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Retro Red

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Posts posted by Retro Red

  1. To all these Two Doctors theories then, that means two Tardis's as well? Also, two Rory & Amys as well.


    I'm thinking back to the film The Prestige (spoilers I guess) where the twins lived one life, even down to one cutting his finger off when the other lost his in an accident so as not to drop the illusion. Doctor knows he is dying, doctor concocts the plan to have a second doctor to even his odds but to not give the game away they co-exist as one, the other hiding off. I guess we're going to find out this weekend one way or another :)

  2. Stupid as it sounds, the only thing I couldn't get my head around last weeks ep. Was when they tried to make James Cordon into a new cyberleader. "No way a cyberman torso can fit over that fat bastard" I thought.

    But reading some of the theories, I'm going with the two doctors one, I kept thinking the rubix cube was some clue to something


    I think we're going to find out that there's been 2 doctors this whole back six. 1 with the trenchcoat and one with the tweed jacket, alternating episodes.

  3. Does any one notice that the Doctor ate an apple? He hates apples? Loves Fish Fingers and Custard.

    in The Eleventh Hour when he was trying out all the food at the Pond's, he ate an apple and spat it out because it was disgusting due to the new mouth and new tastes. But here he ate an apple and seemed fine with it.


    Maybe the regeneration process temporarily fucked up his taste buds? I haven't seen him eat fish fingers and custard since then!

    Someone maybe able to expand on this, but I have a feeling he did. I really can't quite place it, was he ill in an episode or nearly dying?


    Has anyone tried fish fingers and custard?


    It was referenced again in "Let's Kill Hitler", the automated response hologram took little Amy's form and to give him some hope said "Fish Fingers and Custard". It's not confirmed if he had a bowlful afterwards but I'd wager he didn't.

  4. Rita would have made a good future assistant if not for the whole dying thing.


    I still think Sally Sparrow from the episode Blink would of made a great companion I really think they missed an opportunity with her.


    Carey Mulligan headed to Hollywood pretty soon after though so I don't think it would have been an option.

  5. "Get in the cupboard, Hitler!"


    Rory gets more kick-ass by the week.


    Best line of the episode, maybe the season.


    "Can you ride a motorbike?"


    "I expect so, it's that sort of day"

  6. Didn't Moffat say a while back that this series wouldn't feature any of the old Dr. Who monsters and would consist entirely of new monsters?

    It may depend just how he worded it I read that these Cybermen are all new Cybermen they are not the Cybermen from the original show and they are not Cybermen from "Pete's World" so technically you could say they are a new monster/villain


    I don't know how true that is though.



    I think that the Cybermen, Silurians, etc will be gangers, hence they'll be "new monsters" even though they are still old ones.

  7. Despite having that pretentious weasel-faced arse goblin Joss Stone voicing a character and singing the theme, I really loved the latest bond game 007:Blood Stone


    I'm also trying to go through some old games that I just didn't get round to at the time, Condemned 2 at the moment.

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