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Well now that I've completed my A Levels and have nothing to do all summer, I decided to watch the two FYF shows in Liverpool. Some excellent stuff here, I thought the Briscoes v Shingo and Doi and the brawl between Jacobs and Whitmer to be outstanding. All in all, enjoyed both shows a lot, I'm going to watch Supercard 2 and Good Times Great Memories over the next couple of days.

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Interesting that you ordered March and May shows, and missed all the April ones...

To be honest i'm only at the stage of watching the February shows like Eye Of the Storm and Sixth Anniversary,i'm just stocking up at the moment because of the sale.I'll probably pick up the April shows somewhere down the line.
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Transform - 12/1/08


Mike Quackenbush, El Generico & Delirious vs Kenny King, Jason Blade & Sal Rinauro - Delirious needs to do something to save his sinking career, and do it fast. Not even the presence of the mighty Quack can save this dull six man. The YRR win after Chasyn Rance wallops Delirious with the crutch on the outside.


Roderick Strong vs Jigsaw - towards the end of 2007 Roderick Strong seemed to have re-captured some of the form that made him such a stand out prospect at the end of 05. But his showings last night and tonight have been somewhat lacklustre. Jigsaw looked as crisp as ever, but there were times in this one where Strong looked like he didn

Edited by Dearly Devoted Dexter
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I was really down on Transform after I first watched it. Maybe I'll look at the last three matches again, but I remember the whole show being sucked down by a dead crowd. I can say that I didn't buy the Vulture Squad on this show at all. Gabe just posted an article on ROHwrestling.com hinting that Claudio might be done with the company if he doesn't win the World title in the main event of the next PPV taping...

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I'm needing a bit of a break from Scottish wrestling for now. So it's back to ROH. Wondering where I am exactly, I found out I had reached ...


ROH Second Anniversary Show


Another one which I hadn't seen yet.


CM Punk vs. John Walters - ROH Pure Title Tourney Qtr. Final


I quite liked this match. Especially Walters. Punk lacks the relentlessness for a match like this, while Walters is just as ruthless as he has to be. The good thing about Punk is that the crowd want him dead for some reason. He doesn't help by acting like the second coming of Ric Flair, doing all sorts of little shortcuts. The ending of the match is way too cool. A hot opener which is pretty good.


Doug Williams vs. Chris Sabin - ROH Pure Title Tourney Qtr. Final


Doug Williams, as usual in ROH, completely dominates the match. As a result, this match isn't very good. I wanted to see a wee bit more from Sabin. Williams did look good though, and seemed like a real threat to the title and the big guns in the tournament.


Josh Daniels vs. Matt Stryker - ROH Pure Title Tourney Qtr. Final


Is it just me, or does Daniels look like a mutant ? He looks okay here, even if he does channel Benoit a wee bit. If a Matt Stryker match doesn't have him in "gggrrr, knees !!!" mode, then it's usually pretty boring, and this is no exception. He does a wee bit of work on the legs, but the match is a bit too sided and completely void of any feeling whatsoever.


Jimmy Rave vs. AJ Styles - ROH Pure Title Tourney Qtr. Final


The match actually told a decent story. Shame that the story wasn't carried through to the later rounds like it should have been, but there you are. Rave actually looked better than usual, and seemed to show a bit of character when he was going after the knee, while being a bit hesistant about it. And when he DID go for the knee, he did so with a bit of power. Mixed feelings there. Good match anyways.


Special K vs. The Carnage Crew - Country Whipping Match


Special K don't have enough hate in them to make these matches with TCC work. This match is a bit on the bland side. Loc and Devito seem to want to have the heads of Special K on a plate, but Special K seem to be doing everything in their power to ruin the mood. A right cluster of a match which is worth skipping.


CM Punk vs. Doug Williams - ROH Pure Title Tourney Semi Final


On paper, this match is awesome. In theory ... this match is awesome. In the shock of the tournament so far, Williams is actually not in control. Punk decides to do what Williams did in the previous round. Take a body part, and work on it so hard that it actually helps him to win the match. Infact, his work on the leg was the key to his victory. You see ? That's good stuff right there. Another great ending to this match.


Matt Stryker vs. AJ Styles - ROH Pure Title Tourney Semi Final


I can understand if Stryker never goes into machine mode ever again after this match. He goes after Style like a bull seeing red, and Styles just acts as if a fly bit him or something. It's a frustrating match to watch. So much so, that I'm willing to say that the match is shit.


The Briscoe Brothers © vs. The Backseat Boys - ROH Tag Team Championships


This was basically a spotfest, which I don't mind. They didn't get nearly long enough, as the match seemed to be a good beginning and end, with the middle completely wiped out of the match. The match was good while it lasted though, even if it's slightly skipable.


Samoa Joe © vs. Dan Maff vs. BJ Whitmer vs. Low Ki - ROH World Heavyweight Championship


Of course this match is going to be awesome. All four men are motivated. Especially Low Ki, who seems determined to make everyone in the match suffer. Maff and Whitmer work pretty well as a team, which makes it even more fun when they beat on each other without even hesitating about it. Ki and Joe also have something of a war with each other. There's lots of cool stuff running through the match, and mix that with some stiff brutality, and you have an awesome title match.


CM Punk vs. AJ Styles - ROH Pure Wrestling Championship


Forget what came before, and this is actually a decent showing from both men. Punk goes after the leg a bit, but seems to realise that Styles doesn't want to play ball. They do lots of cool stuff, which is the norm when these two guys hit the ring. A bit disappointing, but both men wrestled two matches before this one, so that's to be expected.





It's actually a good show. I count six matches that are worth going back and watching. Not bad, eh ? The title match is the best on the show without question, and Punk/Williams isn't that far behind it.

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Breakout - 25/1/08


A couple of good promos to hype tonight

Edited by Dearly Devoted Dexter
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This weekends results, spoilered to avoid offence:


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Ring Of Honor

Sports Network and Fitness Inc.

August 1st, 2008- 8:00pm belltime

8320 Quarry Road

Manassas, VA 20110






1) Ernie Osiris & Bobby Shields defeat Ninja White & Ninja Yellow when Osiris holds the ropes for the pin fall.


2) Dirty Sanchez & Alex "Sugarfoot" Payne defeat John Kermon & Cordova when Sugarfoot pins Kermon with a perfect plex.


3) Sean Denny defeats Mitch Franklin with a backslide.



Main Show


1) Jay & Mark Briscoe defeat Adam Pearce & Shane Hagadorn with a springboard doomsday device. Nothing special. After the match Brent Albright runs out to run off SNS Inc.


2) Pelle Primeau defeats Rex Sterling with a roll up. Match sucked.


3) Delirious defeats Rhett Titus with a Cobra Stretch. Titus tried to use Daizee as a human shield at one point. Haze tells Delirious that he's a "good friend" after the match.


4) Roderick Strong defeats Necro Butcher in an absolute war with a Gibson Driver. Roddy and Necro beat the hell out of each other. Necro attacked Roderick with the ring bell and the ring barrier. Roddy nailed a sick kick to Necro's head. Necro hit Strong with an Ace Crusher on two chairs. Roderick also hit Necro with a half nelson backbreaker on back to back standing chairs before delivering the Gibson Driver for the 3.


5) Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin vs. Bryan Danielson & Austin Aries ends in a 25 minute draw. Definite MOTY candidate, amazing stuff. The match began with Dragon and Shelley having some excellent technical back and forth. Sabin came in and he and Dragon had a great submission exhibition. Aries was tagged in but wasn't on his usual A-Game early. Crowd actually chanted "TAG IN BRYAN". The Machine Guns hit stereo dives on Aries and Dragon. Aries gets tagged in and drills the Guns with a Heat Seeking Missile. Shelley and Aries get back in with some AWESOME fast paced back and forth reversals and counters. Match ends in a 20 minute draw as Aries and Dragon have their respective finishers applied.


Crowd wants five more minutes, and actually gets it this time! Shelley hits a Superkick on Dragon knocking him back in to Aries. It leads to a Sliced Bread/Powerbomb INCREDIBLE near fall. Shelley and Aries trade back and forth the Border City Stretch and Last Chancery. Time expires once again.


This time the Age of the Fall attack the Machine Guns. Aries runs them off. Aries gets a mic and asks Shelley for a truce after all the bad history between them. Shelley takes the mic and says NO! Machine Guns leave. MOTYC without a doubt.






6) Brent Albright defeats Chris Hero with a half nelson suplex. Hero cut a promo before the match putting himself over as the young Knock Out Kid and says he's going to give Brent a concussion. Hero hit Brent with a sick yakuza kick while Brent was perched up top, then followed with a springboard blockbuster. Brent caught Hero with the half nelson for 3. After the match Pearce brawled with Albright.


7) ROH World Championship: Nigel McGuinness defeats Ruckus to retain. Ruckus tried all his best flying and acrobatic maneuvers to take down Nigel. Ruckus did land the Moonsault Legdrop at one point. He went for the Razzle Dazzle but McGuinness speared Ruckus in the back. From there it was all Nigel. Nigel worked over Ruckus' legs and back in the ropes. Ruckus went for one last desperation dive but crashed and burned. Nigel locked in the London Dungeon for the win.


8) ROH World Tag Team Championships: Jimmy Jacobs & Tyler Black defeat Go Shiozaki & Naomichi Marufuji to retain in a match totally on par with the MCMG/Team Work tag. Teams were dead even going back and forth. Near falls galore. Jacobs speared Go and Black hit a frog splash for a near fall. Jacobs got Marufuji in the End Time but Go broke it up with a superkick. Black kicks Go, and Marufuji superkicks Black and all four are down. Go hits a splash on Jacobs for two. Black takes Go's head off with a big yakuza. Go shoots up and goes chop CRAZY on Black. Go locks Black in a Dragon Sleeper. Black teases tapping but gets to the ropes. Marufuji hits the coast to coast, and Go hits Black with a big german and a moonsault off the top. 2 and 9/10s but not 3. Go attempts the Go Flasher but Jacobs hits a spear to break it up. Jacobs and Black hit the top rope assisted Contra-Code on Go but only for another 2 count. Black connects with God's Last Gift but Go kicks out AGAIN! Jacobs disposes of Marufuji, Black hits Go with the Phoenix Splash for the win. Another amazing tag, dead even with the Gun's match.


~After the match Aries and Shelley hit the ring and take out the Age. Shelley says Aries and he can have their truce. They shake hands and that ends the show.






Death Before Dishonor VI

August 2nd, 2008- 7:30 pm belltime

Manhattan Center (Hammerstein Ballroom)

311 West 34th St.

New York, NY 10001

(212) 279-7740





1) Jay & Mark Briscoe defeat Jigsaw & Ruckus with a springboard Doomsday Device in a fun opener.


~SNS Inc. is out. Larry Sweeney asks the Briscoes to join SNS Inc. They blow him off. Hero cuts a promo calling himself the Knockout Kid.


2) Chris Hero defeats Delirious with a roaring elbow. Hero didn't look great for the second night in a row, and the match kind of stunk. People from the back came to help Delirious out post-match.


3) Eddie Edwards defeats Roderick Strong with help from Chris Hero. Edwards hit a KO'd Strong with a moonsault. Pretty good match.


4) NWA World Championship: Brent Albright defeats Adam Pearce via submission to win the NWA World Championship in an amazing old school contest. Pearce busted Albright open with headbutts and bites. SNS Inc. attempted to interfere, but Roderick Strong returned and ran them off with a chair, including kicking it right in Larry Sweeney's face. Pearce tries everything from the Figure 4 to the STFU! Albright locks in the Crowbar but Pearce gets to the ropes. Albright goes up top but Pearce shoves him off the top through a table. Albright comes back, and gets Pearce in the Crowbar one more time. Pearce can't get to the ropes and taps. Crowd went nuts for the finish.


5) Austin Aries defeats Jimmy Jacobs & Necro Butcher in a 3 way dance. Jimmy and Necro came out hugging and shaking hands but it didn't last. Jimmy broke up a Necro pin and got in his face telling Necro to do what Jimmy tells him to do. Necro hit Jimmy with a chair and left the match. Aries hits a 450 for the pin.






~ROH returns to NYC on 12/27 for Final Battle 2008.



~Delirious came to the ring and called out Daizee Haze. He asks her out on a date. Rhett Titus comes out and calls her used goods, then removes his pants, revealing her on the back of his trunks like Rick Rude used to do to Cheryl Roberts. Delirious runs off Titus, but Haze nicely turns down Delirious. Crowd turned on Haze for saying no.


6) Naomichi Marufuji defeats Go Shiozaki with the Pole Shift. Match started off slowly, but really picked up late.


7) Kevin Steen & El Generico defeat Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin via submission when Sabin goes down to the Sharpshooter. Generico took out Shelley with a top rope brainbuster. Great stuff. Lots of high flying.


8) ROH World Championship: Nigel McGuinness defeats Claudio Castagnoli, Bryan Danielson, and Tyler Black to once again retain the ROH World Championship.


~Dragon eliminated Claudio first. They shook hands, but Claudio snapped. He attacked Dragon with a chair and stomped it in to his head.


~Nigel eliminated Dragon next easily with a lariat.


~Nigel eliminated Tyler Black after Tyler kicked out of EVERYTHING Nigel could throw at him. It took everything in Nigel's arsenal, but after two huge lariats Black finally had nothing left.






A couple of strong looking shows there, I honestly have no idea whose ever going to beat Nigel for that belt. Disappointed in Hero's reviews lately, he's not being performing so well as of late.




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Without Remorse - 26/1/08


Austin Aries & Brian Danielson vs Jay Briscoe & Erik Stevens - a decent opener, but nothing beyond that. Aries continues to heel it up, while Danielson doesn

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Ring Of Honor will return to Japan for two huge events on September 13th and 14th. Both cards will be held at Differ Ariake in Tokyo. The first night will feature the stars of Dragon Gate while the second night will see cooperation from Pro Wrestling NOAH, Kensuke Office and DDT. The lineup for the first night was announced last week. Now we have the card for the September 14th card:Ring of HonorDiffer Ariake September 14, 2008- 4:00pm belltime1-3-25 Ariake, Koto-KuTokyo, Japan 135-0063 Ph: 03-5500-3731ROH World Title Match (if McGuinness is still Champion)Nigel McGuinness defends vs. Jimmy JacobsGHC Jr. Heavyweight Title MatchYoshinobu Kanemaru defends vs. Bryan DanielsonDream Tag Team MatchNaomichi Marufuji & Katsuhiko Nakajima vs. KENTA & Kota IbushiKensuke Office vs. ROHKensuke Sasaki vs. Roderick StrongROH Grudge MatchAustin Aries vs. Tyler BlackSpecial Attraction Tag Team MatchJay & Mark Briscoe vs. Takeshi Morishima & Davey RichardsNOAH vs. ROHTaiji Ishimori vs. El GenericoBonus MatchEddie Edwards vs. Kazushi MiyamotoRead the ROHwrestling.com Newswire in the upcoming weeks to find out why all these matches are happening. Just in case you missed it, here is the information for the first night at Differ Ariake:Ring of HonorDiffer Ariake September 13, 2008- 6:00pm belltime1-3-25 Ariake, Koto-KuTokyo, Japan 135-0063 Ph: 03-5500-3731 ROH World Tag Team Title Match Jimmy Jacobs & Tyler Black defend vs. Jay & Mark BriscoeROH's #1 Rivalry Comes To Japan (Non-Title)ROH World Champion Nigel McGuinness vs. Bryan DanielsonROH Grudge MatchRoderick Strong vs. Davey Richards with Larry SweeneyDragon Gate Rules Six Man MatchNaruki Doi, Masato Yoshino & BxB Hulk vs. El Generico, Dragon Kid & ???ROH vs. Dragon GateAustin Aries vs. Ryo SaitoROH vs. Dragon GateEddie Edwards vs. YamatoROH's tour of Japan last year made history. Now ROH is ready to go back to Tokyo with even bigger events. Look for a lot more news about both these events soon at ROHwrestling.com.

My gut feeling is that Danielson has to be taking the GHC Jr title here. The tag listed after sounds fabulous. The DG-aligned show looks good too, and has more ROH-style stuff.
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Yeah, the dream tag is the best looking match they've run out of the four Japan shows by far. Pretty amazing that it showed up here first as opposed to a NOAH card, now that Kensuke Office are full timers for a while. I'd love to see Danielson as Junior champ as Kanemaru is only motiated to not entirely suck once every ten appearances now. As far as the rest of the card goes, Meester Kensuke turning Strong into pate will be fun, Aries/Saito could be very good if given time and an interested Ryo, and lord almighty, is Kazushi Miyamoto still dreadful?

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*Gadget wonders what DDD will make of the World Title match at the Sixth Anniversary show, bearing in mind the last sentence of the above review*EDIT: damned new pages!!

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