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Posts posted by GalaxyV.2

  1. The Firm - not much to say really other than, it's just another football hooligan film. I don't think it had the impact of other movies but it looked nice and for some reason i get a kick out of these kind of movies (as do a lot of other people). The film follows basic hooligan film themes, but i'd recommend it if you like this kind of thing. I need to get to watching the original TV movie now. Oh, and this was my second Nick Love film, it didnt offend me like his films does other people...although, after watching the making of. i kind of see why people hate him...just a loud mouthed, swearing cockney.


    Completley disagree. Its an excellent Hooligan film as it doesn't look at the fights as much as how this boy is drawn into it and why. Reminded me of Goodbye Charlie Brights, Loves excellent debut film. I think Love has managed to avoid falling into the sort of shit gangster films that he could have. Bar Outlaw, his films are all enjoyable, very stylish with a superb attention to detail.

  2. He pulled out against Wladamir because he broke his hand, plus he wasn't at that time a Heavyweight Champion. Now he is so he is entitled to more of a say in the fight. The Klitchsko's are dodging Haye imo, quite why I'm not sure as it would actually add something to the Heavyweight Division which has been so lacking.


    For Haye, Harrison was the only 'big, money spinning' fight he could go for at this time, hence why its happening.

  3. Rewatched Seies 1-3 of TEACHERS on DVD. Brilliant series, highly recommended to anyone who hasn't seen it before (avoid series 4)


    Watched Nick Loves THE FIRM as well this week, great film very much like 'Goodby Charlie Bright' Love's first film. Some good performances all round and Love benefits from not having Danny Dyer around

  4. As much as I like the character of Rory, I think he has to leave in order for the Doctor-Amy relationship to continue. Not in any romance way, but I just don't think he fits in with it really.


    Great episode though, really enjoyed it

  5. Wasn't there a scene in the first episode where a young Amy is sitting in her garden during the day and the TARDIS can be heard. At first it seemed like she was dreaming, but perhaps not.

  6. Why wouldn't you care? Same with any horrific crime. Surely everyone should care.We should care about what we as a society can take from it. We should attempt to learn how people become this "evil". That's what professional people strive to do everyday. To pick up signs, to learn behaviour so that they can attempt to stop weirdo's and lunatics from commiting horrendous crimes.


    I think you've misunderstood my point and perhaps thats my fault for not making it clear. About not caring what happens to them or why they did it, I mean I see no reaosn to bang on about what I'ld do to them and what motivated them to do it etc etc because it makes not the slightest bit of difference to what they did. I feel theres a slightly apologetic strand to this thread, blaming parents and upbringing and now blaming how they were treated as children in prison. I see this as excuses that really I will never understand and I don't care WHY they did it. They did it, and no matter how long you trawl through the 'why's' you'll never find an answer. Maybe its just that I have no interest in their motivation, if you do fair enough, but thats part of the reason why my interest into what happens to them is nill, as nothing that happens to them will ever make up for what they did.

  7. We will find that out this week I assume. I remember Amy mentioning she had an Aunt in the first episode, maybe we'll find something out about that.


    I must just say the fact we're all talking about this shows just how great the first episode was.

  8. I feel very sorry for the Mother and Father and what they have gone through. What those two boys did to their son (and we have only ever heard the 'cleaned up' version) as the most horrific thing I've ever heard of, and their dignity inspite of their obvious anger is admirable. I don't give a fuck about Vennables or Thompson, I couldn't care what happens to them.


    I still maintain they should have done time in prison for it, but that didn't happen and so I understand why they have new identities, I don't see how killing them for instance rights the wrong they have done, its not going to bring that little boy back or help his Mother and Father get over their loss.


    In conclusion, as I said earlier, for me I don't give a shit what happens to them, they don't deserve my time. I can't rationalise what they did, and I never will. Blaming it on all sorts of factors to me isn't the point. No matter why they did it, they still did it. Theres no real point arguing about what was to blame, nor claim they were inherently evil as odly that somehow absolves them of blame.


    I just hope the Bulger parents can find peace one day.

  9. I remember Tennant saying he was tempted to stay because he was so impressed by what Moffat had planned, so obviously traits would be similar. Plus I see it as the Doctor getting used to what he is now, trying desperatley to be the what he used to be but failing.


    Anyway I think the last episode was just phenomenal, absolutley stunning. Hopefully it gets a really good blow off, which having seen one or two spoiler pics, it looks like it will.


    Plus will we find out who River Songs killed in this?

  10. 3 In a Bed was excellent this week purely for the ridiculousness of that snobby couple. The typical middle class alcoholic wife, and the stupid husband.


    Oh yeah Face Jacker, yay or nay?


    Yay all the way, having been a big Fonejacker fan I wondered if it would work, but in Brian Badonde he's created one of my favourite characters for quite some time

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