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Ron Simmons

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Posts posted by Ron Simmons

  1. This is the worst bout of White Knighting i've ever seen. Just give it a rest, Ron.

    I'm not "white knighting", I was pretty much just sharing what I thought. Maybe I'm overreacting, I dunno, but I still think rounding on what seems to be a child is wrong.

  2. Not that it's your business, but I'm 26. How old are you? And if you look at Heaney's facebook link he has in his sig, you'll see that he doesn't appear to be a schoolboy. And it's not as if a "group of men rounded on them to slag them off" two people did, in fact I wouldn't even say I slagged them off more a "For fucks sakes" post of resignation due to my intolerance of youtube shooters and the fact there is no such thing as a good one. But I won't mention that again lest it take off your joy joy white knight crusade to ban people telling young adults they don't like something they've made.

    It says in CJD's profile his 22.

    And his video clearly shows a 22 year old, right? In the thread he's claimed 16, on his profile he says he's 22...judging by the content of his posts and his videos he's much younger.


    And Butch, I wasn't referring to your posts. OF COURSE I'm not saying people shouldn't say that they don't like something by a younger poster, but people rounded on the two of them to belittle them which I don't think is OK at all.

  3. Stop whinging Ron, even the person who made the video is saying it's cool and he's not offended. Not everyone has chiffon skin like you.

    I'd actually typed out the post before he said that. If he's not offended then fair play to him. It doesn't make some of the initial posts any less unwarranted.

  4. They're 16 for fucks sakes, that's a young adult in my eyes. Any and all youtube shooters get shit here regardless of age, AJNumbers can attest to that. If you upload something on youtube, a public arena, and then publicise it on the forum and it's shit you should be told so. Wind your neck in and stop crying for the world.

    And how old are you? I'm dubious of his age claim, given the content of his posts and the way he looks and sounds in his video. The fact "all Youtube shooters get shit on here regardless of age" doesn't make it right. They're two school-kids, a group of men rounded on them to slag them off. I think that's pathetic personally.


    Anyway, this is decending into a thread-shit, so let's not. Nice Alex Wright video, not being a WCW viewer I've missed out on bizarro characters like this man and his gimmicks.

  5. How is putting down schoolkids 'cool' anyway?


    People have every right to leave whatever feedback they want if ANYONE posts a video online

    It wasn't constructive stuff or feeback though, was it? They're two kids, and people - as you seem to acknowledge - rounded on them to put them down. It isn't cool, that's my point. But some people seem to have some weird notion that it is.


    Awesome shoot man, we goin to film another one this week? My mum said we can use the house as her n my stepda r out must days this week.


    Pisstake surely?


    I hope so as i just lost a little bit of faith in the human race.

    So did I, but mainly because people see fit to round on and bully a couple of kids. Bravo guys, what big men you are. If they want to post Youtube videos fair enough. It's not my cup of tea, but if they enjoy doing it then why not? It's not harming anyone and they're not spamming up the topic, so leave them be.



    Well if you post a video on youtube you should expect people to respond/reply. Thought that was the whole point?


    Bully them? A bit dramatic.

    I know it's a bit mild compared to some of the things that happen on the forum, but it's still a group of men rounding on two young boys which is pretty pathetic in my opinion. Of course they're online for a response, but you know as well as I do that that's not what this is. It's a group of people trying to look cool by putting down schoolkids. Yes it's not as venomous as some posts, but comments like: "I just lost a little bit of faith in the human race" are completely unwarranted.


    Awesome shoot man, we goin to film another one this week? My mum said we can use the house as her n my stepda r out must days this week.


    Pisstake surely?


    I hope so as i just lost a little bit of faith in the human race.

    So did I, but mainly because people see fit to round on and bully a couple of kids. Bravo guys, what big men you are. If they want to post Youtube videos fair enough. It's not my cup of tea, but if they enjoy doing it then why not? It's not harming anyone and they're not spamming up the topic, so leave them be.

  8. Some of the gimmick's of the brand split era...


    - Smackdown this weekend got me thinking about this, after watching this promo I still can't believe they ran with this. Aside from the music, the White power gimmick was insanely awkward. Coach trying to put Chavo over as a cool guy whilst also disagreeing with the racism was just plain odd.


    Eugene and The Rock - People don't really speak fondly of Eugene when looking back at him, but honestly, I think the gimmick was entertaining as hell when he first debuted. This angle was great, and his whole storyline with Triple H was just excellent.


    - Had they not made this his gimmick this would have been a pretty awesome and original way to break up a tag team. As a gimmick it just didn't work for me.


    MNM - One of my favorite debuts of the past decade, they looked absolutely brilliant here.


    Simon Dean - His debut vignettes were actually pretty funny, but the gimmick just became a little grating for me once it debuted. Still, this is as fun to watch now as it was back then.


    DJ Gabriel - "Action movie-esque", in the words of Matt Striker...


    Kevin Thorn - Well,

    was probably better than the gimmick, but in these days of Twilight this probably could get pretty over. There was something darkly cool about the way they presented him, a few cheesy promos aside. A slight adaptation of this could work really well I reckon.


    - Not so much a gimmick, but a great video nonetheless.
  9. OK, well erm...Desert Strike.


    When I saw the thread I thought "oh bollocks. I hate that game."


    And went and bought it. The game has become such a bane in my life that it's actually not what we were supposed to have reviewed this week. It's an evil, evil production and the software developers who thought this sluggishly dull game would be fun are my new arch-enemies.


    Now, Desert Strike is a game about a helicopter during war time. Helicopters are fast, and war is action packed. This game is neither.

    I spent what seemed like hours actually trying to reach my intended targets, with very little else to do in between. When action does come your way it's at a very irritating time, and I just couldn't be bothered dealing with it.


    The game controls are pretty awkward to. It's certainly a game that would be less infuriating with the modern day double-analogue stick.


    Graphic wise things are OK I guess, but sound wise things are monotonous. There's sound effects for the propellers/bullets, but there's no sense of atmosphere. No music, no sound effects that give any sense of where you actually are...maybe we've been spoiled in this modern era in terms of the atmosphere a game presents, but having said that I wonder if I'm just excusing this particular fault.


    Not only did I buy the wrong game, I bought a BAD game. It's about as much fun as trying to fit a needle up your pee-hole.





  10. I love Adventure games - even the bad ones - so obviously something like Clock Tower is going to be right up my street.


    However, Clock Tower ISN'T a "bad one" - it's crushingly hard, full of frustration and, at times, unfair puzzles. But as with any adventure game it's about more than that - it's about a well told story.


    It's genuinely atmospheric and at times quite jumpy. Had I played it when it first came out I'm certain I'd have found it genuinely scary. It's a brilliantly constructed game, and the fact it's on a console as opposed to a PC-type-system makes it all the more impressive. There have been attempts at Adventure games on consoles before, but honestly none of them really impressed me. They're generally either bad ports, or half-hearted efforts that bung in platform elements to appease the console crowd. This is a really good, really brave effort and as a result ends up a great game. I don't like to consider this "survival horror" but I guess it essentially is, just not in the convention we know of today.


    Maybe one day it'll make the virtual console and then gain some sort of reputation in this country. I'd certainly never heard of it pre-nomination. And that's a great shame.



  11. you don't quite get what I'm saying.

    Finally we agree on something. I was half tempted to bring up Pete Doherty a minute ago, just to get onto a topic that made as much sense as this one.

    I'm not looking to argue, I'm just saying that the fact he hasn't actually denied it's him is obviously a positive thing. Maybe if you hauled your head out of your own arse once in a while you'd realize that, I dunno.

  12. That post makes absolutely no sense Ron.

    Yes it does. The opposite of "honesty" isn't always a lie. You can create an honest situation without being a liar by avoiding it. Christianity isn't all about being "honest", but it's certainly part of it. I'm looking at things from a religious perspective (I'm not religious myself, but I've studied it and I've been brought up surrounded by it) and that's definitely the attitude they would take.


    WWE's the biggest wrestling company in the world. Its not All Star Wrestling, where they put Davey Boy Smith on the poster two years after he's dead. I didnt know Sting had the monopoly on blokes in leather coats in the piss rain. He has fuck all to release a statement about. This might be (and probably is) there longest running performer returning - The Undertaker - so its not like the casual fan sees a long coat and thinks ITS STING!!!!! And he's not lied at all. You dont even know if he watches Raw or keeps in contact with the fans on PWInsider.com. Also, he's in a business where even the height of his character is fake, so him saying "ITS ME, ITS ME! Dont bother watching until February 21, because its defo me!" is going to sort of ruin the angle if its him, isnt it? Take this one up with Kenny McBride in the religion thread, because it makes no fucking sense in this one.

    I'm not calling him a liar, you don't quite get what I'm saying. I don't expect him to come out and admit IF IT IS him, but I'm saying if it ISN'T he might feel inclined to, you know, come out and say that.

  13. Well, purely because of his Christian faith. Honesty and what not.

    What? Where has he lied? No idea what your going on about there.

    OK for one he doesn't seem the type to care about self promotion.


    For two, if something like this has become "all about him" in the eyes of fans, the right thing to do would clearly be to comeout and say "hang on, this isn't promoting me - I've nothing to do with it" - Christianity (depending on his denomination I guess) promotes doiing the right thing, and in that case the honest thing to do would be to debunk the rumours.

  14. though it's strange Sting himself hasn't issued any comment at all. If it wasn't him I'd have thought he'd issue a comment via his website so his fans aren't disappointed.

    Why would he want to do that? Whether he's signed or not, his stock increases in the publics eye if he's a big talking point. Also, Sting in real life could probably give a fuck. He's not Bret Hart or DDP. If he hasnt signed, he's probably either on the golf course or running his Christian retreat. If you book him, he will come, as they say. If you haven't got him under contract, he's not the type to step in and voice his opinion. Why would he?

    Well, purely because of his Christian faith. Honesty and what not.

  15. I just don't see why WWE would go to so much effort for 'Taker. He's only been away since October - usually it's a little longer when they give him a big buildup, or they have him show up after a PPV?

    It does seem a little strange, as I don't really see how anyone could take it for something other than a letdown given the "mystery" element to the vignette, but I still think that's who it probably is.

  16. sorry was on the mobile when i posted it, yeah thats the pic i seen, as for the promo that aired i'm still gonna say sting will be involved, why would taker return at raw when he's on smackdown and his brother is on smackdown, his brother being the one that set aboot him and killed him off at the ppv once again.

    Ric Flair was on Smackdown when he made his return on RAW for his last hoorah. On the road to Wrestlemania brand allegiances mean very little. Plus WWE are advertising the show as "the return of The Undertaker."

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