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Ron Simmons

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Posts posted by Ron Simmons

  1. Whilst I saw nothing in that video that even approaches the bare minumum requirements for evidence of anything, I will say this: if you really believe that the US went to the moon a couple of times in the 60s, and then never bothered going back there since, and that the 30-year old Shuttle represents mankind's most advances space-going craft, then you're more crazy than the crazies in that vid.

    I think it's more a case of a lack of funding into developing anything more advanced, and actually going back to the moon. It'll happen again no doubt, but I don't see why any one would hide another trip up there, particularly for as monumental a mission as building some sort of base.
  2. Reliving my childhood by playing Earthworm Jim again on the Wii's Virtual Console.. Just as good as i remember :D

    For some reason I can't get my Wii to go online, it's gutting considering some of the quality games that have made the Virtual Console recently...I have to log into my Broadband internet system, and apparently the Wii can't work with any internet provider that requires this. Or so the guy on the Nintendo helpline told me.
  3. I've only played one of the Lego Star Wars games, so I've enjoyed Batman, but it's only really for the multiplayer aspect of it. It's quite good banter, one player as Batman, the other as Robin. Anyone else played de Blob? Getting as much enjoyment out of it as I am?

  4. I'm currently playing an import version of Lego Batman for the PS3, de Blob for the Wii and Viva Pinata: Pocket Paradise for the DS. All three are great fun, but Lego Batman is annoyingly buggy at times. de Blob is a bit of a hidden gem though, and I'd advise all Wii owners to pick up a copy. It's only

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