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...and last night's taping results, from here:

Third Show:

-Jerry Lynn v Tyler Black: Nigel comes down during the match. Black has the match won with a Powerbomb/Superkick Combo, but Nigel puts Lynn foot on the ropes at 2. Lynn wins with a Cradle Piledriver. "match was boring, but better than Black/Lynn from last night. Crowd was dead"

-Silas Young v Erick Stevens: Stevens win with a Dr Bomb.

-Eddie Kingston comes out and wants Hero. Heros music hits and Hagendorn comes out and says King isn't worthy. He sends out Sal Rinaro. The match is on, and Kingston squashes him. Ends it with a Spinning Backfist.

-Kenny King and Rhett Titus v The Briscoe Bros: Briscoes win with Springboard Doomsday Device. "good match, but people were destracted by some douche in the crowd". Post match, Wolves come out and talk sh!t, Steenerico comes out and everyone brawls. "brawl was awesome"

-Aries comes out and cuts a promo on par with last night.


Second Show:

Colt Cabana, Brent Albright, Grizzly Redwood, and Necro Butcher v The Embassy(Jimmy Rave, Claudio Castagnoli, Ernie Osiris, and Prince Nana) Elimanation Rules: Osiris beats Grizzly, Albright and CC are both counted out, Rave makes Necro tap, Osiris gone after a Colt 45, Rave gets rolled up, Cabana makes Nana tap to the Billy Goats Curse for the win. Ernie did a flip off the apron on to Necros foot in a chair in a cool spot. "not the best wrestling, but a really fun match"

-Even Scott v Nigel McGuinness: Nigel wins with a DDT. "Nigel looked bad again, it was a boring as sh!t squash"

-The American Wolves v Up In Smoke: Wolves win with a Single Leg Crab. Good squash. "up in smoke looked good in their 10 seconds of offense". Post match, Dark City Fight Club comes down and destroys Cheech and Cloudy. Then they stare down the Wolves.

-Sonjay Dutt v Delirious: Deli wins with a roll up. "good match, just went to long"


First Show:

-Roderick Strong v Austin Aries: Aries wins with a roll up with his feet on the ropes. "f*cking awesome, 10x better than their last HD match. Crowd was going nuts".

-Jerry Lynn promo: talks about Dlo and how he wrestles at his peak at age 46. "boring"

-Dlo Brown v John Kermin: Dlo wins with a Spinebuster from the second rope

-Kevin Steen and El Generico v Tony Kozina and Sami Callihan: Steenerico wins with a Package Piledriver/ Brainbuster Combo. Solid, extended squash

-Tyler Black comes out for an interview. Aries hits the ring asking why he dosnt get interview time. Nigel come out and they all argue about who should have the belt. Nigel leaves and Aries hits Black with the belt.



-Orange Cassidy v Eddie Kingston: Squash. Kingston with a spinning backfist. Post match interview where King says he won't stop until Hero is out of wrestling.

-The Set v Bobby Dempsey and Sawada: Dempsey wins with a DVD

-Jon Moxley beat ???


Dragon is out due to a Staph Infection. It's being said he won't be at the shows next week either.

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The second shows main event last night was crazy over. Yes even ernie and Grizzly. It was another really fun show. A couple of the squash matches didnt get much heat but they were over quickly. Aries cut an even more spectacular promo, called a guy out and asked him to jump the barrier so they could fight. Within a second there were security guys all over him. The crowd went fucking ape! It was awesome!

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ROH Matches of the Year for every year since 2002?




2002 - Bryan Danielson vs Paul London (Night of the Butcher)

2003 - AJ Styles vs Paul London (Night of Grudges)

2004 - Samoa Joe vs Bryan Danielson (Midnight Express Reunion)

2005 - Joe vs Kobashi, I think

2006 - Bryan Danielson vs KENTA (Glory By Honor V Night 2)

2007 - Bryan Danielson vs Takeshi Morishima (Manhattan Mayhem II)

2008 - Bryan Danielson vs Claudio Castagnoli (Northern Navigation)


That was a struggle. I wouldn't change my picks for '02, '03, '06 or '07 but some of the others could be changable. There are plenty of much more noted matches from 2008, but I enjoyed Danielson vs Claudio so much, and watched it at least half a dozen times, which is extremely unusual for me.




2002 - Low Ki vs Christopher Daniels vs Spanky vs Doug Williams (Crowning A Champion)

2003 - Homicide vs Steve Corino (Bitter Friends, Stiffer Enemies)

2004 - Joe vs Punk II

2005 - Samoa Joe vs Jay Lethal (Manhattan Mayhem)

2006 - Bryan Danielson vs Nigel McGuinness (Unified)

2007 - Bryan Danielson vs KENTA (Driven), Nigel McGuinness vs Austin Aries (Rising Above)

2008 - Bryan Danielson vs Nigel McGuinness (Rising Above)

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What the attendance like for the last two tv tapings?


Also, any word on how big attendance was for the last NYC show?


Hmm... NYC is hard to guess. Maybe 2000.


The two TV tapings were fairly full. Larger than a usual Chikara or CZW shows but a lot of the tickets were comps. I'd say it got quieter towards the end of saturday evening too. Maybe 5-600 saturday and maybe 450 friday, but thats just a really vague guess. All i can say is that there were more people in there than I expected.

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I'll also add my twopennth to the ROH Matches of the Year Question


2002 - Lo-Ki vs Samoa Joe. Runner Up - American Dargon vs Lo-Ki

2003 - AJ Styles vs Paul London. Runner Up - Christopher Daniels vs Samoa Joe

2004 - Samoa Joe vs Brian Danielson. Runner Up - Briscoes vs Punk & Cabana - 2/3 Falls

2005 - Joe vs Kobashi. Runner Up - Jacobs & Whitmer vs Evans & Strong

2006 - Brian Danielson vs Nige McGuinness (Unified). Runner Up - Briscoes vs Aries and Strong (Unified)

2007 - Brian Danielson vs KENTA. Runner Up - Samoa Joe vs Takeshi Morishima

2008 - (Bear in mind I'm only up to Escalation) Brian Danielson vs Tyler Black (New Horizons). Runner Up - Brian Danielson vs. Katsuhiko Nakajima

Edited by Dearly Devoted Dexter
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A couple of interesting selections there DDD... I hated Briscoes vs Punk/Cabana 2/3 falls... the 2005 tag match, however, was particularly crazy (from Manhattan Mayhem, right?).


Detroit results from last night...



by Aaron McMann @ 8:41 PM on 6/26/2009


Aaron McMann called in the following results from the Ring of Honor event in Detroit, Michigan:


*The show opened with a 10 bell salute to Mitsuharu Misawa.


*Grizzly Redwood defeated Silas Young with a rollup.


*Rhett Titus & Kenny King defeated Brent Albright & Erick Stevens when King rolled up Albright. Albright was busted open in the back of the head hardway early on.


*Ric Flair came out and cut a short promo putting over ROH, Cary Silkin and Detroit.


*Nigel McGuiness fought Claudio Castagnoli to a double countout.


*Kevin Steen & El Generico defeated The House of Truth, Christian Able & Josh Raymond with Truth Martini. So far, the best match of the night.


*ROH champion Austin Aries won a non-title Six Man Mayhem bout, pinning Joey Ryan. Also competing were Delirious, Petey Williams, Sami Callihan and Rasche Brown.


*Colt Cabana defeated D'Lo Brown after using the ring bell. A lot of comedy.


*ROH Tag Team champions The American Wolves defeated KENTA & Roderick Strong.


*Tyler Black defeated Jimmy Jacobs in a Steel Cage Match. After the match, a collection of masked men hit the ring and destroyed Jacobs as screaming played over the sound system.

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ROH Final Battle 2008 - New York, NY - 27.12.08


ROH draws its biggest crowd ever, as the Hammerstein is packed to the tune of 2000+ for the last show of 2008.


The DVD begins with an Age of the Fall promo about how stuff is cyclical. They're stood in the dark, which means you can't see any facial expressions, and Delirious is barely visible at all.


Claudio Castagnoli vs Kenny Omega kicks us off proper. Claudio vs high flyers usually equals a good (undercard) bout, and this is certainly a hot way to start the show. The days of Claudio looking like he might main event seem a distant memory, especially when you combine trying to catch up on DVDs with watching the TV show on YouTube and seeing Claudio feuding with Brent Albright. Still, this being the opener, there's a lot to like. Claudio gets plenty of heat. Omega is still a fresh face on the ROH undercards, seems to be catching on with his somewhat goofy charisma, and hits his spots crisply. Plus, it means when Nigel's on commentary he can make Johnny Fairplay jokes. Not that Nigel has anything to joke about when Omega reverses a Ricola Bomb attempt into a small package, and gets the upset pin after 7-8 minutes. Claudio throws a wobbly on his way out. I would too if i knew I had a TV feud with Albright coming up...


Four Corner Survival action next, with Rhett Titus vs Chris Hero vs Necro Butcher vs Jerry Lynn. I'm way past the point of enjoying any of Hero's matches. Even though this is a four way, there's loads of early stalling. Prazak reels off the Titus catchphrases as he has every show since he started heel commentating. Necro seems the most over during the match. Lynn and Hero have the first proper wrestling exchanges, Lynn looks fine when Hero bumps around but Hero's offense is. So. Boring. Hero tags out to Necro and we get some comedy chain wrestling as Necro applies wristlocks and partakes in a bizarre Malenko/Guerrero sequence. We then get the obligatory pseudo tag match part of the 4CS as Hero and Titus beat down Necro and then later Lynn. Titus has more watchable offense than Hero, even though he's in the 'pushing your luck against established opponents' role. Lynn ends up making his own comeback, which looks good. Necro then ends up destroying Titus on the floor, and while that's going on, Hero tries to use the loaded elbow pad on Lynn, but Lynn ducks and nails Hero with the cradle piledriver for three at about 13 minutes. Okay match with a big pop for the finish. Jimmy Jacobs then ends up on the mic, and sets up Necro for an AOTF beatdown, until Steen and Generico make the save. We move straight on...


Kevin Steen and El Generico vs Jimmy Jacobs and Delirious for the World Tag Team Titles is based on the idea that AOTF are trying to win tag gold at Final Battle for the second year in a row. Unfortunately, they don't seem to have noticed that they have no momentum whatsoever. In fact, for the opening few minutes, Jimmy Jacobs is beaten down by Steen and Generico, with next to no offense whatsoever. It takes an intervention from Delirious when Steen goes for the running cannonball for the AOTF to take control and work on the knee of Steen. Steen's bad leg then becomes the focal point of the match, until the end when Daizee Haze/Delirious shenanigans lead to Generico pinning Delirious after the package piledriver/brainbuster combo. AOTF only looked like they might take the titles once, when Steen ate the Panic Attack/Shadows over Hell combo from Delirious and a top rope senton from Jacobs in succession for a good nearfall. Still, this was a worthy 13 minute tag title defense, and Steen and Generico didnt have that many in their reign. Jacobs berates Delirious afterwards, and walks out.


Davey Richards, Eddie Edwards and Go Shiosaki vs Brent Albright, Roderick Strong and Erick Stevens is a fairly insane six man streetfight. The music for the American Wolves is quite cool, I suppose it won't last when the TV kicks in. Everyone pulls their weight in this one, yes even Albright, and Go looks a lot better here than in many of his ROH outings. They keep this completely in the ring and ringside area, which means no brawls through back areas of the crowd where you can't see what's going on, which is always a big plus to this type of thing. Erick Stevens eats a vicious looking German suplex through a table from Go. Any exchanges with Davey and Roderick are well worth looking out for. There's a bit where Albright is worked over by all three of the Sweet 'n' Sour Inc team, and later on tables turn as Strong puts Richards through a table then Go is triple teamed by Strong, Stevens and Albright, and that's enough for the end as Albright forces Go to tap out to the crowbar. 15 minutes of full on action here. Good stuff indeed. After the face team celebrate, the Wolves have a go at Go for tapping out, and leave him in the ring alone long enough for the crowd to give him a nice ovation. That is, until he flips the crowd off, the heel that he is. While it isn't mentioned, that's the end of Go's ROH run, as he returns to NOAH from this point.


Kensuke Sasaki and Katsuhiko Nakajima vs Jay and Mark Briscoe is your classic, straight forward ROH of yore... "We've got imports in, lets just make sure we get a good match out of them". The Briscoes haven't had a very good 2008 compared to their excellent second half of 2006 and most of 2007, but they are on form here, and when Nakajima is in with them, the action is very good, back and forth stuff. Sasaki, being a heavyweight and also GHC Heavyweight Champion at this point, naturally doesn't do much selling, but brings the hard hitting exchanges, and the teamwork with Nakajima nicely. Jay pins Nakajima with the Jay Driller at the seventeen minute mark, then gets attacked by the American Wolves who handcuff Jay to the rope and bash Mark's leg in. This will be the last match for The Briscoes together for six months. Steen and Generico make the save but the Wolves get some shots in on Steen's knee as well, until Albright, Strong and Stevens make the save. Albright then cuts a loud, shouty promo at President Cary, and he makes Steel Cage Warfare for the Caged Collision PPV.


We then get a translated promo by Marufuji before his shot at McGuinness later in the evening, and a video promo for the DVD of Northen Navigation. It's then time for a #1 contenders match...


Tyler Black vs Austin Aries - footage of the conclusion of their pretty smart match at Wrestling at the Gateway, where Black got the pin with God's Last Gift, then Aries left with an insane grin on his face, precedes the match itself. Dual chanting haters won't like this one, but it is actually relevent to the storyline in this case. What starts as a 50/50 split in crowd support becomes more and more pro-Black, and Aries gets shown up as Black uses Aries' own dropkick out of a headscissors counter, and then avoids Aries' power drive elbow. Aries is really good at showing his growing frustration at his inability to handle Tyler, with his athleticism, quickness, heart and ever-increasing fan support in spite of his role in Jimmy Jacobs' AOTF. Aries and Black have really good chemistry in the ring, and the moves combined with the storyline of Aries mindset is very engaging. Then, in a surprising twist in the developing story, Black misses the Phoenix Splash after being distracted by Jimmy Jacobs coming onto the entrance ramp, and Aries nails the brainbuster and 450 for the pinfall.


After the match, Jacobs gets in Black's face like in the aftermath of the Aries/Jacobs I Quit match at Rising Above, only for Black to pie face him down. Jacobs changes his tune quickly, but when they seem to reconcile, Jacobs nails Black with a low blow, and the End Time. Jacobs then grabs a chair and looks to smash Black's head, Aries makes the save, only Aries then blasts Black with the chair. Aries and Jacobs double team Tyler, all the while looking at each other suspiciously, and Aries then riles up the crowd before heading to the back. So, Tyler is now a full fledged face, a role that suits him better anyway... more on Aries later. They show extended footage of Black coming to, sat in the ring bloodied and contemplative, which lets the turn sink in nicely.


Another DVD video package, this time for the excellent New Horizons PPV show, then we get some highlights of Nigel McGuinness' challenge for Naomichi Marufuji's GHC Heavyweight Title at Glory By Honor V Night 2, which is probably still ROH's best show ever. It must be World Title match time...


Nigel McGuinness vs Naomichi Marufuji was set up the previous Hammerstein show, Death Before Dishonor VI. I like the continuity between shows in the same venue, good job Nigel didn't lose the belt since then though eh? The good thing about having Marufuji in there with Nigel is that you know he's not going to stay down for too long in the predictable period of heat building, which has become all too familiar in many of Nigel's title defenses. So, during the chain wrestling in the early going, and the gradual development of the match, the story is as much about Nigel rising to the challenge of the NOAH star rather than the challenger seeking ways to dethrone the champ.


As things then escalate, the NOAH influence on this title match is obvious, as both men use finisher variations from the ropes to the floor and onto the ring apron, and Nigel somehow manages to tear his own right bicep when nailing Marufuji with a Tower of London on the ring apron. The end might then be slightly curtailed, as Marufuji gets a close nearfall with the coast to coast dropkick, then goes for a flurrry of superkicks, two of which hit, but Nigel avoids the third and hits the jawbreaker lariat for three at 18:15. Good match, but the highlights of their previous encounter made me want to revisit that one. Maybe Nigel's injury meant they shortened the end, as I said, so I can't be critical really.


Once again, we get some post-match action, as Jerry Lynn comes out to praise the match but then also get all shouty at Nigel for calling him old. Nigel ends up leaving through the crowd to get away...


The introductions for the main event are then delayed by Prince Nana jumping in the ring, failing to get the mic from ring announcer Bobby Cruise and being carried out by security. Main event time finally comes around after a build up video. Oh, how long I was waiting for this one...


Fight Without Honor : Bryan Danielson vs Takeshi Morishima - having attended the first of their matches live at Manhattan Mayhem II in the Grand Ballroom, which I think I rate as the ROH match of 2007, and followed their rematches on DVD, this was always the feud ending match that needed to be made, but was delayed due to Morishima's GHC title run and injuries.


This one is really the Bryan Danielson show. No half assing here, the lights come up during his Final Countdown entrance, and there's Danielson on the apron behind Morishima. One missile dropkick later, Morishima is on the outside. One flying baseball slide after that, Morishima's in the crowd. Danielson then springboard dives into the crowd, onto Morishima, rising to his feet just as the song hits the right point... "IT'S THE FINAL COUNTDOWN!". Oh yes.


The story of Danielson's revenge carries the match from one point to the next. Morishima has some of the match his own way, of course, and it's amazing how Danielson brings the best out of the big man, who it should be pointed out is larger than ever here. He busts Danielson open, and Danielson ends up a bloody mess, increasing the impact of his offense when he then comes back. Morishima brings a chain into play, and there's a set of spots that bring back memories of the recent Aries/Jacobs Chain and I Quit matches, but without the overcomplication. In the end, 20 chain assisted elbows knock Morishima loopy, Danielson locks in Cattle Mutilation, and scores the win by KO.


Overall, this probably isn't a top 20 ROH match, or even the best in their series. I'm a huge Danielson fan, and for those who aren't, or those who didn't follow the 2007 feud, this probably comes across a lot worse than it does in my eyes. That said, there's something for giving the fans what they want, and the largest crowd in ROH history got exactly what they wanted here.


At the end of a year where being an ROH fan was less rewarding than in the past, ROH delivered this match and this show, which top to bottom only had one weak match (the Four Corner Survival) and a rabid, record setting crowd. For the DVD viewer, it's nice to have a full length, 3 hour card too. It was like watching the ROH of old, albeit only for one night. Things aren't there yet, and there's plenty more things I know ROH get wrong between this show and where we are now (end of June '09) but at least things aren't stagnant, as they felt for much of 2008. It's a start.


Speaking of starts...


ROH Full Circle - Manassas, VA - 10.1.09


I'm not going into too much depth with this one. The first thing you notice is the miniature size of the crowd compared to Hammerstein. Still...


The opening two matches both feature ROH regulars vs Virginia area talents, as Brent Albright and Erick Stevens roll over Damien Wayne and Chris Escobar in an okay match, and Rhett Titus vs Sean Denny goes to a no-contest when Bison Smith makes his ROH debut and flattens them both.


On seeing that the next match was Necro Butcher vs Delirious, it was obvious we were going to get a finish involving Jimmy Jacobs and Daizee Haze. This time, Delirious voluntarily gives Daizee the spike instead of using it on Necro. Necro then makes him pay with a chokeslam and Tiger Driver for the pin. Twelve minutes of action was not worth watching when you could predict the finish...


Jay Briscoe and Roderick Strong vs The American Wolves is a pretty good match. Jay seems motivated, which is always something to watch for when Mark is out injured. He still takes the pinfall, though, after Sweeney hits him with a shoe and the Wolves hit a superkick/German suplex combo. As usual, watch for Strong vs Richards in this one.


Jimmy Jacobs cuts a promo in the dark. FFS. He feels underrated and underappreciated compared to Bryan Danielson, his opponent for the evening. He wants to be taken more seriously. Who cares? I can't see you...


The next match... well, some very different music plays. It's Austin Aries! What. The...? He cuts a quick, entertaining promo that just starts to reveal his new attitude after the events of Final Battle, then it's match time. Jerry Lynn vs Austin Aries doesn't go at anything like full pelt, but midcard matches generally don't in the new ROH. Not to mention, the idea is to try and get the new Aries character over, and him busting out all his spots wouldn't really enable that. For what it is, this is a watchable enough match, but it's not exactly one for repeat viewing. Lynn surprises the #1 contender with a roll-up at 15:30 for three, and earns himself a winning start to the year to follow his winning finish to 2008.


Bryan Danielson vs Jimmy Jacobs is only their second one-on-one match in ROH. Jacobs surprised Danielson with a win in their impromptu match at Unscripted III with the End Time, in a match many on the ROH boards really liked and I thought was okay but not exactly great at all. Despite his earlier promo, it's no surprise that Danielson doesn't take Jacobs seriously at all in the early going. Teasing Jacobs and playing to the crowd, it's obvious that Danielson is in coasting mode, to quote a recent DDD review here. Of course, that doesn't mean the match isn't entertaining, it's just not that heated and there's so many top quality Danielson matches out there, it's utterly unimportant, and therefore it devalues the result. Danielson eventually gets himself into trouble when he diving headbutts himself into the End Time at 14:00, then Jacobs again gets the End Time at 17:30 out of the Danielson small package, and this second time Jacobs turns Danielson's Triangle choke counter into a pin at 18:00. So, Jacobs goes 2-0 against Danielson, and it doesn't really mean anything.


Finally, Nigel McGuinness vs Tyler Black in a non-title match. The immediate, obvious problem with a non-title match against a strong contender over 15 months into Nigel's title reign is it only telegraphs the result almost completely. This is still the best match on the show, and provides a much needed go home happy moment when Tyler pins Nigel clean after countering the jawbreaker lariat into the turnbuckle powerbomb followed up by a superkick at 17:20. It is a beautiful counter.


It's the first show of the year. It's *always* skippable. It was probably enjoyable enough as a live show but there's no reason whatsoever to own it on DVD...

Edited by gadgetboy
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They didnt destroy Jacobs. They laid into Tyler Black and proceeded to carry Jimmy out of the ring and backstage as he proclaims the Age Of The Fall "has only just begun"!!!! Yay! Jimmy!


Ah, I haven't checked the ROH forum yet, I just ripped that off of PWinsider.

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Chicago results from last night, courtesy of the ROH messageboard:



- "Dirty" Ernie Osiris and Tony Kozina v Grizzly Redwood and Even Scott: Ernie and Kozina won after an "international object" shot by Dirty to Grizzly for the pin.

- Andy "Right Leg" Ridge and Big Muscular Balck Guy (Sampson) v Sawada (My Bad) and Bobby Dempsey: Sampson pretended to poop Kawada. Dempsey pinned Ridge afer a DVD.

-Josh Raymond v Mikey Nichols: Armdrag! Raymond won with a Trouble in Paradise


10 Bell Misawa Tribute: Twit for pics


Main Show:

-6 man mayhem: No Daizee with Deli. Titus rubbed his crotch pre shake, Sami licked it. Indy Standoff, Deli and Payne. Deli chasing Titus under the ring, comes out with thong showing, hid behind Sinclare, Ego kicks Titis bare ass, thrust into Sinclare. Awesome. Sami stole Fire Helmet Hat Guy and wore it in the corner. Top rope release German from Silas to Ego. Duel dive by Payne and Deli. Ego sentons on all, but missed completly. Tower of doom!!! Titus w a top rope xfactor. All men hit Finishers. PAYNEs WAS AWESOME!!! Deli wins with Shadows Over Hell on Silas. Awesome Match!


-"HD Ready" Rasche Brown v Erick Stevens: Slow. Hard Hitting. Intense. Tyipical big man power match. Awesome Spear by Brown. Real nice Chockslam by Brown. Stevens wins with a Dr Bomb. Better than I expected, but I expected nothing, take that for what it is.


-Flair Time: Puts over Cicago as the greastest city he ever wrestled in. Puts over fans. Puts over himself. Crowd is totally into this. I'm not. Puts over ROH. Puts over workrate. Puts over fans again. Puts over locker room. Puts over ROH again. Puts over Cary. Puts over how much money he spent in Chicago. Puts over his catchphrases. Crowd wooos. Flair wooos. Time wasted.


-Kenny "Pretty Boy Pitbull" King v Petey Williams: Kenny dances like MJ. Awesome! Nice spine buster by King. Springboard Dropkick by King countered by Petey with his own dropkick, King landed on his face. King with a Pele. Step up Inzeguri by Petey, I can't spell. Catatonic by King. Titus distracts Ref, King hits Elijiah Express, and an inverted FU for the win. Petey hits Canadian Destroyer post match. Please come back chants. Promo by Petey. Calls the locker room a bucnh of bad ass mofos. Says stars are born and stars are reborn again. F TNA and Fire Russo. Very soild match.


- Tyler Black v KENTA: No play by play for this. I want to see this one. It took 2 GTSs but KENTA pinned Black. Amazing match. Needs to be seen


- AotF Attacks! 10 on 1! Jimmy ties Tylers feet together. Calls for the device that held belts at Man Up! They almsot hang Black, Steenamd Generico make the save. Gods Last Gift to Jacobs! Tying Jacobs legs together, Hang Jacobs by his ankles. Deli come out also. Black grabs mic and declares AotF DEAD! Twit for pics. Jimmy pissed at his followers. They leave him in the ring. Na na na chant for AotF. Jimmy leaves thru the front.


- Intermission: Bret Hart annouced for next show. Eastman puts over Rosas post show, says Pearce likes it when people buy him beer. Gonna slow down on play by play. Phone slowly dying. I'll update things at Rosas. Look for more pics to be coming soon. Attendance was 1000 easy.


- Street Fight: awesome brawl. Colt pins Ryan after a Flying Assshole thru a table set up in the corner.


- Dlo Brown v Roderick Strong: Chicago is Down With the Brown, big time! DLo go a better pop than Roddy. DLo wins with a roll up as he holds the ropes. DLo is like Sugarfoot. He is mad over.


-Kevin Steen and El Generico v The American Wolves: Both teams in matching gear, nice. Steenerico win the best tag match I've seen since Return Engagment. Generico hits the top rope Brainbustahhhhh on Davey for the 3. Awesome, awesome match.


-Austin Aries v Nigel McGuiness: Kick ass dueling promo pre match, very funny, very graphic. Nigel hit a coue of signature lariats. Aries wins a very good match with a kick to the head and a brainbuster. No where near as good as the last 2 title matches, but very fun.


This show was awesome. I can't belive I'm typing this, but Nigel/Aries, IMO, was the worst match of the night. And that's just insane to think about right now and it was still very fun. My MOTN was the Wolves/Steenerico. Just brutal and my first Brainbustahhhh live. Terrific match. Very good show. I'll post a review tomorrow. I'm going to twitpic some others and I'll update the fan gathering there as well. Hope you all enjoyed the results. This was a great night!


Joey Eastman is the Ring Announcer. Return Date is 9.19.09

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A couple of interesting selections there DDD... I hated Briscoes vs Punk/Cabana 2/3 falls... the 2005 tag match, however, was particularly crazy (from Manhattan Mayhem, right?).


It was 2 in the morning when I wrote that list in my defence. I guess on reflection I'd put Joe vs Punk two ahead of the DBD Tag match. Bad spelling aside I stand by the rest though. I'll try and do a bit of a write up of my choices when I get time.


EDIT - yes, it was the Manhatten Mayhem match . It's amazing when you look back that Strong & Evans never got a run with the belts when you look at some of the useless teams that have held the ROH tag titles - Carnage Crew, Maff & Whitmer, Havana Pitbulls etc

Edited by Dearly Devoted Dexter
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Rising Above 2008


ROH has invested in a crane and some new cameras. While they undoubtedly do make for a better picture, I can

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