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In NYC news, seems we can expect KOW vs LAX next month.





Itll be Hernandez! They are LAX


Homicide and Low-Ki were The Rottweilers in ROH.


Im all for Ki in ROH, would certainly breathe some life into the main event

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Re the Aries/Tough Enough thing, I'm under the impression that 'MDogg 20' Matt Cross is going to be on the show, so perhaps that's what upset Aries so much


He does have a legitimate gripe in that case - I saw Cross wrestle for Chikara last year, he looked awful.


As for the whole Gabe/ ROH feud...it's sad really, particularly as a DG:USA vs ROH feud would be a sure-fire draw. The trouble with Gabe is he's such a bitch -throws his toys out of the pram whenever he doesn't get his own way. And Cary can be a real prick too when he wants to be. Niether side can see that they'd both make more money by co-operating with each other. That's wrestling for you though.


Lo-Ki return - there's no doubt it would be good for business; but he's such a pain to deal with behind the scenes that ROH would think twice about bringing him back I suspect. But if he's lost his aversion to doing jobs then I see no reason why he shouldn't come back.

Edited by Dearly Devoted Dexter
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A ROH vs. DGUSA/EVOLVE feud would be really ace. Surely Gabe is losing money on these shows and will be forced to compromise eventually?


Anyone know what the match quality on 4th Anniversary show was like? Interesting that they put the World title match on 4th...perhaps they felt Homicide didn't have a worthy main event bout in him?

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Champions Challenge - Richmond, VA - 27/8/10


A bit of a weird show on DVD this, as I'll explain as we go along. It's Kevin Kelly in, Joe Dombrowski out on commentary, just as I was getting used to Dombrowski and everything. Bloody heck.


Tag Wars 2010 Block B Final: Colt Cabana & El Generico vs The All Night Express - A decent enough opener, though at the same time there's nothing to write home about. It's like sometimes you get a decent tag match on WWE Superstars, and the next day you can't even remember who was in it. Steve Corino runs in when Cabana gets the Billy Goats Curse, so they brawl to the back and Generico is left to go it alone for the last couple of minutes. The ANX unsurprisingly then advance at 14:12 after the One Night Stand.


Tag Wars 2010 Block C Final: The Dark City Fight Club vs The Bravado Brothers - The Bravados beat another team? Really? Really? A nothing match this one, the Bravados get their usual couple of spots in before falling to Project Mayhem (which Kevin Kelly calls prematurely) at 6:03.


At this point, we get a promo from the All Night Express about the upcoming Ultimate Endurance between them, the Briscoes, the Dark City Fight Club and the champions, the Kings of Wrestling. Except, erm...


Tag Wars 2010 Block A Final: Jay & Mark Briscoe vs The Embassy - That's right, we haven't seen the Briscoes qualify yet. Erick Stevens isn't there due to travel issues, so things go from bad to worse quickly as Nana partners with Necro, Necro then has to work 95% of the match in a bog standard wrestling style, and the crowd goes to sleep. Necro is pinned after the Jay Driller at 7:37. Rotten.


Davey Richards vs Kevin Steen - Not the best match these two have ever had, but it's like night and day compared to the rest of the show to this point. Steen winds Davey up pre-match by saying his favourite part of facing the Wolves in 2009 was when he broke Eddie Edwards arm. Davey goes mental, but Steen weathers the storm and controls for awhile. In the end though, Davey kicks out of the package piledriver, and finally gets the win after a flurry of Kawada kicks followed by a big kick at 18:09.


Bobby Dempsey & Cedric Alexander vs Caleb Konley & Jake Manning - This must be the beginning of the second half, and/or they are stalling for time as Roderick Strong is also suffering from travel issues and still en route. Big, Bad Bobby finishes off Konley with his Death Valley Driver at 7:10 to end what wasn't actually a bad little match between the nobodies.


The Kings of Wrestling vs The Set - The Set are Richmond locals, so get a non-title bout with the champs, but are still booked as a joke here. To be fair, they blow two double teams in the opening minute, so the Kings go ahead and destroy Lance Lude for laughs for five minutes. J-Sinn gets the tag but doesn't fare much better, so after Lude is powerbombed into the ringpost and carried out, Jay Briscoe comes out to sub for him. That ridiculousness doesn't last either, as Mark runs in as well and a no-contest is called at 13:35. The public workout on Lude was a laugh for a bit, but this was too long overall.


Steve Corino vs Jeff Early - A squash for Corino in the abscence of his scheduled opponent Roderick Strong, this is at least more effective than some of the seven minute squashes Corino has had on HDNet. The diving lariat gets Corino the win at 2:45, then Colt Cabana comes out and challenges Corino for a proper match. As it turns out, that would have been better than what happens next...


Steve Corino vs Roderick Strong - Corino pastes Cabana with a chain, then Roderick runs in from the crowd in street clothes and the ref rings the bell for the scheduled match. There's time for a ref bump and Cabana to get his revenge all before Roderick hits the worst looking flying big boot I've ever seen from him for the pin at just 1:51. Roderick is supposed to be a bad guy now, but looks like a flukey face here. See the Third Anniversary Celebration Night 1 for a decent match between these two...


Tyler Black vs Eddie Edwards - World Champion vs TV Champion here in the Champions Challenge. Black has signed for WWE in the time since the last DVD release, and therefore it's no surprise when Jim Cornette fails to get Tyler to make this a World title match. The title may not be on the line but they still assemble a title defense-worthy match here with good build and some really nice action. Black unleashes a Barricade Bomb for a near countout, then Edwards counters the Buckle Bomb-superkick combo into the Achilles Lock for a good submission tease, before Tyler sneaks the old rollup with feet on the ropes for the pin at 24:23. A cracking performance from Edwards in a singles main event here, though when it comes to the aftermath, Davey Richards saves him from a beatdown and does the post-match speech for him. That's telling.


Overall - A really good main event and Richards vs Steen does not a good card make, as most of the rest of Champions Challenge is pretty shambolic. DVD run time is only 2 hours, 20 minutes, so there's three HDNet matches thrown on as well in Edwards vs Steen from episode 21, Mark Briscoe vs Alex Payne (why??) from episode 20, and the fun 8-man featurning the Embassy from episode 23. A good DVD for Eddie Edwards/American Wolves fans then, but not much otherwise.

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ROH Tag Wars 2010 - Charlotte, NC - 28/8/10


ROH may be back in Charlotte, but with a significant downgrade in venue from the Grady Cole Center used at The Big Bang to the generic ROH warehouse-style facility here. The few hundred in are still pretty hot for the ROH action though.


El Generico vs Erick Stevens - A solid, but somewhat by-the-numbers Generico match to kick things off, with some Nana interference and Generico selling for a bit before coming back and polishing Stevens off with the brainbuster in 8:23. Much like the previous night, a solid but forgettable opener.


Steve Corino vs Bobby Dempsey - As much as it sounds unlikely, this wasn't completely dreadful, despite the usual Corino squash sin in that it went way too long (it went 9:35). Corino shenanigans keep the crowd into the match for the most part, and he gives Big, Bad Bobby his share of offense before using a chain and a low blow to set up the diving lariat for the pin.


Grizzly Redwood vs The Necro Butcher - Billed as a grudge match, this one is therefore allowed its share of shortcuts to again keep the crowd into the show overall. Grizzly gets his shots in, but Necro finally kills him dead with a big uppercut and the Tiger Driver for the pin at 7:26.


Eddie Edwards vs Colt Cabana - Another non-title bout for the TV champion, though one that actually showcases him for once. Edwards shrugs off Cabana's 'hilarity' by not being chain wrestled into oblivion, instead matching Colt on the mat and eventually one-upping him with a rollup into a clean bridging pin at 11:43. Fan favourite Edwards winning matches clean is a significant improvement on the ten minute hunt relying Edwards, based on this weekends performances at least. A properly good match here.


The Bravado Brothers & Cedric Alexander vs Marker Dillinger, Caleb Konley & Jake Manning - Marker Dillinger has to be in the running for worst look of any wrestler ROH has used since Special K disbanded. Cedric Alexander takes a beating from the rudos for the most of this one, then local boys the Bravados get the hot tag and hit a few double teams, culminating in designated jobber for the weekend Caleb Konley getting pinned by a kick-German suplex combo at 8:07. I sometimes wish ROH would put the students and locals in the opener and tell them to do highspots for ten minutes, PWG-style.


Kevin Steen vs Roderick Strong - Corino is in Steen's corner here, and Truth Martini is nowhere to be seen, so Roderick is once again face for the night. Most of the match is focused on Steen being a dick, with some intermittent working of the legs of Strong, leading to the Sharpshooter, though Roderick gets the ropes. In the end, Steen tries to use a chain while Corino distracts the ref, which draws Colt Cabana and then El Generico to the ring, and Strong finishes Steen with the gutbuster followed by a Tyler Black superkick for the pin at 15:06. This is so-so as a standalone match, but it was alright in the grand scheme of things.


ROH World Tag Team Title Ultimate Endurance Match - Tag Wars 2010 Finals: The Kings of Wrestling vs Jay & Mark Briscoe vs The Dark City Fight Club vs The All Night Express - I always really liked the original Ultimate Endurance match in 2004, which was overshadowed at the time by having to follow the first of the CM Punk vs Samoa Joe one hour draws. Subsequent efforts seemed to decrease in quality, but this one follows the spirit of the original pretty well.


The opening fall is Four Corner Survival rules, so with only two men in the ring at once action can build and issues can develop gradually. There's some shenanigans where first the Briscoes are both tagged in and therefore supposed to wrestle each other, then they tag in the Kings, and everyone runs off when they try to tag out. The crowd get into that in a big way, and the action picks up after that too. The Dark City Fight Club are first eliminated off a series of double teams by the All Night Express at 18:30.


The second fall is Tornado rules so everyone bundles in, Jay Briscoe is busted open quickly afterwards on the floor, and Mark is isolated by all four opponents. That works pretty well until the Kings and ANX fall out, Jay returns and Rhett Titus falls to the doomsday device at 28:10. Just as the third fall is being announced as Scramble rules, Hero pounds Jay with the loaded elbow pad and that's all she wrote at 28:28. A comedown at the end, to say the least, as the match was building nicely and there hadn't been that much interaction between the Kings and the Briscoes during the match, so for the final fall to be so short leaves the overall match lacking. Still, that's a booking error, you can't find much fault with the in-ring side of things here.


Tyler Black vs Davey Richards - This is billed as the "rematch of the year", despite being Tyler's second non-title bout of the weekend. They re-run the previous night's angle, with Jim Cornette trying to talk Tyler into putting the belt up, but no dice. Understandably this isn't quite up to the standards of their Death Before Dishonor main event title match, but it isn't that far off. There isn't even a hint of a split crowd now Tyler is WWE-bound, which is a good thing, and Davey responds with a solid 100% face performance. Tyler kicks out of the Kawada kicks-big kick combo that Davey used to beat Kevin Steen the night before, but Davey rolls through and gets his win over the champ by submission with the Texas Cloverleaf at 26:38. A really good main event.


Overall - This is the better show of the weekend by a distance, though only Edwards vs Cabana on the undercard is really much support for the top two matches. Things to work on for the new booker there, for sure. DVD run time is 2 hours, 36 minutes, which is rounded up to three hours by a trio of HDNet bonus matches, though only Delirious vs Sonjay Dutt is even vaguely competitive, the other two being squash bouts. The top two matches here are the only real draws for your DVD purchase.

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So, I see Colt Cabana won the NWA title last night...

:thumbsup: Very pleased for him, i didnt know he was that "in" with the NWA, but hell if hes now World Champion (Some people dont really count the NWA title anymore, but it is one of the longest running world titles i believe.).


Either Way, all the best to Colt, I'm Thinking this may add to his ROH Storyline some what? Am i the only one who thinks a Heel Colt would be any good? Might get him away from all the comedy crap!

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Am i the only one who thinks a Heel Colt would be any good


A heel turn is about the only thing that would invigorate the stale-beyond-belief Cabana - but he's too much of a mark for his babyface persona to do it, and I can't the ROH office going for it either.

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