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Honor Takes Center Stage: Chapter Two - Atlanta, GA - 2/4/11


Once again, my review here will be part based on the live experience of the show as well as the DVD...


The Kings of Wrestling vs Adam Cole & Kyle O'Reilly - I remember when we first turned up at the building on the Saturday afternoon for the second of ROH's WrestleMania weekend events, the atmosphere didn't have quite the same buzz as it did on the Friday evening. Happily, you can't tell that at all here, as the crowd are very eager indeed for the opening match. I like the logic of booking the Kings in the opener having just lost the tag titles, and also that they come out aggressive, keen to take care of business and get back in the title hunt. As such, Cole and O'Reilly don't last quite as long here as they did against the Briscoes the night before, and don't get as much offense in, but still get a good showing before Hero pins O'Reilly after a double big boot at 9:16. A good start.


Colt Cabana vs Dave Taylor - The shortest match of the weekend at just 6:32, and one I was dreading watching back due to our misguided effort at starting a Robbie Brookside-style "We Want More" chant, though it wasn't too cringeworthy a moment. Cabana and Taylor predictably mix it up in the British style, which goes down pretty nicely though they don't do anything particularly intricate before Cabana wins with a flash pin. The Embassy then stay in the ring and we move onto...


Homicide vs Tommasso Ciampa - This was short enough and featured enough ringside action that, in combination with the hot crowd and a couple of interjections by the Embassy, was watchable at the very least. The main problem is the finish, as you come to expect from most Embassy matches really. Homicide is distracted, then hit by a Northern Lights suplex for the pin at 9:45. Lame. Homicide throws a chair in the face of Embassy barrrister RD Evans to get his heat back afterwards.


Christopher Daniels vs Michael Elgin - One thing was certain here, with two guys as consistent as Daniels and Elgin, this match was bound to offer a reasonable standard of wrestling. On the other hand, they never threaten to steal the show, but you can't necessarily say that's a bad thing. Daniels picks up a non-title victory with a crafty low blow and the BME at 10:19, and Kevin Kelly on commentary speculates that Elgin could be on the outs with the House of Truth. Well, that's one possible explanation...


The second half of the show starts with a change of pace, as Jim Cornette conducts an in-ring interview with Davey Richards where they hype up the main event, then Cornette tries to get Davey to agree to a future World title match with Eddie Edwards. Edwards naturally comes out, and they tease some dissention before agreeing to concentrate on the match with Haas and Benjamin for now. This was simple and effective live and on DVD.


Shimmer Tag Team Titles: Daizee Haze and Tomoka Nakagawa vs Hiroyo Matsumoto and Ayumi Kurihara - Two things going on in my mind as I watched this back: firstly, Daizee is well on her way to disappearing here, though when the crowd chant "Eat A Sandwich" at her, Dave Prazak on commentary immediately jumps to her defense, saying "she can't have muscle mass like that without eating". Hmmm, well, if you say so Dave. Secondly, the match was good fun, though shorter than the match the night before. Daizee is almost pinned after the uranage/backdrop driver combo that won the #1 contenders match for Matsumoto and Kurihara the night before, but Nakagawa pulls the referee's leg to break up the count. Matsumoto then gets pinned after a double team Heart Punch/Yakuza Kick/Enzuigiri/Tiger Suplex combo at 7:38.


Jay and Mark Briscoe vs The All Night Express - The rivalry began in Manhattan, but it steps up a notch here, that's for sure. This is a match that I don't think quite sunk in at the time how good it was, and for me the rewatch almost put it up there with the top matches from the previous night. The Briscoes new, unrelenting style is ideal for the circumstances, Rhett Titus goes from strength to strength and Kenny King finally seems to be putting his athleticism into a package that people can buy into. Then there's the blood everywhere from Titus and, of course, Jay, who bleeds one of his non-stop gushers. There's some good little things as well, such as Todd Sinclair coming out early to try and help Paul Turner keep some semblance of order but without curtailing things, though the geek in me hated that the opening bell rang twice about a minute apart. The only thing this match could have used was a little more time, but it's still early days in the feud. Kenny King gets pinned after a Jay Driller at 16:01 (going by the first opening bell) and Jay rips on the crowd afterwards and swears the Briscoes "ain't losin no more". I can't wait to see more of this feud, that's for sure.


El Generico vs Roderick Strong - I remember liking this match live and really liking the post-match angle, but on DVD the match itself suffers a bit from the usual problems of Roderick's heel act - there's too much reliance on monotonous clubbering. Generico, of course, brings his great selling, but the match is still in need of more excitement during the middle portions. There's an overbundance of interference by Truth Martini in this one for my liking as well, and Michael Elgin also runs in just before the finish, though Generico manages to fight him off then reverse All The Landslides... into a brainbuster for a crowd pleasing, upset victory at 16:11. Martini and Elgin attack again afterwards, which brings out Colt Cabana for the save, though the HOT again manage to get the advantage, leading to a Christopher Daniels run-in... except he nails Generico with the Book of Truth and joins Martini's gang. That makes good sense of the goings on of the entire weekend, and even further back if you think about Daniels stealing the Book of Truth in the first place to prepare himself for a title shot against Roderick that never happened. I also liked the way they gave Generico his first really meaningful victory since the culmination of the Steen feud at Final Battle, which also got him a measure of revenge for his loss in the opener the night before, while also setting up Strong/Daniels/Elgin vs Generico/Cabana/?? for the summer. So, while the match wasn't quite as good as I remembered, I still really liked the storytelling of the angle at the end and the potential for some good matches to come.


Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas vs The American Wolves - Hmmm. Much like on Chapter One, our main event is the longest match of the night, but it doesn't feel like the biggest match of the card, and crowd reactions aren't great for much of it. Watching back, I actually really enjoyed the first ten minutes or so with all four feeling each other out. After that though, they go down the curious route of having the newly crowned babyface tag champions almost work as heels, isolating Richards and Edwards in turn. I understand that both Davey and Eddie are also going to be cheered, but it resulted in the crowd not really chanting for anyone with any conviction. There's a weird mistimed baseball slide spot between Shelton and Davey, but apart from that the action is solid, and the crowd do come unglued when the two teams start exchanging stereo German suplexes and working from there. The finish comes when the Wolves simultaneously have the Ankle Lock and Achilles Lock on Benjamin and Haas, but Shelton kicks Davey off and he crashes into Eddie, then falls prey to Paydirt and Shelton gets the pin at 31:57. There's honourable handshakes between the two teams, then the show concludes with Davey and Eddie having words with each other...


Overall - While I think Chapter One is a better show, this is another really good WrestleMania weekend offering by ROH, and there's more storyline advancement to this show than the previous night which was more of an ROH showcase. Briscoes vs ANX in particular makes this a show to recommend. DVD run time is 2 hours, 35 minutes, plus there's bonus promos from the House of Truth, El Generico, The Briscoes and two post-show VideoWires.

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unless Japan calls, of course


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The Best Of The Briscoes is now available on DVD, Pretty much a must have for any new fan along with the Davey Richards set. Hoping for a best of El Generico or some Legends sets like Bryan Danielson, Nigel McGuinness, Samoa Joe, Homicide etc


Jay & Mark Briscoe have defined tag team wrestling in Ring of Honor since day one. As part of ROH from the very first event in 2002, the brothers from Sandy Fork, DE have captured the ROH World Tag Titles multiple times with a fast-paced, hard-hitting, risk-taking style that has certainly cemented them as ROH Legends. As a duo, they have faced every team that has ever set foot into the ROH ring and dominated them with their tag team excellence and with their willingness to brawl it out if the situation calls for it. With their title bouts against teams such as Austin Aries & Roderick Strong, their brutal Ladder War, or their state of the art contests against Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin, Jay & Mark have demonstrated why they are the most respected team in ROH history. Fearless, confident, and driven, the Briscoe Brothers are indeed the baddest tag team on the planet!


Disc 1


1. Jay & Mark Briscoe vs. Tony Mamaluke & Sal Rinauro vs. Jason Blade & Kid Makaze...Fourth Anniversary Show 2/25/06

2. Jay & Mark Briscoe vs. Roderick Strong & Jack Evans...Best in the World 3/25/06

3. Jay & Mark Briscoe vs. Austin Aries & Roderick Strong...Unified 8/12/06

4. Jay & Mark Briscoe vs. KENTA & Naomichi Marufuji...Glory By Honor V Night 1 9/15/06

5. Jay & Mark Briscoe vs. Homicide & Samoa Joe...Motor City Madness 10/7/06

6. Jay & Mark Briscoe vs. Kevin Steen & El Generico...FYF: Philly 2/17/07

7. Jay & Mark Briscoe vs. Christopher Daniels & Matt Sydal...FYF: Chicago 2/24/07

8. Jay & Mark Briscoe vs. The Motor City Machine Guns...Good Times, Great Memories 4/28/07


Disc 2

1. Jay & Mark Briscoe vs. Matt Sydal & Claudio Castagnoli...Respect Is Earned 5/12/07

2. Jay & Mark Briscoe vs. Kevin Steen & El Generico...Driven 6/23/07

3. Jay & Mark Briscoe vs. SHINGO & Susumu Yokosuka...Live In Osaka 7/17/07

4. Jay & Mark Briscoe vs. Kevin Steen & El Generico...Death Before Dishonor V Night 1 8/10/07

5. Jay & Mark Briscoe vs. Kevin Steen & El Generico...Man Up 9/15/07

6. Jay & Mark Briscoe vs. Jimmy Jacobs & Tyler Black...Final Battle 2007 12/30/07

7. Jay & Mark Briscoe vs. Dragon Kid & Ryo Saito...Dragon Gate Challenge 3/28/08

8. Jay & Mark Briscoe vs. Davey Richards & Rocky Romero...Injustice 4/12/08

9. Jay & Mark Briscoe vs. The Motor City Machine Guns...Return Engagement 4/19/08


To order this DVD please visit the ROH Online Store

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Having been away since the HDNet show finished, ROH have finally announced a return to Philadelphia. Interestingly, they are also switching back to the National Guard Armory. The show's going to be on January 20.

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No pre-2006 stuff eh? Shame. One of their matches vs Cabana & Punk should have been on there at the very least

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Whereabouts in Notts will that be?


As for McGuinness' final ROH match, not sure who to book for that. Obviously Dragon is out...Joe would be the next choice, but then you can't have TNA dicking about with an important match like that...did McGuinness and Richards ever have a one-on-one singles match? If not, might be the last chance for that one to happen.

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Nigel vs Davey happened just the once in PWG during BOLA 07 I want to say. Nothing worth tracking down specifically but that tournament as a whole is amazing.


They did Nigel vs Cabana (last minute change) for Nigel's last ROH HD Net TV match (I was fortunate enough to witness that one live) and it was good fun but was only a nostalgia match back then.


Thought Cabana was not in ROH right now anyways?

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Yep three World Title matches in a short amount of time. All of them were really good and one was a PPV match (saw one of their matches live too......... I am such a spoilt little shit).


I really want him to be on the Philly ROH show in Jan so my fiancee will have more of a chance to see him again.

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Apparently Gabeford is doing something with Kayfabe Commentaries alongside Kevin Sullivan fairly soon, although I forget what

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