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Guide to Japanese Wrestling 2010


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NJPW's big matches feels important and thats what a lot of other promotions fails. To make the magic happen.




NJPW on Samurai TV - January 27, 2010, Chiba - (2 hrs)



January 27, 2010, Chiba Port Arena Sub Arena (900 fans)


1. Koji Kanemoto -vs- Taichi Ishikari [3/4*]

--- Didn't get very excited about this one. Very standard Kanemoto style match with Taichi adding next to nothing before tapping....

8:31 of 8:31 - Kanemoto made Ishikari submit to a ankle hold



2. Takashi Iizuka & Tomohiro Ishii -vs- Tiger Mask & Mitsuhide Hirasawa [* 1/4]

--- Hirasawa didn't stand a chance really. Iron Fingers from Hell and brainbuster from Ishii was all she wrote. The match was a standard done ok.

13:46 of 13:45 - Ishii pinned Hirasawa after a brainbuster



3. Yuji Nagata & Wataru Inoue -vs- Riki Choshu & Nobuo Yoshihashi [*]

--- Then a standard done average. Inoue it getting the spotlight undeservingly and fights off the dangers and then beats the rookie with the Staggerin' Blow.

13:33 of 13:33 - Inoue pinned Yoshihashi after a Staggerin' Blow brainbuster



4. Toru Yano & Gedo & Jado -vs- Hirooki Goto & Ryusuke Taguchi & Prince Devitt [* 1/4]

--- Apollo55 made sure this was at least a match that kept moving. Not a dull match, but there wasn't all that much standing out either. This is a smaller show, you know, so no bonuses here. After a lot of back and forth Taguchi gets hit with a chair and Yano finished this off with his modified powerbomb.

12:38 of 15:03 - Yano pinned Taguchi after the ono koroshi powerbomb



5. Yujiro & Tetsuya Naito -vs- Hiroshi Tanahashi & Kazuchika Okada [* 3/4]

--- This one felt a little bit fresh as the new IWGP Tag Champions Yujiro & Naito have something to prove and have learned quite a bit about personality during their stay in Mexico. And with a youthful hungry Okada and one of todays best puroresu stars Tanahashi on the opposite side we got something more then what the other matches had to offer. Still only a house showish style match, but it was motivated with Okada getting some playing time before they killed him with the Limitless Explosion! That's 3-D. Yano came out and attacked Tanahashi after the match. That's to build hype for their February 14th Sumo Hall singles bout.

14:10 of 14:10 - Naito pinned Okada after the Limitless Explosion



6. Manabu Nakanishi & Togi Makabe & Tomoaki Honma -vs- Shinsuke Nakamura & Giant Bernard & Karl Anderson [* 1/2]

--- Fairly standard again, but they did get across the important thing about this tour which ends with a Nakamura vs Nakanishi IWGP Title match when Nakamura looked very focused beat the champion clean with a German Suplex. Signal can't be more clear then that!

16:23 of 16:23 - Nakanishi pinned Nakamura with a German Suplex



COMMENTS: Smaller show with the wrestling to match. They weren't on the lazy side as for as work. They just didn't deliver anything outside what they usualy except some to build the feuds for this tour.




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NJPW on Samurai TV - January 30, 2010, Tokyo - (2 hrs)



January 30, 2010, Tokyo - Korakuen Hall (2,005 fans)


1. Tomoaki Honma -vs- Nobuo Yoshihashi [*]

--- Honma really gave it to the kid in this one. Stomping and punting his head good to the point that it looked like Yoshihashi was out of it for a few seconds there. He got his little comeback there, but then Honma finished him off in less then 5 minutes with a neckbreaker summersaulting off the top rope.

4:47 of 4:47 - Honma pinned Yoshihashi after the Shalimarti



2. Koji Kanemoto & Tiger Mask & El Samurai -vs- Super Strong Machine & Wataru Inoue & Mitsuhide Hirasawa [*]

--- People loved to see El Samurai back in the New Japan again, though it was only a short part of this bout. It was still be best bit. And things moved quickly along until Kanemoto had Hirasawa tap. This was the Black Cat Memorial Match honering the longtime New Japan wrestler/referee that passed away in 2006 with his family and wrestlers giving speaches.

6:08 of 10:25 - Kanemoto made Hirasawa submit to a ankle hold



3. Hirooki Goto -vs- Kazuchika Okada [**]

--- Predictable formula of Goto being in control locking Okada in basic rookie moves like the crab hold with him having to fight his way out and with a couple of comebacks to make Okada look like he's half-capable. The match was executed well and Okada was as good as he needed to be on those moments. It wasn't like he ever had a chance at winning, but his fighting spirit surviving the crab holds and a few bigger moves was what this match lived for. Then came the Shouten....

8:59 of 9:46 - Goto pinned Okada after the Shouten



4. Takashi Iizuka & Tomohiro Ishii & Gedo & Jado -vs- Riki Choshu & Togi Makabe & Ryusuke Taguchi & Taichi Ishikari [* 1/4]

--- Started with a little arena brawl and ended with a decent babyface explosion before Ishikari was alone in the ring with Gedo and the most predictable thing happend. Not much in between that of interest.

7:49 of 8:28 - Gedo pinned Ishikari with a Gedo Clutch





5. Yuji Nagata & Yujiro & Tetsuya Naito -vs- Tajiri & Giant Bernard & Karl Anderson [* 1/2]

--- Ha ha, Nagata didn't like that No Limit were using their IWGP Tag Title belts as weapons and they abandoned him. Nagata still got the win, but with a bittersweet taste as Tajiri sparyed his face with mist right in front of the referee. That's a DQ!

13:31 of 13:30 - Nagata & Yujiro & Naito defeated Tajiri & Bernard & Anderson by DQ





6. Shinsuke Nakamura & Toru Yano -vs- Hiroshi Tanahashi & Manabu Nakanishi [** 1/2]

--- This was all kinds of sweet with the feuds getting estbalished well before the February Sumo Hall show. Nakanishi looked nearly unstoppable as he kept rampaging the IWGP Champion to bits. Yano on the other hand has something to prove to the former IWGP Champion Tanahashi and showed here that he's a cunning fox who can also give a beating....even if it invovles some cheating. The end saw him just being smart though blocking Tanahashi's High Flying Flow and then quickly following up with a roll-up for the victory.

16:50 of 16:49 - Yano pinned Tanahashi with a bodypress block and follow up cradle





7. Naomichi Marufuji © -vs- Prince Devitt - (IWGP Junior Title) [*** 1/4]

--- This was quite awesome. Because of the way Devitt got to be overall smarter and get a hugh share of the major moments in this match landing whatever big move he had. Dives and great athletics. Poor Devitt looked to hurt a little on the first dive as he crashed his head to the floor on the landing, but he was ok and could continue to eye ways to beat the NOAH wrestler. Got to love the other dive over the railings and that HARD top rope double-footstomp! And then there was that nasty top rope backdrop suplex which for a second there looked to get Devitt the win with Marufuji kicking out very late. Marufuji also kicked out of the Prince's Throne aswell as block another one driving Devitt down with his knee which was quite clever. But from then on it was the champs turn to really look great landing the Superkicks a fine modified backdrop suplex in there aswell. But most important the Tiger Frosion! That one was NAILED! Devitt fails to get the belt, but shows he's one of the top junior heavyweights in the world with this match. Marufuji was ok as he let Devitt take care of energy work so not to expose himself too much. V1 for Marufuji.

20:19 of 20:19 - Marufuji pinned Devitt with the Tiger Frosion to Marufuji retain the IWGP Junior Title in his 1st defence.



COMMENTS: Early card matches were short, but in their own ways had something to offer regardless. The final two matches was what this show was booked on and they did the job they were tehre to do ending this show on a very good note.




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Can't wait until I get there!




NJPW on ESPN - January 31, 2010, Tokyo - (2 hrs)



January 31, 2010, Tokyo - Differ Ariake (1,800 fans)


1. Super Strong Machine & Tiger Mask & El Samurai -vs- Koji Kanemoto & Taichi Ishikari & Nobuo Yoshihashi [* 1/4]

--- El Samurai's washed-up awkwardness made this one enjoyable. He did land a beauty of a tope and then he showed he was the veteran when alone with Yoshihashi by making the kid tap. Otherwise decent work from the others without turning into anything great except for the times Sammy was involved somehow.

9:26 of 9:26 - Samurai made Yoshihashi submit to a chickenwing armlock



2. Togi Makabe & Tomoaki Honma -vs- Tamon Honda & Kentaro Shiga [*]

--- A fresh match-up, but not a fresh match. Makabe & Honma facing two recent NOAH rejects in Honda & Shiga who are well passed their prime by now. They let the two guys run the show doing their trademark stuff and then Makabe absolutely murdered Shiga with the King Kong kneedrop.

9:15 of 9:14 - Makabe pinned Shiga after a top rope kneedrop



3. Tajiri & Takashi Iizuka -vs- Yuji Nagata & Wataru Inoue [* 1/4]

--- Tajiri tried to mist Nagata, but accidentally blew mist in Iizuka's face when Nagata ducked and then came the revenge....of sorts....Nagata blew mist in Tajiri's face! And was therefore DQ'ed.....

10:41 of 9:32 - Tajiri & Iizuka defeated Nagata & Inoue by DQ



4. Kota Ibushi & Kenny Omega -vs- Gedo & Jado [*]

--- A curious match-up as DDT's tag team Ibushi & Omega face the New Japan heel junior combo of Jado & Gedo. Omega's first New Japan match. This never reached any massive hights because the match had a very abrupt end. Ibushi & Omeda did their double moonsault out from the ring which resulted in Jado crashing his head on impact as Gedo was falling towards him at the same time. Very synchronized spot which was too synchronized so that they clashed together. The referee after some talks stopped the match and Jado was carried out on a steacher.

10:43 of 10:43 - Ibushi & Omega defeated Gedo & Jado by Referee Stop when Jado was injured



5. Yujiro & Tetsuya Naito & Ryusuke Taguchi & Prince Devitt -vs- Toru Yano & Giant Bernard & Karl Anderson & Tomohiro Ishii [*]

--- With so many tallented guys it's a shame they couldn't put together something more interesting. Only a light worked midcard fun match with the best part being Bernard doing the Taguchi wiggle. The end came when Bernard & Anderson was going to try the Magic Killer, but then Anderson was low blowed and Taguchi rolled him up for the pin.

12:02 of 12:00 - Taguchi pinned Anderson with a small package



6. Hiroshi Tanahashi -vs- Kazuchika Okada [* 1/2]

--- Okada's final match with New Japan before going abroad on his excursion. And he gets to live longer then usual, but the match wasn't all that exciting. Just interesting to see how long Okada would last with Tanahashi going for the let and trying to lock in Texas Cloverleafs and crabs. And when Tanahashi had enough of the kid he went down to splash him with a High Flying Flow. Once the match was over Yano came in and beat Tanahashi ruthlessly down.

13:25 of 13:26 - Tanahashi pinned Okada after a top rope bodypress



7. Shinsuke Nakamura & Masato Tanaka -vs- Manabu Nakanishi & Hirooki Goto [* 3/4]

--- And now Tanaka is in the mix to build for his hardcore match with Goto at the Sumo Hall. And he put Goto through a table and broke a kendo stick by pounding on him. I guess that sets the tone for February. And with the beating he got Tanaka could easily put the final nail in the coffin with a Sliding D. Nakamura and Nakanishi where also focusing on their Sumo Hall title match, but here they didn't click very well. Kind of clumsy execution on quite a few moves. Oh well.....

17:25 of 17:25 - Tanaka pinned Goto after a Sliding D



COMMENTS: They bring in a lot of outsiders like El Samurai, Tamon Honda, Kentaro Shiga, Tajiri, Kenny Omega, Kota Ibushi and Masato Tanaka for a rare New Japan show in NOAH's backyard. One would think this would have been a lot more memorable show then this?! But hardly anything was worth noting.




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SENDAI GIRLS on Samurai TV - December 20, 2009 & January 31, 2010, Sendai - (2 hrs)



December 20, 2009, Sendai - Zepp Sendai (700 fans)


1. Yukari Ishino -vs- Hamuko Hoshi [*]

--- Sendai Girls vs Ice Ribbon. Basic. Energetic. Solid based off the final portion of the match that aired. Competitive with dropkicks and things like that until the home girl landed a Samoan Drop to beat the chubby Ice Ribbon lady.

4:03 of 12:08 - Ishino pinned Hoshi after a Blockbuster



2. Dash Chisako -vs- Esui [*]

--- The punked up Dash taking on the tall Mongolian lady Esui for a half-decent fight. Never too fantastic, but Esui did go on the attack and didn't look as awkward as usual. Still awkward though. Dash was the victor catching Esui in a cross-armbreaker Esui tapped out twice to!

6:45 of 12:57 - Chisako made Esui submit to a cross-armbreaker



3. Misaki Ohata

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NOAH in AAA on GAORA TV - February 1, 2010, Tehuacan, Mexico - (2 hrs)



February 1, 2010, Tehuacan, Mexico


- Takeshi Morishima Trip Documentary (1/29 - 2/?). Morishima visits restaurants, tourist attractions, etc


1. Faby Apache & Mary Apache & Pimpenela Escarlata -vs- Cynthia Moreno & Sexy Star & Polvo de Estrellas

--- It's so rare I get to see glimpts of the Apache sisters so it was incredible thrilling even if it only lasted a few seconds. This was more about the exoticos as Pimpi beat Polvo the Demolition looking tranny.

1:21 - Pimpenela pinned Polvo after a top rope dropkick



2. Laredo Kid & Aerostar & Super Fly & Argenis -vs- Psicosis & Histeria & Amnesia & Black Abyss [*]

--- The flyers were taking the heels offguard, but it didn't take long before the Vipers were in control, but the colorful faces continued with their dives and coutnered a Tombstone attempt by dropkicking it down and stealing the win!

3:53 - Laredo Kid pinned Black Abyss after Super Fly dropkicking them down



3. Crazy Boy & Rocky Romero & Extreme Tiger -vs- Joe Lider & Decnis & Nicho El Millionario [3/4*]

--- Lider & Nicho kicked Decnis out of the match by throwing him out from the ring and through some chairs. In return Decnis once recovered ran into the ring and layed down for Romero so that his so-called team mates would lose the match!

3:08 - Romero pinned Decnis when Decnis layed down for him



4. Dr. Wagner Jr & Elektro Shock & Ultimo Gladiador -vs- El Zorro & Alex Koslov & Chessman [1/2*]

--- Chaos with Konan and Pimpinella co-invading the match causing a none decision.

3:31 - Wagner & Elektro Shock & Gladiador wrestled Zorro & Koslov & Chessman to a No-Contest



5. El Mesias -vs- Takeshi Morishima - (AAA Title) [*]

--- Morishima does look a bit out of his context in Mexico. He's not as animated as all the other characters there. Even Mesias is better at that aspect then big Mo. But Morishima does know how to throw his weight around and that's what he did as they traded near falls. The match had a screwie finish though as a bunch of people attacked both guys and out of that Mesias caught Morishima off-guard and dropped him down for the count to keep the AAA Title.

10:47 - Mesias pinned Morishima after a modified Ace Crusher to retain the AAA Title.



COMMENTS: Typical traveling video with lots of eating, talking and breaking into hotel rooms while sleeping. Plus highlights of AAA's February 1st show with Morishima's match being the important one for Japanese TV.




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I'm a DVD's kind of guy, but there are a lot of downloads of matches quite a few places I belive, but others would know that better then me.




AJPW on Samurai TV - February 5, 2010, Kisarazu - (2 hrs)



February 5, 2010, Kisarazu Citizen Gym (1,200 fans)


- Show opend with a in-ring tribute to Jack Brisco with Masa Fuchi holding his picture to honor the former NWA Champion who used to work regulary for AJPW back in the day.


- Then the F4 stable stole the show making the fans happy, plus a short confrontation with their main rivals the Voodoo Murders.



1. Osamu Nishimura -vs- Yasufumi Nakanoue [1/2*]

--- Just a quick wrestling lesson for the rookie. And it's not often we see someone submit to an classic bow and arrow hold!

5:27 of 5:26 - Nishimura made Nakanoue with a bow and arrow



2. Seiya Sanada -vs- Mazada [*]

--- Simple lowcard bout. Mazada matches are rarely anything special and this was no exception to that rule. At least Sanada got to win with his Japanese leg roll clutch hold.

8:46 of 8:46 - Sanada pinned Mazada with a Japanese leg roll clutch hold



3. Hiroshi Yamato & KAI & BUSHI -vs- Minoru & Toshizo & Hate [** 1/4]

--- BUSHI!!! Former AJPW rookie of the '06 class once called T28 (Takuya 28) returning after a lenghty stay in Mexico. And he's 100% luchador now. And it looks good on him. The mask and costume look a little generic, but at least it's a professional looking costume and very colorful so he fits very well in with his generation of wrestlers liek KAI & Yamato. And they treat him like a star already with him getting to look good in his Japan debut under the BUSHI gimmick. The entire '06 class gets to look good here and even picked up the win when Yamato rolled Toshizo up with a schoolboy with a little knock-out help from KAI. Other things to like about this match was Minoru and the way he interacted with the fans finding a picture of himself on the program claiming it really was him on the picture.

10:55 of 10:55 - Yamato pinned Toshizo with a schoolboy



4. Minoru Suzuki & Taiyo Kea & NOSAWA Rongai -vs- Akebono & Ryota Hama & Masa Fuchi [**]

--- Fuchi is the man! Sadly for him a very old man with very slow partners for this match. He got all pissed at Suzuki who'd spit him in the face and was all on attack with his bodyslams and small packages once he caught up with him. However Suzuki is levels stronger then the 56 year old and would look in the sleeper tight and when the sumo boy would make their way to make the save in turtle speed Suzuki had no trouble moving out of the way letting Hama accidetally splash his own partner and Akebono drop an elbow too totally squashing the old man who was so put away by the Gotch-style piledriver!

10:04 of 10:38 - Suzuki pinned Fuchi after a Gotch-style piledriver



5. Satoshi Kojima & Zodiac -vs- TARU & Rene Dupree [* 1/4]

--- The match in it self between F4 and Voodoo Murders was ok enough, but the finish was kind of lame with a simple caneshot from TARU causing the DQ.

8:59 of 8:59 - Kojima & Zodiac defeated TARU & Dupree by DQ



6. Keiji Muto & Masakatsu Funaki & Kaz Hayashi -vs- Kohei Suwama & Masayuki Kono & Shuji Kondo [* 1/2]

--- Ok, but didn't exactly take off or offer anything special. It was the usual stars doing their very basics. Best bits came between Kono and Funaki who were fighting for the finish with Kono landing the top rope knee which funaki was saved from. Then Funaki took over and used the cross heel hold to make Kono submit.

Suzuki came in to choke Funaki after the bout.

12:22 of 12:23 - Funaki made Kono submit to a cross heel hold



COMMENTS: Half good show. The matches was however very short by puroresu standards, but that's not neccessary a bad thing.




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BJPW on Samurai TV - February 5, 2010, Tokyo - (2 hrs)



February 5, 2010, Tokyo - Korakuen Hall (1,397 fans)


1. Ryuichi Sekine -vs- Takumi Tsukamoto [*]

--- K-Dojo's promising rookie Sekine showing one of Big Japan's young guys how to wrestle. Decent, but basic fighting with Tsukamoto looking like he didn't stand much of a chance....ever....in this bout. And once Sekine started pulling on Tsukamoto's knee protectors for the modified Boston Crab Tsukamoto was tapping.

5:44 of 5:41 - Sekine made Tsukamoto submit to a Kakaekomi crab hold



2. Takashi Sasaki & Abdullah Kobayashi & Shadow WX -vs- Yuko Miyamoto & Shinobu & Mototsugu Shimizu - (Hardcore) [* 1/2]

--- More on 90's style hardcore match filling the ring with chairs and bump on them. Miyamoto's moonsault with Shadow WX buried in chairs was spot of the match. A match with not too many highlights but somewhat entertaining nontheless in it's standard formula. Abby gets to beat the puzzy Shiomizu.

12:02 of 13:31 - Kobayashi pinned Shimizu after a top rope elbow drop



3. Jun Kasai & Masashi Takeda -vs- Ryuji Ito & Kankuro Hoshino - (Dangerous Weapons Death Match) [* 1/4]

--- Sadly this draged a lot most of the way with very standard hardcore fighting, but it exploded the last minute when Ito brough in his massive light tubes stucture and covered Takeda in broken glass. Then Hoshino tried the same laying his light tube think on top of Takeda for a senton, but this time Takeda moved out of the way and Hoshino crased himself through it. Then Takeda got in a few finishers until a nice German did the job to put the lumpy bastard away.

15:47 of 18:27 - Takeda pinned Hoshino with a German Suplex



4. Daisuke Sekimoto & Yuji Okabayashi & Ryuichi Kawakami -vs- Yoshito Sasaki & Kishin Kawabata & Kazuki Hashimoto [**]

--- Former NOAH veteran Kawabata brought in to give the wrestling based matches something new. And a lot of chops, so not really something fresh after all. Kawabata didn't add anything and the match never really took off or got major interesting even if it did give the younger guys some time to prove themselfs. Okabayashi showed that he's strong, but we already knew that. So overall I had hoped for more from this. Hashimoto is just too fresh at this point and is not ready to be so high on the cards just yet and he was a easy pray for Kawakami and his German Suplex.

19:03 of 19:01 - Kawakami pinned Hashimoto after a German Suplex



5. Isami Kodaka -vs- Jaki Numazawa - (Judgement of Death Light Tubes Death Match) [** 1/4]

--- This is for a shot at the Big Japan Derath Match Title! And Isami is a suicidal maniac as usual, but not in his most kamikaze mood and Numazawa isn't as inspired as he once was in garbage matches. But lets enjoy the good trash moments of the light tubes in the cage getting crushed twice! Big towers of light tubes getting crushed for our pleasure in any way you like. And it was a battle regardless if it touched former great light tubes battles. Plus Isami got his semi-upset doing a forward rolling cradle with light tubes getting crushed, of course, to beat Numazawa.

15:33 of 15:31 - Isami pinned Numazawa with a driving froward rolling cradle onto light tubes



COMMENTS: Not up to the standard of most Big Japan Korakuen Hall shows. The main even had it's spectacular moments, but none of the match really excelled or held the expected quality all the way.




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New Japan big shows are probable the easiest way to start watching puro these days. It still feels like bigtime and this year they are responsable for some of the best action this year.




NEO on COMM - February 6, 2010, Tokyo - (2 hrs)



February 6, 2010, Tokyo - Itabashi Green Hall (163 fans)


1. Kana -vs- Mio Shirai [* 1/4]

--- Some nice stiffin' and a serious fight, but it was missing something to really be great. Kana was nearly beaten by the Shirai sister a few times, but would survive and win the bout with a uraken.

10:22 of 10:22 - Kana pinned Shirai after a uraken



2. Tanny Mouse -vs- Yuiga - (Hair vs Mask) [1/4*]

--- Yuiga came out without a mask and had to go back out again to put it on before they started this hair vs mask match. The match itself was to no ones surprise totally uninteresting. Tanny wins and Yuiga unmaskes again.

6:08 of 6:18 - Tanny made Yuiga submit to a armbar



3. Yuki Miyazaki -vs- Cherry [1/2*]

--- A cute Cherry match of nothing interesting follows the Yuiga match....

10:20 of 10:09 - Miyazaki pinned Cherry with a Gedo Clutch



4. Kyoko Kimura & Atsuko Emoto & Tomoka Nakagawa -vs- Hiroyo Matsumoto & Aya Yuki & Misaki Ohata [* 1/2]

--- The Revolution Amadola hungry for more young blood taking on the young elite working in NEO. As usual it's all action and little control. A fairly clean fight, but you know the RA have to cheat somehow. They are doing a good job of building up Nakagawa's reputation at the moment giving her wins over wrestlers of her own generation. And this time Ohata is the victim after trading several good near falls. The Strong Arm works again.

17:12 of 17:11 - Nakagawa pinned Ohata after a low-angle lariat



5. Nanae Takahashi & Natsuki*Taiyo -vs- Kyoko Inoue & Dash Chisako [* 3/4]

--- Dash in punk outfit teaming with Kyoko against a strong Passion Red side. You know they have to drag these matches out way too long sadly. But this was loaded with action and I liked the Dash vs Natsuki clashes as they're about the same size and has the same speed. Natsuki is a league or two better, but it was still enjoyable watching those two wrestle. Nanae and Kyoko took care of the more heavyweight fighting and were working hard too. Near fall after near fall until Nanae beat Dash with the modified Ligerbomb.

20:25 of 20:25 - Takahashi pinned Chisako with the Iku Bomb



6. Yoshiko Tamura -vs- Kagetsu [3/4*]

--- Tamura lazy squashing Sendai Girls fresh one as the main event?! Well, Kagetsu did get a little bit in, but it wasn't like she was ever going to beat an established worker as Tamura. And elbow smash nailed Kagetsu nicely for the end. Oh, and while Ishino's got a name change, there is nothing else different about her. Same style and costume.

13:47 of 13:48 - Tamura pinned Kagetsu after a elbow smash



COMMENTS: Don't get why Tamura squashing young girls are the main events for recent NEO shows. The show was the usual mixed bag.




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Ice Ribbon on COMM - February 6, 2010, Tokyo - (1 3/4 hrs)



February 6, 2010, Tokyo - Itabashi Green Hall


- The exhibition kids work with Riho and Mai Ichii for 3-min matches.


1. Natsuki*Taiyo -vs- Hikari Minami [* 1/4]

-- Natsuki was a master at working around Minami's very limited skills! And when Minami actually managed to land her big boots off the top rope the match actually became almost good! Kudos to Natsuki for her work here. She is trully one of the better workers we have these days. She thankfully gets to beat the Ice Ribbon girl once she heared it was 3 minutes left on the clock.

7:16 of 7:13 - Natsuki pinned Minami with a La Magistral



2. Toru Owashi & Aika Ando -vs- Masahiro Takanashi & Chii Tomiya [1/2*]

--- Takanashi really got confused when both Owashi and Ando did sexy poses.... that tells you all you need to know. Ok, I think he wanted to cut his eyes out for the Owashi pose, but couldn't stop looking at Ando. And when it was time to hurt Ando he closed his eyes and hit his own partner instead and thats when Ando rolled Tomiya up for the pin.

8:18 of 8:18 - Ando pinned Tomiya with a bridging backslide



3. Tsubasa Kuragaki -vs- Emi Sakura - (JWP Open Class Challenge League) [** 1/4]

--- Here we have two veteran professional putting on a match! JWP's Kuragaki was excellent as powering down the Ice Ribbon ace and Sakura got the babyface comebacks who was clearly out-matched. And Sakura got even more sympathy when she landed her twisting moonsault and hurt her back being unable to follow-up. It wasn't long after that before Kuragaki landed her Metal Wing to beat her. But this had a lot of good moments and had a real battle at times with both getting their share of the offence.

14:00 of 14:00 - Kuragaki pinned Sakura after the Metal Wing



4. Hiroyo Matsumoto -vs- Miyako Matsumoto [3/4*]

--- This was more fun for the comical aspects of referee Matsunaga getting invovled in the action as the girls wrestled around and with him. But the most comical point of all was unintentional as Miyako was going to do a Pearl Harbor Splash with the googles and salute, but as she was getting up she managed to fall down all by herself. Wonderful slip-up! She did get up again and executed the move as Hiroyo was laying there patiently. After that Hiroyo took over and locked the pretty girl in crab holds until she tapped.

8:17 of 8:17 - Hiroyo made Miyako submit to a modified Boston Crab



5. Nanae Takahashi & Kazumi Shimouma -vs- Makoto & Hikaru Shida [* 3/4]

--- Wow, this was long..... but they managed to keep the pace up and actually deliverd a acceptable modern joshi match filled with running around landing moves and countless near falls and full of energy! I was surprised that the Ice Ribbon girls could keep up and not mess it up! Screamingly annoying, yes, but full of heart. And after a non-stop back and forth match the Nanae & Shimouma side won and will get a shot at the Ice Ribbon tag belts on a later date.

22:10 of 22:09 - Shimouma pinned Makoto after a dropkick/powerslam combination



6. Tsukasa Fujimoto © -vs- Hamuko Hoshi - (ICEx60 Title) [* 1/2]

--- I'm not sure to laugh, cheer or cry. They put on a surprising display. It's been like that all show. Plenty of the wrestling is weak, but they are covering it much better then before and are doing a bunch of new moves they've never done before with Fujimoto landing Sling Blades, a bunch fancy cradles, counters and things you wouldn't imagine girls like this could ever do. But am I beliving it?! Not sure. They're all getting better, but they're not as well trained as many of the lazy veterans around, yet they put so much more heart into their work. Anyway, after a lot of hard work and even more annoying screaming Fujimoto managed to make a successful defence of the title she upset Emi Sakura for last month.

16:01 of 15:59 - Fujimoto pinned Hoshi with a swinging front cradle to retain the ICEx60 Title.



COMMENTS: A good show from Ice Ribbon. And they are getting a better product then NEO now! Ice Ribbon have surely passed NEO in quality, popularity and schedule. It's so strange to think about that this company is one of the best established joshi companies now.




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