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Posts posted by Slapnuts

  1. So what do we reckon may go down tonight? 


    I reckon we could get a title change on the women's championship. Sasha going over. The "Raw after mania crowd" would eat that up!


    With the weird ass booking from Mania, I can't really guess much more than that :D


    I'd like to see something revolving around this Balor/Bullet Club that people seems to be hoping for

  2. This year they are actually putting effort into establishing feuds and angles even if they are getting so so results.


    I would've agreed with you here, up until they booked the IC ladder multi-man match! A fued over the IC with KO vs Zayn would've felt like a much bigger deal in my eyes.

    As soon as Dolph interrupted Owens I let out the biggest sigh ever, and I don't mind Dolph at all. I just wanted a grudge match over the IC title is all.


    .There is such a thing as a password reminder.  Still it makes up for Slapnuts Slapnut cancelling his every month after the free trial.


    I actually forgot to cancel it last month so they've finally had some money from me.  I'm mortified!


    Fixed. Don't tar me with that brush!


    WWE’s flagship show averaged 3.724 million viewers this week on February 29.

    • First Hour: 3.961 million viewers (4.201 million last week)
    • Second Hour:  3.660 million viewers (4.055 million last week)
    • Third Hour: 3.551 million viewers (3.396 million last week



    Are there any theories as to why that third hour always see's a drop in figures?


    I get three hours can be a slog but still, it seems crazy for people to be turning Raw off before seeing the end. The end (in theory) is the best bit!!

  5. Is that Mark Callaway?


    it's indeed. Didn't label it as I thought he was recognisable enough, sorry if that bike any forum rules


    I wasn't asking to be a dick sheepmask haha.

    I genuinely have never heard of the Commando character. That's a new one on me. Where did he use that? Was it for Vince? How long for?


    every time i click the "start your free month" button, rather than giving me the chance to enter new/different details, it just instantly redirects me to a page that just says "you've already had your freebie"





    This has happened to me before, are you logged in on WWE.com before you even click on the Network?



    This was it!!

    I'm now watching the network on another free trial :-)


  7. every time i click the "start your free month" button, rather than giving me the chance to enter new/different details, it just instantly redirects me to a page that just says "you've already had your freebie"




  8. Didn’t know whether to post this in the random photos thread or this one…


    Just seen an advert on the WWE home page for WrestleMania 32 with the following graphic. Check out Undertaker’s hairline! Some serious Photoshop-ing’s been going on there!




    Also, things are pretty dire in WWE land when Kofi Kingston’s being used as key talent in advertisement materials for the biggest show of the year!


    That looks like a render from 2K16 of The Undertaker


    On a different note, I've just had an email from WWE reminding/asking me to restart my Network subscription in time for TLC.

    It has Roman as the main image but I thought it was funny that in small text it just has to re-iterate that it's Roman Reigns.


    Then when searching for the url of that image to post it here, I see that which ever graphic designer within WWE made this poster has named it "_hero.jpg"



  9. Recently watched Mania XX and I completely forgot that Undertaker Vs Kane was given the "dead slot" just before the main event (yep, that main event that never happened) and was only given just over 6 minutes!! Seems ludicrous. Are the any reasons/theories why Taker Vs Kane was booked so weak? 

  10. I don't often read this thread so apologies if it's already been posted but HowStuffWorks have made a "How WWE Works" video that seemingly goes behind the curtain so to speak. I'm at work and haven't watch it yet so it might be crap, baby feeding stuff but thought I'd post it just in case it's decent. I'll try and catch it on my lunch in a bit.



    What is with tubsters who would be fuck-all use in a proper fight against anyone with any training wearing these Tap Out tops? I see them in Piccadilly Gardens all the time. Proper fat bastards with tits.

    I saw three generations of a family wearing them in a Burger King in Poole.




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