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I'm pretty disgusted at what you call trance, DDD. Disgusted.

Are you really? How interesting
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Death Before Dishonor 5 Night 1 - 10/8/07




Jack Evans vs Davey Richards - a quality fast paced match, which might have been as good as their GBH5 match-up, had it not been for the woeful finish : Evans about to hit his finisher, and the rest of the NRC run-in and cause the DQ. Straight out of Monday Night Raw.


Chris Hero vs Nigel McGuinness - an absorbing match, tremendous stuff. I

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I don't get the Eddie Edwards hate. Watch for the six man tag he's in at Caged Rage, in particular. The fact he's a Boston area native and, from a political standpoint, a gaijin for NOAH makes his booking logical and it's not like he's in a main event spot. Why shouldn't ROH use him in the undercard? The Resilience really start to work out in August, it's a shame they were disbanded soon after their series with the NRC at the Man UP PPV, which is also worth looking out for.

Edited by gadgetboy
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Edwards is more than solid. I'd rather watch him than Richards, Cross, Romero or Rukkus. The difference between someone who learned to wrestle in Japan and someone who learned to wrestle by playing Japanese characters on Fire Pro is pretty marked.

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Edwards is more than solid. I'd rather watch him than Richards, Cross, Romero or Rukkus. The difference between someone who learned to wrestle in Japan and someone who learned to wrestle by playing Japanese characters on Fire Pro is pretty marked.

Ah, the old Fire Pro metaphor dusted off once again

Watch for the six man tag he's in at Caged Rage, in particular

Fair enough, I'll keep an eye for it. But the fact to put Edwards over you have to refer to a match I havn't yet seen kind of justify's my opinion as of this time. But I've been proved wrong before, so we'll see. Edited by Dearly Devoted Dexter
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Results from tonight's "Dragon Gate Challenge II" in Orlando.Credit: erm, me...Nigel McGuinness came out. As ROH World Champion, he sarcastically welcomed the crowd. He now wears the belt backwards, so fans can kiss it... and he called himself the best in the world. Nigel then beat Delirious by submission in a non-title match in 9:07. Fun opener, showing both men's characters to the audience that may be unfamiliar. The Vulture Squad of Ruckus and Jigsaw beat the YRR of Sal Rinauro and Kenny King in 5:03 when Jigsaw pinned Sal after a double stomp Jig-n-Tonic combo. The newly unmasked Jigsaw has reasonable facial expressions, though he looks Special K-ish. Austin Aries beat Genki Horiguchi by submission in 9:08. Lots of fun here while it lasted. After this, The Age of the Fall tried to recruit Aries. Tammy Sytch came out to do the same. Aries said he wasn't making any decisions as he knows what he wants, the ROH World Title, so he's not saying anything else until after tomorrow night. He left, leaving Lacey and Sytch in the ring alone. Lacey laid Sytch out with a DDT.With the participants in tomorrow's title matches mostly out of the way, we then hit the really, really good stuff...Kevin Steen and El Generico beat Naruki Doi and Masato Yoshino in 17:38 when Generico pinned Yoshino after the package piledriver/brainbuster combo. Yoshino kicked out of EVERYTHING before getting pinned, including a Swanton/Splash combo. Probably the most insane sprint of all the night's tags, this. The second half began with BxB Hulk and SHINGO beating Jimmy Jacobs and Tyler Black in 16:15 with SHINGO pinning Black with his version of the Wonderwhirl. Real nice match, though the ROH team being the heels gave it a different dynamic. No dancers for Hulk :(The Briscoes beat Ryo Saito and Dragon Kid in 18:05 when Jay pinned Saito after the springboard doomsday device. Only the last three minutes or so of this were sprint, as the Briscoes dominated the majority, mainly at the expense of Kid. EDIT: I forgot that before the face team came out for the main event, Larry Sweeney came out and tried to dissolve the No Remorse Corps into S n S inc. While Roderick declined, Davey Richards took Sweeney's card on the sly...CIMA, Go Shiozaki and Erick Stevens beat the No Remorse Corps when CIMA pinned Roderick Strong with the Crossfire in 27:46. Strong kicked out of the Schwein but was pinned with the Crossfire straight after. This was second best on the card for me, if not the best. Go vs Roderick and Stevens vs Roderick produced some blistering chop battles. Fantastic main event. The venue was the same as the one FIP used in 2006 for shows such as Impact of Honor, but it was completely full, and really, really hot. Should be able to catch the end of tomorrow night's show after the Hall of Fame...

Edited by gadgetboy
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That sounds like a really really good show, there's not one match there that I'm not interested in seeing. I look forward to the DVD release.

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Glad you actually got into this one! Well done, results far better written than the barely literate version on the Observer...

Indeed, the "Official" Results on the ROH board are dreadful! Is gadgetboy actually there then? Fair play, wish I was!
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  • 2 weeks later...

ROH Bitter Friends Stiffer Enemies


I decided to skip Wrath of the Racket, mainly because it looks like a lot of toss for the most part. This takes me to this show.


Prince Nana vs. Homicide


Squash. Next ?


John Walters and Tony Mamaluke vs. Dunn and Marcos


Oh come on. Another glorified squash ?


Matt Stryker vs. BJ Whitmer


T'is about time that we seen a good match on this show. A damn good match actually. By the time they hit the final move of the match, you seen where it was going, but for the most part, you were sure you were going to get a different sort of ending than what we got, so that's acceptable. Both guys just went out and had a hard hitting match that went from guy to guy like a see saw.


Special K vs. The Backseat Boys vs. SAT vs. The Carnage Crew


There is a lot of action, and most of it hits and flows pretty well. The only problem in the match is, as usual, the Crew. This is just not their scene at all, and every time they do a match like this, they do the same stuff in every one. The same can be said for the BSB, but at least they attempt to change things a little. So, for once, the SAT and Special K bring the highlights of the match.


Becky Bayless vs. Alexis Laree


There's way too much crap on this show.


Christopher Daniels vs. Xavier


This is a solid match. It drags for the entire first half, but the second half sees both guys go all out. It was at this point that Xavier started to improve. Therefore, he could go out there for 25 minutes this time and not look blown up when all was said and done. Also, the ending of the match was very smart. Infact, come to think of it, the whole match was smartly planned.


Hydro vs. Deranged vs. Slyk Wagner Brown vs. Jonny Storm


This is a spotfest. A decent one at that. You have three guys out of four who really know how to make a spotfest fun. Then you have Brown, who isn't as bad as some people would like to make out. As a result, the match is nothing special, but it's definately good enough to watch.


CM Punk vs. Samoa Joe - Non-Title Match


You see these guys in a match in ROH, and you think you're going to see a classic. While this isn't a classic, they keep the pace fast, they keep the selling and psychology tight, and they keep the strikes hard. Joe's absolutely relentless assault on Punk for most of the match kept his momentum strong, while allowing for a more competitive match as a result. In other words, Punk looks good in defeat because he fights tooth and nail, and Joe keeps strong as the dominant force in ROH.


Steve Corino vs. Homicide - No Holds Barred Match


Brutal, sick and incredible brawl, a personal favourite of mines when it comes to ROH. Some of the spots are sick and most of them for different reasons, from the self sacrifice of Homicide smashing against the railing, to the legit injury of Corino from the slap of Homicide, to the bloodfest that follows, you can feel the hatred between the two men every step of the way. Most importantly, you knew they didn't give you everything, and left you wanting more.


Dan Maff vs. Low Ki


I guess this is good enough while it lasts. A lot of people lambast Low Ki for what happened here, but it seemed to be a double edged mistake. The rest of the match made the final spot seem absolutely out of place. Decent enough.





There's two REALLY good matches here, but there's too much crap to warrant a recommendation for this show. Just try and see if someone has it and get a loan of it from them.

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Death Before Dishonor 5 Night 2 - 11/8/07



Mark Briscoe vs. El Generico - Falls Count Anywhere - let

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I don't really see a "UKFF at WM" thread and I got more enjoyment from the ROH shows so here are the thoughts of me and my girlfriend's Orlando wrestling experience (which I returned from a few hours ago):Edit: I've just gone back to check my spelling and everything but sorry for any mistakes - I'm really tired. Also, sorry if this doesn't read too well - some sections are just collections of thoughts from the shows.Left our hotel on International Drive on the Friday afternoon and moved accross to the Marriott Residence Inn. This hotel housed a shedload of ROH fans and all of the staff and wrestlers and was organised by ROH super fan (and all-round awesome guy) GregH. Shortly after we arrived, everyone gathered around the pool for a pre-show pizza party (all paid for by Greg) and we got to meet loads of really cool new fans along with catching up with some of the UK ROH fans I already knew. We had 2 surprise guests at the party for a while in Matt Sydal and Colt Cabana, the 2nd of which took great pleasure in informing me that me cigarettes will GIVE ME CANCER!!!After the party we all headed out to the Friday ROH show. 2 weeks on and my memory is starting to blur a little (due in part to the post-show parties) but I had a great time at this show. I hold it slightly below the 3 Liverpool shows I've been to but the 2nd half was great. General consensus was that Steen/Generico vs Yoshino/Doi stole the show and I tend to agree although a lot of people were leaning towards NRC vs Stevens/Shiozaki/CIMA. I loved that match but the finish was kind of like wha?? It just came out of nowhere and didn't match the heat that the rest of the match had. Lastly, I was surprised to see ROH go 3-1 over DG in the series but at least it kept the Briscoes vs D. Kid/Saito result surprising - I thought the finish was totally telegraphed as ROH were 2-1 up but I was wrong. Finally, what was the deal with putting Dragon Kid in there against the Briscoes??? The ultimate super underdog was a little lost against the companies 2 biggest faces :duh:After the show we had a party in the hotel with all of the fans, staff and wrestlers. Awesome food was provided and everyone has a chance to wind down and chat about the show. Following that, I went up to another fans hotel room and had a real good chat with ROH message-board heel (and that's a tag branded on him - not one he's asked for) JSWO. Great to meet the guy in person as people have a totally wrong impresion of him on the board and because of this, they draw him into arguments that make him look worse. Most people couldn't be more wrong as I gladly found out - he's a really cool, genuine guy and a huge fan of the ROH product. Met some other cool guys up in the room like Joe Condelo, Jimthy and Ringlord plus so many more names I can't remeber. I met so many people that weekend and the combination of real and message board names just made things even more confusing.Had a little swim in the Marriott's lovely pool on Saturday as my hangover prevented me getting up in time for the organised ROH fanfest. Was apparently a cool affair where people got to meet plenty of the stars and got to watch them play Jai-Lai (that wierd game where you chuck balls at a wall out of a big hook on your arm - think Jackass: The Movie). Apparently, Larry Sweeney sucks at it and was an absolute riot when the fans gave him abuse about it. He walked about the entire day giving out Larry Sweeney business cards with a number on. When you call it you get a pre-recorded message about his management services :laugh: Saturday's ROH show was fucking AMAZING for me. Real contender for my favourite ever live show (and I only have competition because face Nigel McGuinness in the UK against the right-opponent is an unforgettable atmosphere). Considering that everyone was dreading it going in, Shiozaki/Delirious was great fun and Go looked like he was pissing himself laughing at the masked man's antics. The YRR vs Bushwacker Luke & Students was what it was - I didn't mind it and it served it's purpose. Those Sugarfoot fans are fucking annoying though!! NRC vs Jigsaw/Ruckus was great fun but felt a little on the short side - maybe I was just enjoying myself too much though. I think people really belived the Vulture Squad could take this one after their enjoyable win the night before and the teased dissension in the NRC (with Davey taking Sweeney's business card). Strong vs Stevens was one of the maddest displays of brutality I've seen live. They just chopped the shit out of each other, busting each others chests open and even a few chops to the face :omg: Steven's was laid out with a BRUTAL unprotected chairshot and then got his head shaved by the NRC. This was my only dissapointment of the night - the bell never rang as Stevens and Strong just knocked the referee down so I was hoping that a bald, bloody Stevens would storm out later in the night demanding his title shot and get the win in front a super buzzed crowd. Unfortunately, they're svaing the match for the next FIP show. The 1st half finished with a crazy relaxed-rules match between Briscoes & Jimmy/Tyler. This was WILD!!! They brawled about the ring for a minute then hit ringside until Mark Briscoe did a dive into the crowd, assisted by a trampoline he pulled out from under the ring! 3 seconds later he suplexed Tyler Black onto my girlfriends seat (without her in it mind) and a crazy fight ensued all over the building with seats flying everywhere. Apart from not being able to see a lot of it, the atmosphere was awesome. Holy Shit moment of the match came when Mark Briscoe splashed a homeless cripple through a table off a balcony. It was all cool mind, this guy was FIP's Milo Beasley and he'd been annoying fans outside the building all through the weekend. The match finished with an awesome recreation of the Marafuji Doomsday counter - Jimmy reversed the Doomsday device into a deep choke on one of the Briscoe's to everyone's shock and amzement. The feeling in the crowd outside the building after this match was that this was the best first half to a show anyone had seen. With the matches that were left on the card, nobody there was dissapointed at missing Hall of Fame.The 2nd half opened with Steen/Generico vs Hulk/SHINGO and this time we got a dance off BxB!!! Steenerico confirmed their places here as MVP's of the weekend and Mr Wrestling was just a riot throughout this match - including a dance to rival Mr Hulk's :laugh: McGuinness vs Aries was a great, great match but probably a step below the Rising Above match (but only because of the drama that Nigel's cut gave that match for me). Like every Aries title match, the finish played on Aries's super-combo he used to beat Joe but in the end he was unsucessful and Nigel put him away (to half the crowd's delight - there were so many Eurpoean fans there). Finally, the DG 6-man delivered as always. I don't know how it'll rank against the others till I see it on DVD but it was a great match that built on familiar spots and added new ones. I remember seeing WWE fans being amazed at WM when HHH applied a crossface to Cena while he was doing the STFU and people around me were impressed at the innovation - all I could remember was 2 guys from the night before applying octopus holds to seperate people while having a chop battle with eachother at the same time :thumbsup: In the end this was just a really great show and represented ROH at their A Game. Everyone worked their hardest and I'd highly reccomend a DVD purchase if you're the type that just buys certain show these days.After the show I went up to the room of ROH Board member DiggetyDog for an event that was christened At Our Beerfest! We tasted all sorts of wierd ales that people had brought from about the country - some nice, some foul, and some that can't be safe for human consumption. So many people came through the room at various points that night that I struggle to remeber 80% of the people I met (although the beer can't have helped that). Tyler Black made various trips in to steal our beer and dive straight back out :/ Colt Cabana arrived for a short while and began to auction off his program from the Hall of Fame. I picked this up for $40 including getting it signed and getting a few pictures with him. All the American's thought I was a nut but I took spending money for a reason and compared to their shitty dollar, the

Edited by chunk3rvd
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