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AJPW on PPV - August 29, 2010, Tokyo - (3 3/4 hrs)



August 29, 2010, Tokyo - Sumo Hall (8,300 fans)


1. Osamu Nishimura & Masa Fuchi -vs- Hiroshi Yamato & Antonio Thomas [*]

--- Old style against flamboyant style! And in Japan the old always win no matter how old or tired. At least Nishimura showed the Dory Funk Jr student some Funk wrestling....

10:58 of 10:57 - Nishimura made Thomas submit to a Cobra Twist



2. Shuji Kondo & KAI & BUSHI -vs- Minoru & Mazada & Hate [* 1/4]

--- Fun babyface vs Voodoo Murders action. Absolutely nothing unusual, but at least they had a happy BUSHI win with a 450 splash. Some fighting after the match as Mazada continues to steal BUSHI's mask.

7:41 of 7:41 - BUSHI pinned Hate after a Firebird Splash



3. Taiyo Kea & Akebono -vs- Ryota Hama & Super Crazy [* 1/2]

--- Had to be fun with the sumo boys. Not too much them together, but watching them throw their weight around with the light guys was where the quality layed. Especially watching little Crazy try and roll Akebono up in a inside cradle! Hillarious moment. Didn't get him and he was later splashed by the Yokozuna for the pin.

9:26 of 9:26 - Akebono pinned Crazy after a bodypress





4. Masakatsu Funaki -vs- Masayuki Kono [**]

--- The lay-out of the match was fairly simple. It was them going through their spots with the important moments being Kono missing his top rope kneedrop and Funaki locking in the cross-heelhold. But the ending blow was awesome. BAM! High kick to the head knocking Kono down brutally. So brutal that the referee stopped the match then and there!

13:09 of 13:09 - Funaki defeated Kono by KO after a high headkick





5. TARU & Big Daddy Voodoo © -vs- Manabu Soya & Seiya Sanada - (All-Asia Tag Title) [** 3/4]

--- Wasn't sure what to expect from this one at first. Young guys Sanada & Soya looked so out-matched by veteran TARU and this hugh Big Daddy Voodoo. One of the funniest moments in the match was when Big Daddy jump rolled himself over both guys!!! And anytime the big guys would attack it looked freakish! But you could see the teamwork was in progress as they found a way to take the big guys down attacking from all angles which helped get him out of the way which also featured Sanada doing a dropkick over the ropes to the outside as TARU and Sanada where battling for the finish. TARU looked like a sure winner at first landing all his finishers including the TARU Driller! But Soya kept kicking out and then came back with lariats and then the big one. High-angle Death Valley!!! And there you have it! The young side of Soya & Sanada are the new holders of the oldest belts in Japan!

22:40 of 22:40 - Soya pinned TARU after a high-angle Death Vallet Bomb. Soya & Sanada become the 84th All-Asia Tag Champions.





6. KENSO-vs- Great Muta [**]

--- Kenzo Suzuki is back in Japan, and had targeted All Japan boss Keiji Muto with a vengence! That's why Great Muta turns up to give KENSO, as he's now called, a lesson. And they allow tables, ladders and chairs for a violence fest. Nah, it was no super garbage fest. It was a cool freakshow with Muta scarying babies, pushing Mazada wrecklessly off a ladder and mistig his way around. KENSO was more relying on help from the outside to take care of the demon child. And while Muta was the true force behind this match even landing a table moonsault which is not a good idea with his knees, it was KENSO who stole the win in surprisingly easy manner spearing Muto and then a simple kneedrop to beat him! KENSO is now already a player in All Japan. Oh, and one has to love Muta's desert skull with bullet holes which he wore on his way to the ring!

10:31 of 10:30 - KENSO pinned Muta after a kneedrop





7. Kaz Hayashi © -vs- Jimmy Yang - (AJPW Junior Title) [** 1/2]

--- Jung Dragons battling for the junior crown in All Japan! These two have a long history in WCW and years ago in All Japan, and now since Yang has returned and won the Junior League '10 he gets a shot at Hayashi's belt. And this is the first time I've seen anyone kick out of the Yang Time Body Attack since he's back! The champion did it! Then again Yang hadn't done too much damage before that to deserve a win. And Hayashi ducked the second attempt. But Yang had other stuff up he sleeve like doing Hayashi's own Final Cut! But no matter how much he tried Hayashi was focused on his record attempt of equaling Fuchi's number of defences of 14 successful ones in a row. Hayashi had 13 before this match and managed his 14th with the Power Plant telling Fuchi at ringside he's now taking the record from him. Fuchi looked happy for him.

18:29 of 18:30 - Hayashi pinned Yang after the Power Plant to retain the AJPW Junior Title in his 14th defence.





8. Minoru Suzuki © -vs- Kohei Suwama - (Triple Crown Title) [*** 1/4]

--- I know views are mixed about this match because it's a real long one and they don't always manage to fill matches like this with interesting wrestling, but for me this worked! It took a while before it really took off, but knowing these two wrestlers one know their strenght and the way they do things and I felt it was true to themself and they worked hard to make it work. Suzuki sleepers are always dangerous and he kept trying for those with Suwama doing his best to power out of them. The main pinfall moments was Suzuki landing his Gotch-style piledriver which 99% of the times mean the end, but not here. Suwama barely kicked out! Same with Suwama's Last Ride powerbomb. Suzuki kicked out! Same with the top rope frog splash from Suwama. So with the finishers out of the way they had to re-think their approach and then came a series of nasty headbutts! And after a lot of hard hitting and fans getting in a frenzie Suwama nailed Suzuki with a backdrop suplex hold, Nagata style, and became the 43rd Triple Crown Champion in the companys history!

44:24 of 44:24 - Suzuki pinned Suwama with a backdrop suplex hold to become the 43rd Triple Crown Champion.



COMMENTS: A real good show. Most matches had something to offer and the main ones did offer. The main event was a stubborn epic and the other two title matches was real solid. And then you had two other interesting and curious match-ups in Great Muta vs Kenzo Suzuki and Funaki vs Kono.




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SMASH on Samurai TV - August 30, 2010, Tokyo - (2 hrs)



August 30, 2010, Tokyo - Shinjuku FACE (600 fans)


1. Akira -vs- Paul Tracey [*]

--- Prince Devitt's old tag partner Paul Tracey getting a chance in Japan having a World Try-Out match against veteran junior heavyweight Akira. Very british styled. Technical like Doug Williams before him in Japan. Akira seemed to enjoy wrestling with him, but that might be because he was going to win. At least Tracey looked good before Akira landed his top rope splash finisher.

6:01 of 7:58 - Akira pinned Tracey after a top rope bodypress



2. Taka Michinoku -vs- Yusuke Kodama [1/2*]

--- Nah, I'm not getting impressed by the SMASH rookie. Taka takes care of the boy....

7:27 of 7:27 - Michinoku made Kodama submit to a Just Facelock



3. Shuri & Lin Bairon -vs- Toshie Uematsu & Tomoko Nakagawa [3/4*]

--- Joshi action. Very standard and not really too impressive, but designed to make Lin Bairon look good winning with a moonsault. Then a bunch of women's wrestlers from all over the scene got in the ring hyping up a joshi flavored SMASH show at the end of the year.

6:34 of 11:36 - Bairon pinned Nakagawa after a moonsault



4. Kenny Omega -vs- Mentallo [** 1/2]

--- A hell of a fun match at times. A little too playful in the way they executed their big moves, but they got a lively match out of it and the fans got behind Mentallo real well! They did all kinds of things like a multi-reversal Tombstone on the Shinjuku FACE long table, a half-nelson suplex and plenty more to keep the fans more then happy. Mentallo even countered the Croyth's Wrath for a near fall, but when the Croyth's Wrath actually landed it was over and Omega wins over a guy he goes way back with.

14:55 og 17:50 - Omega pinned Mentallo with the Croyth's Wrath German Suplex



5. Haijy-Heimo Ukonselka -vs- Kushida [* 1/4]

--- Kushida against a Finish caveman of sorts. Couldn't end well for the Japanese guy facing a primitive Nordic man like Ukonselka. Kushida tried his best, but no match for the Nordic wrestler....

6:33 of 13:20 - Ukonselka pinned Kushida after a pump-handle slam



6. Starbuck & Hajime Ohara -vs- Tajiri & Akira Shoji [* 1/2]

--- Ohara hasn't done well since SMASH formed. Since the last show he's been in Finland and wrestled Starbuck, not having much more luck there, but he's changed sides joining Starbucks side hoping his luck will change with it. And it did! As Starbuck's sidekick of course. But still he did some good damage with some kind of running double-chop or back-elbow smash knocking both Shoji and Tajiri bad with it. And all there was to do was piledrive Tajiri and Starbuck could make the one-finger cover. Akira came to the rescue and was selected by Starbuck as his challenger for the FCF Title on the next SMASH show in September.

9:16 of 9:17 - Starbuck pinned Tajiri after a piledriver



COMMENTS: Omega vs Mentallo was damn fun. The Japan vs Finland matches had it's storyline. And it was cool to see Tracey in Japan.




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OSAKA PRO/MIRACLE MAN PRODUCE on COMM - March 10, 2010, Osaka - (1 3/4 hrs)



March 10, 2010, Osaka Minami Move On Arena (252 fans)


1. Asian Cougar & Kazuaki Mihara -vs- Tadasuke & Great Tsuka [*]

--- Simple joys. Cougar was over with the fans and they laughed at the Great Muta rip-off and was pleased when Mihara dropped down on him for the pin.

11:10 of 11:10 - Mihara pinned Tsuka after a top rope bodypress



2. Atsushi Kotoge & Daisuke Harada -vs- Billy Ken Kid & Takoyakida [* 1/4]

--- More easy joy action. Billy managed to keep Takoyakida mostly on the serious side helping him to gain the momentum he needed. But the Osaka Tag Champions was just too strong for the masked loser and once the champs landed their springboard dropkick Doomsday Device Takoyakida was dead.

12:32 of 12:33 - Kotoge pinned Takoyakida after the Momo no Seishun Impact



3. Ebessan III & Mio Shirai -vs- Kuishinbo Kamen & Io Shirai [* 1/2]

--- .....Kuishinbo Kamen.....does not like girls..... It's rare you see someone go so aggressive in to beat the shit out of a woman like Kuishinbo did to Mio here! Awesome!

10:32 of 10:32 - Mio pinned Kuishinbo after the Purple Flash



4. Miracle Man & Kanjyouro Matsuyama & Ayumi Kurihara -vs- Tigers Mask & Black Buffalo & Kana [1/2*]

--- As you'd expect, a lot of comedy. Cooled bit of that was them reenacting the old NES game 'Kung Fu'!!! That alone was worth sitting through the rest of this bullshit.....

23:49 of 24:09 - Kurihara pinned Buffalo after a top rope bodypress



COMMENTS: Had some fun bits with Kuishinbo being a lady basher and the retro gaming, but it wasn't a major Osaka show Miracle Man produced here.




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FUTEN on COMM - April 24, 2010, Kawasaki - (2 hrs)



April 24, 2010, Kawasaki - Lazona Kawasaki Plaza Sol (188 fans)


1. Mitsuya Nagai -vs- Shoichi Uchida [**]

--- This is more my kind of fighting. Nagai the shooter against Uchida the indy worker. And you could see the difference in philosophy quite clearly. Uchida's way of fighting wasn't the way Nagai wanted it so Nagai in his more realistic way punished the indy guy for it. Very one-sided fight, but watching Nagai stiffing the guy with kicks and locking in facelocks to show Uchida his failours as a fighter was pure class. And naturally Nagai had Uchida tapping when he wanted it too.

6:58 of 6:58 - Nagai made Uchida submit to a cross-armbreaker



2. Koichi Kimura -vs- Rui Hiugaji [* 1/2]

--- Almost the same here, but here it was a little undeserved as Michinoku Pro's Hiugaji isn't the worst offender of the indy style as he's kind of old school in his wrestling and Kimura should have let him get more of a fight. Hiugaji did get in a nice German to hurt the shooter styles veteran, but also Hiugaji found himself trapped in a cross-armbreaker in no time.

6:18 of 6:18 - Kimura made Hiugaji submit to a cross-armbreaker



3. Tamon Honda -vs- Takahiro Oba [* 1/2]

--- Stubborn fight with Oba having to work very hard to get Honda off his feet. But Oba as the underdog did get to bring the fight a little bit before Honda started locking in the Olympic Hell moves and trapped him with a leg version of it to get the tap.

9:34 of 9:33 - Honda made Oba submit to the Rolling Olympic Hell III



4. Makoto Hashi -vs- Taro Nohashi [* 1/4]

--- Sweeeeet.....but too short!!! Both got yellow cards for fighting before the match officially started! And then they had a rushed battle where they bloodied their skulls with headbutts before Hashi choked the Michinoku Pro wrestler out with a sleeper!

3:46 of 3:46 - Hashi defeated Nohashu by TKO with a sleeper



5. Brahman Kei & Brahman Shu & Brahman Dai(Daisuke Ikeda) -vs- Takeshi Ono & Manabu Suruga & Hajime Moriyama [** 1/4]

--- At first I feared this would be a typical Sato Twins comedy bout with the Futen owner Daisuke Ikeda dressed up as the twins with a blad wig and costume. But once the match started that one was off and the stiffin' could begin! There was some water spots with Moriyama on the receiving end, but this was mostly about the strikes with lots of hard kicking from everybody! And Moriyama did almost stand toe-to-toe with Ikeda in that department landing the kicks hard. But what made the difference was Ikeda's knees and punches knocking Moriyama brutally hard down and out!

15:34 of 15:36 - Dai defeated Moriyama by TKO after a right punch



COMMENTS: A good show. Maybe lacked a super bout, but overall it was a real mans show with blows to show it!




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WAVE on COMM: YOUNG OH!OH! - March 2008 - February 2011 - (3 1/2 hrs)



March 20, 2008, Osaka World Building (123 fans)


1. Cherry -vs- Moeka Haruhi [3/4*]

--- Cherry held it together doing her best to make Haruhi's offence look passable and following nicely into her cradles. You got to work hard around Haruhi's lack of skills to make it work. The match was still on the weak side, but at least better then feared with Cherry being the deserved winner coming flying in with a knee from the turnbuckle.

5:05 of 7:36 - Cherry pinned Haruhi after a Destiny Hammer



2. Hiroyo Matsumoto -vs- Kana [* 1/2]

--- Ended up to be fairly solid in their wreckless way. Kana had a strong advantage at one point including landing a DDT off the second rope! But Matsumoto was working spirited in this bout and fought the pain off and started landing her own finishers and with the backdrop suplexes being her deadly move, it got her the strong win over Kana.

8:11 of 11:45 - Matsumoto pinned Kana after a backdrop suplex



3. Shuu Shibutani & Misaki Ohata -vs- Bullfight Sora & Tomoka Nakagawa [*]

--- One of those joshi rush matches done kind of rough. Always someone running and landing moves, but hardly super execution. Still there was some fun stuff going on in there and the cow was beat so thats good.

11:03 of 17:18 - Ohata pinned Sora with a cradle



4. Yumi Ohka -vs- Arisa Nakajima [* 1/4]

--- Fairly even battle. They busted out some of their bigger moves with Nakajima's getting the Cuty Special in. But Ohka is the profiled WAVE girl and had to win this one getting the pin with the neck-hanging bomb. Never a genious match.

8:42 of 14:56 - Ohka pinned Nakajima with a neck-hanging bomb



June 22, 2008, Tokyo - Cinema Club (243 fans)


5. Hiroyo Matsumoto & Misaki Ohata & Ray -vs- Mio Shirai & Io Shirai & Mika Mizunuma [* 1/4]

--- Lots of action with the speed girls running around big Mika and the big girl landing impact blows in between before she was rolled up in a secure huracanrana by Ray.

8:36 of 9:35 - Ray pinned Mizunuma with a huracanrana



6. Ayako Sato & Hanako Kobayashi -vs- Kana - (Handicap) [1/2*]

--- Felt like it was over before it went anywhere. Not that the action was bad. Just wasted as the Ito Dojo girls managed to beat up Kana which was kind of surprising, especially considering Sato didn't need too much assistance from Kobayashi to pin her.

4:03 of 8:18 - Sato pinned Kana with a German Suplex



7. Fuka -vs- Chihiro Oikawa - (Battlarts Rules) [1/2*]

--- Battlarts Oikawa and Fuka having a more worked shoot kind of match and as expected this looked weak. Except for the ending blow where Fuka came flying in with a kick knocking Oikawa totally silly for the KO.

4:14 of 8:45 - Fuka defeated Oikawa by KO after a high headkick



8. Arisa Nakajima & Pinky Mayuka -vs- Yumi Ohka & Moeka Haruhi [* 1/2]

--- All kinds of rough looking wrestling with half clumsy wrestlers like Pinky and Haruhi in there, but at the same time some of the execution did land real well and they got some meaning out of it with the JWP vs WAVE theme making the match grow ok before the JWP side trashed Haruhi enough times so that Pinky could stop Haruhi with a back-elbow for the victory.

10:29 of 18:56 - Mayuka pinned Haruhi after a back-elbow



November 9, 2008, Tokyo - Cinema Club (144 fans)


9. Ayako Sato & Hanako Kobayashi -vs- Kana & Shuu Shibutani [* 1/4]

--- Sato and Kana continue to battle it out. At least this time Kana has a partner, but that didn't stop the Ito Dojo side from still winning with Kana and Sato on the floor like cat and mouse, Kobayashi managed to lock the injury troubled knee of Shibutani for the tap.

6:54 of 13:31 - Kobayashi made Shibutani submit to a cross-kneelock



March 20, 2009, Osaka World Hall (206 fans)


10. Mio Shirai & Io Shirai -vs- Kyoko Kimura & Mikado - (Dual Duelist Young Tournament - Round 1) [* 1/4]

--- Tag tournament begins and it's the Shirai sisters against a very random team of wild Kimura and fatgirl Mikado. With Mikado there this would never reach any major climax, but the sisters worked hard enough to cover up for most of her short-comings. Huracanrana victory for the sisters.

6:25 of 13:41 - Io pinned Mikado with a huracanrana



11. Apple Miyuki & Cherry -vs- Kana & Chihiro Oikawa - (Dual Duelist Young Tournament - Round 1) [1/2*]

--- Didn't really establish much before Cherry locked in a sleeper out of nowhere for the win.

4:27 of 11:04 - Cherry made Oikawa submit to a sleeper



12. Moeka Haruhi & Tomoka Nakagawa -vs- Kayo Fujimori & HARU - (Dual Duelist Young Tournament - Round 1) [*]

--- Not exactly big names on the joshi scene, but Nakagawa and Fujimori somehow got a rather exciting finish with Fujimori nearly grabbing an upset before Nagakawa showed that she is the best girl in this match landing for once a good low-angle lariat to pin Fujimori.

6:23 of 13:48 - Nakagawa pinned Fujimori with a low angle lariat



13. Shu Shibutani & Ayumi Kurihara -vs- Hanako Kobayashi & Misaki Ohata - (Dual Duelist Young Tournament - Round 1) [* 3/4]

--- A inspired speedy cradle bout. Basic as it gets, but their hearts were into it and they tried their best to give the fans a exciting fight with countless near falls until they ran out of time. A re-start of course and more of the same happend until Kurihara managed to bust out some more advanced offence killing Ohata with a Hiroshi Hase throat slam suplex.

5:18 of 15:00 - Shibutani & Kurihara wrestled Kobayashi & Ohata to a 15:00 Time Limit Draw

2:37 of 2:51 - Kurihara pinned Ohata after a throat slam suplex



September 21, 2009, Tokyo - Itabashi Green Hall (184 fans)


14. Shuu Shibutani -vs- Ryo Mizunami -vs- Mio Shirai - (Young Oh! Oh! Tournament - Final; 3-Way) [* 1/4]

--- The final with the ones that is left and they have series of singles matches between the 3 to determine the Young Oh! Oh! Tournament winner. First one went to Mizunami, but it couldn't end so soon so Shirai upset Mizunami before Shibutani worked in the 2 victories winning convinsingly over Mizunami at the end with 3 top rope sentons. Decent wrestling, but as always very standard.

1:52 of 1:56 - Mizunami made Shibutani submit to a shoulder hold

2:24 of 2:25 - Shirai pinned Mizunami after a headkick

3:07 of 3:05 - Shibutani pinned Shirai with a small package

5:31 of 7:45 - Shibutani pinned Mizunami after 3 top rope sentons to win the Young Oh! Oh! Tournament.



July 4, 2010, Tokyo - Cinema Club (214 fans)


15. Kana -vs- Mio Shirai - (Catch the WAVE ' 10 - Visual Technical Block) [*]

--- Not bad, but they didn't create any special chemistry with this one. Some nice moves, yes. Like Kana's vertical suplex being a thing of beauty. And then it ended a little surprising with a chickenwing facelock as Mio tapped.

5:53 of 9:22 - Kana made Shirai submit to a chickenwing facelock



16. Sakura Hirota -vs- Shimono Sawako [1/4*]

--- Sakura Hirota as.....GAMI!!! Yuck......

5:48 of 9:58 - Hirota pinned Sawako after Sawako tripped



17. Moeka Haruhi & Misaki Ohata © -vs- Basara & Bambi - (TLW Women's Tag Title) [* 1/4]

--- The weak TLW Tag Champions lose their belts to the whippin' girl Bambi and the Sendai wrestler formerly known as Tyrannosaurus Okuda. Ohata kind of had to fight for two as Haruhi wasn't going to look good no matter how much they try. They did manage to get a tiny bit of decent action going on with Haruhi doing the job with a slow German from Basara.

9:15 of 13:36 - Basara pinned Haruhi with a German Suplex. Basara & Bambi become the 3rd TLW Women's Tag Champions.



18. Asami Kawasaki -vs- Shuu Shibutani - (Catch the WAVE ' 10 - Rival Block) [* 1/4]

--- Half-decent with more of the same as they've already delivered so far in the group. Shibutani looked good, but ended up not liking the leg attacks Asami came with and was knocked silly enough to get knocked out for a pin!

8:03 of 12:16 - Kawasaki pinned Shibutani after a axekick



February 20, 2011, Tokyo - Cinema Club (223 fans)


19. Aya Yuki & Ryo Mizunami & Sawako Shimono -vs- Cherry & Shuri & Nao Komatsu [*]

--- An absolute typical younger girls action tag. Little sticking out with the action just there barely making it watchable even if it went non-stop with the basics these girls know. It did give Sawako a fairly rare win over Oz Academy's rookie girl Komatsu.

11:42 of 15:18 - Shimono pinned Komatsu with the Barbarian Drop



20. Hiroyo Matsumoto -vs- Senri Kuroki [1/2*]

--- Matsumoto taking care of the inexperienced JWP girl fairly easy. She could even use a move she normally doesn't do to beat her. Kuroki did get her share of the action, but didn't impress.

5:03 of 8:00 - Matsumoto pinned Kuroki with a Japanese Leg Roll Clutch Hold



21. Mio Shirai & Io Shirai -vs- Hanako Nakamori & Miki Iida [3/4*]

--- Just didn't get into it. The Shirais was in control and little Iida tried to fight back in her.... Tanny Mouse way..... ah, that's why I didn't get into it. Anyway, the Shirais took care of her.

9:19 of 12:21 - Mio made Iida submit to a modified cross-armbreaker



22. Kana -vs- Kagetsu [**]

--- I'm almost surprised. A good match out of the ordinary from WAVE. In another setting it might have felt like an even better match too. Because the moments counted! Not just some random running. They were fighting with an heavyweight undertone to execution. Solid locks and counters along with the occational impact blow. Moment of the match was Kana catching a leeping Kagetsu in an Ace Crusher. Along with catching her in the front headlock and turn it into a chickenwing crossface for the win.

7:52 of 11:31 - Kana made Kagetsu submit to a chickenwing facelock



23. Misaki Ohata & Hiren -vs- Tomoka Nakagawa & Moeka Haruhi [* 1/4]

--- Ohata looks better as a heel as long as she tried to be arrogant. Her runner babyface style was getting stale, but she could develope her style a bit more to compliment the heelness. But her and Hiren was a cool little team, but hard to get anything great out of Haruhi. At least they beat her up.

10:18 of 17:34 - Hiren pinned Haruhi with a schoolboy




COMMENTS: Most of the 2008 stuff was exclusive to this set. All of the 2009 and 2010 stuff not. Not sure about the 2011 stuff, but that featured a good little Kana vs Kagetsu bout.




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CORAZON PRO on Samurai TV - September 2, 2010, Tokyo - (2 hrs)



September 2, 2010, Tokyo - Shinjuku FACE


1. Kana -vs- Kikutaro [1/2*]

--- Kikutaro being an absolute pervert feeling Kana's luscious boobs and smelling her pussy juice. You knew revenge had to come!

9:48 of 9:48 - Kana pinned Kikutaro with a German Suplex



2. NOSAWA Rongai & Minoru Fujita -vs- Brahman Kei & Brahman Shu [3/4*]

--- Fairly stale teams. Especially when it's just a lower card tag bout they're having. Little standing out and fairly standard action before Fujita Tombstoned one of the twins.

12:39 of 12:38 - Fujita pinned Kei after a Tombstone piledriver



3. Minoru Suzuki -vs- Hoshitango [*]

--- Suzuki let the old sumo wrestler off lightly early on to make him look half cometitive with him. But we all know Suzuki likes to play..... and that he does. Not the most exiciting match around, but it had Suzuki Gotch-style piledrive the big Aregentine! And that's highlight enough!

11:47 of 11:47 - Suzuki pinned Hoshitango after a Gotch-style piledriver



4. Big Murakami -vs- Muscle Sakai [1/2*]

--- Yeah, Muscle Sakai facing Murakami? Squash? Yeah. Mostly Sakai being scared of the terrorist and wanted out as quickly as possible tapping to the evil stare. He was draged back out again and would be stiff frightend to do anything to the dangerous fighter. And once he did.....he was dead!

0:37 - Murakami made Sakai submit by looking ta him

6:04 of 5:59 - Murakami pinned Sakai after a STO



5. Yuji Nagata & Kazuhiro Tamura -vs- Sanshiro Takagi & Shigehiro Irie [* 3/4]

--- Has to be seen just for Takagi mocking Nagata and his zombie armbar spot!!! Awesome! The match wasn't bad either with Takagi trying his best to step up to the plate against a mainstreamer showing also that he's a DDT'er. Tamura got beat up a lot. To he point Nagata was upset with him and started beating some sense into him too. And once Nagata was pissed enough he took Irie and locked him in the Crippler Crossface and made him tap!

17:06 of 17:07 - Nagata made Irie submit to a Nagata Lock II



COMMENTS: Strange and special show bringing in all kinds of weird matches. Not exactly a good show, but it was something different in a way.




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NJPW on Samurai TV - September 3, 2010, Tokyo - (3 hrs)



September 3, 2010, Tokyo - Korakuen Hall (1,950 fans)




- RIP Kotetsu Yamamoto. The show opens with a tribute and in-ring memorial bell salute for the longtime New Japan wrestler, trainer and referee who passed away on August 28, 2010 at the age of 68.



1. Manabu Nakanishi & Tama Tonga & King Fale -vs- Riki Choshu & Taichi Ishikari & Mitsuhide Hirasawa [*]

--- Talk about random teams. Just smacked together to start the show doing some trademark stuff and give Tama Tonga some credibility beating junior heavyweight loser Taichi with a Jackhammer.

8:27 of 8:27 - Tonga pinned Ishikari after a Jackhammer



2. Davey Richards & Gedo & Jado -vs- Koji Kanemoto & Tiger Mask & Ryusuke Taguchi [** 1/4]

--- Jado back in action after a few months out with injury, but this was more a match focusing on the return of Davey Richards! And he's getting a push as Dynamite Kid III working aggressive even kicking after photographers! Good stuff and he even beat veteran junior heavyweight Kanemoto knocking him silly with a hard powerbomb!

12:51 of 12:50 - Richards pinned Kanemoto with a powerbomb



3. Giant Bernard & Karl Anderson -vs- Takashi Iizuka & Tomohiro Ishii [* 1/2]

--- The usual brawling madness resulting in Anderson getting in the Gun Stun in all the chaos of referee bumps and Iron Fingers. Easy fun, but nothing important.

12:51 of 12:50 - Anderson pinned Ishii after the Gun Stun



4. Satoshi Kojima -vs- Tomoaki Honma [*]

--- Boy, did the fresh G-1 Climax winner have a easy day at work trashing everybodys trash boy. Honma got in a little bit with a nice counter suplex being his main highlight for me, but there wasn't really a moment where you felt Kojima was in trouble. And he wasn't either, using his lariat to take care of the stinking, yellow loser.

10:28 of 10:27 - Kojima pinned Honma after a lariat



5. Yuji Nagata & Wataru Inoue -vs- Yujiro Takahashi & Tetsuya Naito [* 1/2]

--- Blue Justice against No Limit and it was for the most part kind of tame even if they did try to spice it up a little with some striking between Nagata and Takahashi. But it didn't really get going until the very end so it took a while before there was any reward. And the reward was the usual of Nagata backdropping someone to win it.

15:04 of 15:03 - Nagata pinned Takahashi with a backdrop suplex hold





6. Shinsuke Nakamura & Masato Tanaka & Toru Yano -vs- Togi Makabe & Hiroshi Tanahashi & Hirooki Goto [**]

--- One of those tags thats there to build up the big shows on September 26th and October 11th. On the 26th Makabe defends against Tanaka in a interesting inter-promotional main event. While Nakamura and Goto have a feud going feeling kind of heated based off this. Yano has something to deal out against Tajiri who came after the match for the save while Tanahashi got his feud with Naito who also got into the action after the match going for Tanahashi's leg. As for the match itself, this was fun. Nothing conclusive about the action, but it was fairly motivated and they busted out some of their bigger moves to get the crowd hot for it. In this one Goto was taken care of reciving several finishers including the Sliding D, Yano's new neckdrop move and the Boma Ye to end it.

15:44 of 15:39 - Nakamura pinned Goto after a Boma Ye kneekick





7. Prince Devitt © -vs- Kenny Omega - (IWGP Junior Title) [** 3/4]

--- Omega defeated Devitt's tag partner Taguchi on a DDT show to get his name up for this title shot against the junior champ of New Japan. And it's two non-Japanese guys battling in the main event and the crowd was hot for it chanting in a very ROH style "Let's Go Devitt!" with one guy chanting "Omega" in between. And it promised to be spectacular match and they delivered that aspect of it. Some nice flying and even a dive off the railing from Devitt. Michael Nakazawa was in Omega's corner and was all over the communication between the two as he speaks English and he also saved the wrestlers, espeicially Omega, from landing hard a few times offering himself as the ring-second. The match was of the entertaining kind. I did feel they lacked something to make it extra important, but regardless it was a damn fun match with Omega's big moment was landing the Croyt's Wrath suplex, wasn't super executed, but it got a hot near fall before Devitt started fighting back with his big stuff until he landed a VERY high-angle DDT to retain the belt! Backstage Jado & Gedo were making trouble for both wrestlers. Jado want revenge for getting injured in their match against Omega & Ibushi and the heels also wants some of Devitt's belts.

17:29 of 17:29 - Devitt pinned Omega after the Bloody Sunday DDT to retain the IWGP Junior Title in his 2nd defence.



COMMENTS: Good Korakuen Hall show. Main event was important. Some of the undercard matches established feuds well for things to come. Plus the memory of longtime New Japan associate Kotetsu Yamamoto.




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KENSUKE OFFICE on Samurai TV - September 4 & 5, 2010 - (2 hrs)



September 4, 2010, Toyama Yatsuo Sports Arena (728 fans)


1. Kentaro Shiga -vs- Jun Nishikawa

--- Shiga beats the Kensuke Office rookie very easy....

2:23 of 10:54 - Shiga made Nishikawa submit to a upside-down STF



2. Namazu Man #1 & #2 -vs- Kikutaro & Chango [1/2*]

--- Comedy fighting with Kikutaro doing some cool running before accidentally skulling Chango's balls so that the sea guys could win.

5:12 of 14:06 - Namazu Man pinned Chango with a jack knife cradle



3. Yutaka Yoshie & Go Sato -vs- KUDO & Satoshi Kajiwara [* 1/4]

--- Decent filler tag. Absolutely nothing of importance or anything except the lower ranked Kajiwara trying to stay in there, up against Yoshie he's a couple of sizes too small....

9:12 of 16:31 - Yoshie pinned Kajiwara after a bodypress



4. Katsuhiko Nakajima -vs- Bear Fukuda [* 1/2]

--- It's limited how exciting a Bear Fukuda match can get without his Mango costume and I guess this is the closest we're going to get a good one from him. But they had to drag it out insanely long! Even edited down for TV it felt like forever before Nakajima could get his victory. Plenty of near falls and such until he connected with a kick to the head for the three.

13:29 of 19:14 - Nakajima pinned Fukuda after a high headkick



5. Big Murakami & NOSAWA Rongai & Minoru Fujita -vs- Kensuke Sasaki & Takashi Okita & Kento Miyahara [**]

--- Felt like most of Kensuke Office's big matches. A lot of action, but not much that stands out after 20 minutes of fighting. And in the end Murakami wakes up and craps on Okita beating him up like he usually. Oh, and too much NOSAWA!

19:22 of 19:22 - Murakami pinned Okita after a STO



September 5, 2010, Maebashi - Green Dome Maebashi Sub Arena (705 fans)


6. Go Sato -vs- Jun Nishikawa

--- Go gets a rare victory. But it was over rookie Nishikawa so that was hardly surprising.

2:23 of 9:22 - Go pinned Nishikawa after a lariat



7. Namazu Man #1 & #2 -vs- Kikutaro & KUDO [1/2*]

--- Clipped apart focusing mostly on the action unrtil KUDO's flying knees backfired and the clown was pinned.

3:48 of 16:27 - Namazu pinned Kikutaro with a jack knife cradle



8. Big Murakami & Kentaro Shiga -vs- Kento Miyahara & Satoshi Kajiwara [*]

--- Decent fighting as usual, but there was couple of hick-ups over who was supposed to attack between Kajiwara and Murakami leading to awkward moments until they finally were on the same page and Murakami could beat him up. Couldn't Murakami just have beaten him up in the first place and escaped all the mis-communication?!

9:21 of 12:20 - Murakami pinned Kajiwara after a STO



9. Katsuhiko Nakajima -vs- Taishi Takizawa [** 1/4]

--- I ended up liking this toward the end. At first it was kind of just there going back and forth without too much sticking out, but once they started going into finisher mode I was with them! And naturally rooting for the KO boy Nakajima, so I was satified with him winning showing class over the K-Dojo trained wrestler.

12:26 of 14:26 - Nakajima pinned Takizawa after the Death Roll



10. Yutaka Yoshie & Bear Fukuda -vs- Kensuke Sasaki & Takashi Okita [**]

--- Yeah, keep streaching the matches long. I wish someone would beat it into them that a match doesn't get better just because it's long when there is no effort to make it different or special. A normal action formula isn't going to do it more then what it would for a 10-min match. But of course these are professionals so there are quality wrestling as they were fighting back and forth without much other focus until Yoshie managed to land a top rope splash on Okita.

22:09 of 22:09 - Yoshie pinned Okita after a top rope bodypress



COMMENTS: The Kensuke Office formula is simple and repetitive. Not enough effort to make these district shows anything more then just a show. Wish they'd do like they did with the NOAH feud matches from recent years and make the matches mean something and not just random bouts with old friends.




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OKINAWA PRO on COMM - September 4, 2010, Osaka - (2 1/2 hrs)



September 4, 2010, Okinawa - Afternoon Show


1. Menso-re Oyaji -vs- Golden Pine [1/2*]

--- Too much bullshit early on to earn my full attention for the second half of the bout. There was some striking going on until Oyaji got in a speedy huracanrana win on the gay one.

10:28 of 11:06 - Oyaji pinned Pine with a huracanrana



2. Flying Kid Ichihara -vs- Agu [1/4*]

--- A former forgettable FMW'er against a pig. Never got interesting one bit before Ichihara had Agu beat.

5:25 of 5:29 - Ichihara pinned Agu with a La Magistral



3. Super Delfin -vs- Takaku Fuke -vs- Ultraman Robin - (3-Way) [1/4*]

--- The dreadful comedy of Okinawa Pro.....

11:33 of 11:58 - Delfin pinned Fuke with the Delfin Clutch



4. Mil Mongoose & Eisa 8 & Yanbaru Kuinna -vs- Kaijin Habu Otoko & Kijimuna & Mozuku Man [*]

--- Decent action at least. Hardly anything exciting, but after how this show has been so far I'll take anything. Just a time filler before the Okinawa Title match.....

11:32 of 15:52 - Mongoose pinned Kijimuna after a Firebird Splash



5. Shisaou © -vs- Guruken Driver - (Okinawa Pro Title) [*]

--- The Okinawa Title gets defended and the wrestler formerly knowns as GAINA beats someone calling himself Guruken Driver in a average match with a couple of moments and little else to offer.

16:18 - Shisaou pinned Driver after a modified Last Ride powerbomb to retain the Okinawa Pro Title.



September 4, 2010, Okinawa - Evening Show


6. Golden Pine -vs- Ultraman Robin -vs- Agu - (3-Way) [1/4*]

--- ...hmmmmm....nah....

7:44 of 7:44 - Pina pinned Agu after a lariat



7. Gurukun Driver -vs- Takaku Fuke [1/2*]

--- Submission fight. Boring of the Fuke kind. And then a flash pinfall for this Driver dude.....

7:57 of 7:59 - Driver pinned Fuke with a modified cradle



8. Shisaou & Tsubasa & Yanbaru Kuinna -vs- Super Delfin & Gran Hamada & Kijimuna [*]

--- Easy action among veteran Osaka workers with Hamada and Tsubasa joining Okinawa Pro for this show to try and spice it up a little. Helped a tiny bit, but it was just a match and nothing more with the big guy of the company winning over the little red troll.

14:51 of 14:48 - Shisaou pinned Kijimuna after a modified Last Ride powerbomb



9. Kaijin Habu Otoko & Menso-re Oyaji -vs- Mil Mongoose & Eisa 8 - (MWF Tag Title) [* 1/4]

--- The best for last. But it was still just a extended action match of the standard kind. Back and forth wrestling until the champs retained. Easy for the eyes and forgettable for the brain.

18:36 of 18:44 - Otoko pinned Eisa after a top rope bodypress. Otoko & Oyaji retain the MWF Tag Title.



COMMENTS: Okinawa just doesn't do it for me.




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OKINAWA PRO on SKY-A - September 5, 2010, Okinawa - (1 1/2 hrs)



September 5, 2010, Okinawa


1. Golden Pine -vs- Eisa 8 [3/4*]

--- Had it's moments as Eisa was close a few times beating the Golddust copy. They kept saying it was 'Golden Pine's Final Match' so I guess he's on his way out. Can't say I'm sad. But he was one of this promotions main characters and he still got to beat Eisa 8 chokeslaming him down.

12:31 of 12:32 - Golden Pine pinned Eisa 8 after a chokeslam



2. Super Delfin -vs- Kijimuna -vs- Goya Mask - (3-Way) [1/4*]

--- Osaka style comedy......

12:13 of 12:12 - Delfin pinned Kijimuna with a Delfin Clutch



3. Shisaou & Mil Mongoose & Yanbarukuinna -vs- Kaijin Habu Otoko & Motoko Man & Menso-re Oyaji [*]

--- Then for the main tag action bout. A few nice moves, but overall not too much to offer. Kind of lifeless too much of the time without filling it with anything too great apart from some finishers until the masked Kyoko Kimura won it in a very flat manner with a big boot.

18:56 of 21:14 - Yanbarukuinna pinned Motoko Man after a big boot



4. 12-Person Battle Royal [1/2*]

--- A simple battle royal to end the show with my favourite moment being Golden Pine doing gay things to a guy in a monkey bush/tree constume...... the drunkard Menso-re Oyaji ended up winning it with a huracanrana on the Japanese Golddust.

11:39 of 11:45 - Menso-re Oyaji won the 12-Person Battle Royal



COMMENTS: .....I still can't get the hang of this promotion. Weird one.




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666 on COMM - September 5, 2010, Warabi City - (1 1/2 hrs)



September 5, 2010, Warabi City Isami Wrestle Budokan


1. Tochiki -vs- Young Man -vs- Konaka Pale One - (3-Way) [1/4*]

--- Quality....crap! No real life, except the end was a tiny bit fun as Pale One had Tochiki up in a Romero Special and Young Man tried to pin Konaka, but on the way down from the Romero Special Tochiki rolled Young Man up for the pin.

9:31 of 9:31 - Tochiki pinned Young Man with a side roll-up



2. Hikaru Shida -vs- Sayaka Obihiro [1/2*]

--- A quick rushed Ice Ribbon match. All over the place, but at least it had some life even if the execution was very rough. Shida looks more structured and won deservingly. Obihiro was running wild, but was looking quite bad.

6:47 of 6:47 - Shida pinned Obihiro after a vertical suplex



3. Yuko Miyamoto & The 101 -vs- K666 & Dinasty [1/4*]

--- Could have at least been some decent wrestling, but they wasted it in stupid comedy shit anyway.....

11:37 of 11:40 - 101 pinned K666 after a low blow



4. Shinobu -vs- Ring Announcer(?) [1/2*]

--- Stiff. Shinobu was letting this guy have it, but this was so bad really. They were almost never on the same page more then one spot at a time and it kept falling apart everytime it started getting interesting. Best part was this ring announcer getting lariated stright in the face! But why would Shinobu need over 18 minutes to beat this nobody?

18:15 of 18:15 - Shinobu pinned Ring Announcer after a Shooting Star Press



5. Shinobu & K666 & Konaka Pale One & Dinasty & Young Man & Tochiki & Yuko Miyamoto & The 101 -vs- Ring Announcer(?) - (Gauntlet Match) [1/4*]

--- Even with short 90 second matches I kept losing interest......

1:38 of 1:30 - Shinobu wrestled Ring Announcer to a 1:30 Time Limit Draw

1:32 of 1:30 - K666 wrestled Ring Announcer to a 1:30 Time Limit Draw

1:34 of 1:30 - Konaka Pale One wrestled Ring Announcer to a 1:30 Time Limit Draw

1:32 of 1:30 - Dinasty wrestled Ring Announcer to a 1:30 Time Limit Draw

1:34 of 1:30 - Young Man wrestled Ring Announcer to a 1:30 Time Limit Draw

1:30 of 1:30 - Tochiki wrestled Ring Announcer to a 1:30 Time Limit Draw

1:08 of 1:10 - Yuko Miyamoto pinned Ring Announcer after a Fire Thunder piledriver

1:21 of 1:20 - Ring Announcer pinned The 101 after a Last Ride powerbomb



COMMENTS: Nah, never going to be a fan of this crap.....




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KAGEKI PRO on COMM: BEST OF DIABLO - 2001-2010 - (2 hrs)



DOVE PRO - September 18, 2009, Osaka


1. Diablo -vs- Souther - (Chain Match) [* 3/4]

--- A stubborn heavyweight style brawl going all over the place as music hit the speakers. That includes the toilet. Not in any way pretty wrestling or all that good, but they got the struggling across well in parts and as they were fighting the end it got fairly exciting as Souther had good control of things until the chained lariats hit him and Diablo showed him how to use a chain.....

22:34 of 22:34 - Diablo defeated Souther by TKO hanging him over the ropes with the chain



DEP - September 5, 2010


2. Diablo -vs- Taro Toyotomi [*]

--- This was uninteresting for a long time, but once Toyotomi was bleeding and Diablo keeping him down with a little help from his friends it had it's minor moments. Then Toyotomi got desperatly mad and used a chain to beat down Diablo choking him and pushing the referee away for the DQ.

14:16 of 14:16 - Diablo defeated Toyotomi by DQ



December 3, 2006, Kitakyushu-shi Chacha Town (2,720 fans)


3. KAZE & Super Taira & Cosmo*Soldier -vs- Diablo & Kurokage & Nozomi Kubo [* 1/4]

--- Decent action style match outside a mall/fun-fair area with Kageki Pro and it's wrestlers giving people around the area a little show to enjoy while going around minding their own business. Nothing super interesting as far as the wrestlnig went, but they kept it floating until the babyfaces got their win.

13:06 of 13:06 - Taira pinned Kubo after a top rope bodypress



KAGEKI PRO - February 3, 2007, Hakata - Southern Pier Hakata Multi-Purpose Hall (210 fans)


4. Satoshi Ogawa & KING & KISHIMEN (Cosmo*Soldier) & Harakiri Hakata (Azteca) -vs- Masked BJ S (Kitai Kubo) & Masked BJ M (Kurokage) & Masked BJ L (Diablo) & Masked BJ XL (Yuto Aijima) [*]

--- A strange comic filler tag with the known guys under other gimmicks to make it different. Not much to really take in. Some decent moves and little too serious before one of the BJ's lost to the company boss Azteca.

12:13 of 12:13 - Hakata pinned BJ S after a Festival Drop brainbuster



JWA Tokai - November 28, 2010


5. Diablo & Toryu -vs- Guerrero Diablo & Fujiyama Demon [*]

--- Fairly hardcore. Not in any way fresh wrestling, but it filled the time and for a JWA Tokai match it was nearly a classic. The real Diablo beats the fake one with a chain wrapped around the arm for the lariat with Guerrero landing hard on a pile of chairs in the process.

8:40 of 12:05 - Diablo pinned Guerrero after a chained lariat



KAGEKI PRO - August 12, 2001


6. Dos Caras & Dos Caras Jr. -vs- Diablo & Handsome Lee [* 1/2]

--- Alberto Del Rio and daddy! Dos Caras Jr. was fairly fresh to pro-wrestling here and while you could see his athletic qualities as he busted out his moves, the structure and timing wasn't always there even with papa guiding him. But he was by far the most spectacular of the bunch and you see clearly the potential he had and why he's reached the position in WWE as he has now. This was just a tribute match with Dos Caras Sr giving the fans something to laugh about as he kept losing his mask a few times before he got the expected plancha win.

10:06 of 11:10 - Caras Sr. pinned Lee with a top rope plancha



COMMENTS: Diablo is hardly a world class wrestler so to have a 'Best of...' comp seems a little irrelevant, but we get a few obscure small show matches with the guy and it's far from his worst work available.




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TRUTH on COMM - September 7, 14, 21 & 28, 2010, Warabi City - (2 hrs)



September 7, 2010, Warabi City


1. Ryan Upin & Guts Ishijima -vs- Yamamoto-san & ? [1/2*]

--- The hugh quebrada from the unknown flyer was nice. The rest....pretty bad. Guts makes the other lump of garbage quit. Sadly not for good.

6:25 of 9:25 - Ishijima made Yamamoto submit to a Streach Plum



2. Tatsuhiko Yoshino -vs- Chango & Amigo Suzuki - (Handicap) [1/4*]

--- Yoshino getting beat until Guts & Shiryu came in and helped him to victory....

5:05 of 9:16 - Yoshino pinned Chango with a German Suplex



3. Daisuke -vs- Madoka [*]

--- Competitive and simple wrestling. They combined submissions and the more jumping kind wrestling until Madoka was smashed with a Sliding D.

11:40 of 11:39 - Daisuke pinned Madoka after a Sliding D



September 14, 2010, Warabi City


4. Kakugari Umibozu & ? -vs- Masked Mystery & Southern Cross [1/4*]

--- This is so very low-rent.....

7:20 of 9:39 - ? pinned Mystery after a modified Pedigree



5. Daisuke & Kankuro Hoshino -vs- Ryan Upin & Guts Ishijima [1/2*]

--- Only some action to pass the day with Hoshino showing whois the man with this bunch squashing Chou-un Shiryu, who for some reason calls himself Ryan Upin here.

7:20 of 12:04 - Hoshino pinned Shiryu after a top rope senton



6. Isami Kodaka -vs- Tatsuhiko Yoshino [*]

--- Stuggled with making it interesting as Union Pro's Isami comes into town for a match with young Yoshino. There was however a couple of real nice moments as Yoshino German'ed Isami with a very high bridge! Also Isami's finishing kneedrops helped the overall impression.

10:36 of 10:34 - Kodaka pinned Yoshino after a top rope double-kneedrop



September 21, 2010, Warabi City


7. Daisuke -vs- Masked Mystery [1/4*]

--- Just Daisuke squashing the masked shit....

3:23 of 8:59 - Daisuke pinned Mystery after a Sliding D



8. Ryan Upin & Guts Ishijima & ? -vs- Kazuhiro Tamura & Masato Shibata & Kotaru Nasu [1/2*]

--- Truth vs Style-E! But they got surprisingly little out of it. Maybe not surprising, but Style-E guys usually have harder workrate then this and one could have hoped for more inspiration from the Truth squad. But it ended up being just a little match where the home team won.

6:34 of 11:55 - Shiryu pinned Nasu after a top rope single-foot stomp



9. Yuko Miyamoto -vs- Tatsuhiko Yoshino [* 1/4]

--- Miyamoto coming in to teach Yoshino a thing or two. Or three. or a dozen. Miyamoto really was the bringer of good. Yoshino just felt tame next to him. Even on attack sadly. This could have become a fairly good match, but it just floated around in a very average way with Miyamoto landing his stuff until he had the guy beat.

14:02 of 14:01 - Miyamoto pinned Yoshino after a moonsault



September 28, 2010, Warabi City


10. ? -vs- Yamamoto-san [1/4*]

--- ....the turtle guy gets the better of the lazy-san.....

3:52 of 8:24 - ? pinned Yamamoto with a backslide



11. Daisuke & Ryan Upin & Guts Ishijima & Tatsuhiko Yoshino -vs- Masashi Takeda & Kazuhiro Tamura & Masato Shibata & Kotaru Nasu - (Elimination) [**]

--- Ok here they did something with the Truth vs Style-E theme! The best we could have hoped for even if it was a bit on the long side. They still managed to fill the time nicely and made it fairly exciting. The main guys responsable for that was Tamura and Daisuke and it was fitting that they fought for the finish even if I'd liked to have seen Takeda more prominent in this fight. Well, Truth ends up being the truth with Daisuke winning it for the team fighting off alone the two-on-one situaion!

15:06 - Tamura made Shiryu submit to a armbar

17:24 - Ishijima pinned Shibata after a lariat

19:02 - Ishijima & Takeda eliminated via Over The Top Rope

21:33 - Yoshino eliminated via Over The Top Rope

26:53 - Daisuke pinned Nasu with a Falcon Arrow

28:00 of 31:32 - Daisuke pinned Tamura after a Sliding D



COMMENTS: A lot of dead indy time....but it had a nice final

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DDT on Samurai TV - September 8 & 26, 2010, Tokyo - (2 hrs)



September 8, 2010, Tokyo - Shin-Kiba 1st RING (264 fans)


1. 10-Man Unit Reorganization Battle Royal [3/4*]

--- Different kind of rules battle royal. The guy that got a fall could ask any of the other guys in the royal if they want to be friends and if he accepted they both could leave the match. If no, the match continued with the guy that won the fall. Which happend to Michael who got rejected by Soma so in the end Soma beat Michael and picked Rion Mizuki leaving Matsunaga and Michael as the final loser group.

8:44 of 10:04 - Michael Nakazawa & Tomimitsu Matsunaga lost the Unit Reorganization Battle Royal



2. Dick Togo -vs- Kazuki Hirata

--- Young punk Hirata troubling the veteran a little before Dick surprised him with a Crippler Crossface with nowhere to go.

2:08 of 8:02 - Togo made Hirata submit to a Crippler Crossface



3. Sanshiro Takagi -vs- Yuki Miyazaki [* 1/4]

--- Retiring NEO and joshi wrestler Miyazaki getting a match against the DDT boss. And they actually had a hard competitive bout! Of the serious kind. Miyazaki landed the moonsault and moonsault double-footstomp! But she was not going to beat Takagi at his own territory, so Takagi landed a bunch of deadly moves on her including a Death Valley Bomb and then the modified Ligerbomb to win it!

5:11 of 14:42 - Takagi pinned Miyazaki with a Sit-Down Sunflower Bomb



4. HARASHIMA & Toru Owashi -vs- Danshoku Dino & Muscle Sakai [*]

--- Muscle Sakai is on his way out and this is his final Shin-kiba arena match! So it was only natural that the match was all about his comedy built around his Muscle Stomp! That's a the move where he just stomps his opponent's foot. And there was a bunch of stomps all over the place with super over-selling! Even the referee looked like he was dying from the stomps! And the match had to end with a stomp, hadn't it? And Muscle was the victim as HARASHIMA landed a running version to beat him.

8:19 of 16:24 - HARASHIMA pinned Sakai after a Somato Muscle Stomp



September 26, 2010, Tokyo - Korakuen Hall (1,342 fans)


5. Dick Togo & GENTARO -vs- KUDO & Yasu Urano

--- Highlights with GENTARO doing the Sasuke Special and Urano with Togo doing a bunch of flash cradles until Dick got Urano where he wanted him. KUDO walked out on Urano after the match.

1:57 of 10:48 - Togo pinned Urano with a Crippler Crossface roll-up cradle



6. Muscle Sakai -vs- Sanshiro Takagi [*]

--- Muscle Sakai's final DDT match! Not sure if one can call it a match. It was a retirement rumble. Every minute or so the usual retirement tribute stuff would happen. Friends and colleagues coming out with gifts and tribute stuff! Best one was Yoshiaki Yago coming out singing him a tribute song. They kind of got all the cerimonial stuff out of the way during the match. Not sure what happend at the end, but Takagi had Sakai pinned, but then a censured video clip appeared getting replayed again and again which distracted Takagi and Sakai got the tribute win rolling him up with a schoolboy! And then SANSHIRO TAKAGI got the 10-bell salute....to take a holiday vacation with his family?! What?!

15:11 of 16:03 - Sakai pinned Takagi witrh a schoolboy



7. Shiro Koshinaka & Danshoku Dino © -vs- HARASHIMA & Toru Owashi - (KO-D Tag Title) [*]

--- HARASHIMA German Suplexed Dino on his ASS!!! That was sweet. Dino's ass was never the same after that. Not to mention Koshinaka accidentally crutching himself on the top turnbuckle! His balls was never the same after that! But the two still managed to russel up the win with butt-butts and the dreaded Gotch-style gaydriver. But this one was too heavily cut down for TV to really get me too excited.

5:48 of 18:52 - Dino pinned Owashi after a Gotch-style Danshoku Driver. Koshinaka & Dino retain the KO-D Tag Title in their 1st defence.



COMMENTS: Mostly about Muscle Sakai. Goodluck with the rest of your life Sakai. [beatles]"DDT, DDT, DDT, DDT, Speaking words of wisdom, DDT"!!![/beatles]




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BJPW on COMM - September 8, 2010, Takaoka - (1 3/4 hrs)



September 8, 2010, Takaoka Techno Dome (900 fans)


1. Daikokubo Benkei & Takumi Tsukamoto -vs- Atsushi Ohashi & Kazuki Hashimoto [3/4*]

--- Simple action to open the show with the rookies carrying the action with Tsukamoto winning again over Hashimoto.

11:23 of 11:21 - Tsukamoto pinned Hashimoto with a schoolboy



2. Masked Genbei -vs- Yuichi Taniguchi [1/4*]

--- Taniguchi having a equal to play with. Forget this one.

11:12 of 11:10 - Genbei pinned Taniguchi after a running double-chop



3. Daisuke Sekimoto & Shinobu -vs- Mamoth Sasaki & Ryuichi Kawakami [*]

--- It really was the littlest they could give the fans. Or at least by their own standard. Decent basic fighting, but not nearly at their best. It's only a small house show, you know. Sekimoto German ends the day for Kawakami.

11:13 of 11:12 - Sekimoto pinned Kawakami with a German Suplex



4. Ryuji Ito & Takashi Sasaki & Shadow WX -vs- Brahman Kei & Brahman Shu & Kankuro Hoshino - (Hardcore) [* 1/4]

--- Simple fun hardcore brawl with the twins with my favourite moment being Sasaki double-slapping their bald tops. That and Hoshino getting sprayed by his own partners with black ink leaving him a very easy target for Ito and his Dragon Splash.

16:48 of 16:46 - Ito pinned Hoshino after a chaired top rope bodypress



5. Yoshito Sasaki -vs- Yuji Okabayashi [*]

--- While it followed the trend of the show of being a lesser effort it had a coupe of ok impact blows. It kind of had to with two wrestlers that symbolize that style. But still this was nothing special and naturally Sasaki won with his experience at the lariat wrestling.

12:45 of 12:45 - Sasaki pinned Okabayashi after a lariat



6. Jun Kasai & Jaki Numazawa © -vs- Abdullah Kobayashi & Yuko Miyamoto - (BJPW Tag Title; Light Tubes Death Match) [* 3/4]

--- A bloody light tubes match. Hell, all of these matches are bloody like crazy. And it's for the BJPW Tag Titles. Good fun would be the best I can say about it. Even if it was a title bout it wasn't of the highest priority as impact was low and they kept having to try again to crush quite a few of the light tubes. That takes away the 'death' a little bit out of violence matches. But still they did a lot that was fine and they had a good time in there until Kasai landed his Pearl Harbor Splash, with light tubes of course, to keep the belts on the hardcore kings.

20:41 of 20:40 - Kasai pinned Miyamoto after a light tube bodypress. Kasai & Numazawa retain the BJPW Tag Title in their 2nd defence.



COMMENTS: Not an essential show at all. The main event was ok, but still below most light tube matches with a meaning and this was a title bout.




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