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This is Wrestling - Mansfield - 29th June

House of Pain

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Thought I'd post results for anyone keeping up to date.


Bam Bam Barton beat Nate Colt. Fun opener, Nate crowd work works a treat and Barton looks pretty vicious on offence.


Flex Buffington beat "The Hammer" Marc Scott. Flex in tremendous entertainment and the thought of a one on one match with Mad Man Manson is a very exciting prospect.


"Luscious" Lucas Black beat "Adrenaline" Danny Chase by count out after he tied him to the ring post. Best wrestling match so far, both looked crisp and held the crowd like pro's.


I went to the toilet at this point but as I was leaving "Psycho" Shane Flint was announced. I heard him challenge Donny Bull to a rematch from the last show.

Not sure what happened inbetween but Flint pinned another wrestler and was attacked by Bull after.


Lewis Paradise beat "The Special Edition" Joseph Conners. I know the standard of quality that Conners commands with every performance, but Lewis really impressed me in this one. Conners was his hateable self, but Lewis stuck with him, showed good agility and execution and won when he reversed a boston crab into a roll up.




"Diamond" Dave Andrews beat Danny Steel. Very entertaining match. Steel definitely gave as good as he got from one member of the audience and Andrews played the hometown hero great.


"The Heat" LJ Heron beat "Textbook"Dave Breaks. Really good main event featuring everything from brawling, wrestling, high spots and psychology. Both men performed admirably.


Really fun show and a vocal crowd throughout. Next show is Friday 27th July.

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