Sichadelic Posted July 13, 2006 Posted July 13, 2006 Alright... After talking about it in a couple of other topics I figure it's finally time to give the UKFF's 360 owners what they need. A whole thread that's going to survive all of the others for all of our gaming needs. In here we can list the games we have and the games we want - swap tips and advice on how to improve our gamerscores - discuss whether gamerscores are even important or not - and even hook-up for online games.I'll start! My gamertag's easy to remember as it's the same as my UKFF username. "Sichadelic". I have:PGR3Fight Night Round 3GRAWNHL 2K6and TombRaider.Feel free to catch me anytime I'm around for a race on Gotham or a game on GRAW!
KFR42 Posted July 13, 2006 Posted July 13, 2006 I got my xbox 360 a few days ago. Having a lot of fun on Fifa 2006 and Burnout revenge.Not playing online yet. Dunno if I will, coz Im notoriously rubbish at all video games no matter how much I enjoy playing them.
Paid Members cdm316 Posted July 13, 2006 Paid Members Posted July 13, 2006 Got my 360 at christmas. Gamer tag is cdm316 and I have the following games -GRAWFight night Table TennisDead or Alive Call of DutyDon't play that much online. Prefer to play single player games.
Golden_eagle Posted July 13, 2006 Posted July 13, 2006 Got my 360 about a week ago but not officialy playing it until my birthday on the 18th (as it's actually for my birthday).I have :-Call of Duty 2CondemnedOblivionRockstar Table TennisFeel free to get your hiney whooped in COD2 or RTT . Also, on August 2nd, you may also feel obliged to be defeated at Street Fighter 2 on XBLiveArcade (August 2nd being its apparent release date). Gamer Tag = 'Menolly'
King_Slim Posted July 13, 2006 Posted July 13, 2006 Picked up a xbox 360 a few weeks ago and been playing: Elder Scroll, Condemned, Final Fantasy 11, Perfect Dark Zero and Rumble Roses as IPW:UK's Donna lol.Gonna be going xbox live soon should be fun
sgmilne Posted July 13, 2006 Posted July 13, 2006 I've had a 360 since Christmas and have the following gamesGRAWFifa World Cup 2006Table TennisCall of Duty 2Project GothamOblivionGamertag is SMilne7982. I mostly play GRAW online so i'm always up for a game.
Guest YOUAREYOUAREIAMIAM Posted July 14, 2006 Posted July 14, 2006 I'm going to go into town tomorrow and shop around forone of these.I don't need to seel my PS2 or my Xbox anymore as I have now got
Art Vandelay Posted July 14, 2006 Posted July 14, 2006 I only recently got my 360. I have Fight Night 3, which is incredible and Hitman Blood Money. Need to go out and get a couple of new games, especially ones suited for live play. I tried fight night on live, but wasn't too impressed.
King_Slim Posted July 14, 2006 Posted July 14, 2006 Gamestation are doing a decent price pack where you get xbox premium pack and 2 games for
Mattyc Posted July 14, 2006 Posted July 14, 2006 My Gamer Tag is 'Mattyc2006' and I am currently the online jobber and whipping boy on games like Burnout Revenge and GRAW .
Guest YOUAREYOUAREIAMIAM Posted July 14, 2006 Posted July 14, 2006 Do you get a years free subscription with a Premium pack?I was told that you did but I thought it was highly unlikely.
Dazz Posted July 14, 2006 Posted July 14, 2006 Had mine since launch, Got PGR, Top Spin 2, NHL 2K6, Condemned, FIFA 2006 RTWC, Tony Hawkbut still play Pro ev:)
Golden_eagle Posted July 14, 2006 Posted July 14, 2006 Do you get a years free subscription with a Premium pack?I was told that you did but I thought it was highly unlikely.The deal I got didn't give any free subscription. It might have gave a free silver membership (haven't looked into it but don't need to). Silver membership is pretty damn useless as it doesent allow you to play games online. All I had to do was transfer the ethernet cable from my wireless reciever from my Xbox to my Xbox360 and recover the gamer tag at no extra cost (for once). It's
Guest YOUAREYOUAREIAMIAM Posted July 14, 2006 Posted July 14, 2006 Whats the pointof having Xbox Live if you can't play games with it?
Golden_eagle Posted July 14, 2006 Posted July 14, 2006 Silver is like...a sample version. It lets you on xbox live market place and construct a friends list, thats about it. If you want to play on Live youll have to get the Gold membership. That's microshaft for ya.
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