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Ron Simmons

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Posts posted by Ron Simmons

  1. It's all just part of the anti-Punk agenda. The SummerSlam buyrate, the TV ratings for Punk's segments, the security guards at MSG, the baseball commentators, it's all part of the same conspiracy.

    Not pointing to this as being "your opinion" as such - but have the ratings been consistently low for Punk though? Genuinely don't know the answer to this - but it seems harsh for some people to be judging him on the holiday show rating, for what was a match that didn't really progress storylines.

  2. Not a game nomination, sadly. An update for all you retro lovers though. This coming weekend I'll be uploading a huge Shadow of the Beast article that will look at all games in the trilogy, the impact they made, and legacy they left and there'll be an exclusive interview with Tim Wright. Also loads of cool artwork and stuff.

    Will you now? ;)


    Whatever happened to that Triple A, does it exist for you to now post?

  3. Cocks already stiff as a Big Kev elbow in the corner. Once the Hulk gets bored of TNA, they are going to have to release a 3 disc comp of the nWo. The biggest group in wrestling history. It has to happen. It still gets ripped off by wrestling promotions to this day. Honestly cant wait for this nWo LOW show.


    I fear for Kev on that though. JJ Dillion was bitter about how the nWo knocked all his mates off their perch in 1996-97, Jim Ross was head of talent during the time WWF was getting hammered off them and Michael Hayes already tried to bury the group when Bisch was on the pannel. Kev's going to have to either turn the charm on or power bomb JR through the table.

    Haven't they already released some kind of nWo DVD at some point? I've no idea how comprehensive it was, but I definitely remember seeing it reduced to next to nothing in price when Woolworths went bust alongside other older WWE titles that were probably laying in their warehouse for years beforehand.

  4. The ironic thing is that PM Punk promo may well get him suspended for real because of the homophobic bits. Why couldn't he just stick with the legendarily stupid but still brilliant you've got a vagina

    If anything he'll get a rap around the knuckles. I doubt he'll suffer much for it.

  5. Well, your doing a good job of it. Well done. I just find it daft how you reacted to this. Its pure mental. Quite out of the blue. And the way you had a go at Triple A was hypocritical, because you were doing the same thing you were accusing others of doing.

    Well it was reaching the point where I WAS being rounded on, and given what Triple A has said about that in the past I found it a tad irritating that he chipped in like that. I've already acknowledged that I may have looked at it as worse than it actually was though, I still think it was wrong, but maybe not as bad as I thought.


    My posts probably sound more irritated than they were intented to be, that's the problem when you're writing a post as opposed to saying it. "You're being out of order, I think" can become "YOU DICK! SHUT UP! LEAVE HIM ALONE YOU KNOB!" simply depending on how you read something.

  6. What the fucks happened to Ron today? For lack of a better description, he usually knows he's role and shuts his mouth even if he's getting justifiably shit on for posting terrible opinions about things that dont matter (the Pete Doherty thing being an example of this). This seems a real odd thing to lose your loaf over. If I was getting "bullied" on a forum and I heard a horse coming over the hill and saw a bloke in a suit of armour, I'd be gutted if he took his helmet off and revealed himself to be the UKFF's Ron Simmons. Sort yourself out Ron.

    Actually I've been taking a new philosophy to life, I go into situations thinking "what would Ian_Hitmanhart do?" and then act on them. The answer is usually "act like a cock", hence my increased presence in this thread. ;)


    I maybe saw the comments as worse than they were, although I still think some were very unfair on the guy.

  7. I havn't posted barely anything in the paidos forum for months, but nice try anyway. You are overreacting and it's making you look daft.


    EDIT: Looks like you realised that and deleted what you said. Smooth, Ron. Real smooth.

    No, I thought I was being overly harsh on you.


    How so? you were wrong.

    I accused you of sharing your thoughts in one place, but not having the balls to do it in another, that's overly harsh and maybe even an unfair accusation. I don't think I'm in the wrong with what I'm saying, although maybe I'm looking at it as worse than it's intended to be (in regards to my point). That's the problem with the written word, it can be written with one meaning, and read with another.


    You fucking bully! Triple A is only 20! Bet you feel like a big man now don't you?

    Actually, yes, I do. Maybe I'll start joining in with this malark ;)

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