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Posts posted by Seratonin

  1. Firefly Funhouse has to be the best thing about wrestling this year. So much great content goes into those short segments, and Bray has finally found his niche. Could watch them back to back for hours.

    Also loved the Big Dog parody entrance. My dogs love that tune, hell I even ripped it as my new ringtone. 

  2. I think most would agree theres not enough dives on the shows. In that Janela and Omega match I only think one, and Mox vs Pac only a few. We all saw how crazy the crowd got for those twenty or so in the Private Party matches. Overall, this is going to convince people to tune in. Also, we see a lot of bumps on the apron because they create such great impact, we know this as Twitter is always buzzing with these gifs after every Dynamite. The more of these the better.

    Another win is getting more near falls. When a wrestler performs his signature move, theres no suspense if the guy who got dropped on his head's not going to kick out. That's three seconds of lost TV, which could be space for another cool spot. Deffo get some blinders going with two or three One Winged Angels to secure the pin. Everybody loves those moves, so why not have more of them.


  3. I liked the end of that match since The Fiend didn't take a loss, and it adds an edge to Seth's character. Good character development is going to lead to more buys and the more people talking about the finish the more WWE will get back to watch for the rematch. Seth got shitloads of heat for this and that's the aim behind it. 😎

  4. I think WWE is laughing right now because of Omega's cocky comments, set himself up for a big fall there. Swagger Jagger at least has a size advantage and someone who looks like could be a star with some build up as a heel.

    But wasn't this their best chance to make a great impression? Ratings for the introduction shows are usually much higher like we saw with NXT. Imagine if their next show has 30% less viewers. Ratings matter and it'll be interesting to see where we are in six months.

    Watched in full this morning and I'll let you make your own mind up how I got it.

  5. 1 hour ago, Chris B said:

    Wrestling fans: "I can't wait to support this new company!"

    AEW: "Okay, just pay a quid an episode or watch our free viewing!"

    Wrestling fans: "Fuck you, losers, I'll stream it. Don't you realise how much I want to watch it?"

    AEW: "If more people watch, we'll probably get a better timeslot!"

    Wrestling fans: "Ha, losers. Anyone got a stream link?"

    Just don't admit on UKFF you're streaming and it'll be OK. ☺️😎

  6. 3 hours ago, Polish Dad said:

    I don't think it's that unreasonable, considering you can use Messenger to make calls. I currently work in non-wrestling events and I use messenger for everything instead of giving my number out. It allows me to screen messages/calls and keep a better separation between my work & my home life. Plus my house doesn't get mobile signal but I have WiFi, so it's generally more reliable for contact with me.

    What if the net/services are down, live in a lesser covered area? Its at least a good alternative.

  7. 7 hours ago, IANdrewDiceClay said:

    Fight work rate pervs with workrate pervs I say. If you want to truly damage AEW's audience, send over the likes of Zayn, Owens, Cesaro, maybe even Bryan to NXT. Its hardly a demotion when its Network TV.

    I doubt they would even have to try that hard.

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