. In the wrestling threads they've mentioned how Tony Khan is killing it when paying for licenses. Shows how big a thing ring music is. 

    Nathan Heaneys choice of ring walk music may take him to a world title. The guys a star and who wouldn't want to go follow that? Warren will.guide him up the WBO rankings and get him a vacant shot against someone at the bet365 stadium.

    Humble lad though

  13. On 5/23/2021 at 7:54 PM, Kamaras-Tash said:

    Watched the new Bisping documentary last night and it's well worth a watch, touches upon stuff most of us would know already but I love the guy so could listen to him for hours. I never knew he only had 1 eye for so long though, I remember seeing that clip posted on here of him popping out his eye but though it was more of a recent thing

    The BT one?

  14. That episode was truly grim. My partner loves crime documentaries and loves dark side of the ring though this one was on a much darker level than previous ones. 

    They only quickly brushed on all the topics too and this could have easily been 2 hours. 

    It's crazy at the end they still had fondness for the man.

    Somehow they managed to end it on a positive too. 

    Grizzly though- horrible horrible man 

  15. Add me to the list of people who got completely pulled in to the Jungle Boy win. It just felt when it came to the last 3 that Matt Hardy and Christian had more story's happening. Christian with his pursuit of the belt and being a new signing, and money Matt so I just felt deflated thinking he won't be winning this one. How wrong I was. Reminded me why I watch wrestling. sucked me in and made me genuinely care about a result. 

    I thought the facial expressions on Mox face following the double superkick. The entrance was great and the Bucks are superb as heels.

    Britt Baker - she'll take that division to the next level no doubt. Solid matches, great character.

    Didn't buy that Omega would drop the match at any point, even so what a match. Everyone came out of it looking strong. Pac screams championship material to me at some point, just where does he even fit in that bracket?

    Miro - Archer was a fun big man match. 

    Sting/Darby vs Sky/Page was fun. Sting showed he can still go somewhat and Darby is a star in the making. Sky & Page don't do much for me.

    Adam Page is the next star isn't he. The crowd makes you see it even more. Not sure what's happening with Cage's FTW belt though. 

    Ogogo vs Cody was a disappointment. Given the build of Ogogo and the character work he's done on twitter, he should have won this easily. Writing was on the walls with the patriotic weekend and the american dream gig though. Ogogo seems out of place in the stable though, he'd be far better aligned with Pac and some other peeved off yank hating brits.

    Stadium Stampede - fun match. Not as good as last years though last year was a result of circumstance where this years would have been appreciated if the whole thing took place in front of a live crowd. Even so, enjoyable. Some really cool moments such as Spears in the room full of chairs. Thought Sammy would turn on the inner circle so was surprised when he wasn't. 

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