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Has anyone seen Go Shiozaki vs. Necro Butcher yet? Sounds pretty damn good, but I'd only be buying the DVD for that, so I'd appreciate an opinion on it.

I thought it was good, nothing blowaway but still worth a look. I'd probably only buy the show though if your into Kevin Steen as he's the star of the show.
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Rob, I've got ROH Without Remorse and FIP Redefined to watch before I get to the show in question, but I'd lend you it once I have watched it, if you want...


ROH Breakout - Dayton, OH 25.01.08


Jay and Mark Briscoe vs Jigsaw and Matt Cross - originally supposed to be Briscoes vs Jack Evans and Ruckus, but Evans broke his face and Ruckus got pneumonia. Bonus points to Cross for his camo ring entrance gear, but his actual trunks are the usual crappy looking ones, so take the points away again. This is a fine spot-based tag to get the show going and the crowd hot. The tempo is kept high throughout, and the action, especially Jigsaw with the CHIKARA armdrags ands stuff, is smooth - possibly smoother than if it had been Evans and Ruckus. The Briscoes win after a standard Jay Driller.

Good start.


There's a horrible Age of the Fall promo shot in total darkness. Darkness does NOT equal a good promo.


Adam Pearce vs Claudio Castagnoli - the clear cut heel vs the clear cut face, they keep the crowd more with antics than moves. Not to say the action was bad. Pearce may have his feud-ending Dog Collar match with Delirious the next night, but Claudio wins with the Ricola Bomb.


FIP title: Erick Stevens vs Davey Richards vs Austin Aries. This is one fall. The former Resilience start by double teaming Richards, but eventually they fall out, and the challengers double team Stevens for a bit. They go round with the hard hitting, with all three remaining involved rather than the usual triple threat style of one man being on the outside the whole time. Stevens capitalises on Aries kicking Richards in the head by lariating Aries and then pinning Richards with the Doctor Bomb. Good performance from everyone, except one moment where Stevens falls into rather than over the ropes just before the finish. Aries refuses the handshake after, to boos.


No DQ: Brent Albright and BJ Whitmer vs Delirious and El Generico. No DQ stips certainly make Whitmer more watchable, along with the fact he now has black hair rather than looking like a cross between Mr Kennedy and Bob Holly. I sometimes find the routine everyone-brawls-around-the-building matches on ROH shows a bit boring, but this one kept my interest well. Adam Pearce comes out just as Generico and Delirious have the match won, and drags Delirious out by a chain around the neck, leaving Generico just enough time to get a couple of very close nearfalls, until Albright debuts a new finish, repeated knees to the head leading to a referee stoppage.


Sweet 'n' Sour Inc. have a backstage segment that's half promo, half Sweeney telling Bobby Dempsey he better know what the plan is for tonight's Hero vs Nigel Cage match, therefore foreshadowing the main event finish.


It's Age of the Fall time after that. Jimmy Jacobs cuts an in-ring promo calling on Austin Aries to join the fold, but is interrupted by Daizee Haze. That leads to the latest Lacey vs Daizee Haze match, which I didnt like that much. Lacey dominates, due to jumping Daizee at the start, before falling to a German suplex followed by a sunset flip where Haze jumped off the middle rope.


It gets more interesting from there, as the Haze is surrounded by AOTF, which draws the Briscoes out for the save, until Joey Matthews runs out and destroys them, joining AOTF. After a couple of lines of poetic crap, he gets to cutting a good promo on overcoming his demons, and why he has fallen in line with Jacobs.


Jimmy Jacobs and Joey Matthews vs Roderick Strong and Rocky Romero goes on straight from there, a scheduled match with the idea being that AOTF can remove the NRC from the tag team title picture. There's no fan favourites, but the action is good and wins the crowd over to a degree. I didn't like the finishing sequence much though, as Strong whiffed a couple of backbreakers, then made Jacobs tap quite quickly to a Boston Crab. Matthews didn't bring explosive offense to the table, but he looked and moved around the ring like a star. Tyler Black is the next to cut a promo, leading to...


Tyler Black vs Bryan Danielson. This was excellent. Outside of the Morishima battles, Danielson has had lots of standard matches recently, but the loss the previous month to Jimmy Jacobs, and the cockiness of the up-and-coming Black, lead to a good story through this one. Black pie faces and slaps Danielson repeatedly early on, and after trying not to lose his cool, Danielson does, which means when Black later keeps level with him, he looks a little desperate. Danielson is the master at selling surprise, annoyance, aggression and a hint of desparation at various times in the match. Black looks like he belongs throughout the 23 minutes of the match, which can only be good for his ROH future. Black survives Cattle Mutilation, the MMA elbows, and the belly to back superplex, and the actual finishing sequence is fantastic. I won't spoil it here...


ROH World Title Steel Cage Match: Nigel McGuinness vs Chris Hero. The main story here is that Sweeney has negotiated escape as a way to win the match, so Hero with his athleticism is constantly trying to win the belt by escape. Nigel is also unable to use the Jawbreaker Lariat due to the cage, so he's a finisher short. The midwest crowd aren't anti-Nigel like on the east coast, but Hero does have a lot of fan support, and it feels at many points like he could be winning the title.


There have certainly been more brutal cage matches in ROH, but this one is one of the most dramatic with the constant near-escapes. Add Sweeney and co on the outside, who are constantly messing with the referee manning the door, and the odds are stacked against Nigel. Hero eventually gets busted by a Nigel burst of offense sending him into the cage. Sweeney slamming the door on Nigel's head then means S 'n' S are eventually thrown out of ringside, only for them to return through the crowd. While the ref is distracted, Dempsey accidentally slams the door on Hero's head, and Nigel is able to climb out of the cage on the opposite side just before Hero gets through the door. Very good main event.


Overall, I liked this show a lot. It should show, as I rarely write full reviews of ROH shows any more. Danielson vs Black was wonderful, and I liked the main event a lot too. One of the best things about the show was the crowd, especially as it followed on from the dreadful Transform show, where the crowd were dead the entire night and the matches were lacklustre. Dayton~!

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Good review of Breakout !I see Gabe has posted on the forum whining about the fact that the latest PPV has been given shitty replay times. Can you blame the PPV broadcasters for not getting overly excited about a show taped months ago? ROH fans at the moment are talking about the Hammerstein show, the pre-Mania shows which by all accounts are supposed to be two of the best shows the company has ever put on... can you blame people for not getting excited about an old show who's main selling point appears to be the gazillionth Aries vs Danielson match?

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Good review of Breakout !I see Gabe has posted on the forum whining about the fact that the latest PPV has been given shitty replay times. Can you blame the PPV broadcasters for not getting overly excited about a show taped months ago? ROH fans at the moment are talking about the Hammerstein show, the pre-Mania shows which by all accounts are supposed to be two of the best shows the company has ever put on... can you blame people for not getting excited about an old show who's main selling point appears to be the gazillionth Aries vs Danielson match?

Maybe but I loved it live. The Aries/Danielson, Briscoes/AOTF & title matches are all very good.
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Good review of Breakout !I see Gabe has posted on the forum whining about the fact that the latest PPV has been given shitty replay times. Can you blame the PPV broadcasters for not getting overly excited about a show taped months ago? ROH fans at the moment are talking about the Hammerstein show, the pre-Mania shows which by all accounts are supposed to be two of the best shows the company has ever put on... can you blame people for not getting excited about an old show who's main selling point appears to be the gazillionth Aries vs Danielson match?

Also the PPV buyrates have been awful aswell, by all accounts! so gabe really doesnt have a choice! Also theres been no talk of PPV 7 yet so im assuming that this ppv will be the last PPV! I think gabe has done a fantastic job with producing the ppv, ive seen the 1st 3 ppv and they are all brilliant! unfortantly not enough people know about them! Gabe should of really just of gone for TV before PPV! On average 4 shows a month with one of those shows being a big show in the likes of philly, new york or Chicago! only need an hour slot on telly and produce 45 mins of wrestling? take two matches from them shows and fill out the rest with promos like the age of the fall/aries saga or the Sweeney show also throw in the video wire! just to get the product out there? then people will know about it! This is the only step forward i feel is left fopr ROH!
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Two PPV Tapings AnnouncedThursday, May 22, 2008Ring Of Honor has set its next two pay-per-view tapings. ROH will tape PPV #7 on June 7th in Philadelphia will be "Respect Is Earned II". ROH PPV #8 will be taped on July 26th in Detroit. Tickets for both shows are now on sale at www.ROHwrestling.com and www.Tickets.com or by calling 215-781-2500. ROH's 6th PPV is set to premiere on May 30th. Watch ROH "Take No Prisoners" from Philadelphia on May 30th on iN DEMAND, The DISH Network and TVN cable systems. The Philly fans made this PPV so electric and created such a great atmosphere that it was a no brainer for ROH to return to Philly to tape its next PPV. Two main event quality matches have already been signed for PPV #7 to be taped on June 7th. You will witness Bryan Danielson & Austin Aries vs. Jimmy Jacobs & Tyler Black and a Fight Without Honor pitting Roderick Strong vs. Erick Stevens in Philly. Both these matches will be on ROH's 7th PPV. ROH World Champion Nigel McGuinness will also defend the belt on June 7th. His opponent will be announced soon in the ROHwrestling.com Newswire. Also scheduled for the PPV taping on 6/7 in Philly are: Kevin Steen & El Generico; Brent Albright; Go Shiozaki; Jay Briscoe; Necro Butcher; Sweet & Sour Inc. of Chris Hero, Adam Pearce & Eddie Edwards with Larry Sweeney, Shane Hagadorn, Sara Del Rey & Bobby Dempsey; Claudio Castagnoli; Delirious; Davey Richards; Daizee Haze; Ruckus & Jigsaw with Julius Smokes; plus more will be added!!! Matches and more news for the PPV taping on July 26th in Detroit will come after the June 7th event. Tickets are on sale now and are sure to start selling fast with this announcement. There is nothing like being at a ROH PPV live and now you will get that opportunity in Motown. Already signed for July 26th in Detroit are: Lance Storm; ROH World Champion Nigel McGuinness; FIP World Heavyweight Champion Roderick Strong; Bryan Danielson; Austin Aries; The Age Of The Fall of Jimmy Jacobs, Tyler Black & The Necro Butcher; Claudio Castagnoli; plus many, many others to be added!!! Witness ROH PPV before everyone else. Experience the intense atmosphere for yourself. Keep checking www.ROHwrestling.com for all the latest news on both shows.

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Chaos At The Cow Palace - 21/10/07




Of course, this is the show that took place at the Wrestle FanFest farce, and ROH ended up losing so much money on it they had to financially re-structure the company a few months later.


Chris Hero vs Human Tornado - a enjoyable opening match. Tornado has charisma to spare, which is something always lacking on the ROH roster. At least Hero got a better first match post SOTF than Delirious did. Hero wins by Tap Out with the Hangman

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Good review, the one thing I'd add is that, except for the AOTF brawl, they did a damn fine job of hiding the empty arena, and the small crowd came across as hot hot hot. This Aries vs Danielson match is possibly my favourite of the best of 3 series, the opposite opinion to the majority of the ROH forum.

Edited by gadgetboy
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Rob, I've got ROH Without Remorse and FIP Redefined to watch before I get to the show in question, but I'd lend you it once I have watched it, if you want...

Cheers Gadge, I've only just seen this but I will infact take you up on that! Ta.
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Regular readers will know I don't have much time for Brent Albright. So I was in total agreement with this snippet from DVDR's review of the May 9 show...

I remember reading at one point about how Brent Albright didn

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Two PPV Tapings AnnouncedThursday, May 22, 2008Ring Of Honor has set its next two pay-per-view tapings. ROH will tape PPV #7 on June 7th in Philadelphia will be "Respect Is Earned II". ROH PPV #8 will be taped on July 26th in Detroit. Tickets for both shows are now on sale at www.ROHwrestling.com and www.Tickets.com or by calling 215-781-2500. ROH's 6th PPV is set to premiere on May 30th. Watch ROH "Take No Prisoners" from Philadelphia on May 30th on iN DEMAND, The DISH Network and TVN cable systems. The Philly fans made this PPV so electric and created such a great atmosphere that it was a no brainer for ROH to return to Philly to tape its next PPV. Two main event quality matches have already been signed for PPV #7 to be taped on June 7th. You will witness Bryan Danielson & Austin Aries vs. Jimmy Jacobs & Tyler Black and a Fight Without Honor pitting Roderick Strong vs. Erick Stevens in Philly. Both these matches will be on ROH's 7th PPV. ROH World Champion Nigel McGuinness will also defend the belt on June 7th. His opponent will be announced soon in the ROHwrestling.com Newswire. Also scheduled for the PPV taping on 6/7 in Philly are: Kevin Steen & El Generico; Brent Albright; Go Shiozaki; Jay Briscoe; Necro Butcher; Sweet & Sour Inc. of Chris Hero, Adam Pearce & Eddie Edwards with Larry Sweeney, Shane Hagadorn, Sara Del Rey & Bobby Dempsey; Claudio Castagnoli; Delirious; Davey Richards; Daizee Haze; Ruckus & Jigsaw with Julius Smokes; plus more will be added!!! Matches and more news for the PPV taping on July 26th in Detroit will come after the June 7th event. Tickets are on sale now and are sure to start selling fast with this announcement. There is nothing like being at a ROH PPV live and now you will get that opportunity in Motown. Already signed for July 26th in Detroit are: Lance Storm; ROH World Champion Nigel McGuinness; FIP World Heavyweight Champion Roderick Strong; Bryan Danielson; Austin Aries; The Age Of The Fall of Jimmy Jacobs, Tyler Black & The Necro Butcher; Claudio Castagnoli; plus many, many others to be added!!! Witness ROH PPV before everyone else. Experience the intense atmosphere for yourself. Keep checking www.ROHwrestling.com for all the latest news on both shows.

Stand Corrected! Great news! Hopefully Storm Dragon II, as Storm has been annoucned! Edited by Boon Town Rat
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The problem with Albright in this situation is that in the WWE system he wasn't a huge guy who could easily overpower people, he was average sized and therefore the technical wrestling was a part of his act, especially in OVW. Obviously, on the indies he is a lot bigger than average so the power moves stand out more. That's got to be pretty boring to Albright, though.

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