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VPW Weekend Camp and Training Seminar

Team VPW

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The UK's No.1 Sports Entertainment Company presents an exciting opportunity for professional wrestlers and aspiring professional wrestlers on Saturday 18th and Sunday 19th of August at The VPW School of Excellence.


This seminar/weekend camp is a great opportunity for everyone from complete beginners to established wrestlers looking for tips on how to make it to the next level and for potential trainees to try out and check out the VPW facilities and training program before committing to join a full time class.


The VPW School of Excellence comes highly recommended by former WWE Superstars Such as


Billy Gunn: "If I was an aspiring wrestler in the UK, the VPW training school is the only place I'd choose to train..."


Bob Holly: "VPW is unquestionably the best school around bar none - Tom (UK Kid) was trained by two of the greatest wrestlers to ever lace a pair of boots (Shawn Michaels & Dory Funk) and he just 'gets' the business, I can't say that about alot of guys."


Current WWE producer and Superstar Fit Finlay recently visited VPW and had this to say about the school





The camp will consist of pro wrestling training, including, wrestling, interviews, entrances and character development. It will also consist of a physique workshop, where staff will evaluate your current diet and training program, and make suggestions and adjustments to help you get in your best shape. The VPW facility has gym and workout equipment in addition to a full-sized wrestling ring, so you will spend the day learning every element of what it takes to succeed in wrestling.


This is an excellent oppertunity for any one in the British wrestling industry male or female and will cost just

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