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Official ROH Discussion Thread


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I have been fantasy booking in my head a DG:USA vs. ROH program, but the problem with that is that you don't know how often the DG:USA guys will be over in a year.


The main problem ROH has at the moment is that a lot of up-and-coming guys who should be in ROH - Gargano, Swann, Taylor, Sanchez (ok, so Taylor isn't exactly an up-and-comer, but you get the point) aren't, because they're under contract. ROH's undercard desperatly needs an injection of new talent.

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Yeah! Davey with the belt would be a cool little twist given he was going to be the "Ace" of Evolve and all that, but I'm sure Gabe would have some kind of fit over that. I just kind of wanna see Tozawa and Steen tagging and beating the shit out of suckas!

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Yeah! Davey with the belt would be a cool little twist given he was going to be the "Ace" of Evolve and all that, but I'm sure Gabe would have some kind of fit over that. I just kind of wanna see Tozawa and Steen tagging and beating the shit out of suckas!

To be honest after seeing him at DGUK, how Tozawa isnt the champion of everything is beyond me.


Speaking of evolve, are they still going?


The main problem ROH has at the moment is that a lot of up-and-coming guys who should be in ROH - Gargano, Swann, Taylor, Sanchez (ok, so Taylor isn't exactly an up-and-comer, but you get the point) aren't, because they're under contract. ROH's undercard desperatly needs an injection of new talent.


Very true, its great that so many of these guys are getting shots over in DG / DGUSA but many of them could of done really well in ROH. Any news on Paul london turning up in DGUSA anytime soon?

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As far as I'm aware London's done with wrestling for the moment - he was unceremoniously stripped of his PWG tag belt earlier in the year, and hasn't popped up anywhere else since. A fully motivated and in shape London would be a shot in the arm for any promotion, but he seems to be more interested in acting than wrestling these days.


I might sketch out a fantasy DG:USA vs ROH program this week if time allows.

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As far as I'm aware London's done with wrestling for the moment.


I saw the PWG thing, although aparently he was wreslting else where the same weekend...so not 100% on that. I personally would love to see london really focus on wrestling again, as back in the day of early ROH when he had stuff going on with TNA/WWE he looked to be the next big thing in wrestling.


To be honest, if anything, i think Gabe should try and go back to ROH if he ever gets the chance. DGUSA has bored me to death, and due to all the relevent talent (Davey, Dragon, London, Kendrick, etc) coming and going willy nilly, its kinda put me off.

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Also the logistic end of it could be solved by only using the major players (the real DG talent) on the bigger shows and then get the domestic talent like Ricochet (along with Brodie he's BW aswell?) chuck them with steen and you got three heels to push it along to the next big show. But the real benefit would be the aftermath as the talent pool like the Ronin guys and the free agent talents etc. As my man Tripple D put it the undercard needs an injection of fresh talent. Or is it D-Tripple?

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The problem with DG:USA is that running five weekends a year makes storyline progression fairly impossible - you can't follow it month to month ala ROH/ Chikara. The delay in getting DVD's out is hurting the promotion too - it's nearly December and I still can't see stuff from June? Well, I could if I bought the iPPV's I suppose, but I like watching wrestling on my nice big TV, as opposed to hunched over a laptop.


To be honest I don't think much of Delirious as a booker - he's better than Pearce, but then my Mum could have booked a better year than Pearce did. Then again, you don't know how much influence Cornette has over things. It's not going to happen, but I'd love to see Mike Quackenbush get the book in ROH, Chikara over the past few years has been superb.

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Gilles Peterson. I figured it was only a matter of time before the Archibald Peck one got taken down for being too big. Been listening to Gilles for 15 years. He's regrettably become a bit of a hipster over the years, but his musical taste is still on the money.

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Gilles Peterson. I figured it was only a matter of time before the Archibald Peck one got taken down for being too big. Been listening to Gilles for 15 years. He's regrettably become a bit of a hipster over the years, but his musical taste is still on the money.

Ha no it was the Archibald Peck one i was looking at i think, Cant say i've seen him about before!

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Archibald debuted in Chikara this year, tremendous gimmick, and a good wrestler too!

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I shall add to the following review by (echoing JPC) and saying I found this really hard to view with the UK Dragon Gate shows still in my head. Just. Too. Good.


ROH Revolution : USA - Dearborn, MI - 6/5/11


Homicide vs Tommaso Ciampa - We start with a generic backstage Embassy promo, into a straight rematch from night 2 in Atlanta. This is much the same as that bout, watchable, a bit shorter this time around, and with another crap finish. This time, Ciampa hits 'Cide with Nana's metal headdress for the pin at 8:05. Next...


Michael Elgin vs Andy Ridge - Elgin and Truth Martini are probably the best wrestler/manager combo in ROH at this point, and Elgin does a good job of making Ridge look like more than just fodder before pinning him with a Tornado Powerbomb at 7:19. A solid effort from both guys with what they had to work with. C-team commentator Eric Santamaria loses points for saying "strategetically" instead of "strategically" in this one, a mistake he would repeat again later in the card...


Mike Bennett vs Grizzly Redwood - In the lead up to this, we get an outdoor promo from Grizzly where he says he loves doing what he does, and doesn't want to do Corino's dirty work, followed by Corino cutting a good promo to the live crowd where Bennett cuts him off before he can introduce his sponsor. The verbals and general interplay between Corino and Bennett are better than the match, which at just 4:05 is irrelevent in the grand scheme of, well, anything really. The two logic flaws are that Grizzly came out to save Corino when the verbals turned to violence even though he didn't want to, and that Corino was literally in the process of introducing his sponsor, yet the sponsor never came out. I'll leave them nameless until the reveal comes. Bennett won with a piledriver, by the way.


The All Night Express vs Jay and Mark Briscoe - The second rematch on the card from Atlanta night 2, this one at least has a First Blood stipulation, though you just know that's going to lead to nothing conclusive when the match ends. They keep up the intensity of the feud in this one, though the referee inexplicably enforces tag team rules for a big section in the middle. The comes the screwy end, as it's Mark Briscoe who is busted open first, supposedly from being sent into the barriers, but he manages to avoid the attention of the ref while Rhett Titus gets smacked in the face with a chair by Jay, and the ref sees blood from that and awards the Briscoes the victory at 13:53. There's obviously still much to come from this feud, and this bout won't be one of the key encounters when all is said and done. Indeed, challenges are immediately issued for a Chicago Streetfight a couple of weeks after this...


Christopher Daniels vs Colt Cabana - Daniels gets some good in-ring promo time before this to explain why he joined the House of Truth, and that he won't be defending the TV title while the status of the championship is to be determined... though he's keeping the belt as he's still on TV every week. Encouraging the Fuck TNA chants in this way works for me. The only problem that I had with this whole scenario is that when he comes out for the match, Cabana seemingly didn't take any offense at Daniels' jibes at ROH and Cabana not being a TV star. Instead, we have an enjoyable enough, but not particularly serious, 8:59 match full of the usual Cabanigans. The crowd are hot for Cabana on his birthday, while the Daniels/Truth combo ham it up in opposition. Cabana falls in the end though, as the Flying Apple flies into the Book of Truth, and Daniels follows it with Angels Wings for the pin. Harmless fun.


Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas vs Adam Cole and Kyle O'Reilly - There's no ring entrances for this at all, which is weird considering the tag champs are involved, but perhaps better than the horrendous overdubbing of their music in Atlanta. This is another non-title match, by the way. It's also a good, straight wrestling tag match for the most part, with Cole and O'Reilly getting more time and opportunity to impress than either of their matches in Atlanta. Haas seems to do the bulk of the work for WGTT, with Shelton having one good early exchange with O'Reilly but not much else. The one thing notably missing from the match is the sprint finish you'd expect from your tag match on the independents. Shelton pins O'Reilly with Paydirt at 17:43.


Roderick Strong vs El Generico - Our third rematch from Atlanta night 2, this time with a no-DQ stiplulation. Unlike the previous two Atlanta rematches on the card, however, they put more into this one than the original, with better action than first time round, big kickouts galore, and due to the no-DQ stip there's a bunch of run-ins on par with an Attitude era Raw main event. Generico looks to have things won twice: first Truth breaks up a pin after a brainbuster, then Michael Elgin pulls referee Paul Turner out after a second brainbuster. In the end, though, help from Truth, Elgin and Christopher Daniels is enough to turn the tide Strong's way despite Colt Cabana turning up, and he half nelsons Generico off the top through a table for the pin at 20:53. If I didn't know better, I would think they were building to a HOT vs Team Generico Steel Cage Warfare. As it is, I'm not sure where they're going but Generico is outnumbered...


The Kings of Wrestling vs The American Wolves - Yet another rematch, albeit this time from a few months earlier. This is quite a bit shorter than the Tag Title Classic II, and takes advantage of being shorter with a hot start, as the KOW jump the Wolves before the bell and hit a couple of big combos almost immediately to try and get a very early victory. From there they go to a heat segment on Edwards which is pretty good, especially giving them the chance to start focusing on Hero knocking seven bells out of Edwards before their World Title match the next night. In fact, they tend to stick to the combinations of Hero/Edwards and Claudio/Richards throughout, including a particularly cool UFO on Richards. My biggest problem is that the match doesn't really peak at the finish, and a sequence where Hero hits Edwards with two Death Blows in rapid order and still can't pin him makes a nonsense of Hero's title chances. Instead, the finish builds on the story started in Atlanta of potential dissention between the Wolves, as Richards is sent into Edwards while he has the Achilles Lock on Hero, who then hits Edwards with a third Death Blow to finally get the pin at 23:30. Richards saves Edwards from a double team beating afterwards, but Edwards basically tells Richards he doesn't need saving, and that's our show...


Overall - This is the very definition of your post-Wrestlemania house show. Loads of rematches, with solid action but less emotion, and several matches have finishes designed to lead onto something else. The best thing I can say is that the five top matches were all enjoyable enough for what they were. Good, but far, far from essential. DVD run time is 2 hours, 35 minutes.

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Survival of the Fittest 2011 Results :


Kyle O'Reilly over Andy Ridge


Eddie Edwards over Mike Bennett


Briscoes over the Bravados


Michael Elgin over Adam Cole, Kenny King and Tomaso Ciampa


Steve Corino vs El Generico goes to 15 minute Time Limit Draw


Roderick Strong over Rhett Titus


WGTT over Lethal & Richards - Lethal taps to Haas of Pain


SOFT Final - Kyle O'Reilly vs. Eddie Edwards vs. Mark Briscoe vs. Jay Briscoe vs. Michael Elgin vs. Roderick Strong :


* Edwards pinned Jay

* Strong submitted Mark

* Edwards pinned Strong

* Elgin pinned Edwards

* Elgin pinned O'Reilly


Michael Elgin wins 2011 SOFT



SOFT Winners


2004 - Brian Danielson

2005 - Roderick Strong

2006 - Delirious

2007 - Chris Hero

2009 - Tyler Black

2010 - Eddie Edwards

2011 - Michael Elgin

Edited by Dearly Devoted Dexter
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