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Official ROH Discussion Thread


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  • Paid Members
While I'm on here I must say I do fear for the future of ROH. The attendance figures for both weekends' shows were low, there seems to have been an almightly cock up regarding the time limit draw which they're now hastily trying to turn into an angle as damage limitation. As for Bison Smith - ROH needs that fool like a hole in the head. And as bad as Gabe's booking was in 2008, his plans for the few months after his departure looked a hell of a lot better than what actually happened.


I'm pretty much the same. I'm not too bothered by the crowds this weekend just gone, as Manassas isn't exactly a big market and Edison has a horrible tendency for crap crowds, I'd rather they didn't run there. The actual booking though... ugh. Especially with my tendency to take note of match times, a 49 minute draw is ridiculous.


I will be buying DVDs up to Final Battle 2008, as I have a lot invested in seeing the Fight Without Honor, but after that, I'm definitely going to be more selective and may reduce to just watching the PPV shows.

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I'm actually still a bit shocked by Gabe being fired.


I've not watched ROH for a few years and from what I've heard, I haven't really missed much.


If they come to the UK this year then I'll certainly be there but will be expecting not to know a single person in the ring, apart from possibly McGuinness and Danielson of course.

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  • Paid Members

And at the risk of sounding like Gordon Ottershaw in Ripping Yarns, if ROH goes under I'm not sure where that leaves me in terms of my wrestling viewing. WWE's punch and kick matches don't do much for me, I'd rather suck a dick than watch TNA....I hear New Japan's supposed to be quite good these days, maybe I'll start investing in that.

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I could never go without WWE. It's not at the peak of its powers, of course, but when WWE gets things right, I'd say it gets things right best.


Michaels vs Cena on last week's Raw followed by Jack Swagger taking the ECW title from Matt Hardy already gives WWE a good start to the year in match terms, and Edge vs Jeff Hardy and the Swagger/Matt Hardy rematch at the Royal Rumble, plus the Rumble match itself mean I'll be purchasing their next pay-per-view.


On an ROH note, I'm hoping to watch The Tokyo Summit this week.

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I still follow WWE, in the sense I buy Rumble and Wrestlemania, and record the shows. But it's the kind of thing I put on while I'm doing other stuff, I don't need to devote 100% of my attention to follow it.

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  • Paid Members

Ah, that's cool. Watching WWE puts everything else into context (i'd probably have been turned off of ROH by now if it was the only wrestling I ever watch).


BTW DDD, I don't suppose you're heading to London on the first weekend in May??

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Not at the moment, but my mate is making noises about going, so I may yet be there. I take it talking we're talking about the Mark Sloan shows?

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Not really! What happened was McGuinness and Black wrestled for the belt on Saturday's show, and the bell rang to indicate the time limit expired. Said bell rang at 49 mins. So the match was either supposed to go 45 or 60 mins, and someone dropped a bollock. Now in the newswires they're saying there's going to be an investigation and soforth. It all comes across as extremely amateurish, especially as ROH has run several time limit draws before without this kind of farce occuring

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Not really! What happened was McGuinness and Black wrestled for the belt on Saturday's show, and the bell rang to indicate the time limit expired. Said bell rang at 49 mins. So the match was either supposed to go 45 or 60 mins, and someone dropped a bollock. Now in the newswires they're saying there's going to be an investigation and soforth. It all comes across as extremely amateurish, especially as ROH has run several time limit draws before without this kind of farce occuring


I have to say that I am incredibly disappointed in some of ROH's booking right now.


I didn't like how at Escalation, the Dayton show the night before the PPV, they didn't go through with the proposed ROH Title match between Nigel, Aries and Black, having it explained at the beginning of the show with a "these people don't deserve to see a title match" promo from Nigel.... But Aries and Black were completely okay with the title match been turn into non-title when this was the thing they've been chasing so long?


Then Aries turning heel by helping Jimmy Jacobs attack Tyler Black... At least with this one you always have enemies turn friends, so I can justify that.


But with how they handled the Edison show, Aries turning down the title shot that was advertised because it was a "B" show - Yet Aries is not taking the title shot on PPV next week either..... - So Tyler jumps in and takes the opportunity, the night after he just faced and beat Nigel in a non-title match. Didn't Tyler want to get his hands on Jimmy Jacobs in the prior advertised match? And then Jacobs and Aries were forced into a throw away three-way against Jay Briscoe where they continued their "strained" allies angle.


Now while the match sounds amazing.... Already baiting and switching two advertised semi-main events for the one main event that was supposed to go the hour.... But then fucking it up completely and going at least 10 minutes short. It's not something that would have happened back in Gabe's day I say that much. And this isn't praising Gabe as the saint of booking who could do no wrong..... A 49 minute time limit draw just smacks of an amateurish move that a company like ROH had never done before and really, should never be doing.


I'm not the greatest fan of the ROH students, but I understand why they're using them and local talent on shows to cut costs. But back in the day, a lot of ROH wrestlers looked exactly like that - Wrestlers. Grizzly Redwood is not a wrestler. A short skinny local guy is not a wrestler.


I'm also a little annoyed at their attitude towards the forum as of late. ROH were the only fed that was successfully run by and large through the support of the internet... Now that's not bringing in enough money so they're trying to make it more accessible.... By alienating their core fanbase. So they make it up to them by lifting ideas off the forum way too much. Tyler Black gets praised on the forum, he gets written up in the video wire like the second coming of Jesus. A clamouring for a Jay Briscoe singles run and title shot begins... Jay Briscoe now has a title shot. Okay yeah, listen to your audience, but isn't Jay Briscoe randomly getting a non-title shot against the Champ only because 20 people on the forum cried out for it a bit much?

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  • Paid Members

The amount of self-flagellation going on the ROH board at the moment is incredible "We Need To Accept Change", all this bullshit. The bottom line is this : Gabe was given the boot because the product was on its arse. However, since his departure, the product is...still on its arse. They made Pearce the booker, and now we hear that Aries is running Friday night shows because Pearce can't make it, and Sweeney is acting as liason with the boys to save Pearce time...WHY THE FUCK APPOINT HIM IN THE FIRST PLACE IF HE WASN'T FULLY ABLE TO COMMIT TO THE JOB?!?! Jesus wept.


And let it be said again that ROH needs Bison Smith like a hole in the head.


The Jay Briscoe thing...I can understand that they want to repckage him as a singles wrestler given that Mark is out again. The problem is that you can count the number of decent singles matches Jay has had in ROH on one hand with room to spare. I think they're just desperate for semi-fresh matches for McGuinness at the moment.


There's also an elephant in the room that no-one on the ROH boards wants to address, and that is that McGuinness and Danielson's contracts are both up in May, and its highly likely that they won't renew.


There are some positives... I like the whole Jerry Lynn/ Randy the Ram thing they're running at the moment. In fact, why not have Lynn beat Nigel for the belt, turn heel, then work a short program with Black which ends in Black taking the belt?


But as I said, the fact is despite the "regime change", ROH is still struggling creatively and commercially.

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There are some positives... I like the whole Jerry Lynn/ Randy the Ram thing they're running at the moment. In fact, why not have Lynn beat Nigel for the belt, turn heel, then work a short program with Black which ends in Black taking the belt?


You mean the exact same thing they did in AAW then? Well, Lynn beat Marek Brave but the rest stands.

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  • Paid Members

I wasn't aware of that, but yeah, something similar.


Another problem ROH has had for ages is a lack of top line babyfaces. Essentially they had to turn Black face and push him for the belt, on the grounds there was no-one else really you could credibly put the belt on.


And finally this recession is a killer in terms of the strength of the pound against the dollar. Fuck all this shit about the Euro, no-one gives a fuck about that. But 35% off on ROHwrestling.com used to get me 4 discs for around

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