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Interesting to see Kingston added for this weekend. Hopefully he won't make a hash of it like he did his FIP tryout

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Anyone have any opinions on the Take No Prisoners PPV?

It was alright. The opening 4 way was enjoyable but quite short. Steen/Strong was forgettable, I didn't enjoy Danielson vs Aries for what felt like the 400th time or the Briscoes vs AOTF for the 400th time. However...

(I've spoilered this incase you don't know who wins the 4 way and want to keep it that way) Tyler Black vs Nigel McGuiness was excellent, I really loved their match and Tyler looked fantastic in it and like he's going to be THE break out star of 2008

If you've not watched much RoH in the last 6 months I'd watch it, if you have it's only worth it for the main event.

Edited by Pete Scott
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Speaking of Philly area talent...

Osirian Portal have been added to this Saturday's preshow in Philadelphia. Tickets will be available at the door.

I just watched this video of them, linked to it via the ROH forum... they are CHIKARA undercard guys
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Speaking of Philly area talent...

Osirian Portal have been added to this Saturday's preshow in Philadelphia. Tickets will be available at the door.

I just watched this video of them, linked to it via the ROH forum... they are CHIKARA undercard guys
Osirian Portal! That's awesome.
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Results from last nights show featuring the tag team title tournament, I'll use spoiler tags just incase, taken from CZWFans:

Pre-Show A. Rhett Titus d. Bob Evans B. Ernie Osiris d. Mitch Franklin to retain the Top of the Class Trophy MAIN SHOW 1. Adam Pearce & Chris Hero d. Jigsaw & Ruckus. Hero and Pearce advance when Hero pins Ruckus with the roaring elbow. Said to be a decent, standard tag match. Post match, Jigsaw and Eddie Kingston brawled, with Ruckus breaking it up. 2. Kevin Steen & El Generico d. Nigel McGuinness & Go Shiozaki. Nigel tapped to Steen's Sharpshooter. 3. Jimmy Jacobs & Tyler Black of Age of the Fall d. Delirious & Pelle Primeau. Black pinned Pelle following a Small Package Driver. Post-match, Delirious asked Daizee Haze out again. Rhett Titus came out and broke it up again. Daizee tells him off and leaves. Delirious is pissed! 4. Austin Aries & Bryan Danielson d. Roderick Strong & Davey Richards of No Remorse Corps. Strong tapped to Danielson while in the Triangle Choke. Said to be very good! 5. Kevin Steen & El Generico d. Chris Hero & Adam Pearce of Sweet & Sour Inc. Generico pinned Hero with a roll-up. Steen and Generico were selling considerably. 6. Jimmy Jacobs & Tyler Black d. Austin Aries & Bryan Danielson via DQ. Jacobs brought a chair into the ring really early on, but Aries used it thus causing the DQ. 7. Shane Hagadorn d. Alex "Sugarfoot" Payne. 8. Claudio Castagnoli d. Eddie Edwards. Claudio nailed an lift-off uppercut to get the win and the final few minutes were real good. 9. Erick Stevens d. The Necro Butcher and Brent Albright. Stevens hit a Doctor Bomb on Necro to get the pin and some of the fight went into the crowd. 10. Jimmy Jacobs & Tyler Black of Age of the Fall d. Kevin Steen & El Generico to win the ROH World Tag Team Titles. Generico is out of the match injured; Steen is fighting on his own...this happened 10-12 minutes into the match. Generico is back 5 minutes later to CONTINUE!!! Generico goes for the Brainbuster, but is instead schoolboyed by Tyler for the 3 count! Crowd litters the ring with trash and even a chair in protest, while Jacobs cuts a promo to end the night.

Edited by Pete Scott
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The eventual pop for Steenerico's title win is going to be insane. I'd like to see Roderick Strong turn face once his feud with Erick Stevens is done, end up reuniting with Aries vs Age of the Fall, then you could have a tag division with Aries and Strong, Jacobs and Black, Richards and Romero (which is a way better team than either man with Strong), Briscoes and Steen and Generico.

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Reckless Abandon - 30/11/07



Dreadful title. Does Gabe actually say these things out loud and think,

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Some results for the PPV taping nicked from Rohwrestling.com : SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read
ROH returns to Philadelphia September 20th.1) Kevin Steen & El Generico defeat Ruckus & Jigsaw to kick off the PPV when Generico pinned Jigsaw following Swanton/Splash combination.2) Claudio Castagnoli defeats Davey Richards with a gorilla press/European uppercut combo.3) Brent Albright, Delirious & Pelle Primeau defeat Chris Hero, Adam Pearce & Eddie Edwards when Albright destroyed Edwards with the kneestrikes of doom.~After the match Adam Pearce clocked Albright with the briefcase and revealed the contents. The NWA Championship belt is in Adam Pearce's briefcase.4) Roderick Strong defeats Erick Stevens in a Fight Without Honor. Match was "ABSOLUTELY BRUTAL" (in a good way). Both men lost teeth(conflicting reports on this one) and bled a ton. Apparently Erick Stevens broke some ribs. Strong wins with a superplex off of a 20 ft. ladder through a pair of tables. ~After the match Larry Sweeney returns and once again asks Roderick to join SNS Inc. Roderick again refuses. Davey Richards makes his way down. He tries to convince Strong to join but Roderick still refuses. Davey reveals a SNS Inc. shirt and beats down Strong.~INTERMISSION~~Delirious is out as we return from intermission and once again calls out Daizee Haze (doesn't she get the point of this by now?). She comes out, ONCE AGAIN followed by Rhett Titus. Titus is the one in a nice shirt and tie this time. He apologizes to Daizee, gives her his number, and asks for a three way date amongst them. Haze accepts.5) ROH World Championship: Nigel McGuinness defeats Go Shiozaki with the London Dungeon in what was described as a somewhat dull match with little chemistry. Go busted Nigel's chest open with chops.~After the match Danielson comes out and demands a title match on PPV.6) ROH World Tag Team Championships: Jimmy Jacobs & Tyler Black defeat Austin Aries & Bryan Danielson to retain. Aries and Jacobs fought to the back. Tyler Black hit Dragon with two Small Package Drivers and a Phoenix Splash to score a pin on him. ~After the match Nigel McGuinness comes out and tells Danielson that he gets no title shot until Dragon can beat everyone Nigel has.7) Jigsaw defeats Eddie Kingston with a doublestomp off the top rope. Jigsaw got beatdown by BLKOUT after the match.8) Necro Butcher defeats Jay Briscoe in a falls count anywhere match. More details to come in a while. Apparently an insane match to end the show.There's a lot of repetition in ROH at the mo, fresh talent/ match ups are desperatly needed. Another Jay Briscoe vs Necro Butcher brawl? The gazillionth Danielson vs McGuinness match in the offing? Great. Also announced today for June 27th - Title vs Title - NWA Champion Adam Pearce vs ROH champ Nigel McGuinness. Both belst on the line. Someone on ROHwrestling speculated a 60 minute draw. Between Pearce and McGuinness? Commercial and aesthetic suicide surely.

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Surely this means that Danielson has to go through Morishima on his road to Nigel?? Am I right in thinking there's only been the one Nigel/Danielson match in the year or so since the one taped for the Driven PPV? That one being the Sixth Anniversary Show match, which if you haven't seen it yet is quite different to the super-heated Liverpool match, epic hour draw or excellent Philadelphia match...

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There was one at SOTF 2007, a 20 minute draw. I havn't seen the SAS match yet, but apart from the Unified/ Driven efforts, I havn't thought much of any of the other McGuinness/ Danielson matches. You bring up a good point regarding Morishima. Surely there's no way he'll job to Dragon while holding the GHC belt?

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well it wont be on ppv becuase according to Take No Prisoners Morishima was suspended for attacking a ref and i think dragon has beating him once via dq or was it morishima winning by dq cant remember i personally am looking forward to Dragon vs Claudio that has been announced

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They did a DQ each way, I think. McGuinness would demand a pinfall, seeing as how he pinned Morishima twice (once in a tag) and is now a heel, most likely. DDD... the 6th anniversary match is great. Not as athletically driven as some of their matches, but the story is fun fun fun and the heat is great.

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