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Posts posted by bobbins

  1. Was a lovely easy going fella, and my God, did he love NJPW back in the day (early to mid 2000s) no matter how much Makai Club type nonsense existed.


    Haha I forgot about that, his love for New Japan bordered on the psychotic. That commitment and faith and positivity was a great aspect of his personality from the little I knew him. He was so laid back and easy to be around. Lovely guy. Heartbreaking news.

  2. You and others seem to think I think I'm more intelligent than everyone, that really isn't the case


    Oh I can assure you that it definitely not the case, I think most people here are aware you're a complete dribbling idiot with thesaurus.com as your homepage. Air Raid summed it up when he alluded to your 'pseudo-intelligence'. Your comment in this thread was designed to troll and incite a backlash for you to act outraged about, congratulations it worked. It also clearly shows you for the hypocrite that you are, but it worked. You try to give the illusion of elitist brain power by constantly throwing out 'cognitive dissonance' and generally talking down to people, calling them idiots or dismissing their argument as invalid without properly addressing it however it all just rings really false. It rings false because you are just as guilty of the cognitive dissonance that you so love to wield like a 15 year old trying to show off but fail you a) exhibit hypocrisy of the highest order, and b) because you carry yourself like such an whiny elitist arsehole.


    Add to that, lets not forget that you're the guy taking this way too seriously, as much as you protest that it isn't the case. 'This' being football discussion on a wrestling forum on the internet. Try to have a little perspective, chill out, and stop being a bitch.


    Calmer than you are.

  3. Stop drawing attention to yourself, stop throwing a wobbler everytime someone makes a smart-Alec comment, give them one back instead (you might even enjoy it)

    I don't take this forum seriously and I'm perfectly calm thanks, no danger of a breakdown. I used to respond to all smart-Alec comments with one of my own until they became too numerous to keep up with. You give a smart-alec response and get piled on. Obv I'm not too big to resort to name-calling and sarcasm, I shouldn't have implied that.


    Interesting though isn't it? Stand up for yourself and you're the monkey that reacts to being poked with the stick. Take your medicine and be a good little victim, make sure your opinions fit. It's a shame it has to be like that, because it's a reflection of how society's going. (I know, too serious.)


    You and others seem to think I think I'm more intelligent than everyone, that really isn't the case, but I think it sucks when people try and invalidate a viewpoint because it doesn't fit in within the accepted parameters.

  4. Calling people dipshits and the like whilst throwing a paddy after being called a cunt

    Hey Butchi, here's a real good example of that cognitive dissonance. See it was perfectly justifiable to call me a cunt, because I threw a paddy afterwards. See how it works?


    Although "but if you can refrain from calling me a cunt, it'd be appreciated" is hardly throwing a paddy, and I'm only calling people dipshits now that I've finally had enough.

  5. Oh, do shut up.

    I think I have a right to defend myself when I'm constantly being ripped by the clique of neil-wannabe dipshits.


    I'm all for a bit of flippancy, but this place used to be mixed with other stuff too. The pack mentality now is just stunning. Personally I find the social behavioural element of this stuff interesting, sorry if you don't. I think it's a direct result of LOL-LET'S-MAKE-NEIL-A-MOD-LOL. Now that the pack has decided that I'm fair game for being ripped on, it's open season, and thanks for joining in.


    You have to admit that it must be hard to be an "alright poster" when you're constantly on the defense. I can't post anything without being jumped on. Look back over the last month since I've come back from being suspended, the vast majority of abuse headed my way, I've not responded to, just reported and tried to get on with posting normally. But I'm not prepared to be bullied off the forum, just because it's been decided that I'm not in with the cool kids any more.


    And I'm sure everyone will respond with, "self-pitying scouser" or an irreverent picture, or "shut up, you're boring" or more of these classic avoidance tactics.

  6. Someone's got a subscription to the Readers Digest, I see.


    We used to get it here, although I never bothered with "Improve your wordpower" as I preferred the crappy inspirational stories. There was one once about a coach of Alabama's College Football team and his son had Down Syndrome. And it was all very heartwarming.

    Don't be shy, just ask. ;)


    One example of cognitive dissonance is when people try and justify behaviour in themselves that they would normally be opposed to, or consider themselves opposed to within their own mind. The conflict created when you behave in a certain way (say for example making racist jokes, making allusions about black people being monkeys) that you would normally oppose (say by being outraged at a footballer being charged with racist abuse) so you have to justify it to yourself by crouching the racist joke or allusion under the guise of "this is what a racist person, or someone who is perceived to be defending a racist would say lol" in order to reduce the dissonance in your mind. And when that person presents themselves and actually believes that they're taking the moral high ground and fighting a crusade against that behaviour, even the mock-racist behaviour itself is considered within their own mind to be part of that moral fight against racism, the dissonance is incredible. It takes a special kind of idiot to be that hypocritical. But for someone else to come along and do the same thing even AFTER I've pointed out the flaw in the thinking, you need to be Pitcos-level stupid.

  7. Seriously though, if the colour and lighting isn't up to scratch when I'm trying to get off on some rape fantasies, it goes instantly flaccid. I finish anyway, as a self-loathing tear drips down my cheek, but it's like trying to squeeze the last bit of toothpaste out of the limp tube.

  8. Yep. From what I'm given to understand, the Government has around three months to get some form of guarantee from Jordan that he won't be tortured if he's deported and that torture-derived information won't be used against him. If they don't then he can't be deported and his bail conditions over here will have passed, making him a free man. They'd better get to work.

    I think the judge said he would "relax" the bail conditions after 3 months. I'm sure that means he'd still be under whatever they're calling control orders now. Curfew, very limited communication, heavily monitored.

  9. Has David been banned or something? I've not seen him post in a while and he's one of my favourite posters.


    Hes suspended for 90 days.

    I wondered what happened to the forum content. This is what happens when decent posters get outweighed by dribbling spackers. I disagree with David all the time, but at least he's capable of forming opinions and discussing them. It's a celebration of stupidity to ban the guy that can string a couple of paragraphs together.

  10. Germaine couldn't even be bothered to say anything controversial. It was basically Sayeeda Warsi farting on about the Queen's yacht for hours and being completely economically illiterate, while Caroline Lucas destroyed the useless Blairite Twigg and imperial throwback Torygraph toff with a bit of Keynes.


    Warsi thought that a "grown-up debate" about airport expansion could ignore the teeny factor of carbon emissions.

  11. I was wondering about that, bobbins, if you were told anything regarding your suspension. Was it a case of just not being able to log in one day? Did you get a PM on your return to explain things?

    A PM from Neil titled YO ASS GOT ICED, message saying "Chosen by Pitcos. Sorry bro." appeared when I logged in. Couldn't reply, just had to log out, clear cookies and search for what it was about. Quite the tragic heartbreaking Christmas tale imo.
  12. False dichotomy? Don't be such a pretentious wanker. You're the one pigeon-holing every argument into black and white so that you can then hide in the shades of grey and act like you're the misunderstood intellectual here.

    :laugh: Hide?

    You're making sweeping statements that it was just a pile on with everyone picking on the slow kid but the thread just doesn't read like that.

    There is something wrong with you if you go back to that thread, read up to the mod challenge and think it's anything other than everyone picking on the slow kid. Exactly what was it, if not that? I know there's mass hysteria about "bullying", and I think that's why everyone's getting so defensive, that's why I tried to use less loaded words. I don't think it's some great crime, it goes on all the time, no big deal, and it's the nature of internet forums. But don't try and deny what it was. Don't worry I'm not going to start a Daily Mail witchhunt about internet bullying.

    Of course, all of your white knighting would actually be a lot more credible if you had said anything about it at the time, but no your written displeasure comes after you got suspended at the request of the person who won the challenge. Didn't see you chiming in while it was all going on, and you were certainly posting in the forum while the thread was active so please don't pretend that this is all from a lofty position of disapproval, rather than one of sour grapes.

    I click on very few threads on here. That was never likely to be one of them. I only found it when trying to figure out why I'd been suspended. If it'd been in a thread that was genuinely funny and in good spirits (rather than the slightly nasty one I found), then I probably wouldn't have bothered raising the issue of whether it's a good use of mod powers to suspend people randomly for a laugh, even though it's probably still an issue worth raising. Do I have to be from a lofty position of disapproval or sour grapes, or can I be somewhere in between, or indeed neither?

    What did you do eat a dictionary? Grow up woy saved a thread you got the hump because of the suspension. It's a forum on the Internet it is not to be taken seriously. I think I may haveeven said thank you for my new name. Did I feel bullied, no because it means nothing it's a name. The mods do a good job. You have the hump and are trying to be a white knight to a known spacker.

    I don't have the hump, shit poster, just asking a question.
  13. Bobbins the hero protecting the less fortunate people blah blah blah. Fuck off bobbins you have got the arse because the king got to use the ban hammer on you. The mods are having a laugh a joke they have a sense of humour. They changed my name to shit poster from the forbidden name but it's funny you just have to embrace it, it's the Internet stop taking it so seriously.

    How marvellous, another applicant for my false dichotomy case study.
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