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He's alright. He's not very polished, and has supposedly been wrestling for 12 years, but he's not hideous or anything.


Contention - Manassas, VA - 12.6.09


Jimmy Rave, Ernie Osiris and Claudio Castagnoli vs Colt Cabana, Necro Butcher and Grizzly Redwood - This is a pretty fun, character-based six man opener. Enjoyable enough on it's own, but the fact remains the booking of Cabana, Rave and Nana has been uninspired since their returns. Cabana makes Osiris tap to the Billy Goats Curse around the 13 minute mark.


Shawn Spears vs Alex Payne - The obvious problem here is that former WWECW performer Spears backing down from the ROH student and generally very skinny 'Sugarfoot' early on, and in fact being on the defensive for quite a lot of the match, just looks ridiculous. However, Spears looks better by the end, appears to get over somewhat and wins a technically solid encounter with a running DVD at 8:25.


Then it's time for Ric Flair to come out and talk. He puts over ROH, the wrestlers and the fans, but mostly goes on a tangent about drinking a lot and chasing lots of women in the area. By the end of his five minute speech, he seems to just be saying random words...


Bryan Danielson vs Kenny King - I enjoyed this quite a lot, but it's very bizarre. I attend quite a lot of live shows and I'd say I appreciate the value of having a good time at a show. The crowd here are certainly hot and having a good time. Like many recent Danielson undercard matches, there's a comedy element to the early going accentuated by the crowd chanting for snapmares - and then exploding when Danielson snapmares King, and booing the hell out of King when he snapmares Dragon back. Rhett Titus breaks that up by grabbing the mic and singing a karaoke version of his theme song. Just as I started to look for Tracey Smothers to come out for a dance-off, King nails Danielson with a stiff clothesline and we get back to the action. Pretty good action it is too, King avoiding the elbows of death, escaping the triangle choke and generally looking impressive before Danielson picks up the win with the ever-deadly small package at 13:00.


Kevin Steen and El Generico vs The Young Bucks - This is light years better than the Bucks' recent TV debut. It brings back memories of Steen and Generico's match with Mike Quackenbush and Jigsaw from almost exactly two years prior at 'Domination', which was a belter but went under the radar as the DVD of that show lost the McGuinness vs Danielson match to the Driven PPV. This particular crazy spotfest finishes with Matt Jackson eating Generico's somersault coast to coast dropkick, straight into the package piledriver-brainbuster combo at 13:45. Excellent stuff.


Nigel McGuinness then has his turn for in-ring interview time. There are some big boos when he refers to Jerry Lynn - ROH World Champion. He talks about the top contenders for the belt, then ends with the announcement that his arms are as healthy as they are going to get, so he will either come back soon, or not come back at all. Obviously, that'll be the former. Austin Aries interrupts to announce he'll be the champion when Nigel returns, and that being in a four way match the night before his title shot is ridiculous. Therefore, he has arranged an alliance with D'Lo...


Austin Aries vs D'Lo Brown vs Edddie Edwards vs Roderick Strong - This starts out with Strong being triple teamed, which isn't cause for much excitement. The teamwork breaks up thanks to Edwards wanting the match for himself, then Aries swerves D'Lo. You'd have thought D'Lo would know better. Of course, that was just what Strong needed, and he nails a combination on Aries into the Stronghold, and Aries taps immediately to save himself for the next night at 8:04. Okay match, as an overall with the Nigel/Aries segment at the beginning, it was good.


Jimmy Jacobs vs Sonjay Dutt - There's quite the contrast between the two guys here. Jacobs has supposedly 'fallen on hard times' and looks pretty bad wrestling in cut up jeans and naff white boots. Sonjay looks like a star. He exudes confidence, his offense is crisp and he has a good look. He'd need to drop the TNA references from his act if he were getting full time ROH bookings, but I don't see that being a difficulty. This starts out pretty well, but runs out of steam before Jacobs wins with the End Time at 11:04. I remember looking forward to watching Jacobs wrestling matches, but now the sooner the AOTF angle finishes, the better.


Davey Richards vs Jay Briscoe - I'm not sure what happened here, as what's billed as a Grudge match ends up more like a standard wrestling match, complete with a standard finish. Davey does himself no favours by reacting to someone in the crowd by grabbing his crotch and shouting at them "My charisma is right here, dickhead". From that moment on he seemed to enter a slightly subdued, wrestling machine-like performance without as much fire as he'd developed in the last twelve months or so. To make matters worse (for him, anyway), Richards then loses to a reversal of an attempted pinfall with feet on the ropes at 13:47. Good match, but with the old Davey issues.


Eddie Edwards then runs in to attempt a beat down, but Steen and Generico quickly make the save and force a double tapout ahead of their submission match the next night in NYC...


Jerry Lynn vs Tyler Black (non-title) - These two have very good chemistry against each other, that's for certain. Their time limit draw in Detroit earlier in '09 was great and this is up there. There's more snapmare shenanigans in this one, but both guys work them into the developing pace of the match. The crowd is split but pretty positive for both guys, different to the impression given when Lynn was mentioned by Nigel earlier. The only obvious issue with this bout is that being non-title telegraphs the finish, as Black unsurprisingly puts Lynn away with the buckle bomb-superkick combo at 18:30. Real good main event though.


The show ends with Austin Aries coming out on the ramp, sarcastically applauding both guys for making his job the next night easier..


Overall, this is a cracking little show. DVD runtime is just shy of 2 hours, 40 minutes for the main show, plus there's a watchable six minute bonus in Daizee Haze vs LuFisto which didn't make the final cut of Double Feature II. Possibly one of the best 'B' shows ever, certainly in recent times. Much, much better than 'Validation' from Edison which I've decided against reviewing at this point...

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Manhattan Mayhem III - New York, NY - 13/6/09


You want some mayhem huh? Well, we'll see what we get here...


After a backstage interview with Kenny King and Rhett Titus, Austin Aries starts the show proper, cutting a promo promising to win the title before introducing one half of our opening match...


Kenny King and Rhett Titus vs The Young Bucks - Shorter and less impressive than their match with Steenerico the night before, this is nevertheless a good spotty opener to get the crowd going, and when the Young Bucks turn it up at the end, King and Titus are made to look like mere fodder. More Bang For Your Buck puts away Titus at 8:27.


Jimmy Rave vs Necro Butcher - Can anyone even remember when this feud started, or explain why we should be bothered? Rave runs away, then gets caught and beat up until the Embassy use numbers to gain the advantage, Rave works Necro's leg in dull faction and then Necro scores a fluke roll-up for the win at 6:03. The Embassy then execute a long, dull beatdown until Colt Cabana eventually runs in for the save. Yawn.


Ric Flair then cuts an even shorter promo than the previous night in Manassas. He does push the World Title match as 'big time', though obviously not big enough for him to stick around. Oh, and Cary Silkin gets a namecheck(!).


Roderick Strong vs Sonjay Dutt - This was weird. Both men have some good combinations of offense, but the stuff inbetween isn't exciting at all. It reminded me of Strong's 2007 feud with Delirious where there was just no chemistry. A combo ending in the Gibson Driver gives Roddy the win at 12:52.


First Blood: Jimmy Jacobs vs Tyler Black - Jacobs jumps Tyler before he can even get in the ring here. They brawl for about five minutes as the ref shouts at them to get in the ring for the beginning of the match. As they climb the turnbuckles still brawling, Jacobs jabs Black in the head with a screwdriver, the ref starts the match, Tyler comes up bleeding and Jacobs is declared the winner after 11 seconds. The crowd don't like that, understandably. The booking solution for all this is that Tyler uses his MITB style title shot to add himself to tonight's main event instead. The crowd come around to that one... No rating for the match, obviously.


Claudio Castagnoli vs D'Lo Brown vs Colt Cabana vs Bryan Danielson - This is a non-stop, high tempo Four Corner Survival. Everyone comes across as being on about the same level, to the point I'd say this is probably D'Lo's best ROH match. Typically, just as I thought that, he loses, as Cabana gets his revenge for a screwy defeat in Houston a couple of months prior, forcing D'Lo to tap to the Billy Goats Curse at 9:56. Fun stuff.


Submissions Match: The American Wolves vs Kevin Steeen and El Generico - Cracking stuff here, possibly these teams' best encounter so far. There's loads of crazy action, but with added structure due to the submission stipulation, which cuts out the unbelievable nearfall aspect. In a funny inconsistency with the earlier First Blood angle, the ref starts the match with both teams brawling on the floor. The commentators then say something later when Steen and Generico switch without a tag, but it's submissions only, why does the legal man rule apply anyway? Richards is notably back on form here after a below par effort in Manassas. The crowd are totally sucked into the possibility of a title change when Steen and Generico lock in stereo sharpshooters at the 17:00 mark, but it isn't to be as the Wolves make the ropes, Richards blasts Generico's knee with the ring bell, and Edwards capitalises by removing his knee brace and applying a half crab for the tap out at 18:40.


Jay Briscoe vs Guido Maritato - Standard fare here, albeit with a cool ret-ROH feel. That's right. Some good exchanges, then Guido starts heeling. Briscoe wins with the Jay Driller at 7:30, but it's Maritato who gets the big crowd ovation on the way out...


ROH World Title: Jerry Lynn vs Austin Aries vs Tyler Black - So here we are. Aries comes out to Flair's music, which is funny as hell with what Aries is wearing. Nigel then comes out and takes Flair's place as ringside enforcer. The opening exchages between all three men are good, and they keep things going at a reasonable pace to keep you engaged, though it's not brilliant. The crowd heat is only moderate at best. The first elimination is pretty cool, as Aries goes for a brainbuster on Lynn, Tyler superkicks Aries which in turn leads to Lynn taking a DDT. One God's Last Gift, and Black eliminates the champ at 14:30.


Naturally, the crowd react to that in a major way, and stay hot hot hot for the remainder. Black getting his legs worked over turns out to be the difference. Black takes the dropkick-brainbuster-450 combo but escapes using the ropes (or so we are lead to believe, they use a camera angle where you can't see the rope break which may not have actually happened). Aries then cheekily nicks the figure four, and while Black survives that, his legs buckle (ha!) when he attempts the buckle bomb, and a second brainbuster earns Aries the title at 20:03. Another nice finish in what was a good match overall with the big title match feel in place for the most part. King and Titus carry Aries out on their shoulders in triumph, while Black commiserates in the ring once more...


Overall, this edition of Manhattan Mayhem didn't live up to it's 2005 and 2007 counterparts in terms of consistency of top quality action, but the mayhem was there for the most part. I liked the way Aries bookended the show, the First Blood angle was an effective enough way to add some much needed heat to Jimmy Jacobs before his feud with Tyler and overall ROH tenure ends in Detroit and Chicago, and there was truly top notch action in the tag title match. The Four Corner Survival and opening tag also provided fast paced action, and the main event provided more good action and, more importantly, a title change. All of that adds up to a must see show, there's just too much going on to miss this one.


As for Jerry Lynn, I enjoyed his title reign. It was never going to be the epic style of reign of a Samoa Joe, Nigel McGuinnes or Bryan Danielson. The match where he won the title was a cracker, and there were very good defenses vs Roderick Strong and Chris Hero. His final weekend as champion saw him put over Tyler Black, the man who perhaps should have ended Nigel's reign way before Jerry had to, not once but twice, in good matches both times. The fact ROH management made that mistake isn't Jerry's fault, and Lynn was never going to reinvent himself as ROH Champion. Instead, he handed the ball over to Austin Aries in an effective manner. Thanks Jerry.

Edited by gadge
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Good reviews as always Gadge, couldn't disagree with much in those two. I would however say that I didn't think the Wolves/ SteenGenerico match was the best tussle they've had - I'd have to give that honor to the tables match on HDnet.


but the fact remains the booking of Cabana, Rave and Nana has been uninspired since their returns


Agreed. Cabana in particular had a ton of momentum on his return, but now resides in the midcard doing his same old comedy gimmick.


Death Before Dishonor 7 Night 2

Edited by Dearly Devoted Dexter
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Well, I plan on rewatching the main events of episodes 11 and 12 before I go on to episodes 19-24, which I'll edit in here later on. In the mean time, I'm half way through Violent Tendencies...

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As I said the other day, I thought Violent Tendancies was a very strong show. Re ROH TV I'm up to Episode 20 at the mo. I still find it hard to watch due to Hogewood's commentary. Also started watching FCT : Dayton, which is the first of the new ROH DVD's that they produce themselves. They have an option to watch with no commentary, but if you watch it with the commentary you can hardly hear the crowd, and the hard is so out of focus, it's like watching it without my glasses on!! :crazy:

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Gabe just announced on the DGUSA twitter that Davey Richards is off all future DGUSA and EVOLVE events effective immediately. Have to wonder if this is ROH related, down to some other wrestling company or something more serious...

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I don't know. I would think it may be a case of ROH offering Davey a full time contract, most likely a run with either the new TV Title or World Title in his future, and they requested ROH be his priority.


But with Davey being pulled from the WXW weekender at the beginning of March due to "personal reasons", then scrapped from the EVOLVE show the week after where he was one-third owner and going to be the face of the orginization, to being removed from the DG USA shows two weeks after that, and the first night he was even going to challenge BxB Hulk for the Freedom Gate Title.


It's a bit of a weird situation. I'm going to guess ROH/PWG results from this weekend and next weeks aftermath if he gets pulled from ROH shows also will tell a more clear picture.

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From PWInsider..."Davey Richards was pulled from Gabe Sapolsky's promotions EVOLVE and Dragon Gate USA due to Richards' decision to sign a new deal with Ring of Honor, according to several sources. ROH officials would not comment, but I was given the impression some sort of announcement would be forthcoming from the company. "


Next World Champ I hope.


EDIT: ROH have already put up a statement.


(Bristol, PA- January 29, 2010) Ring of Honor is proud to announce that Davey Richards has signed a contract renewal.



After debuting for Ring of Honor on June 3, 2006 in East Windsor, CT, Richards has gone on to prove himself a standout in-ring performer and has taken wrestling by storm. He is a two time former ROH World Tag Team Champion (with Rocky Romero and Eddie Edwards), and had a standout year in 2009 with top shelf matches against a number of competitors, including the tremendous bout against KENTA at "Supercard of Honor IV", the brilliant contest with Bryan Danielson at "The Final Countdown Tour: Boston", and the excellent World Title match against Austin Aries at "Aries vs. Richards”.

As part of The American Wolves, Richards and Eddie Edwards set the tone for tag team wrestling in 2009 with classic confrontations against Bryan Danielson and Tyler Black at "Tag Title Classic", and Kevin Steen and El Generico in Ladder War II at "Glory By Honor VIII", in addition to bringing the tag team art back to a National audience with several tremendous matches which aired exclusively on HDNet.


"Davey has been a tremendous asset to our company for several years," said ROH President Cary Silkin. "He's an exceptional talent and we look forward to seeing him compete in ROH for a long time to come".


Davey Richards is the first talent announced a gigantic weekend of action for Ring of Honor in Phoenix, AZ on March 26th and 27th. Richards will also be appearing in Philadelphia on February 5th and 6th, New York City on February 13th, Dearborn, MI on March 19th, and Mississauga, Ontario on March 20th, and will be a part of our debut in Charlotte, NC on April 3rd.


Please check ROHWrestling.com for more of Davey Richards’ upcoming appearances.

Edited by cobystag
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Super-in-depth ROH @ Wrestlereunion in LA report from PWinsider.... If the 775 attendance is accurate, I've never seen a west coast indy show draw close to that...


We are live from Ring of Honor as part of WrestleReunion's opening night at the LAX Hilton. The actual card will begin about 8:45 PM Pacific, 11:45 PM Eastern.


Pre-Show Notes:


Right now, the ROH stars are doing a meet and greet with fans in attendance. Just about every talent except Davey Richards is out there signing.


Ace Steel and Superstar Steve are visiting at the show.


Former WCW Magazine Publisher and longtime wrestling producer Colin Bowman is handling the logistical end of the show for WrestleReunion.


HDNet is on hand to shoot footage for possible inclusion in upcoming ROH on HDNet episodes.


ROH management declined to comment on the signing of Davey Richards to a new deal, other than saying they were thrilled to get the deal done.


ROH in Los Angeles.


The show started on time and they are beyond sold out. The hotel kept having to add more and more seats to the ballroom. If anyone is coming tomorrow, get here early because I would be shocked if they didn't turn at least some away at the door.


Sal Corrente came out and said they had their first WrestleReunion five years ago this weekend and it's the first time they are being held in Los Angeles. He said he lives in Florida, but loves Los Angeles. He said they want to come back to Los Angeles, they need to support the convention so it comes back. He asked everyone to support the convention and asked everyone to have a good time. It was a nice speech.


Scott Lost & Scorpio Sky vs. Colt Cabana & El Generico


They shook hands at the onset. Generico started with Sky. Cabana tagged in and they criss crossed, leading to Cabana slapping and slamming him. Generico tagged in and came off the ropes with a shot to Scorpio's arm. Lost tagged in and whipped Generico into the corner. Generico reversed and kicked Lost. Lost made a comeback but was caught with an arm wringer. Cabana and Generico nailed Lost with a double back elbow. They continued to double team Lost. Lost caught Generico with a forearm in the corner and tagged in Sky. Sky locked up Generico's arm in a submission then rolled him over into a pinfall submission. They worked over Generico in the corner.


Sky continued to work over Generico. Generico made his way to his feet but Cabana was knocked off the apron. Generico finally made the hot tag. He nailed Sky and Lost with clubbering punches, if you will. Generico hit a dive to the floor on Sky. Cabana hit the butt butt and the Flying a-hole on Lost. Generico hit a Michinoku Driver on Lost for a two count. Generico charged the corner but Sky nailed him with a big knee for a two count.


Sky and Lost hit a double stunner on Generico for a two count. Scorpio went to the top but missed a frog splash. Cabana nailed a shoulderbreaker and scored the pin.


Your winners, El Generico & Colt Cabana!


Fun opener. The atmosphere in the Ballroom is awesome.


Anything Goes: Erick Stevens vs. Necro Butcher


Necro was attacked before the bell but made a comeback and they brawled to the floor. They went over the rail and brawled around the ballroom. Stevens slammed Necro's head into the ROH merchandise table. Necro picked up a piece of guard rail and ran Stevens into it. They chopped and brawled their way around the room before returning to the ringside area. Fans chanted for Necro. Stevens took over by the time they returned to the ring. He drove Butcher to the mat and cinched in a rear chinlock. The fans rallied behind Necro.


Stevens slammed Necro and dropped an elbow. He brought a road side into the ring and stood over Butcher waiting for him to get to his feet. He slammed Butcher in the stomach and then over the back with the sign. Stevens picked up Butcher and dropped him with an over the knee backbreaker. He then locked on a bear hug. Butcher broke free and they fought in a test of strength. Stevens slammed Butcher down. He picked up Butcher for a powerbomb out of the ring but Butcher escaped and began chopping away. He went for a bulldog but was shoved off. Stevens cut off Butcher.


Joey Ryan came out to help Stevens and help a stop sign to nail Necro. Necro ducked, Stevens got nailed and Butcher rolled him up for the pin.


Your winner, Necro Butcher!


Butcher was beaten down by the Embassy members after the bell.


Fun brawl from what I could see from my vantage point. Necro got a nice round of applause from the crowd as he made his way to his feet and left the ring.


Former WCW announcer Chris Cruise, TNA Knockout Daffney, ROH on HDNet Producer Dave Lagana and Chavo Guerrero Sr. are among the luminaries in attendance.


Delirious vs. Roderick Strong


Strong shoved Delirious at the onset and Delirious went to the floor. They circled the ring. They did some nice back and forth wrestling. They began chopping each other back and forth. Delirious dropped Strong, then bailed him with a back senton. Delirious worked over Strong. Strong maneuvered him outside the ring, then picked up in a backbreaker position and dropped Delirious across the apron. He tossed him back in the ring for a two count.


Strong continued to work over Delirious' back. He continued to wear down Delirious. Delirious worked his way out with several elbows. He snapped Strong's throat over the top rope, then came off with a flying clothesline for a two count. He went to the top for Shadows over Hell but Strong moved. Delirious rolled through and maintained control. They began exchanting chops and forearms. Delirious went for a tackle but Strong avoided it. Delirious went to suplex Strong into the ring from the outside but Strong pulled him over to the apron. They battled on the apron and Strong hit a back suplex onto the apron.


Strong covered Delirious but he kicked up. Strong came back with a Tiger Driver for the pin.


Your winner, Roderick Strong!


Lots of good back and forth wrestling and stiff shots in this one.


The official attendance is 775, according to WrestleReunion.


Joey Ryan vs. Tyler Black


Since we are in California, there was a chant for Ryan. Black worked over s arm early but Ryan got to the ropes. Black tied him up again but this time he prevented Ryan from getting to the ropes. Ryan cheated to take Black down, Black leapfrogged Ryan and nailed him with a punch. Ryan powdered to the floor. Black went for a dive but Ryan nailed him with a forearm as he hit the ropes. Outside, Black worked over Ryan. As they returned to the ring, Black took control and slingshot himself into the ring for a twisting kick. Black missed a stomp and Ryan worked him over in the corner.


Ryan whipped Black into the corner but Black was up and over and caught him with a snapmare and a kick to the back. Black worked him over in the corner with a series of chops. He kept whipping Ryan back and forth across the ring from corner to corner. Ryan came back, focusing on Black's shoulder. Ryan suplexed Black over and continued to wear down his arm. Black tried to mount a comeback but was cut off. He finally mailed a springboard clothesline, followed by a quebrada for a two count. Black nailed a flip diver over the ropes to the floor.


Back in the ring, Tyler draped Ryan over his shoulder and slapped him down. Ryan came back with a choke submission. Black nailed a shining wizard. He went top the top rope but Ryan pulled him down and cinched in a cross armbreaker. Black broke free and powerbombed Ryan into the corner. They battled in the corner and Ryan teased a move but Black came back with a fisherman's buster for the pin.


Your winner, Tyler Black!


Kenny King vs. Jerry Lynn


This is a grudge match based on King injuring Lynn and putting him out of action. King came out with a hot female, who was unnamed. King took the mic and said he hates Los Angeles. He said there's 1800 miles of freeway that is covered by douchebags who think yellow and purple is a masculine color combination. He said that he'd be available for the ladies later. He said that five months ago, he did what RVD, Sandman and Steve Corino couldn't do - he put Lynn out of wrestling. He said that no one has seen Lynn in months but tonight, Lynn wants to come back and do "it for the fans." He said that since he already put Lynn out of the wrestling business, tonight, he was going to put him out of the walking business.


Lynn hit the ring and began beating the hell out of King. King ran from the ring and they battled outside. Lynn slammed his hand into the apron. Lynn tossed him back into the ring and threw King into the corner. Lynn tossed King to the floor but King reversed an irish whip into the rail and began stomping Lynn on the floor. He ripped at Lynn's face. Back in the ring, King charged Lynn but was caught with an elbow. Lynn came back and began slamming King's face into the mat.


Lynn charged King in the corner but King avoided him. King tossed Lynn to the floor and whipped him into the railing. Lynn came back and tossed King into the crowd, then dove off the ropes into the crowd. King ran Lynn backwards into the apron several times. He continued working over Lynn as the crowd rallied the former ROH champion. Lynn is whipped into the ropes but comes back with a flying clothesline. They go to the floor where Lynn whipped King into the railing and King did the Flair flop. Yes, really. Lynn tossed him back into the ring.


King regained control and hit the cradle piledriver but Lynn kicked out. The referee acted like Lynn was out and asked King to back off. King pulled Lynn, who was out, back to his feet, but Lynn wrapped him up in a small package and pinned him.


Your winner, Jerry Lynn!


King attacked Lynn immediately and took him out. He grabbed a chair as Lynn pulled himself to his feet. He swung it at Lynn, who ducked and dropkicked the chair into King's face. Fans chanted ECW. Lynn went to attack King but the referee tried to stop him. Lynn shoved ref Todd Sinclair down. Lynn nailed King with a cradle piledriver on the chair.


They announced that due to Lynn's actions, they were reversing the decision.


Your new winner, by DQ, Kenny King!


ROH champ Austin Aries, in street clothes, came out to check on King.


We are back from intermission.


Bill Apter made his way to the ring. Apter welcomed everyone to the show and asked everyone what they would be doing after the show. He said that for an hour after the show, the WrestleReunion merchandise room would be open. Apter asked everyone in the first two rows to stand up and they thanked everyone in those seats for their support, and said without them, they wouldn't have been able to bring ROH to LA. He asked everyone to come out tomorrow so they would be able to bring WrestleReunion back


Scott Taylor vs. Larry Zbyszko with Jonny Fairplay as the special referee.


Fairplay was escorted to the ring by Alexis Arquette. Fairplay ripped on the legends and said the only real world champion was David Arquette, so he was bringing the "Best Arquette", Alexis to the ring.


Taylor took the mic and said he's wrestled all over the world and up until tonight, there was only one wrestling company he never worked for, ROH. He said that Hulk Hogan and TNA and John Cena and the WWE don't have. He said that after being in the back all night, he saw "goddamn passion." He turned his attention to Fairplay and said that everyone knows he's the master of the worm. He asked Fairplay if he's had a worm in his mouth or not.


I know this will shock the Internet, but there was a lot of stalling. The crowd wasn't happy and chanted, "This is bullsh**." Poor JJ Dillon, who was watching, fled the scene. Hotty went for the worm and Fairplay turned him away from Larry, who then schoolboyed him for the pin.


Your winner, Larry Zbyszko!


It was every bit of the classic you expected it to be.


Hotty laid out Fairplay and gave him the worm.


Apparently the Stinkface on Fairplay was a rib as he didn't know it was coming.


Human Tornado vs. Kevin Steen


Tornado hit a dive on Steen as he was making his way to the ring. Steen did a running rear end to the corner, decimating Tornado and the bottom rope, which sagged. Steen continued to work over Tornado's back, spinning him in the air as he dropped Tornado over his knee. He tossed Tornado to the floor in nasty fashion. He whipped Tornado into the railing. He continued to whip Tornado into the railing.


Tornado went for a dive off the apron but was caught by Steen and tossed into the railing via a Fall Away Slam. Steen deposited Tornado back in the ring for a two count. Steen punched Tornado in the corner. He grabbed Tornado for a suplex but it was blocked. He finally got Tornado up and held him for a 13 count from the crowd before dropping him. Steen went for another but Tornado turned it into a choke. Steen finally broke it and both men were down on the floor.


Tornado nailed Steen with the Pounce. He nailed Steen with a knee to the back of the head from the ropes for a two count. Steen came back with a suplex and dropped Tornado's head over his knee. He covered Tornado, who draped his leg over the rope to break the count. Steen nailed a forward swanton. Steen killed him with a piledriver and a package piledriver for the pin.


Your winner, Kevin Steen!


Steen kept beating on Tornado. Cabana hit the ring and argued with Steen. Steen walked out through the crowd.


Really good match. Steen's heel work was awesome here. He's really found himself.


Since the ropes broke, they had some fun shenanigans while fixing them including Adam Pearce, Colt Cabana, Bobby Cruise, Todd Sinclair and Ace Steel all dancing.


ROH champ Austin Aries vs. Jushin "Thunder" Liger - Non Title


Aries took the mic before the bout and made fun of Japanese and Mexicans not being able to speak proper English. He asked why everyone thinks Liger deserves a title shot when he dresses in his Underoos. He went off on Liger. Liger took the mic and said, "You assh***."


Aries attacked Liger from behind and began stomping him. Aries whipped Liger into the corner and began stomping him. Liger reversed an Irish Whip but was kicked off. He nailed the palm strike and Aries went to the floor. Liger nailed a baseball sliding kick. Liger whipped Aries into the railing, then nailed a brainbuster on the floor. Aries was almost counted out but rolled back into the ring. Liger grabbed Aries and charged him into the corner, for a two count.


Aries, now bleeding a ton, was put into a bow and arrow. Aries was then trapped in a rolling surfboard. He rolled back in an attempt to pin Liger. Liger locked in an abdominal stretch. They battled their way to the top and went back and forth with punches. Aries got the better of the exchange and Liger went to the floor. Aries dove off the top on Liger to the floor, then whipped him into the railing. Aries hit a missile dropkick off the top.


Liger came back with a tiltowhirl backbreaker. Liger came off the top with a splash but Aries got his knees up. Aries grabbed Liger in a waistlock and ran him out of the ring, then hit a sick looking dive to the floor.


Back in the ring, Liger went for a powerbomb but Aries turned it into a rana, sending Liger to the floor. Aries hit a tope suicida to the floor. Aries tossed Liger back in for a series of two counts before locking in an Oriental Torture Device. Aries went for a superplex, but Liger nailed a brainbuster for a two count. Liger nailed a sitdown Ligerbomb for a two count. Liger goes for a superplex but Aries escapes and hits a sunset flip off the ropes for a two count.


Liger went for a running palk strike but Aries pulled the ref in the way and Liger hit the ref. As Liger looked at the ref, Aries lowblowed him and nailed a brainbuster for the pin.


Your winner, ROH champion Austin Aries!


Really good match but I hated the hell out of that finish. You bring Liger over and do a ref bump? Lame.


The fans chanted "Thank you Liger" as he left.


The Young Bucks & ROH Tag Team champs The Briscoes vs. The Kings of Wrestling & The American Wolves


If you think I was able to follow this one, you need your head examined. Just get the DVD.


Davey Richards started out with Nick Jackson. He ended up being ping ponged between everyone in the babyface's corner. Claudio and Marc Briscoe tagged in. They went back and forth and Marc got the better of the exchange. Eddie Edwards and Jay Briscoe tagged in. Edwards stomped Briscoe, who came back with chops. The Briscoes nailed a double shoulderblock. Matt Jackson nailed a moonsault for a near fall.


Hero tagged in and nailed Nick with an elbow to the face. Hero and Nick went back and forth with Nick getting the better of a good, fast exchange. Marc Briscoe tagged in. Hero took control once Nick tagged in. Davey nailed a back suplex on Nick and knocked the other babyfaces off the apron. The Bucks took control with a big dropkick on Edwards/ Davey nailed a Northern Lights Suplex on Nick Jackson for a two count.


The Heroes of Wrestling continued working over Nick. The heels isolated Nick in their corner and kept beating him. Edwards drilled him with a clubbing clothesline as he rebounded off the ropes. Davey Richards worked over Nick, then Claudio did. Nick began firing back but was cut off. Nick made a fast comeback but was nailed with a spinning suplex. Richards tagged in and he and Jackson battled for control of a suplex before Jackson got the move.


The Heroes of Wrestling and Eddie Edwards took out the babyfaces before Nick could make the tag, so his trashing continued. Edwards nailed a suplex into a faceplant. The Jacksons finally made a hot tag and they all did a bunch of cool stuff that was too fast for me to type.


Matt Jackson fought out of a tombstone. He went for a superkick but Richards kicked him off. He nailed a second one then hit a sliced bread #2 for a two count. Richards and Matt killed each other with stiff kicks and chops. Hero tagged in and drilled forearms and chops into Matt Jackson. Hero teased a neckbreaker, then killed him with a discus elbow. The Heroes nailed some double team maneuvers, culminating in a double powerbomb.


Matt made the hot tag to Mark Briscoe, who nailed a double clothesline off the top. He nailed a running clothesline in the corner on Hero. He went for a second but was nailed with a boot to the face. Briscoe pulled Hero out of the corner into a powerbomb for a two count. Claudio nailed a big boot on marc for a two count. He started doing the big swing and swung Briscoe into a Hero dropkick. Claudio did an airplane spin into a powerbomb for a two count. Jay nailed a death valley driver and attempted a J-Driller for a two count.


Edwards nailed a fireman's carry into a faceplant. He and Briscoe began killing each other with running kicks before Jay caught him with a clubbing lariat.


It broke down into everyone brawling. The Briscoes did stereo drives. The Bucks followed suit. Matt Jackson speared Edwards. He nailed a moonsault while Nick nailed a splash off the ropes. It broke down into a million and ones near falls and exchanges. Edwards nailed a powerbomb and turned it into a Boston Crab. Nick finally taps.


Your winners, The Kings of Wrestling and The American Wolves!


Awesome main event. I couldn't keep up with anything these guys did. Just off the charts main event.


That's all for tonight. We'll have PWG coverage tomorrow. Thank you for your support of PWInsider.com.


For more information on tomorrow's WrestleReunion events, visit www.wrestlereunion.com.

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Signing Davey is the most important move they've made in quite a while. They fucked up Tyler's push (although never was sure about him as champ), Roderick is always going to be close but not quite champion, and Austin Aries can't have it forever.


No one in the company is a better fit for champion than Davey.

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  • Paid Members

It looks like Richards has been quite cute here - taking the Dragon Gate booking for WM weekend knowing full well ROH would have something to say about it, he may just have manevered himself into a nice little deal. With political skills like that he should be WWE!! :laugh:

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  • Paid Members

Interesting stuff. Havn't DOI always had it in for ROH though - I'm sure I remember them backing Feinstein at some point when the split happened?

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Yeah. DOI are full of shit. Case in point:


Furthermore, we also got a report about Richards no-showing an AAW show on 1/15. Richards knew he wasn't going to be there, but waited until the last minute to say anything. I hope the ROH money is really good (It's less than $200) because Richards just lost three great bookings (FIP/Evolve/DGUSA) right off the bat. Now that he was two-faced in this situation with ROH/DG and no-showing indy bookings, indy promoters will have to wonder if he is reliable when you book him.


Last minute? Well let me look at the AAW website:


01/12/10 -Davey Richards will be unable to compete at this Friday night's event in Davnport, IA. We apoligize for the change. Replacing Davey Richards in the tag team match is former AAW Heavyweight Champion, Jay Bradley. This is the first time in AAW history where all four competitors are former heavyweight champions. This match will have a huge impact on the top ten rankings.


Three days before the show is hardly last minute. Especially when they'd already announced his replacement in the match.


I firmly believe it's a case of ROH offering him a deal (with perhaps certain things written in the contract) that rules him out working for other companies PPV's. This doesn't forbid him from working other companies that are straight to DVD, but Gabe has been noted to be the pissy type in the past so properly ousted him from EVOLVE when Davey broke the news to him.

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