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The post- GBH 9 period wasn't the best, but there's been some good stuff in 2011 so far. I'd recommend the 9th Anniversary show and Only the Strong Survive in particular

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SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

Jimmy Jacobs is set to return to ROH as Steve Corino's sponser tonight, according to 411.

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SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

Jimmy Jacobs is set to return to ROH as Steve Corino's sponser tonight, according to 411.



thats actually pretty cool, think this could be great, plus Ive really missed him not being in ROH

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There's a fair amount of arse-lickery going on re Cary Silkin on the ROH board, so let's try and objectively assess his contribution to ROH - although from what I gather he's still going to be involved in the company in some capacity. Obviously we don't know just how much he ploughed into the company in terms of money, but given his amount of interference in the creative side of things, one might say his stewardship has been a mixed blessing. Gabe has somewhat of a reputation for placing the blame for his failings at the feet of everyone else; but I'm inclined to agree with him when he says that Silkin's mania for running as many shows as possible lead to the former's burn-out as booker. This lead to the stagnant reign of Adam Pearce as booker - which Silkin would argue was a success as he got to see Jerry Lynn as champion presumably. When Pearce got the boot in August 2010, he hinted that he received a fair amount of interference from Silkin - although a free hand wouldn't have made Pearce a better booker. It seems that Delirious got the job through saying all the right things while running the wrestling school, and the juries still out on his booking prowess.


So, Cary Silkin - something of a blessing and a curse. Bought the company when it looked like it heading into oblivion due to Rob Feinstein's predilection for internet chats with young boys, something which I'm sure all ROH fans are grateful for. But if he'd kept his nose out of the creative side, we may not have seen the dark days of 08-09.

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ROH Supercard of Honor VI - 5/21/11 - Chicago Ridge, IL


Jim Cornette is out to kick off the show. He announces the sale of ROH and puts it over huge. August 13 in Chicago Ridge, IL will be the debut of the new TV tapings. All titles will be defended that night.


Continues and says the loyalty will always be to the fans. The ROH Website will be upgraded with the addition of the of the TV show on-line and bonus matches added as well.


The whole roster comes to the ring and gives their thanks to Cary. Huge ovation.


No 10 bell salute to Randy Savage.


1. Challenge Match #3

"The Notorious 187" Homicide over Unbreakable" Michael Elgin w/ Truth Martini

~Slower match. Not one of Homi's best; Elgin is freaky strong. Ace Crusher lead to the pinfall.


2. Tag Team Challenge Match

Adam Cole & Kyle O'Reilly over The Bravado Brothers of Harlem & Lancelot

~Good Match; Cole & O'Reilly are far ahead of the Bravados as a whole.


~Steve Corino is out. Shaved head. Promo time.


Says he's trying to be good..but it's hard when he only has 5 moves...and to be a good guy you need 7 moves. He is about to introduce his sponsor and Bennett interrupts.


Corino and Bennett go back and forth on the microphone before JIMMY JACOBS comes out and hugs Corino. He is the sponsor.


Jacobs promo.


Jacobs says when he left ROH 2 years ago, everyone was happy to see him go. Now he is in the best shape of his life. States he wants to be back to help Corino. He wants back in if ROH officials will let him...says he wants to fight for honor.


Jim Cornette comes out with security to have Jacobs removed.


3. Grudge Match #1

"The Prodigy" Mike Bennett over Steve Corino

~Bennett won after the piledriver. This came after the referee stopped Corino for a second time from using the "Thumb in the Bumb." Big ovation for Corino post-match


And then the rest in just results form:


Richards defeat Haas

Cabana defeated Daniels

Shelton defeated Claudio

Briscoes defeat ANX

Edwards defeats Strong

postmatch Edwards challeneged Richards to a title match Davey accepted

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  • Paid Members
He actually got involved around March 2003, didn't he?


I did not know that. What capacity was he involved in?

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I'm not sure exactly, but I'm sure Gabe said he started investing then, as they practically went out of business before the two shows that month. That would explain the quick takeover when R.F. had to leave...

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EVOLVE 8 results nicked from PWPonderings


Bracket A:


* Match 1: Rich Swann (Rich Swann Style) vs. AR Fox (High-Flying). Winner AR FOX


* Match 2: Tony Nese (Standing Combat) vs. Jon Davis (Power). Winner Jon Davis


Later Semifinal: Match #1 winner AR FOX vs. Match #2 winner Jon Davis


Bracket B:


* Match 3: Brodie Lee (Super Heavyweight) vs. Sami Callihan (Hard-Hitting). Winner Sami Callihan


* Match 4: Austin Aries (Hybrid) vs. Bobby Fish (Puroresu Jr. Heavyweight). Winner Bobby Fish. During the match Austin Aries did a tribute to Randy Savage by doing Randy

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I've never been a huge fan of Bobby Fish, but the poor lad's had to job to James Mason and Sami Callihan in the space of six days!!

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EVOLVE 6: Aries vs Taylor - Union City, NJ - 20/11/10 -


Drake Younger vs Silas Young - Gabe must be having a laugh here, Young vs Younger? The match is alright, with a fair amount of impact for a sub-ten-minuter. The finish is a bit of a surprise, as Younger has had increasingly impressive victories in reaching 3-0 but falls to the headstand arabian press of Young at 8:58 to improve Silas to 1-1.


Rich Swann vs AR Fox vs Tony Nese vs Scott Reed - This is basically a bunch of moves and no story at all between a bunch of debuting guys and the 0-1 Swann. Fox nearly gets a face full of ring steps when he tries a kick flip off the ringpost and fails big time inside the first two minutes, but rallies and pins Reed with an Air Raid Crash at 6:37. Reed throws good punches. That's all...


Kyle O'Reilly vs Bobby Fish - A more than satisfactory rematch from the opening match in EVOLVE history here. Lots of MMA influence, especially early on, with more traditional suplexes and stuff later on. It's nice when EVOLVE gives undercard matches time, rather than rushing through everything. Fish gets his win back - and his first win in EVOLVE - with a combination of knees and a spinning heel kick at 14:23. Sadly all three parts of that combo were a bit messy looking, but otherwise this was all good.


Up In Smoke vs The Super Smash Brothers - This is a fun, spotty tag team encounter, but Up In Smoke's advance to 4-0 with their win here hasn't exactly been a path of glory. In other words: EVOLVE's tag division is shit. This match is alright, though. Player Uno is pinned by a double stomp/Code Red combo in 10:58.


Homicide vs Jon Moxley - Well, this is certainly different. Quite why EVOLVE would randomly sign a relaxed rules match when the promotion has veered towards the real sports feel remains a mystery, however.


Anyway: Homicide and Mox have a crowd-wide brawl in this one, which is about as good a way as any to cover for Homicide's tendency for the dull in his post-TNA return to the indies. In between this, Mox works/batters the long-term bad shoulder of 'Cide. Once they eventually get back to the ring, Moxley continues to work the shoulder with a Fujiwara armbar, then at the end counters a Cop Killa with a chickenwing and wraps Homicide tightly. The ref gives 'Cide an extended period to try and get out of the hold, and when he fails, calls a stop to proceedings at 19:54.


In an extended post-match angle (which I originally saw online a few months back), 'Cide is irate at losing without giving up, kicks the ref and then batters Mox with an array of things, most notably a fork and a screwdriver. During all this, Moxley refuses to fight back, instead being content to tease Homicide about how he'll be fined and suspended, how he should learn the rules and, most importantly, how he won the match and 'Cide lost. This is interesting for the most part, but feels out of place in this promotion to say the least.


Unfortunately, the next thing we're presented with is an angle with the interminable Larry Dallas, who announces he's going to be the sponsor for some EVOLVE athletes, starting with Chuck Taylor. Most of the things presented in EVOLVE outside the matches have been really bad, and this was no different.


Ricochet vs Adam Cole - The first section of this match is a mess, and that's putting it politely. Thankfully, after taking a few minutes to click the match does pick up nicely in the second half. At this point, Ricochet doesn't seem to have developed as well as I keep hearing about, but I guess I have plenty of DGUSA to catch up on which could change my opinion. Ricochet moves to 3-1 with a pump handle into a twisty driver thing in 14:37. Yes, I'm really settling with that as a description.


Jimmy Jacobs vs Johnny Gargano - This one isn't a brilliant match in an athletic sense, but the story of Gargano being more Jacobs' equal than back at EVOLVE 2 is played pretty well, and there's a couple of crazy spots. The first comes early when Jacobs parks Gargano on top of the guardrail, then dives from inside the ring to spear him into the crowd. Later on, they both end up on the top rope in neighbouring corners, so use the ceiling to help them walk the top rope then have a kicking duel. Much to the chagrin of the crowd, Gargano scores the pin by rolling through the Contra Code at 15:30 to send both men to 4-2. Larry Dallas (sigh) then comes back into the ring to announce that Gargano is the second athlete he's sponsoring. Great. At least Jimmy Jacobs gets some heat back at the expense of the pointless Reby Sky afterwards...


Before the main event we get a glimpse backstage at Jon Moxley, who is happy with his win and following the rules but also checking if he can still feel by using a staplegun on his leg and pliers on his little finger. The latter especially made me cringe.


Chuck Taylor vs Austin Aries - Unlike some of the other matches on the show, this one starts out very well. Aries looks particularly motivated, and there's a good sense of dislike between the two, with Aries not liking Taylor's "poor college student attitude". Sadly, the match doesn't live up to the potential of those opening minutes, at least somewhat due to Chuck injuring his shoulder part way through. It's still solid, it just lacks any spark in the second half. Aries gets the kick to the head-brainbuster-Last Chancery combo for the submission win at 22:19.


The show ends with some more backstage stuff. First thought is: the ACE Arena is a dive. Homicide and Drake Younger decide to go out for drinks, while Adam Cole wonders if he belongs in EVOLVE. Then, Silas Young confronts Johnny Gargano, as "one drink" after EVOLVE 1 seemingly lead to Silas falling off the wagon for 10 months. O-kay then.


Overall - not a terrible show, but pretty much a standard indie effort, and not a patch on EVOLVE 5. DVD run time is a worthy 2 hours, 49 minutes, and there's also a hilarious extra where Munenori Sawa faces some Power Rangers cast-offs on the streets of NYC(!)


As an aside - It doesn't look good for EVOLVE in 2011 tbh - I'll probably buy E7 for Zack Sabre Jr vs Sami Callihan, but the fact Cole and O'Reilly are done after this (you have to wonder if Gabe knew it was coming as both lost here) and Johnny Gargano/Larry Dallas seem to be getting the big push depresses me.

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DG : USA - Bushido : Code of the Warrior

Edited by Dearly Devoted Dexter
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