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I'm gonna sound like a dick but Jay lethal bores and annoys me - his look is awful the shit tribal on his trunks and his shit hair he looks wank- he seemed mega dull in that interview



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Wow I said shit a lot! Just that's what he dies to me. I know it's silly but I want a cool character then wrestling talent. Look at Ryder everyone says how he's decent enough buy not an all time great but hes entertaining. least el generic is a great character in this match up.

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is cabana in the bad books of roh or something? i ask because he tweeted steen about how the office called them both a disgrace for their no dq match in nyc last year and thought it was odd to bring it up in a public sphere. i also ask cos he dropped it in during an aow podcast in the summer that roh wasnt offering him a contract, which also seemed strange for someone as light-hearted as cabana to bring up a private negotiation especially since he's been with the company for so long.when was the last time he was booked by them? i know people have slated him for having a bit of a patchy time in the last two years, when he hasnt been involved with the steen/generico feud, though i always enjoy his stiff.

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Hmmm, maybe it's an angle. Will have a look at the evidence myself in a minute. In the mean time...


Honor Takes Center Stage: Chapter One - Atlanta, GA - 1/4/11


I'll be looking at this one a bit differently, as I have the live experience to reference when watching this one back on DVD...


El Generico vs Michael Elgin - At the time, I'd never seen Elgin, so this seemed like a bit of a waste of Generico against the muscle man of the House of Truth. Now though, I'm a fan of him and his role in the HOT, and a victory (albeit with a bit of assistance) over Generico seems valid. A fun opener in front of an absolutely rabid crowd ends when a mystery man in a balaclava (that looks suspiciously like Roderick Strong) runs out and grabs Generico's leg, and Elgin scores the pin with a tornado powerbomb at 9:13.


Colt Cabana vs Homicide vs Caleb Konley vs Tommaso Ciampa - A good way to use two established guys that are probably beyond top spots to help along two comparative newbies. The crowd are hot for Cabana in the early going, and Homicide in a limited role can hit his spots to big pops. I liked revisiting the "Let's Go Spanky" chant for Konley, and Ciampa didn't stick out for being green here like he did in NYC on the show prior. Oh, and I first spotted myself on the DVD during Homicide's entrance. Marking for myself, I know, but so what? Homicide pins Konley with the Cop Killa at 9:23, and afterwards Konley gets the thumbs down by Truth Martini for his HOT tryout. Cue another moment for Michael Elgin on the big stage as he leaves Konley laying. A good use of Wrestlemania weekend exposure for sure.


Sara Del Rey and Serena Deeb vs Hiroyo Matsumoto and Ayumi Kurihara - A nice change to see the Women of Honor get as much undercard time as the men to do their thing, though good god is that girl in the crowd screaming all the time annoying. It's not quite as bad as it was live, but it's close. Matsumoto and Kurihara earn a shot at the SHIMMER Tag Titles the next night with a devastating combo of head drops on Serena, who did well here following her WWE release, at 9:02.


Jay and Mark Briscoe vs Adam Cole and Kyle O'Reilly - I liked that the crowd here gave mixed reactions, as you had some who only had a passing familiarity with ROH and wanted to cheer the Briscoes, whereas those who knew exactly what was happening in the storylines were looking to boo them and get behind the underdogs. The Briscoes have a similar air of unrelenting attitude about them to the match with the All Night Express that started them on this path in Manhattan, while Cole and O'Reilly get the crowd behind them, albeit in a similar fashion and using some of the same spots that have very clearly and violently divided opinion about them on here in the past couple of weeks. At this point there's only one team winning, as the push for the team as yet unnamed hasn't quite kicked off yet, but their performance is fine by me. The Briscoes use the springboard doomsday device for the pin at 13:24. Following that, the All Night Express turn up at the announce table, make their way past the UKFF's own JPC, and storm into the ring for a brawl with the Briscoes. More on this in Chapter Two...


Roderick Strong vs Davey Richards - Going into this show, I hadn't got to watch Final Battle 2010, but knew that their ROH World Title match at that event was reportedly very good, but peaked a few minutes before it actually finished. I was interested to see if their match here would have a better climax, though I was certain Richards was winning. Now, Strong and Richards have clashed many times in ROH, and there was no chance that they would radically alter the style of their bout here, so the ROH fans were bound to eat it up and those that weren't so keen on this style would still have the same criticisms. For me, I accept ROH's style and enjoy it immensely in the ROH setting, and absolutely dug this match live. Watching it back, the first 20 minutes were slightly below the standard of Final Battle, lacking perhaps the World Title match atmosphere, but the bout has a thrilling final few minutes and the finish is absolutely the climax. Following exchanges of the Boston Crab and Ankle Lock, Richards nails Strong with a massive superplex, rolls into a Falcon Arrow then back to the ankle lock for the submission win at 27:08. This totally delivered the action that ROH fans desire, and the finish got a massive pop. Everybody got their money's worth, that's for sure. If only that Eddie Edwards hadn't won the title in Manhattan, I'd have witnessed a ROH World Title change live for the first time. Dammit.


ROH World Tag Team Titles: The Kings of Wrestling vs Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas - First off, the overdubbing of Haas and Benjamin's music is REALLY annoying, even more so having experienced the show live. Secondly, WGTT have a bit of a reputation as a disappointment in recent months, but at this point and with a continued big match feel to their series with the KOW, the crowd were well up for a title change here and the match delivers all the action you could want with a great atmosphere. Watching it back, I really love Claudio's continued selling of some work done on his knee, and the fact that they tie that into the finish is a bonus. Both teams have well established a whole bunch of trademark spots and play off them really well, and even Shane Hagadorn at ringside sells every change in momentum as a huge deal. In the end, they come up with another variation to the finish of their previous matches to conclude here, with Claudio locked in the Haas of Pain once again, and Shelton stopping Hero from breaking it up with the loaded elbow by nailing Hero with the leap into a superplex. Claudio then taps the belts away at 22:59 and the crowd go ballistic for Haas and Benjamin's victory.


ROH World Title: Eddie Edwards vs Christopher Daniels - A slight disappointment as a main event, this is a rock solid wrestling match and perfectly fine on its own merits, but couldn't follow the two previous bouts for excitement. Watching it back on DVD is just like it was live, as the bout is pretty lengthy but the time passes quite quickly, it's just that there's no drama, no real anticipation that a title change is on the cards. They try a few tricks to increase the uncertainty, such as Daniels putting Edwards through a ringside table with a uranage about half way through, but other than a big pop for the spot itself, the heat doesn't go up for any sustained period. The only real close nearfalls come in the final couple of minutes, as Edwards kicks out of Angels Wings and the BME, then hits a 2k1 bomb off the top followed by another in the centre of the ring for the pin at 30:08. Good match, but somewhat of an exhibition. Daniels declines the handshake afterwards, and walks out.


Overall - a tremendous WrestleMania weekend offering from ROH here, much better than their efforts in Phoenix the previous year. It felt a bit like a ROH showcase, a demonstration of the best ROH had to offer to the travelling fan that was assembled, with more storyline focus to come the next afternoon. More on that to come, of course. For now though, ROH continues to have some fine output in 2011. Great stuff. DVD run time is 2 hours, 38 minutes.

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is cabana in the bad books of roh or something? i ask because he tweeted steen about how the office called them both a disgrace for their no dq match in nyc last year and thought it was odd to bring it up in a public sphere. i also ask cos he dropped it in during an aow podcast in the summer that roh wasnt offering him a contract, which also seemed strange for someone as light-hearted as cabana to bring up a private negotiation especially since he's been with the company for so long.when was the last time he was booked by them? i know people have slated him for having a bit of a patchy time in the last two years, when he hasnt been involved with the steen/generico feud, though i always enjoy his stiff.

It seems Steen started this...

KILLSTEENKILL Kevin Steen @ColtCabana Remember our bloodbath in NYC and the heat we seperately got from the office after? But when the Briscoes do it, it's a classic!

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I didn't think the tag title match on that show was very good at all. I thought that the main event was match of the night actually. Richards/Strong was excellent, and a much more steady match than their FB match. As you said, the FB match had a much better 20 minutes, but they seemed to realise what went wrong last time out, and just built the finish really well this time. They totally murdered the match last time.

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I didn't think the tag title match on that show was very good at all. I thought that the main event was match of the night actually. Richards/Strong was excellent, and a much more steady match than their FB match. As you said, the FB match had a much better 20 minutes, but they seemed to realise what went wrong last time out, and just built the finish really well this time. They totally murdered the match last time.

The thing for me is I'm always going to have the live slant on the show, and the crowd just couldn't invest as completely in the main event after the two matches before, so it never will feel that it's the best match when I watch it back, if you know what I mean?Most of the group I was with who follow ROH less than I do thought the tag title match was the best on the show.. given the same build, those guys could have torn down the house on WWE PPV with that match, I reckon.
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is cabana in the bad books of roh or something? i ask because he tweeted steen about how the office called them both a disgrace for their no dq match in nyc last year and thought it was odd to bring it up in a public sphere. i also ask cos he dropped it in during an aow podcast in the summer that roh wasnt offering him a contract, which also seemed strange for someone as light-hearted as cabana to bring up a private negotiation especially since he's been with the company for so long.when was the last time he was booked by them? i know people have slated him for having a bit of a patchy time in the last two years, when he hasnt been involved with the steen/generico feud, though i always enjoy his stiff.

It seems Steen started this...

KILLSTEENKILL Kevin Steen @ColtCabana Remember our bloodbath in NYC and the heat we seperately got from the office after? But when the Briscoes do it, it's a classic!

yeah i saw that, wondering how that could fit in with the current steen stuff in roh.
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just out of interest, do you think they could successfully turn generico fully-heel? or cabana? not to argue with you, just wondering (and anyone can answer this) if you thought it could be done and well? i know steen is mega popular at the moment, but generico and cabana are such strong faces. has generico ever been a heel?i was just wondering if cabana's comment and the stuff i mentioned originally, were actual sour grapes he has with the company as it contrasts with his in-ring personality so much.

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I remember that Chris Hero isn't, though he doesn't appear to have turned up in FCW like Claudio.While Cabana is nowhere to be seen on the roster page, Caprice Coleman and Cedric Alexander appear to be in...

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I remember that Chris Hero isn't, though he doesn't appear to have turned up in FCW like Claudio.While Cabana is nowhere to be seen on the roster page, Caprice Coleman and Cedric Alexander appear to be in...

Yeah Caprice Coleman has said today that he is now a full time member of the roster now.
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I've been mulling over the idea of a Generico heel turn recently, on the basis that after his disgracefully short run with the TV belt, there doesn't seem a lot else for him to do in ROH as a babyface. He's a talented enough guy, I'm sure he could make it work.

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