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Tim R-T-C

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Posts posted by Tim R-T-C

  1. Glad to see Kirby so high, I think he has probably suffered the most of all the wrestlers involved from the decline of PW101 as Gauntley really wanted to push him. While a good wrestler in the smaller comedy matches, he has so much talent that it is a shame to see him wasted on these.

  2. Some well earned places.


    T-Bone crops up all over the place, partly because it is his ring that a lot of the wrestling promotions use, but he certainly doesn't just use this to wangle himself a spot on the card and looks better every time I see him.

  3. The most insane of the most insane matches ever staged - Drake Younger takes on Thumbtack Jack in a grotty garage in wasteland somewhere in Germany in a match that features a razor blade chair, a whip of barbed wire, a hacksaw, an electric drill (seriously) and a box full of syringes.



    Holy shit, I'm going to have to find that match in full!


    It was released as part of a Drake Younger 2-disc set from Smart Mark Video, so it is out there.

  4. Love the Myatt pic!


    I really enjoyed the PW101 Myatt/Sykes storyline, one of the best storylines I have seen in my limited Brit-wres experience and the two had amazing chemistry. The post doesn't even mention the contract signing brawl the night before the PW101 Doncaster show which was excellently handled.

  5. Don't think this has been posted. WXW Saw Deathmatch, highlights video.


    The most insane of the most insane matches ever staged - Drake Younger takes on Thumbtack Jack in a grotty garage in wasteland somewhere in Germany in a match that features a razor blade chair, a whip of barbed wire, a hacksaw, an electric drill (seriously) and a box full of syringes.


    Seriously not suitable for work, or anyone who has eaten recently or anyone with good taste...



  6. Am I the only one who worries that taking photos of Robbie X during a match might lead to you getting your hard drive searched by the Old Bill?


    He certainly has good potential and working well on general wrestling moves, not just high flying.

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