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NORIYO TATENO on COMM: 30th ANNIVERSARY/RETIREMENT SHOW - October 10, 2010, Tokyo - (1 1/2 hrs)




October 10, 2010, Tokyo - Shinjuku FACE



1. Kyoko Inoue & Takako Inoue -vs- Manami Toyota & Mima Shimoda [*]

--- Broken down old gals going at it having their action tag and you can clearly see how little serious they take their old profession these days. Just for fun and really mixed quality based on execution going a politically correct draw.

14:00 of 15:00 - Kyoko & Takako wrestled Toyota & Shimoda to a 15:00 Time Limit Draw




2. Kana & Misaki Ohata & Ayako Sato -vs- Cherry & Moeka Haruhi & Shimono Sawako [* 1/4]

--- Younger generation action tag. Not much more to offer. A little more heart and their usual running without really knowing where one is going. Haruhi was terrible and Sato who was one of the better slipped embarrassingly on the ropes at one time. Other then that they kept on going and going until Kana beat the WAVE rookie with a German.

13:02 of 13:01 - Kana pinned Sawako with a German Suplex




3. 15-Woman Royal Rumble [* 1/4]

--- Old gals Rumble with a bunch of Noriyo Tateno's friends gathering for a fun time. Eigar was first out finding out that it was better to just go then get attacked by big ladies like Aja & Ito. Of course she'd return later under her main name Mizuki Endo. After that the ring filled up with big out of shape girls and they could have brought food and beverages into the ring because it was that kind of atmosphere of just being joined together to meet and greet. One of the funnier moments was Skura Hirota as Noriyo Tateno, but that was short lived. The winner ended up being one of Tateno's closest friends Harley Saito who ended up fooling everybody to get this.

(1:56) - Eiger eliminated

(9:01) - Aja Kong eliminated

(10:00) - Kaoru Ito eliminated

(12:41) - Jumbo Hori eliminated

(13:24) - Jaguar Yokota eliminated

(13:38) - Reika & Bachiko eliminated

(15:07) - Sakura Hirota eliminated

(15:18) - Dump Matsumoto eliminated

(18:27) - Yumiko Hotta eliminated

(20:36) - Gami eliminated

(20:56) - Mayumi Ozaki & Mizuki Endo eliminated

(21:33) - Dynamite Kansai eliminated

(21:36) - Commando Bolshoi eliminated

21:36 of 24:50 - Harley Saito win the 15-Woman Royal Rumble




4. Harley Saito & Ayumi Kurihara -vs- Noriyo Tateno & Gami - (Tateno's Retirement Match) [*]

--- 'Jumping Bomb Angel' Noriyo Tateno ending 30 years in the business, having debuted in 1980, with a little tag bout. Tateno had barely been active in recent years with the near-inactivity of LLPW so it's about time to call it quits. And most of the old girls on the show got involved aswell and was going to attack her, but most of them ran in to give her a kiss or a hug. Including fellow 1980 class mate Dump Matsumoto. The match was never really good and the only one that had anything to offer was the young one Kurihara. And I'm grateful that Tateno decided to give Kurihara the win over her before she left the business. Wish more veterans had been like that over the years giving something back to the youth. Throat slam suplexes was the last thing Tateno felt. After the match there was video messages from Chigusa Nagayo and fellow 'Jumping Bomb Angel' Itsuki Yakazaki before it was ceremony time.

14:28 of 14:44 - Kurihara pinned Tateno after a modified throat slam suplex




COMMENTS: A tribute show. Very little that was serious and a lot of old friends having a good and easy time. Noriyo Tateno was trully great during the 80's and was still going quite strong into the 90's, but the retirement was at least 10 years too late to be gracefully. Still she was one hell of a tallent in her day. So much that she even got to work for the WWF at one point.




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ICE RIBBON on COMM - October 10, 2010, Sapporo - (1 3/4 hrs)




October 10, 2010, Sapporo Teisen Hall



1. Chii Tomiya -vs- Kurumi [1/2*]

--- They kept it short and to the point without making it look as terrible as they usually do, so thats a plus. Tomiya wins as she on a rare occation is bigger then this one.

5:21 of 5:19 - Tomiya pinned Kurumi with a modified leg-hook cradle




2. Makoto & Hikaru Shida -vs- Kazumi Shimouma & Aika Ando [1/2*]

--- ....I mean....what clusterfuck. Can't even execute the simples of spots right. Ai ai ai.....the first half or a lot more was painful. Got a tiny bit....a TINY BIT better the last minutes, but stilll....

14:37 of 14:35 - Makoto pinned Shimouma with a modified fishermans buster




3. Hikari Minami -vs- Tsukasa Fujimoto -vs- Natsuki*Taiyo - (3-Way) [3/4*]

--- Not that much interesting, but at least it was better then the shit so far with Natsuki directing trafic and the other two girls doing a decent job at following up with their spots. The victory still went to a Ice Ribbon girl as Minami beat former ICEx60 Champion Fujimoto.

9:36 of 9:35 - Minami pinned Fujimoto with a Capture Suplex




4. Takashi Sasaki & Yuko Miyamoto & Riho -vs- Jun Kasai & Jaki Numazawa & Miyako Matsumoto - (Hardcore) [3/4*]

--- Big Japan guys doing hardcore with little girls. That includes the 13 year old one. Ok, not really hardcore, but Miyako did a top rope table splash! More for fun and games then a Big japan style match. They worked light with girls, but it was hillarious how Sasaki got that facekick to Matsumoto smash so loud! Shortly after Riho had Matsumoto beat.

11:20 of 11:18 - Riho pinned Matsumoto with a running double-knee attack




5. Nanae Takahashi & Emi Sakura © -vs- Hamuko Hoshi & Sayaka Obihiro - (Ice Ribbon International Tag Title) [*]

--- Oooooooh, pretty messy with the challengers, and especially Obihiro being all over the place and like an untrained dog which they just couldn't get on the same page as the others. It was a trainwreck when she was in. Thankfully the veterans did their best to keep it together and Hoshi at least got some idea what to do so it wasn't all bad. Still don't understand why Obihiro didn't do the job here as the veteran tag champs retained.

17:49 of 17:49 - Takahashi pinned Hoshi with a modifed Ligerbomb. Takahashi & Sakura retain the Ice Ribbon International Tag Title in their 1st defence.




6. 19-Person Battle Royal [*]

--- And to end it they had a stupid battle royal with all the wrestlers on the show which was really unneccessary! It was not like I wanted to see more after that. But they had a 20-min meaningless battle royal which was still probable the most entertaining thing on the show with Riho winning at the end after having nothing to do with the first 19 minutes and 45 seconds just coming in to roll up Obihiro who was thinking she'd won.

(0:01) - Jun Kasai & Jaki Numazawa eliminated

(2:16) - Takashi Sasaki eliminated

(4:18) - Yuko Miyamoto eliminated

(9:40) - Makoto & Hikaru Shida eliminated

(10:00) - Kurumi eliminated

(10:31) - Chii Tomiya eliminated

(10:44) - Kazumi Shimouma eliminated

(12:58) - Miyako Matsumoto eliminated

(13:08) - Hikari Minami eliminated

(13:57) - Natsuki*Taiyo eliminated

(15:42) - Aika Ando eliminated

(17:03) - Tsukasa Fujimoto eliminated

(17:56) - Nanae Takahashi eliminated

(18:57) - Hamuko Hoshi eliminated

(19:44) - Emi Sakura eliminated

(19:59) - Sayaka Obihiro eliminated

19:59 of 20:00 - Riho win the 19-Person Battle Royal




COMMENTS: I feel I've been more then generous with the ratings on this show which says it all really.




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SAPPORO FESTIVAL on Samurai TV - October 10, 2010, Sapporo - (2 hrs)




ICE RIBBON - October 10, 2010, Sapporo Teisen Hall



1. Hikari Minami -vs- Tsukasa Fujimoto -vs- Natsuki*Taiyo - (3-Way) [3/4*]

--- Not that much interesting, but at least it was better then the shit so far with Natsuki directing trafic and the other two girls doing a decent job at following up with their spots. The victory still went to a Ice Ribbon girl as Minami beat former ICEx60 Champion Fujimoto.

7:41 of 9:35 - Minami pinned Fujimoto with a Capture Suplex




2. Takashi Sasaki & Yuko Miyamoto & Riho -vs- Jun Kasai & Jaki Numazawa & Miyako Matsumoto - (Hardcore) [3/4*]

--- Big Japan guys doing hardcore with little girls. That includes the 13 year old one. Ok, not really hardcore, but Miyako did a top rope table splash! More for fun and games then a Big japan style match. They worked light with girls, but it was hillarious how Sasaki got that facekick to Matsumoto smash so loud! Shortly after Riho had Matsumoto beat.

9:35 of 11:18 - Riho pinned Matsumoto with a running double-knee attack




3. Nanae Takahashi & Emi Sakura © -vs- Hamuko Hoshi & Sayaka Obihiro - (Ice Ribbon International Tag Title) [*]

--- Oooooooh, pretty messy with the challengers, and especially Obihiro being all over the place and like an untrained dog which they just couldn't get on the same page as the others. It was a trainwreck when she was in. Thankfully the veterans did their best to keep it together and Hoshi at least got some idea what to do so it wasn't all bad. Still don't understand why Obihiro didn't do the job here as the veteran tag champs retained.

8:55 of 17:49 - Takahashi pinned Hoshi with a modifed Ligerbomb. Takahashi & Sakura retain the Ice Ribbon International Tag Title in their 1st defence.





DDT - October 10, 2010, Sapporo Teisen Hall (371 fans)



4. Hiroki -vs- Chiharu - (100 Nunchakus & Clotheshangers Death Match) [* 1/2]

--- Got to love the isanity of the this idea. They had made nunchaku and clotheshanger boards and hung a bunch of them on the ropes aswell! So you had two marial artists banging the shit out of each other with nunchakus and clotheshangers! And they were taking it almost serious adding a little drunken fighting to the mix too! Kind of weird to watch this, but can't say it was dull and it could have been much worse. The black clothes martial artist ended up getting the better of the other landing a drunken style elbow to beat him.

6:50 of 10:03 - Hiroki defeated Chiharu by KO after a drunken master elbow




5. Kota Ibushi & Kenny Omega & Futoshi Miwa -vs- Sanshiro Takagi & KUDO & Yukihiro Abe [* 1/2]

--- Plenty of fun with fatman Miwa being all over this one being used as a trampoline with the wrestlers bouncing in all the wrong directions. Miwa also took a lot of beating stripping his big belly to show his fighting spirit! The others added a little bit all over the place to make it a entertaining DDT flavoured tag match with Omega Croyth's Wrath'ing Abe for the win.

11:42 of 16:03 - Omega pinned Abe with a Croyth's Wrath German Suplex




6. Shiro Koshinaka & Danshoku Dino © -vs- MIKAMI & Tanomusaku Toba - (KO-D Tag Title) [* 3/4]

--- The asstastic team of Koshinaka & Dino ruling the ring against the many times champions the Suicide Boyz with MIKAMI landing a 630 senton as one of the main highlights of the match apart from Dino landing a top rope bare-butt butt-butt! And then Koshinaka finished the job with a pwoerbomb with Dino nearly sticking his ass in his face on the cover holding off Toba.

9:56 of 14:36 - Koshinaka pinned MIKAMI with a powerbomb. Koshinaka & Dino retain the KO-D Tag Titles in their 2nd defence.





BIG JAPAN - October 10, 2010, Sapporo Teisen Hall (798 fans)



7. Mammoth Sasaki -vs- Abdullah Kobayashi - (Hardcore) [* 1/2]

--- Fairly standard chair based hardcore wrestling, but since it was Mammoth and Abby there had to be some awesome moments too like that damn nasty brainbuster on a chair Mammoth did and the end which was the chair on chair-over-the-head baseball swing which also ended up with Mammoth getting a chair in his face as he was going for the cover beating Abby with the pinfall.

7:32 of 12:00 - Sasaki pinned Kobayashi after the Mammoth Homerun




8. Jun Kasai & Jaki Numazawa © -vs- Daisuke Sekimoto & Yoshito Sasaki - (BJPW Tag Title) [** 1/4]

--- Arena brawl with Sekimoto on a trolly getting hurt bad crashing into the ring post! And you got to love Kasai humping Sekimoto's head in the Teisen Hall! This was a fun hardcore bout and when there wasn't all that much standing out it was still a exciting little war with the straight wrestlers getting bloodied up in the hardcore environment and fighting back with hard blows to win the belts in the end. Sasaki was the man of the match and was the one nailing Numazawa with the hard lariats to get the belts around their waist again!

15:04 of 19:59 - Sasaki pinned Numazawa after a lariat. Sekimoto & Sasaki become the 30th BJPW Tag Champions.




9. Ryuji Ito & Takashi Sasaki & Shadow WX -vs- Yuko Miyamoto & Masashi Takeda & Kankuro Hoshino - (Light Tube Death Match) [*]

--- Ok motivated, but it wasn't anything more then the usual light tubes-mild hardcore bout with chairs being the main weapon of choice as Hoshino likes to bump on those. And once he'd landed on enough chairs Ito Dragon Splashin him as usual for the pin.

8:40 of 19:02 - Ito pinned Hoshino after a top rope light tube bodypress




COMMENTS: The groups comes to Sapporo for induvidual shows as apart of the Sapporo Festival. Both DDT and Big Japan shows had it's cool moments and might be worth a watch. Especially for the tag title matches.




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SAPPORO FESTIVAL on Samurai TV - October 11, 2010, Sapporo - (2 hrs)




FREEDOMS - October 11, 2010, Sapporo Teisen Hall



1. The Winger & Shinobu -vs- Kazuhiko Ogasawara & Saburo Inematsu [3/4*]

--- Only some minor fun moment in a match that was not too captivating even if they went fighting all over the place and Ogasawara truning on Saburo resulting in Winger beating him.

12:21 of 12:24 - Winger pinned Inematsu after a top rope senton




2. Madoka -vs- Kamui -vs- Masashi Takeda - (3-Way; Hardcore) [*]

--- Easy fun. Not too hardcore. Only some chair spots and Madoka trying to stay well away from the brutal wrestling playing around with the other two who wanted a hardcore match. Well, playful wrestling won as Madoka surprised them for witha flash cradle!

12:32 of 12:32 - Madoka pinned Kamui & Takeda with a double-schoolboy




3. Mammoth Sasaki -vs- Tatsuhito Takaiwa [* 1/4]

--- Cold have been a stiff maister! But it's established now that don't want to do anything speical for their shows so it was a very light-worked bout between two guys hwo love to be aggressive and brutal. Not what I'd hoped for, for sure! The most brutal of all was the ending brainbuster, but even that one wasn't up to their usual standard of nasty.

12:29 of 12:29 - Sasaki pinned Takaiwa after a brainbuster




4. Great Kojika & GENTARO & Onryo -vs- Takashi Sasaki & Jun Kasai & HIROKI [* 1/4]

--- Fun little tag. Not of the upmost sincerity, but it had a few dives and a lot of the pensionist Kojika as well as the other guys doing their thing. However that was never enough to make it more then just another Freedoms tag with Kojika winning when Onryo threw powder in Kasai's face.

21:02 of 21:01 - Kojika pinned Kasai with a small package





KAIENTAI DOJO - October 11, 2010, Sapporo Teisen Hall (319 fans)


5. Kengo Mashimo & Yuu Yamagata -vs- Taishi Takizawa & Randy Takuya [* 1/4]

--- K-Dojo action match with the biggest happening being Takizawa getting the blame for putting a hole in the wall in the Sapporo Teisen Hall. Otherwise Mashimo crapped all over Randy killing him off with a brainbuster.

6:04 of 16:16 - Mashimo pinned Takuya after a brainbuster




6. Kaji Tomato © -vs- Marines Mask II - (UWA Middleweight Title) [*]

--- A lot of lightweight and sloppy wrestling. Had energy and a few nice near falls in between the overly fancy stuff, but it was no masters at work here. Tomato gets to retain once more over a pshyco in disguise.

5:39 of 15:40 - Tomato pinned Marines Mask with the Red Eye to retain the UWA Middleweight Title in his 6th defence.




7. Dick Togo & Mens Teioh & Taka Michinoku -vs- Yuji Hino & Shiori Asahi & Makoto Oishi [* 3/4]

--- Another Kaientai reunion against the Omega stable. And it was a fun match. Action match. Not too important match. That kind of match. You know the kind of match...... And it becamse a Kaientai tribute match they were winning with all three using their most famous finishers to put Oishi away.

13:27 of 16:43 - Teioh pinned Oishi after a top rope senton








8. Yukihiro Abe -vs- GENTARO - (5 Referees!) [* 1/2]

--- Funny with 5 referees arguing over the rules and some being sloppy and some getting ahead of themselfs. Forget the actual match. It was all the referees who did the work here. From the body checks with some referees finding weapons where the other referee had not and referees counting 3 on what others felt was a clear 2-count. They had to agree for a real decision. Abe even tapped in there, but only one referee saw it as the other 4 had taken ref bumps. Well, once everybody had come to their senses Abe got a roll-up and the referees got at counting the three fairly quick!

8:34 of 9:23 - Abe pinned GENTARO with the Kido Clutch




9. Kengo Mashimo -vs- Jun Kasai -vs- Ryuji Ito -vs- Antonio Honda -vs- Chii Tomiya - (5-Way Ladder Match; Special Quiz Rule) [1/4*]

--- .....you had to climb a ladder to take down quiz questions from the roof and then you had to try and guess the right answer. And the first one to get a rigth answer wins. Wrestling~~~~ Ice Ribbon's Tomiya was good at climbing the ladder, but she was dumb as fuck getting none of her questions right. The end was Mashimo almost getting bribed by Honda as he was climbing the ladder, but Mashimo knocked Honda down, took his money and climed to get the question.....which he got right!

11:05 of 12:38 - Mashimo defeated Kasai -vs- Ryuji Ito & Antonio Honda & Chii Tomiya by getting the right answer




10. Abdullah Kobayashi & Takashi Sasaki & HARASHIMA & Makoto Oishi & Makoto -vs- Daisuke Sekimoto & The Winger & Yuji Hino & Yasu Urano & Kazumi Shimouma - (Royal Rumble Elimination Match) [* 1/2]

--- One and one come in to join their side like a Royal Rumble and you could eliminate any way you wanted. Pinfalls, submissions or over the ropes which was the way most of the eliminations happend. Easy fun and rarely important or super wrestling which ended with Abby being the last man in there eliminating Urano with the top elbow drop.

13:00 of 18:59 - Kobayashi & Sasaki & HARASHIMA & Oishi & Makoto defeated Sekimoto & Winger & Hino & Urano & Shimouma with Kobayashi as the sole survivor




COMMENTS: Most for fun then anything great. Seemed none of the promotions wanted to do anything extra. Not even for the joint promotions show.




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FREEDOMS on COMM - October 11, 2010, Sapporo - (2 hrs)




October 11, 2010, Sapporo Teisen Hall (268 fans)



1. Abdullah Kobayashi & Antonio Honda -vs- Ricky Fuji & Keita Yano [1/2*]

--- Dull match. They barely came in to work and were doing nonesense like Abby sticking his hand up Fuji's bare ass and the grabbing Yano's face with the hand afterward. The smell probable wouldn't have done any difference as Yano had his whole face stuck between Rickys asscheeks. Then Abby landed the flying elbow to beat the stink face.

14:35 of 14:35 - Kobayashi pinned Yano after a top rope elbow drop




2. The Winger & Shinobu -vs- Kazuhiko Ogasawara & Saburo Inematsu [3/4*]

--- Only some minor fun moment in a match that was not too captivating even if they went fighting all over the place and Ogasawara turning on Saburo resulting in Winger beating him.

12:21 of 12:24 - Winger pinned Inematsu after a top rope senton




3. Madoka -vs- Kamui -vs- Masashi Takeda - (3-Way; Hardcore) [*]

--- Easy fun. Not too hardcore. Only some chair spots and Madoka trying to stay well away from the brutal wrestling playing around with the other two who wanted a hardcore match. Well, playful wrestling won as Madoka surprised them for witha flash cradle!

12:32 of 12:32 - Madoka pinned Kamui & Takeda with a double-schoolboy




4. Mammoth Sasaki -vs- Tatsuhito Takaiwa [* 1/4]

--- Cold have been a stiff maister! But it's established now that don't want to do anything speical for their shows so it was a very light-worked bout between two guys hwo love to be aggressive and brutal. Not what I'd hoped for for sure! The most brutal of all was the ending brainbuster, but even that one wasn't up to their usual standard of nasty.

12:29 of 12:29 - Sasaki pinned Takaiwa after a brainbuster




5. Great Kojika & GENTARO & Onryo -vs- Takashi Sasaki & Jun Kasai & HIROKI [* 1/4]

--- Fun little tag. Not of the upmost sincerity, but it had a few dives and a lot of the pensionist Kojika as well as the other guys doing their thing. However that was never enough to make it more then just another Freedoms tag with Kojika winning when Onryo threw powder in Kasai's face.

21:02 of 21:01 - Kojika pinned Kasai with a small package




COMMENTS: They were just there for the fun of the Sapporo Festival. Clearly not to work.




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FIESTA PRO on COMM - July 18 & October 11, 2010, Tokyo - (2 1/2 hrs)




July 18, 2010, Tokyo - Shin-kiba 1st RING (300 fans)



1. Kikudullah the Butcher -vs- Mens Teioh [1/2*]

--- Kikutaro doing a Abdullah the Butcher gimmick with the pattented screwjob finish!

5:43 of 6:29 - Kikutaro wrestled Teioh to a Double Count Out




2. A*YU*MI & Misaki Ohata -vs- Tomoka Nakagawa & Shuu Shibutani [3/4*]

--- Hardly anyone cared and they wrestled a boring match in an almost quiet Shin-kiba. Nothing special about the bout as it was your usual joshi wrestling without much heart this time. The masked Ayumi Kurihara gets to win it using her throat slam suplexes.

15:48 of 16:09 - A*YU*MI pinned Shibutani after a modified throat slam suplex




3. Chicken Boy & Space Wolf(Madoka) -vs- Mr. X & Mr. XX(Minoru Fujita/Takuya Sugawara) [1/2*]

--- How dreadfully boring! But isn't that nearly always the case with this Tokyo Gurentai crew? Yes, it is.....

18:57 of 18:59 - Chicken pinned X (Fujita) after a moonsault




4. Abdullah the Butcher & Minoru Suzuki -vs- Yoshiaki Fujiwara & NOSAWA Rongai [3/4*]

--- This was of course the only match that mattered on the show as it was Abby's special night celebrating that it's 40 years since he first came to Japan and they bring out old Fujiwara to even out the age. Naturally the wrestling wasn't any better then the previous matches as Abby can barely move, but it was cool seeing Fujiwara just go on attack with his Kintaro Oki headbutts on the immobile beast. But it wasn't like Abby was going to lose as they had NOSAWA there which guaranteed a jobber boy.

14:00 of 15:10 - Abdullah pinned NOSAWA after a elbow drop




October 11, 2010, Tokyo - Shin-Kiba 1st RING



5. Sasuke the Great & ? -vs- Super Cacao & Hisamaru Tajima [*]

--- Orihara under the Great gimmick and some old yellow-masked luchador with a Coca-Cola logo on the front as his team mate. Hardly the most exciting bout you'll see, but compared to everything that went down, or didn't go down because they were too lazy, on the last Fiesta show this one felt alright. And NOSAWA is still a loser regardless if he puts a mask on or not.

11:47 of 11:50 - Sasuke pinned Cacao with a La Magistral cut-back




6. Natsuki*Taiyo -vs- Tojuki Leon [*]

--- Fairly rough match with some nice acrobatics. It felt like they were having the match on-the-go as it was all very free-form. Quite a few spots that looked missed and that they were not on the same page. But it had some minor moments keeping it alive until the time limit expired.

15:01 of 15:00 - Natsuki wrestled Leon to a 15:00 Time Limit Draw




7. Kikutaro © -vs- El Samurai - (El Mejor de Mascara Title) [*]

--- Former IWGP Junior Heavyweight Champion El Samurai facing El Mejor de Mascara Champion Kikutaro and gets beat up! Sure, Sammy is totally washed up as of 2010, but still lose to a clown, thats a new low for him. Especially over some worthless masked-mans belt. The match wasn't much. Boring as the rest of the show.

12:39 of 12:40 - Kikutaro pinned Samurai with a Ligerbomb to retain the El Mejor de Mascara Title.




8. Mil Mascaras & Genichiro Tenyru & La Pantera -vs- Yoshiaki Fujiwara & NOSAWA Rongai & Arkangel de la Muerte [* 1/4]

--- Mil Mascaras celebrating his 45th Anniversary as a pro wrestler! That's a anniversary we don't see very often! And the match was as expected a pure old guys tribute. People who should be pensioned by now trying to walk...or stand even in Tenryu's case, and looking very awkward. Wrestling at the old folks home! But respect.....

12:27 of 12:27 - Mascaras made NOSAWA submit to a Mexican Stretch



COMMENTS: These Fiesta shows celebrating legends Abdullah the Butcher and Mil Mascaras wasn't very good.




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NEO on COMM - October 11, 2010, Tokyo - (2 hrs)




October 11, 2010, Tokyo - Korakuen Hall (881 fans)



1. Ryo Mizunami & Aya Yuki -vs- Ran Yu Yu & Kagetsu [* 1/2]

--- Pure joshi action match starting the show on a fairly positive note. Of course the match didn't really have all that much importance. Only mixing NEO, Sendai Girls and Ran Yu Yu for some energy fighting until NEO's representative won it over Sendai's Kagetsu with a Death Valley.

13:44 of 13:44 - Yuki pinned Kagetsu after a Death Valley Bomb




2. Hiroyo Matsumoto & Misaki Ohata -vs- Hikaru Shida & Tsukasa Fujimoto [* 1/4]

--- Lighter workers doing the same as the opener. Matsumoto seemed to keep it together. The others offence was too much on the weak side to lift the match. But they kept it going for 12 minutes until Matsumoto finally got the backdrop suplex in for the kill.

12:07 of 12:07 - Matsumoto pinned Fujimoto after a backdrop suplex




3. Kyoko Kimura & Hailey Hatred & Cherry Bomb -vs- Mima Shimoda & Cherry & Basara [* 1/2]

--- Foreigners making guest appearence! Hailey Hatred has become a regular visitor, but here we also have the sexy Cherry Bomb fighting her Japanese equal Cherry. Had it's moments with a few brutal moves mixed in to make it a fresh regular joshi tag, if you catch my drift. And add Kimura and Shimoda wild fighting they managed to fill the time well before Hailey murdered Basara.

10:44 of 10:44 - Hailey pinned Basara with a powerbomb




4. Nanae Takahashi & Emi Sakura © -vs- Yuki Miyazaki & Tanny Mouse - (International Ice Ribbon Tag Title) [* 3/4]

--- The NEO Machine Gunz wanting Ice Ribbon gold taking on the champions Nanae & Sakura. They actually did more exhausting action wrestling then bald Sakura humiliation which was good, but it wasn't like the wrestling was anythig too excited about. Kind of tired even if they worked harder then usual and it was WAY above the usual Machine Gunz standard. Helped that the match got a decision, even if they teased a 20-min time limit draw, when Sakura got her satisfaction and rolled Tanny up for the three with just a few seconds left on the clock.

19:49 of 19:38 - Sakura pinned Tanny with a La Magistral. Takahashi & Sakura retain the International Ice Ribbon Tag Title in their 2nd defence.




5. Meiko Satomura -vs- Nagisa Nozaki [*]

--- Finally some singles action and it features the great Meiko Satomura. Sadly not a class opponent for her as she faces injury prone idol performer Nozaki. Nozaki followed ok, but it was never the type of match that impressed you. Only for the Satomura stiffness until choking Nozaki out with the sleeper.

9:25 of 9:25 - Satomura defeated Nozaki via Referee Stop with a sleeper




6. Yoshiko Tamura -vs- Ayumi Kurihara - (NEO/NWA Pacific Titles) [** 3/4]

--- Very good main event. Still I felt it lacked something to really draw you in. With that said it started out real smart with Kurihara working over Tamura's arms in all kinds of quality ways. Sadly they lost the thread along the way to really capitalize on it as it went into the finisher mode, but it was a good start and they had a good ending landing their big moves like Kurihara's throat slam suplexes and double-knee press cover while Tamura got in a HARD rolling senton and a few others before she got in the Mount Cook to keep her belt once more. Wish she'd picked this one to pass the touch, but at least thats coming.

21:45 of 21:44 - Tamura pinned Kurihara after the Mount Cook driver to retain the NEO/NWA Pacific Titles in her 6th defence.




COMMENTS: One of the better NEO shows this year. No real insulting action and this featured a strong main event while the undercard did well to warm the crowd up without taking the spotlight off the main match. This is the unedited commercial release.





NEO on Samurai TV - October 11, 2010, Tokyo - (2 hrs)




October 11, 2010, Tokyo - Korakuen Hall (881 fans)



1. Ryo Mizunami & Aya Yuki -vs- Ran Yu Yu & Kagetsu [* 1/2]

--- Pure joshi action match starting the show on a fairly positive note. Of course the match didn't really have all that much importance. Only mixing NEO, Sendai Girls and Ran Yu Yu for some energy fighting until NEO's representative won it over Sendai's Kagetsu with a Death Valley.

5:19 of 13:44 - Yuki pinned Kagetsu after a Death Valley Bomb




2. Hiroyo Matsumoto & Misaki Ohata -vs- Hikaru Shida & Tsukasa Fujimoto [* 1/4]

--- Lighter workers doing the same as the opener. Matsumoto seemed to keep it together. The others offence was too much on the weak side to lift the match. But they kept it going for 12 minutes until Matsumoto finally got the backdrop suplex in for the kill.

7:13 of 12:07 - Matsumoto pinned Fujimoto after a backdrop suplex




3. Kyoko Kimura & Hailey Hatred & Cherry Bomb -vs- Mima Shimoda & Cherry & Basara [* 1/2]

--- Foreigners making guest appearence! Hailey Hatred has become a regular visitor, but here we also have the sexy Cherry Bomb fighting her Japanese equal Cherry. Had it's moments with a few brutal moves mixed in to make it a fresh regular joshi tag, if you catch my drift. And add Kimura and Shimoda wild fighting they managed to fill the time well before Hailey murdered Basara.

10:44 of 10:44 - Hailey pinned Basara with a powerbomb




4. Nanae Takahashi & Emi Sakura © -vs- Yuki Miyazaki & Tanny Mouse - (International Ice Ribbon Tag Title) [* 3/4]

--- The NEO Machine Gunz wanting Ice Ribbon gold taking on the champions Nanae & Sakura. They actually did more exhausting action wrestling then bald Sakura humiliation which was good, but it wasn't like the wrestling was anythig too excited about. Kind of tired even if they worked harder then usual and it was WAY above the usual Machine Gunz standard. Helped that the match got a decision, even if they teased a 20-min time limit draw, when Sakura got her satisfaction and rolled Tanny up for the three with just a few seconds left on the clock.

12:06 of 19:38 - Sakura pinned Tanny with a La Magistral. Takahashi & Sakura retain the International Ice Ribbon Tag Title in their 2nd defence.




5. Meiko Satomura -vs- Nagisa Nozaki [*]

--- Finally some singles action and it features the great Meiko Satomura. Sadly not a class opponent for her as she faces injury prone idol performer Nozaki. Nozaki followed ok, but it was never the type of match that impressed you. Only for the Satomura stiffness until choking Nozaki out with the sleeper.

9:25 of 9:25 - Satomura defeated Nozaki via Referee Stop with a sleeper




6. Yoshiko Tamura -vs- Ayumi Kurihara - (NEO/NWA Pacific Titles) [** 3/4]

--- Very good main event. Still I felt it lacked something to really draw you in. With that said it started out real smart with Kurihara working over Tamura's arms in all kinds of quality ways. Sadly they lost the thread along the way to really capitalize on it as it went into the finisher mode, but it was a good start and they had a good ending landing their big moves like Kurihara's throat slam suplexes and double-knee press cover while Tamura got in a HARD rolling senton and a few others before she got in the Mount Cook to keep her belt once more. Wish she'd picked this one to pass the touch, but at least thats coming.

21:45 of 21:44 - Tamura pinned Kurihara after the Mount Cook driver to retain the NEO/NWA Pacific Titles in her 6th defence.




COMMENTS: One of the better NEO shows this year. No real insulting action and this featured a strong main event while the undercard did well to warm the crowd up without taking the spotlight off the main match. This is the edited TV version.




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AJPW on Samurai TV - October 11, 2010, Tokyo - (2 hrs)




October 11, 2010, Tokyo - Korakuen Hall (1,800 fans)



1. Osamu Nishimura -vs- Masa Fuchi

--- Old schoolers with the new school old schooler backsliding the old man for the pin.

0:59 of 10:31 - Nishimura pinned Fuchi with a backslide




2. Shuji Kondo -vs- Hate [1/2*]

--- They kept it short and sweet.....twice!

1:01 of 1:01 - Kondo wrestled Hate to a Double Count Out

1:55 of 1:55 - Kondo pinned Hate after a lariat




3. Hiroshi Yamato & KAI -vs- NOSAWA Rongai & BUSHI -vs- Minoru & Mazada - (3-Way) [*]

--- Very average stuff early on. The final minute was goods with a couple of really near falls before Yamato got to show BUSHI he's better then him beating him with a cross-arm German.

13:47 of 13:47 - Yamato pinned BUSHI with a cross-arm German Suplex






4. TARU & Big Daddy Voodoo & Charlie Haas -vs- Minoru Suzuki & Taiyo Kea & Akebono [* 1/2]

--- Charlie Haas in All Japan! All Japan keeps being a cool place bringing in all kinds. Especially former WWE workers! So TARU gets Viscera & Haas to wrestle in his Voodoo Murder stable to beat an all-star team of former Triple Crown Champion Suzuki and current AJPW Tag Champions Kea & Akebono! And what a finish. Big Daddy V was slow to get to the top rope, but he did get up there and splash the lifeshit out of Akebono!!! Haas looked ok. Better then Dupree, that's for sure. Mixed well with Suzuki and Kea the time he was in. Can get interesting if they give him a chance.

12:34 of 12:45 - Big Daddy pinned Akebono after a top rope bodypress






5. Manabu Soya & Seiya Sanada -vs- KENSO & Rene Dupree [*]

--- The All-Asia tag Champions Soya & Senada fighting the former WWE side and current Voodoo Murders of Kenzo Suzuki & Rene Dupree. Can't say the match warmed all that much. Simple action going nowhere quick ending unspectacularly with a Japanese leg roll clutch hold as Sanada beat Dupree.

11:12 of 11:12 - Sanada pinned Dupree with a Japanese leg roll clutch hold






6. Masayuki Kono -vs- Ryota Hama [* 3/4]

--- Blood was pouring and Kono did not care at all for Hama's health. Cheating and beating the crap out of the sumo dude and even using the club for the ring bell as a weapon for loaded knees to knock Hama even more silly! The crowd started to booo Kono who also went of attack on the other All Japan guys before KENSO came out and honored Kono's new attitude giving him a Voodoo Murders shirt!

12:30 of 12:32 - Kono pinned Hama after a top rope kneedrop with the bell club






7. Keiji Muto & Masakatsu Funaki -vs- Kohei Suwama & Kaz Hayashi [* 1/2]

--- The champions and their challengers on October 24th. Suwama defends the Triple Crown against Funaki and Hayashi defends the AJPW Junior Title agaisnt.....Keiji Muto?! He's really dropped a lot of weight. He's always been a heavyweight, but now late in his career changes dimention. Probable because of his bad knees not having to carry all that weight. He still looks like a heavyweight though, so Hayashi is going to have a tough challenge on his hands against the former Triple Crown and IWGP Heavyweight Champion. Proven here as he had to tap being locked in Muto's figure-fourleg lock. The match was fairly weak for mainly being a main event heavyweight bout and didn't really get my heart pumping too much for the big matches based off this.

24:29 of 24:29 - Muto made Hayashi submit to a figure-four leglock




COMMENTS: Another light day in the Korakuen Hall by the All Japan crew, but it was cool to see Kono turn and bloody Hama.




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NJPW on PPV - October 11, 2010, Tokyo - (4 hrs)




October 11, 2010, Tokyo - Sumo Hall (8,800 fans)



1. Manabu Nakanishi -vs- Tama Tonga [3/4*]

--- Tama didn't stand a chance. Light opener with Nakanishi as the obvious winner.

6:12 of 6:11 - Nakanishi made Tonga submit to a Argentine backbreaker




2. Giant Bernard & Karl Anderson & Tiger Mask -vs- Takashi Iizuka & Yujiro Takahashi & Tomohiro Ishii [* 1/4]

--- Wild and chaotic filler with Tiger Mask a lot in focus doing a bunch of 619's before Ishii pulled off his mask for the DQ. Bad Intentions were also working well as a team stopping Iizuka from using his Iron Fingers and managing to keep the heels from cheating too much bulldozing them down.

11:32 of 11:32 - Bernard & Anderson & Tiger Mask defeated Iizuka & Takahashi & Ishii by DQ




3. Masato Tanaka & Gedo & Jado -vs- Jushin Liger & Wataru Inoue & Tomoaki Honma [* 1/2]

--- Complete Players taking on a very random side of Liger, Inoue & Honma. This was Jushin Liger's return match after spending most of his time in Mexico this year. And the fans was happy to see him, but the actual match was more Tanaka vs Honma, the old hardcore boys, battling it out in a more striking way until the D nearly blasted Honma's head off!

9:53 of 9:55 - Tanaka pinned Honma after a Sliding D




4. Tajiri -vs- Toru Yano [*]

--- Yano wasn't going to be protected from his mist using a umbrella this time because Tajiri broke it early in the match. Or so he thought. Yano had a reserve umbrella under the ring! So the end became Yano thinking he'd blocked Tajiri's mist, then blew mist himself with Tajiri ducking and then they both went under the umbrella closing it and you could see Tajiri's green mist come out from under the umbrella and then Tajiri rolled the bad guy up for the win. The end had me laughing, but the rest of the match was kind of clumsy executed with a very obvious moment when the referee handed Tajiri his mist.

6:49 of 6:48 - Tajiri pinned Yano with a small package






5. Prince Devitt & Ryusuke Taguchi -vs- Kota Ibushi & Kenny Omega - (IWGP Junior Tag Title) [*** 1/4]

--- Apollo55 against Golden Lovers from DDT for the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Title! With Ibushi back from the injury suffered against Devitt in the Best of the Super Junior Tournament Final in June hoping to gain some fame and payback! And this was more like it. Super energy junior action with the Golden Lovers showing they are a spectacular combo and getting better and better as a team with their nearly mirror style. And mixing so well with the New Japan champions. There was so much to love about this bout so I'm not going to mention much. Just enjoy this hot action match as the Golden Lovers take their gold away!

15:46 of 15:05 - Ibushi pinned Devitt after a Phoenix Splash. Ibushi & Omega become the 27th IWGP Junior Tag Champions.






6. Yuji Nagata & Koji Kanemoto -vs- Go Shiozaki & Atsushi Aoki [** 1/4]

--- NJPW vs NOAH! Not as heated as before even if they did try to build it around Aoki who wants Kanemoto's GHC Junior Tag belts. It just didn't click on the same level as the New Japan vs DDT match before it. Solid wrestling for sure, but a lot of the wrestling was just there and there wasn't enough standing out to reach any roof of excitement. And it was a typical heavyweight vs junior heavyweight end with Nagata just backdrop suplexing little Aoki for the pin.

17:12 of 17:14 - Nagata pinned Aoki with a backdrop suplex hold






7. Hirooki Goto -vs- Shinsuke Nakamura [** 3/4]

--- Special singles bout between two of the top heavyweights in the company. Nakamura is naturally more established having held the IWGP Heavyweight Title 3 times already while Goto has choked on all his tries on becoming the companys top dog. The match did start a bit slow and ordinary, but the final 5 minutes it picked up very nicely with Nakamura knees coming from everywhere including landing a Boma Ye to the back without making the cover. But Goto is showing he's got brute force shaking off the pain the strong stylist had to come with and blocking his front Boma Ye's and managing to hurt him back hard enough to get the big singles win with the Shouten!

16:08 of 16:08 - Goto pinned Nakamura after the Shouten






8. Hiroshi Tanahashi -vs- Tetsuya Naito [** 1/2]

--- This was very much done very similar to the Goto vs Nakamura match before it. Too similar actually. Slow start where little of interest happening and then for the explosion the final 5. And Naito was so damn close on cradles and a couple of Dragon Suplexes! Those were super hot moments which made my heart skip. And then for the comeback from Tanahashi going for Naito's taped legs splashing them and locking in the Texas Cloverleaf to win the match. Great ending minutes, but I would have appreciated it if they'd done a little bit more with the first 3/4th of the match aswell.

19:59 of 19:59 - Tanahashi made Naito submit to a Texas Cloverleaf






9. Togi Makabe © -vs- Satoshi Kojima - (IWGP Title) [** 1/2]

--- The 54th IWGP Heavyweight Champion Makabe against the reigning G-1 Climax winner who was once the 41st IWGP Champion back in 2005 in Satoshi Kojima. And we're at it again. Not too interesting at first. Only solid trying to bring some heat using tables to smash into each other and that kind of thing, but the real interesting bits where it exploded wasn't until the final minutes when Makabe kicked out of the lariat! And then made his big comeback with a few big moves until he found himself on the receiving end of another lariat and Makabe's reign as IWGP Champion was over. Real hot end to a average heavyweight fight.

19:13 of 19:12 - Kojima pinned Makabe after a lariat to become the 55th IWGP Champion.




COMMENTS: 4 matches that mattered and delivered nice climaxes, but you have to question their imagination as they need to give the matches more induvidual identity rather then throwing out the same formula in every big match. But finally a tag match in NJPW that was real good when Apollo 55 met Golden Lovers!




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ZERO-ONE MAX on Samurai TV - October 11-24, 2010, Tokyo - (3 hrs)




October 11, 2010, Tokyo - Shinjuku FACE



1. Hikaru Sato -vs- Lingerie Muto [1/2*]

--- Slapstick rutine to put a smile on the fans faces.

4:48 of 10:12 - Sato made Muto submit to a cross-armbreaker




2. Ikuto Hidaka © -vs- Masamune - (International Junior Title) [* 3/4]

--- Hidaka and his International Junior Title defended against Osaka Pro's Masamune! And there was a lot of leg work going on dropping it on the turnbuckle and general submission skilled being applied. But when no one was having any luck with that aspect of the match or the regular cradle attempts, the match went to the drops until Hidaka landed his version of the reversed DDT and retained the belt. The match was fairly simple, but it was done well enough to get me interested.

11:44 of 16:49 - Hidaka pinned Masamune after the Misty Flip to retain the International Junior Title in his 3rd defence.




3. Shinjiro Otani & Masato Tanaka -vs- Kintaro Kanemura & Tetsuhiro Kuroda [**]

--- Bringing in old blacklisted friends for a main event style match. Not as relevant no more but they had a fun match with a slight overkill of finishers. At least this was the most motivated I've seen the old FMW crew in a long while until enough finishers was landed and Otanu could land the Spiral Bomb for the win.

14:54 of 18:42 - Otani pinned Kuroda with a Spiral Bomb





October 13, 2010, Tokyo - Shin-Kiba 1st RING



4. Kohei Sato -vs- Shota Takanishi

--- Clipped to hell, but it was damn fun to watch Sato kill the little one!

6:34 - Sato pinned Takanishi after a piledriver

1:06 of 12:01 - Sato pinned Takanishi with a German Suplex




5. Masato Tanaka -vs- Shito Ueda

--- Tanaka wasn't having too much trouble with this Ueda.....

0:40 of 12:31 - Tanaka pinned Ueda after a Sliding D




6. Shinjiro Otani -vs- Munenori Sawa

--- Highlights of Otani beating Sawa with the Spiral Bomb. Not much more to it based off this.

1:06 of 10:54 - Otani pinned Sawa with a Spiral Bomb




7. Ryuji Sai -vs- Yuzuru Saito

--- Young Saito is the producer of this show and he books himself up against Sai and gets a trashing.

1:15 of 16:22 - Sai pinned Saito after a top rope double-footstomp





October 15, 2010, Tokyo - Shin-Kiba 1st RING



8. Tengu Kaiser -vs- Sanshiro Takagi -vs- Minoru Fujita -vs- Lingerie Muta - (4-Way; Regional Title Decision) [*]

--- A drunk match! Everytime you tried a pinfall attempt and didn't get a pin you had to take a glass of sake and drink it! Pure nonsense fun! Takagi was thrown out of the match for getting so drunk that he started stripping! Well, after a lot of drunken fighting Tengu Kaiser (aka Kamikaze) won the match spitting in the masked Sawa's face and rolling him up for the pin.

11:57 of 18:42 - Kaiser pinned Muta with a small package to become the Regional Champion.




9. Masato Tanaka -vs- Kohei Sato [** 1/4]

--- Sato as one of the producers on this show books himself against Tanaka for a double time-limit draw where they did nearly the same finisher streach for the original match and the 5-min overtime. It was all about the various bombs, D's and Germans getting kicked out of in true old style overkill without too much brains put into making to anything fresh. Still a good match and they were motivated for it regardless of it being a small show. But as mentioned no winner.

14:26 of 20:00 - Tanaka wrestled Sato to a 20:00 Time Limit Draw

5:11 of 5:00 - Tanaka wrestled Sato to a 5:00 Time Limit Draw





October 17, 2010, Tokyo - Shin-Kiba 1st RING



10. Masato Tanaka -vs- Ryuji Sai -vs- Rikiya Fudo - (3-Way) [*]

--- Special 3-way with Sportmans rules. Well, they pushed a button and they'd get a sports person to attack the others. Sort of like random weapons. They got Muai Thai fighters including a 8 year old boy, a Kendo girl and a couple of bodybuilders. Fudo was on the receiving end of most of the punishment and whenever he went for the buzzer he'd get no fighter. Until the end when he also got a bodybuilder....except his bodybuilder didn't do anything except pose and then Fudo was rolled uyp for the pin by Tanaka. At least the first bodybuilder did a real nice German Suplex!

11:07 of 11:07 - Tanaka pinned Fudo with a Gannosuke Clutch





October 20, 2010, Tokyo - Shin-Kiba 1st RING



11. Hikaru Sato & Michael Nakazawa -vs- Masato Tanaka & Shota Takanishi [1/2*]

--- Michael was too nude for me here. I think if you look closely you can actaully see his asshole..... And he perverted Tanaka up as Sato was winning the bout.

9:52 of 16:25 - Sato pinned Takanishi after a German Suplex




12. Yutaka Yoshie & Ikuto Hidaka & Randy Takuya -vs- Shinjiro Otani & Shito Ueda & Yujiro Yamamoto [* 1/4]

--- Shito Ueda is producing this show and they showed clips of him and his old trainer Animal Hamaguchi remembering old times. The match wasn't anything to celebrate. Ueda got a lot of match-time, but the match was pretty boring apart from Yoshie and his super heavyweight spots. And it was only natural that Ueda was jobbing to the jolly pink monster.

13:51 of 20:11 - Yoshie pinned Ueda after a top rope bodypess





October 21, 2010, Tokyo - Shin-Kiba 1st RING



13. Hercules Senga & Tsutomu Oosugi & Shota Takanishi -vs- Makoto Oishi & Shiori Asahi & Yuki Sato [* 1/2]

--- Shota produce! And he brings the Men's Club to Zero-One for the main event on this day. Fun style junior spotstyle bout with Shota taking most of the spotlight. Both taking the beating and then with a big top rope dive out of the ring and later beating little Sato who he'd been fighting with most of the bout. Happy Shota moment which is a rare happening!

7:51 of 16:27 - Takanishi pinned Sato after a top rope bodypress





October 22, 2010, Tokyo - Shin-Kiba 1st RING



14. Shito Ueda -vs- Yuzuru Saito

--- Only Ueda dreaming beating Saito for some imaginary belt.

0:36 of 7:40 - Ueda pinned Saito after a lariat




15. Shinjiro Otani & El Samurai -vs- Masato Tanaka & Ricky Fuji

--- Highlights of the split-Emblem teaming with a couple of old-timers with Otani showing he is the boss in this promotion beating the cool ol' MoFo Fuji!

1:15 of 18:24 - Otani pinned Fuji with a Spiral Bomb





October 24, 2010, Tokyo - Shin-Kiba 1st RING


16. Shinjiro Otani & Ikuto Hidaka -vs- Kyle Matthews & Jesse Guilmette

--- Z-1 had over a bunch of foreigners for a Zero-One training camp giving a few Americans some training in the Japanesestyle of wrestling and Matthews & Guilmette get a tag bout with two of the promotions top wrestlers getting to show some fighting spirit before Otani felt it was enough.

2:40 of 18:20 - Otani pinned Guilmette after a Dragon Suplex




17. Kintaro Kanemura & Tetsuhiro Kuroda & Yusaku Obata -vs- Masato Tanaka & Kohei Sato & Yuzuru Saito - (Street Fight)

--- Some clips of the final match of the tour and Saito was bodyslamed on the concret outside! Ouch! And got beat up in the ring aswell by the Apache guys.....

0:34 of 13:24 - Kanemura pinned Saito with a German Suplex




COMMENTS: The Autumn Festival tour with the wrestlers producing a show each. Some fun moments. Small shows, but at least they were enjoying themselfs.




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Dragon Gate on GAORA TV - October 13 & November 5, 2010, Tokyo - (2 hrs)




October 13, 2010, Tokyo - Korakuen Hall (2,280 fans)



1. Masato Yoshino & Naruki Doi & BxB Hulk -vs- Yasushi Kanda & Kzy & Naoki Tanizaki - (World-1 v. Deep Drunkers; Losing team must dismiss) [* 3/4]

--- The bout opened with a triple-powder throw! You can guess which stable was behind that one. And they contineud with chairs, red & blue boxes, rope and whatever else they could find. Chaotic fun without to super action. And to finish it off Doi won the match for World-1 which should have ment that the drukards should have split in some way, but instead Doi turned on Yoshino and joined the heels. Got to say Yoshino took one hell of a Muscular Bomb from Doi here! Well, someone had to be fired from the Deep Drunkards and it ended up being Arai.....

12:12 of 18:33 - Doi pinned Tanizaki with the V9 Clutch




2. CIMA & Gamma & Genki Horiguchi © -vs- Shingo Takagi & Cyber Kong & Kagetora - (Open the Triangle Gate Title) [** 1/4]

--- Warriors vs Kamikaze for the Triangle Gate. And yet again the Warriors show they are the trios kings. Would have loved it if Genki had gotten the pin with his backslide after the double-kick from Gamma & CIMA because that was great moment, but CIMA had to steal the spotlight as always and win the match himself with Meteoras! Good action but CIMA is so much better at getting attention then the others so he runs the show.

13:44 of 25:33 - CIMA pinned Takagi after the Meteora. CIMA & Gamma & Horiguchi retain the Open the Triangle Gate Title in their 3rd defence.




November 5, 2010, Tokyo - Korakuen Hall (2,300 fans)



3. Shingo Takagi & Cyber Kong & YAMATO -vs- Ryo Saito & Dragon Kid & Genki Horiguchi [**]

--- Kamikaze seemingly wants more chances at the Triangle Gate Title after failing their shot on last months Korakuen Hall show. And they beat a different formation of the Warriors to make it clear they're back in business and need to gold around their waist. Tanizaki, Kanda & Sugawara are the new champs having won the belts on a non-televised show on October 25 and this match in just to establish Kamikaze as one of the teams to challenge for the belts on the big November 23rd show in which the veteran team of Fujii & Michizuki & Arai will be involved. The action in this match was of the usual spirited kind feeling a little too mechanical to get too much meaning into it. Still a lot of fun until the real man of the match was murdered by YAMATO and his Gallaria.

14:18 of 23:59 - YAMATO pinned Horiguchi with the Gallaria




4. Masato Yoshino & BxB Hulk & Susumu Yokosuka & K-ness -vs- Naruki Doi & Yasushi Kanda & Naoki Tanizaki & Takuya Sugawara - (Naniwa Style Elimination Match) [** 1/2]

--- Elimination time with the World-1 side against the new Deep Drukards with Naruki Doi as member. And they had to make a big deal about the betrayal of Doi exiting Hulk, Yokosuka & K-ness against only Kanda on the heel side leaving it a 3-on-1 situation in dis-favour for the Open the Dream Gate Champion Yoshino. And this was all to get Yoshino his big babyface moment where he managed to fight the odds beating Sugawara and Tanizaki leaving just him and Doi to have a sprint final

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DDT on Samurai TV - September 12 & October 14, 2010 - (2 hrs)




October 14, 2010, Tokyo - Shin-Kiba 1st RING (255 fans)



1. Michael Nakazawa -vs- Karate Kid - (Outdoor Match - Round 1)

--- A part of a 3-round match against Karate Kid/Atsushi Onai/Ultraman Robin (same guy, different gimmicks) outside of the Shin-kiba with the fight going on on mats. This one went out the 3 minutes and Michael continues the match later on in the show.

3:03 of 3:00 - Nakazawa fought Karate Kid to a draw in the 1st Round




2. Shigehiro Irie -vs- Kazuki Hirata - (Young Drama Cup)

--- Irie showing he's quite a cool wrestler knowing just how to throw his weight around!

2:21 of 5:22 - Irie pinned Hirata after a running hip drop




3. Takao Soma -vs- Rion Mizuki - (Young Drama Cup)

--- Champagne kick! But the bubbly went to Mizuki's head and Soma managed to beat him!

0:58 of 2:22 - Soma pinned Mizuki with a small package




4. MIKAMI & Tanomusaku Toba -vs- Sanshiro Takagi & Hoshitango

--- ....just the Suicide Boyz getting a win.

1:21 of 4:22 - MIKAMI pinned Hoshitango with a schoolboy




5. Yukihiro Abe -vs- Keisuke Ishii - (Young Drama Cup) [3/4*]

--- A fairly good young guys match with good energy and a couple of really well executed moves to back it up. But no winner as it ended a time limit draw.

3:31 of 15:00 - Abe wrestled Ishii to a 15:00 Time Limit Draw




6. Michael Nakazawa -vs- Atsushi Onai - (Outdoor Match - Round 2)

--- ....Onai, in the Ultraman costume, but without the mask. Dreadful fighting. If one can call it that.

2:26 of 3:00 - Nakazawa fought Karate Kid to a draw in the 1st Round



7. Dick Togo & GENTARO & Yasu Urano -vs- KUDO & Yuki Sato & Daisuke Sasaki [*]

--- Fine wrestling. Mostly about Urano fighting off the mini-threats Sato had to come with and his former pal KUDO. Urano became the moral winner here managing to win the cradle war with Sato.

6:08 of 11:11 - Urano pinned Sato with a small package




8. Kota Ibushi & Kenny Omega -vs- Hikaru Sato & Tomimitsu Matsunaga [* 1/4]

--- Sato fighting Ibushi in a shootstyle almost and Mastunaga trying all kinds of cradles trying to get a win for himself, but naturally he never wins anything and was eventually Croyt'ed.

5:35 of 15:31 - Omega pinned Matsunaga with the Croyt's Wrath German Suplex




9. HARASHIMA & Toru Owashi -vs- Antonio Honda & Danshoku Dino [1/2*]

--- Dino & Honda. That's a team with credibility! Well they actually managed to keep up with the Disaster Box side with Dino doing the gay version of the Boma Ye and Shining Wizard. But Honda wasn't able to follow up on the cool and was ramed down with the Somato!

7:23 of 17:02 - HARASHIMA pinned Honda after a Somato double-knee attack




10. Michael Nakazawa -vs- Ultraman Robin - (Outdoor Match - Round 3) [1/4*]

--- ....pure shit.

3:08 of 2:56 - Ultraman pinned Nakazawa with a corss-bodypress off a chair





September 12, 2010, Yamanashi Natureland



11. Keisuke Ishii & Yoshihiko -vs- Kota Ibushi & Dick Togo -vs- Michael Nakazawa & Mammoth Handa -vs- Sanshiro Takagi & Muscle Sakai - (4-Way Campground Brawl) [**]

--- The annual forest madness! This year featuring the blow-up doll! And Yoshihiko was thrown way off the hill! Not to mention it leeping off a bridge for a plancha with the fans shouting "Holy Shit! Holy Shit!". Dick Togo and Muscle Sakai went fishing in the lake where Handa was swimming with his rubber dolphin. So a 'easy trip in the woods' start to the match before the fireworks got things more fired up! They had the finisher and near fall frenzy in the water including moonsaults, Pedigrees and sentons! Then Ibushi ran over everyone with a car and they tried to burn Yoshihiko. And so damn much more. The end was a let down because Ibushi wasn't able to execute it well enough, but the fuck-doll beat him with the Canadian Destrtoyer!

45:02 of 59:06 - Yoshihiko pinned Ibushi after a Canadian Destroyer




COMMENTS: The first hour was fairly forgettable. The second hour was stupid and insane!




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KENSUKE OFFICE on Samurai TV - October 16, 2010, Osaka - (2 hrs)




October 16, 2010, Osaka Prefectural Gym #2 (1,682 fans)



1. Yutaka Yoshie -vs- Jun Nishikawa [1/2*]

--- Squash!

6:17 of 6:17 - Yoshie made Nishikawa submit to a Boston Crab




2. Kikutaro & Namazu Man -vs- Kuishinbo Kamen & Takoyakida [1/4*]

--- Comedy!

11:09 of 11:09 - Kikutaro pinned Takoyakida with a backdrop suplex hold




3. Takashi Okita & Satoshi Kajiwara -vs- Bear Fukuda & Go Sato [*]

--- Boring! For the most part, but it did have a happy ending as Okita finally gets to win! Had to use a bunch of finishers to get rid of Go, but he eventually did it!

12:30 of 12:28 - Okita pinned Go after a top rope bodypress




4. Big Murakami -vs- Kento Miyahara [* 1/2]

--- Young Miyahara did try, but of course the terrorist was going to have the better of him. It was only a matter of time as Murakami was bullying the kid and only keeping him alive because he wanted to. Miyahara did get a chance with Murakami kicking the ringpost, but it led to nothing and Miyahara was taken care of with a STO.

11:08 of 11:08 - Murakami pinned Miyahara after a STO




5. Kensuke Sasaki & Katsuhiko Nakajima -vs- Takashi Sugiura & Atsushi Aoki [* 3/4]

--- A long Kensuke Office vs NOAH tag with the GHC Heavyweight Champion Sugiura along with Aoki coming to have a main event match with Sasaki and his 'kid'. But of course whatever good that happend got watered out with such a long match because the match didn't get the feeling of any urgency or murder mentality. Only another day at work landing the same old blows until a heavyweight has a junior heavyweight beat. And since this is Kensuke land Sasaki won taking care of little Aoki with lariats and Northern Light Bomb!

24:29 of 24:29 - Sasaki pinned Aoki after a Northern Light Bomb




COMMENTS: Just another Kensuke Office show without any major happenings.




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NOAH on G+SN - October 17, 2010, Tokyo - (2 1/2 hrs)




October 17, 2010, Tokyo - Differ Ariake (1,100 fans)



1. Shuhei Taniguchi -vs- Satoshi Kajiwara [*]

--- Taniguchi continue to have a easy time beating up Kensuke Office guys. Kajiwara did nearly kill himself on a tope almost landing on his head after impact. And when his offensive attacks didn't work for Kajiwara, Taniguchi just lifted the KO guy up and down in a big German Suplex for the pin.

9:58 of 10:01 - Taniguchi pinned Kajiwara with a German Suplex




2. Katsuhiko Nakajima -vs- Masao Inoue [1/2*]

--- Yeah, waste Nakajima with this.....idiots!

11:05 of 11:06 - Nakajima pinned Inoue with a cradle cut-back




3. Akira Taue & Mohammed Yone -vs- Yoshinari Ogawa & Kotaro Suzuki [1/4*]

--- Over in no time with Ogawa getting DQ'ed for using a chair..... Suzuki got beat up by his former friends after the bout.

4:05 of 4:01 - Taue & Yone defeated Ogawa & Suzuki by DQ




4. Yoshihiro Takayama & Takuma Sano -vs- Kensuke Sasaki & Takashi Okita [* 1/4]

--- The GHC Tag Champions beat a ever weaker Kensuke Office side then the one they beat to retain the belts on September 26th. Okita had to carry the workload and got awarded by getting Northern Light Bombed. Nothing real special about this.

14:08 of 14:08 - Sano pinned Okita after a Northern Light Bomb






5. Go Shiozaki & Extreme Tiger & Jack Evans -vs- Takashi Sugiura & Taiji Ishimori & Ricky Marvin [* 1/2]

--- Jack Evans & Extreme Tiger now working NOAH?! Strange choice and not exactly super welcome. Evens tried to be fancy, but kept missing his target a few times and was generally very sloppy. Well most of the flying was in this match. Tiger was ok, but it was really the NOAH guys Shiozaki and Sugiura who brought most of the good stuff, but also that was just their usual pounding until one of the heavyweights was alone with a junior. And Marvin was that junior. And Go was that heavyweight. Go Flasher!!!

15:59 of 15:59 - Shiozaki pinned Marvin after the Go Flasher






6. Atsushi Kotoge & Daisuke Harada -vs- Yoshinobu Kanemaru & Genba Hirayanagi - (Junior Tag League '10 - Block B ) [**]

--- A lot of sleezy Genba stuff as he felt so relaxed fighting the minor leaguers from Osaka Pro. Spitting, screaming in their ears, and being very cocky. And you know whats going to happen when someone is that obnoxious. Kotoge Frankensteiner'ed the little bastard for the upset! Good fun stuff.

17:21 of 17:21 - Kotoge pinned Hirayanagi with a huracanrana






7. Eddie Edwards & Roderick Strong -vs- KENTA & Atsushi Aoki - (Junior Tag League '10 - Block B ) [** 1/2]

--- Solid opening day wrestling. This wasn't a super extravagansa, but solid wrestling managing to keep the match interesting majority of the way without going overboard. You kind of sensed a long match from the get-go, and when they heared the '3-min left' call everyone was thinking a time limit draw, but imagine the surprise when Edwards then went on to pin KENTA clean with a modified fisherman's buster/brainbuster!

27:53 of 27:53 - Edwards pinned KENTA after a leg-hook brainbuster




COMMENTS: About the only thing important was the Junior League '10 bout as very little else made much life in Differ Ariake.




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Kaientai Dojo on GAORA TV - October 17, 2010, Tokyo - (2 hrs)




October 17, 2010, Tokyo - Korakuen Hall (623 fans)



1. Daigoro Kashiwa & Hiro Tonai -vs- Randy Takuya & Kazuki Hashimoto [*]

--- Opening action with K-Dojo guys mixing with fresh Big Japan'er Hashimoto. But most of this ended up being about Randy and Tonai with Tonai beating the loser by dropping him on his neck.

5:12 of 9:49 - Tonai pinned Takuya after the Waterfall Drop




2. Ryuichi Sekine -vs- YOSHIYA -vs- Handsome JOE -vs- Yuu Yamagata - (4-Way Elimination) [3/4*]

--- Wow! Sekine managed to get a major upset!

5:17 - JOE pinned Yamagata after a top rope brainbuster

6:48 - Sekine eliminated YOSHIYA via Over The Top Rope

5:03 of 6:54 - Sekine pinned JOE after a headkick




3. Bambi -vs- Great Sasuke & Boso Boy Raito - (Handicap) [1/2*]

--- Half-perverted with moral dilemas. Sasuke didn't want to hit a woman and instead took a lot of whipping from Bambi. Well, most of the fight was partners Sasuke and Raito fighting having differences of opinions. And then Sasuke powerbombed Boso Boy and Bambi followed up with Shining Sasuke to cover them both.

8:22 of 8:54 - Bambi pinned Sasuke & Raito after Shining headkicking Sasuke on top of Boso




4. Taka Michinoku & Shoichi Funaki -vs- Taishi Takizawa & Kaji Tomato [* 1/2]

--- Taka & Funaki reunited having a rusty match with K-Dojo's own Taishi & Tomato. Had it's moments as the underdogs tried to trouble the veterans, with Taka taking most of the workload for his side, before the unescapable result came of the old winning when Taka used the facelock on the UWA Middleweight Champion Tomato.

15:46 of 15:52 - Michinoku made Tomato submit to a Just Facelock




5. Kengo Mashimo & HIROKI © -vs- Tigers Mask & Marines Mask II - (Strongest-K Tag Title) [* 1/2]

--- The Strongest-K Tag belts getting defended against the Baseball mascot gimmicks Tigers Mask & Marines Mask II. Slightly amusing with the baseball stuff, but besides that it was a very ordinary action match with little purpose or original material. And when HIROKI tried to do something special like a springboard kneekick he didn't manage to hit it as well as he should so he kind of had to follow up with a regular kneekick to have the belts retained.

14:08 of 15:54 - HIROKI pinned Marines Mask after a running kneekick. Mashimo & HIROKI retain the Strongest-K Tag Title in their 1st defence.




6. Yuji Hino & Saburo Inematsu & MIYAWAKI -vs- Shiori Asahi & Makoto Oishi & Naoki Tanizaki - (Omega Breakup Match; 2/3 Falls) [**]

--- The end of the long running K-Dojo Omega stable. And to end it they have a 2/3 Falls match against each other with the heavyweights against the speeders. The opening and longest fall was mostly clowning around with their entertainment wrestling ending with MIYAWAKI using his Death Penalty. The second one the lightweights worked well together to get the Strongest-K Champion Hino beat ending with a assisted Canadian Destroyer as Oishi got the fall. They tried the same move twice in the last fall, but was only pushed off and instead Hino woke up and trashed Oishi until he gave Oishi a hug before Fucking Bombing him for the final fall. They seperate as friends!

12:15 of 12:23 - MIYAWAKI pinned Asahi after a reversed DDT

4:10 of 4:10 - Oishi pinned Hino after the Cactus Flower

7:03 of 7:11 - Hino pinned Oishi after a Thunder Fie powerbomb




COMMENTS: Not as great as a big K-Dojo show used to be. They are running out of steam and with their top heel stable breaking up, what's in store for the promotion.....



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