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Official ROH Discussion Thread


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On the ROH board at the mo there's a thread discussing (if you can call it that) the worst bits of booking in ROH history. The main nomination seems to be for Lynns title reign, but that suggests a lack of knowledge of causation, as it was after they killed Tyler Black's main event push that they had no other babyface's to put the belt on. So I'd say that has to be one of the biggest booking botches. Here are a few others :


Xavier's ROH title reign : To this day I don't know why they did it, other than as a swerve after Lo-Ki won the belt. Surely the sensible thing to do would have been to have Daniels take the belt, then build the Lo-Ki/ Daniels program to it's logical conclusion? Instead Xavier's title reign lumbered on for seven months until Joe put it out of it's misery.


No Remorse Corps vs Resilience - on paper it should have been great. In practice it was dreadful. The Resilience never got out of the starting gate, not because of Aries enforced hiatus, but due to the fact they never won a single bloody match!!!


Faction Warfare just..terrible. The thinking behind this was clearly : "bung everyone in a stable, and the rest will do itself." Except it didn't


Samoa Joe vs Jay Briscoe - it tends to be forgotten that by and large the first year of Joe's title reign didn't really set the world on fire. Sure, he had outstanding matches with Daniels and Styles - but then so did the cat. Instead it was largely taken up with a fued with the Brisoces that went on forever. Even Jay's ridiculous juice job in the cage match couldn't salvage it.


Corino vs Homicide post 2003 they tried to reignite this a couple of times in 2005 and 2006, but it just failed spectacularly, culminating in the spectacularly dire Fight With Honor in November 2006. They should have just left it alone...


Dragon Soldier B - I know they didn't have much choice over this one, but still....



Two of these I completely disagree with, actually.


Xavier's title reign was a booking masterstroke. The value of the ROH title was really developed by having it on someone the 'smart' fans didn't value as champion. Considering back then they were only running 1-2 shows a month, and the title wasn't defended every show, his six month reign (September 21 2002-March 22 2003) had the fans desperate for the challengers to take the title. Surely that's how it should be, and for it to work so well in such an internet-focused promotion was astounding. Matches vs AJ Styles and vs Paul London twice were very good for that timeframe. Then, the reaction of the fans to the Joe title win was really something. Putting the title on Daniels wouldn't have worked because many of the fans wanted to cheer for him, which was certainly not something Xavier had issues with.


Samoa Joe vs Jay Briscoe at Tradition Continues and At Our Best are both matches I really loved from ROH at that time... sure, the overall feud with the Briscoes featuring tag title matches wasn't up to that standard, but Joe vs Jay solo is hard to pick apart as worst booking in ROH history.


Faction Warfare and NRC vs Resilience in particular can both be grouped together pretty much, but I definitely agree with that.


I agree with the later Homicide vs Corino stuff too - though they did have a really good, well executed angle at GBHIII in 2004 (except for Homicide referencing 9/11, I think).


I think I'd go for Nigel's title reign post DBDVI at the Hammerstein, which certainly was the cause for the mixed reaction for Jerry Lynn's reign, which as a transition from Nigel's loooooong reign to the Aries reign is actually turning out to be enjoyable enough on the DVD matches side of things.


How about Age of the Fall? It's certainly been muddled at best...

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Re Xavier - hmmm, maybe, but his matches cetainly weren't of main even calibre. As for Joe vs Jay, the match in Baltimore they had was good, but that feud just seemed to drag on forever. There was a collective groan of disbelief on the ROH board when the At Our Best cage match was announced as I recall. Carnage Crew vs Special K wasn't that bad on the whole, but it did get a bit silly when they were accused of giving DeVito's daughter E.


A couple more : The 14 man Scramble at FAS. The ten man match they in Boston was really good, so they decided to add 4 more men...and the result was shite.


The Matt Striker/ B.J. Whitmer Field of Honor final - that match effectively killed Strikers' ROH career!!

Edited by Dearly Devoted Dexter
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Yep, I agree with both of those. I've finally finished the below review of the late May TV tapings:



ROH on HDNet Episode 13-18 tapings 29/5/09 and 30/05/09


Episode 13 - airdate June 13 2009


Austin Aries failing to win the World title (by countout!) from Jerry Lynn in the four way match in episode 12 is shown. Aries then comes out and cuts an in-ring promo. The Arena looks like a proper TV studio with the way they have it setup - the crowd seems a bit small but packed in, and they are properly audible now, unlike the episodes recorded at the earlier tapings. The promo is quite reasonable, but Jerry doesn't come out so it doesn't feel like it actually got anywhere in the end.


Then, we go backstage with Kyle Durden, his ridiculous hair, and Chris Hero, who cuts a good, shorter promo. His match with Jerry Lynn in Boston earlier in the month was really good, for me. We'll see how they adjust to TV later on...


Jay Briscoe vs D'Lo Brown - Not sure quite what to say about this. They wrestle a watchable, back and forth match as guys at about the same level. It's too compact to mean anything or really be called good however... Jay kicks out of a D'Lo brainbuster at just 2:00, then when he counters the Sky High with a 'rana at 4:00, D'Lo rolls out to the floor and deliberately gets counted out. Meh.


Kevin Steen and El Generico vs Silas Young and Bobby Fish - This is preceded by a clip of Steen and Generico losing the titles on episode 11, which is incorrectly listed as 1 week ago on screen. Silas is officially a heel here after something resembling a turn on recent DVDs. That almost counts as a push... Bobby Fish is your jobber of choice, almost falling to the Swanton of Steen before eating the package piledriver/brainbuster combo at 5:43. Good, albeit short match. The former champs then promise to win the belts back. Effective segment overall, Steen and Generico look good, and there's a bit of hype for the Wolves vs Danielson and Black on episode 15.


Nigel McGuinness interrupts a backstage Jerry Lynn promo. Lynn promises him a title rematch. I don't think he'll get it...


Jimmy Rave vs Grizzley Redwood - A short, dominating squash for Rave, who wins with Ghanarrea in under 2 minutes. Necro Butcher makes the save after the match when Rave applies the heel hook.


Non Title: Jerry Lynn vs Chris Hero - Well well, another good match between these two and a very fun TV main event. The crowd is much more behind Lynn here than the previous episode's title match. Hero still has his fans though, especially here in Philly. Hero works as a base for Lynn for the first half of the match, before bringing the really devastating looking elbows for some dramatic nearfalls near the end. Cheaters don't prosper here though, as Lynn ducks the loaded elbow pad and scores the pin with a small package at 14:35. This one was DVD worthy. A-Double lays Jerry out with the World title belt to end the show.


Episode 14 - airdate June 20 2009


Austin Aries winning the World title is announced. Whether it's wise to announce a title change from a DVD show as soon as it has occurred, but without the footage to back it up, is unclear.


Claudio Castagnoli vs Necro Butcher - The crowd, which were pretty lively during the previous episode, are more or less dead here. They show Necro's interaction with Jimmy Rave last week, but Claudio isn't strictly an Embassy member, he's just Prince Nana's 'friend'. I'd be confused, if I was given a reason to care about any of this. After a Necro Frankensteiner, Rave runs out and Claudio manages to low blow Necro for the pin. Bad finish, and I'm not exactly inspired by the angle. To make matters worse, Brent Albright then runs in for the save. Next...


SHIMMER Champion MsChif vs Neveah - I'm a fan of MsChif, but I expected a faster pace from a four minute match here, and the finish involving a Jimmy Jacobs distraction is blah. The champ wins with the Desecrator.


Ric Flair says goodbye, in highly edited form.


Kenny King vs Kenny Omega - Good action here, that revives the crowd nicely. Rhett Titus interferes repeatedly (that's three matches in a row, folks...) but it doesn't make any difference, as Omega kicks out of the Coronation and hits a reverse rana and then the Electic Chair German Suplex aka Croyts Wrath (gold star for DDD) for the pin. These guys should both be featured more prominently...


The American Wolves vs Bryan Danielson and Tyler Black is next week. I like this.


Eddie Kingston vs Andy Ridge - I don't get Kingston. At all.


Some hype for Jimmy Jacobs vs Delirious in a Fight Without Honor next week follows. They use some good clips from their previous matches on DVD, both of which I like. Jimmy Jacobs promo is not so convincing...


Roderick Strong vs KENTA - A tasty twelve minute tussle that could easily spawn a terrific twenty minute rematch. Good stuff indeed, KENTA countering the Gibson Driver with the Go 2 Sleep for the victory. No surprise there, but Roderick wasn't hurt by the loss.


Episode 15 - airdate June 27 2009


Jimmy Jacobs vs. Delirious

Edited by gadge
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I've been watching said set of tapings also - will do the same as regards posting :


Tapings 5 & 6

Edited by Dearly Devoted Dexter
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Not really ROH news anymore, but for those interested, Bryan Danielson defeated Chavo Guerrero in a dark match before RAW last night. Reported on PW Torch, amongst others. According to some reports, the crowd "got into the match" and Danielson got a good reaction when he was announced, with the crowd chanting "Lets go Dragon", which is just awesome to hear in WWE. :thumbsup:


No word on whether he was wearing that funky singlet that he was sporting in those Twitter pics from a while ago...

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Ring of Honor Wrestling is proud to announce the addition of a new secondary singles title
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I think they've needed a mid card belt for a while, particularly in lieu of the fact they've struggled to create top liners. The TV belt might also be a way of rehabilitating once promising wrestlers that have been booked into oblivion. So yeah, thumbs up!! :thumbsup:

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