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KSW Wrestling 17th Sept In Cannock


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K-Star Wrestling

Card For Sat 17th Sept In Cannock


KSW Title

BBD Vs Maddog


Midlands Title

Kid Flash Vs Chris Boggz


Rigour Mortis Vs Sebastian Knight


Carlos Vs Jim E. Villain


Stevo Stevens Vs Damien Black W/ Arch Angel


Lee Hunter Vs Tyler Rayne


Franco & Connor Marshal Vs Drew Love


17th September Cannock JUST

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New Champions


BBD and Kid Flash both took Gold at Redditch. Kid Flash won the Midlands Title in front of 200 fans in his home town of Redditch and BBD finally took back what was stolen from him in March... the KSW British Title.

Both men are said to be very happy and are ready, willing and able to defend the titles in Cannock on the 17th September.



Neo Prophecy FURIOUS!!!!


Obviously The Neo Prophecy are not happy as they lost not one but two main Championships at Redditch.

Tyler Rayne losing the British Title and Sebastian Knight losing the Midlands.

The Arch Angel had this to say:

" Its now time for us to show all the Kstars who is the real authority in this company!

I will lead the Neo Prophecy to new heights this is a set back that is true but what everyone needs to understand its not about gold anymore... its about POWER and we indeed will have all the power in KSW. Watch this space because KSW will be no more. My Neo Prophecy are on the cusp of taking all the KSW wrestlers down and the company will be ours!"



Carlose VS The Villain


Carlos and Jim E. Villain will finally face off in September the KSW board have now officially booked the match.

Jim.E.Villain had this to say......

"NO no no no nooo! ....This is not whats supposed to happen. Do you realise who the hell I am? Im the highest profiled wrestler in the Midlands and I don't deserve this at all. Carlos is a mad man. Do you know the things that he wants to do to my beautiful face?

This cant happen. I got a restraining order! This cant happen?" - Jim E. Villain

But it can and it will at Cannock...

17th September is Carlos Vs Jim E. Villain.



No.1 Contender....awaits?


Rigour Mortis won a no.1 contenders rumble back in April but has not yet cashed in his title shot? Kstarwrestling.co.uk managed to speak to the Demon back stage at Redditch after his match and in this rare interview Rigour had this to say:


" Ive been waiting for the right time and the right moment to take the British title. However the game has slightly changed because of the erratic actions of one Big Bad Donaghan. But who holds the title makes no difference to me... the result will be the same. I shall be KSW Champion again.

Donaghan, Im aware that the people see you as a hero, but I don't! I see you as savage as an animal that needs to be hunted down and tammed. You're a fool stepping in my way as you have no idea of the consequences you have caused for yourself. You may be Big and Bad but I am something greater than size and strength. Rest assured, sooner rather than later BBD you will find this out!"

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