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DOORS 6.15 - SHOW START 7.00








It was the match all Southside fans wanted to see , and a match we were desperate to deliver after MVK's cheating ways at Battle of the ego's . This time it will be for the Southside title and we will also introduce a special enforcer in case this one gets out of hand again.







The very first Pro Wrestling Eve match to take place inside the Southside ring will be none other than Eve super hero herself - Super Janey B v the much traveled Rhia O'reilly who has wrestled for companys like EWW and All Star.





After his impressive debut at "Battle of The Egos" against El Ligero, Marty Scurll wanted another chance in the SWE ring and after hearing Travis was back on Southisde, we quickly received a call from Mr Scurll himself informing us that he is fed up with Travis and his general arrogance. Scurll has vowed to take Travis's Ego down a step or two. This match is sure to be fast paced, athletic and technically superior. Dont Miss It!




The hilarious team of Martin Kirby and Mad Man Manson ( current DPW tag team champs ) take on the two most vocal heels on the Southside roster , I'm sure that this will be giving fans huge entertainment and will be a fantastic contest.




Unbeaten T-Bone will be once again be looking to make an impression on his way to his big title shot at the 1st Anniversary show and what better way to do this than beating rising star Joseph Conners who has been gaining more and more good reviews and will be looking to improve on his Southside debut against Mad Man Manson.





Southside favourite El Ligero will be facing his biggest challenge yet in Southside against the Tyneside Terror Lowthian. Not only that but if El Ligero successfully defends his NEWS title against Martin Kirby then it will be defended again inside the Southside ring. Can El Ligero survive against this huge young monster ?




The mysterious masked warrior is back, unbeaten in Southside so far chalking up victories against Robbie X , Scotty Hexx and former Futureshock champion Raynaldo. He seems to have had real issues with El Ligero for some unknown reason and has dragged young Robbie X into the argument . Robbie suffered his first defeat against Ego Dragon for Southside and wants the chance to even up the score , will the young star have what it takes ?
















Show tonight guys - this will 100% be a sellout which is amazing considering it's a brand new venue and there are so many other fantastic shows on tonight , thanks again for your support and hope to see you there.


Get ready for a great night , will we see a new champion or will once again Val Kabious be victorious , will El Ligero hold onto his NEWS title ? also you will get to witness all our new sound system , lighting and Merch.

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Any results?


T-Bone def. Joseph Conners

Ego Dragon def. Robbie X

Pro Wrestling EVE Match: Janey B def. Rhia O'Reilly

Kris Travis def. Marty Scurll

El Ligero def. Lowthian via DQ when Ego Dragon interfered.



These are results so far from a mate who's attending tonight.


Currently Prince Ameen and Cam Kraze are taking on Mad Man Manson and Martin Kirby.


*EDIT* Manson and Kirby def. Kraze and Ameen after Manson rolls up Kraze.

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Really good show tonight


Opened after a few technical problems there was an in ring promo between Burridge and Val Kabious which was a nice way to start the show and build up for the main event


T-Bone beat Connors in a decent opening match


Ego Dragon (Looking more like Super Dragon every time i see him) beat Robbie X (who has a beard) which was much better than their last match in southside and probably the best performance i have ever seen from both guys


Janey B beats Rhia O'Reilly in a match that i felt was awkward in terms of crowd reaction


Travis beat Scurll in a really good match that was match of the night and an amazing match


El Ligero beat Lowthian by DQ where although the ending was predictably it was a impressive performance from both guys


Manson and Kirby beat Kraze and Ahmeen in a match that was a perfect example of both getting the crowd excited before a main event and before their own match actually begins


Burridge beats Val Kabious to win the title in a great brawl and i am not sure which of their 2 matches were better but it was a great way to end the show

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Another great show tonight!


It was a packed venue, and bar the technical difficulties at the start, it was another solid show by SWE.


Absolute highlight for me tonight was the Travis/Scurll Match. Superb!!


Cant wait for The 3 way at Anniversary show. HARDCORE!!!

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Great show, well done to all involved, and a huge step up from last time.


Although there were some sound issues at the start, it didn't hurt at all, and hell, every time I've seen Dragon Gate they've had similar problems, so I think it's just the curse of wrestling events, or I'm a jinx.


It ws a full house, tightly packed in, and the kids were in full voice, which is always fun to listen to (quote of the night goes to some kid, who upon witnessing Travis humping the air, shouted, "You disgusting man!").


The opening promo between Val and Burridge showed how Val has progressed, getting over the title as his wife and getting the audience to hate him, while Burridge was comedy gold and considering the majority of the audience didn't know who he was when he came to the ring, he got them behind him pretty quickly. I think this was a great way to hype the title match, because had the match just taken place, I doubt it would have been half as hot as it was.




T-Bone vs Connors


This match was fine, but T-bone seems much more comfortable dishing offense out than taking it. I don't understand why T-bone is so over... I must be really detached from the uk scene, because I've seen him twice now, and he hasn't stood out as anything amazing, yet. Some kids were referring to him as "the legend."


It was a decent opener, though, and Tbone won with the FU, rather than the scary exploder he used last time.


Ego Dragon vs Robbie X


The first things I noticed were: Robbie has longer hair and a bit of a beard, and is taller and a lot more ripped than before. Considering his age, I don't know if it's just a natural growth spurt or if he's just been hitting the gym a lot harder, but he looks good, either way.


Robbie was as clean and crisp as ever, flowing through his offense in a way that makes me think that if there's any justice in the world, he'll get snapped up by ROH, TNA or WWE (and hopefully used well). He has a bright future. Ego Dragon held up his side of the match pretty well, and he worked as a decent foil keeping robbie grounded when he could.


It was a fun match, but sadly, Ego won... he had to, though, considering he's facing ligero in the november, which I'm looking forward to.


Janey B vs Rhia O'Reilly


There was something strange about this match. I think it's because nobody was sure who the face or heel was, the crowd was reluctant to boo or cheer either of them. They worked hard, but seemed a little off their step the whole way through.


Things picked up towards the end though, and JB won with a headscissors into arm bar for the submission.


Travis vs Scurll


Brilliant match, as one would expect from Scurll, and Travis was a great heel. This was a fast paced match where scurll showed off what he could do, while Travis did everything he could to make the audience hate him, even smashing a chair onto poor marty (I couldn't see the impact from where I was, but it sounded brutal).


Travis kept throwing Marty out of the ring and beating him up, hoping to get the count out, but Marty managed to beat the ten count. Eventually, when it looked certain that Marty was out, he just made it in in time and had his come back. Unfortunately, shennanigans led to Travis getting the roll up and win. This was fine, though, because it meant I got to see a granny flip off Travis with enraged gusto.


El Ligero vs Lowthian


Another good match. Lowtian is a big lad, that's for sure, and Ligero was, well, ligero. As such, it was a tidy match where Ligero played David to Lowthian's Goliath. The end was never in doubt though, as Ego Dragon ran in and clobbered ligero.



Manson and Kirby beat Kraze and Ahmeen


Ahmeen is great at riling the crowd up and getting them to hate him. Props to the guy next to us who had the "ameen is a princess" sign, because it inspired the obvious chant that I don't think has been directed at ameen during any other southside events: "she's a princess"


Kraze and Ahmeen play the hapless heel duo perfectly, and Manson was a total riot. I've never seen him before, but he reminds me of Colt Cabana in how he manages to turn wrestling into the pantomime it is without turning it into farce. Meanwhile, Kirby, when in the ring, kept the match on track towards a conclusion.


I would just like to add that Kirby should get himself a stable of fans and call them "kirb crawlers." That is all.


Burridge vs Val Kabious


This was a great main event. After their opening antics, Val was firmly booed, while Burridge was never without some form of chant. They brawled around the ring, and burridge slammed children onto MVK in the most vicious bit of offense I have ever seen!!!!!!!


They worked really hard, and I was impressed to see val pull off a Christopher Daniels style moonsault. Burridge also left his feet to do a nice suicide dive. My friends and I were convinced val would win by shenanigans once again, and when he grabbed the belt following a ref bump, I was sure it was over, and sure enough, burridge got hit by the belt, then somehow kicked out!


They continued a little and MVK went for his finisher, but burridge wriggled free and got a sunset flip for the win, and oh my did the roof come off the building. That they got pretty much everyone on their feet with the finish shows how good the match and the show was.


After the match, val demanded a rematch, and then Tbone came out saying that he was the no.1 contender. Burridge decided that it'd be better for them to have a hardcore three way match, which sounds great. I might even get to see what the fuss is about T-bone.


Big thumbs up from me, even if I did have to run off before the show FULLY concluded, so as to miss my last bus home...

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I think you are spot on with the women's match... there was neither a clear heel or face, and the crowd seemed confused.


As for T-Bone, i don't know what it is about the guy, he just has that x factor and people like and warm to him.... The women love him!!


I think the 3 way Title match could be something amazing.... T-Bone has been waiting a while for his title shot, so he will be well up for it, and after Burridge/MVK at Battle of the Egos, i can see the match being carnage with the Hardcore element.


Can SWE Management please hide any raffle Encyclopedias and confiscate womens handbags because we all know how they were used back in Feb :)


Lastly great to see Travis back in the ring.... he plays his role soooo well and i hope he doesnt retire!

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I am also going down with on the side of don't see what is so special about T-Bone, he certainly looks the part but in terms of performance he seems to struggling


Also the 1st Anniversary show is shaping up to be great at this rate as right now it will probably look like:


MVK vs Burridge vs T-Bone

Kirby vs Travis

Storm vs Mastiff

Ligero vs Ego Dragon (Likely)

Manson vs Craze Loser leaves southside match? (I think craze set out the challenge last night)

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I enjoyed my first taste of SWE, it was a long day but totally worth it and hopefully we can return again sometime soon, well done to all involved for an impressive set up, a great show and for making me feel very welcome (even though I forgot everything I was asked to provide to help out)

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Hey guys , sorry it's a little late but here's my opinion of Saturday night .......


Opening and had technical difficulties , I spent best part of a grand on stuff the week before. It had all been rigged up , checked , double checked etc etc , come show time and the mic kept blowing the amp ..... eventually sorted out the problem and from then on wards I thought the show was one of our best.


Val kabious promo at the beginning where he was now calling his belt mrs Kabious was great , threatened a kid then Burrideg came out to a huge pop , saved the kid and proceeded to tell the crowd that mrs Kabious was gonna cheat on him to become mrs Burridge that night - coz she's a slag ......


T-Bone had a brutal encounter with Joseph Conners , I'm a little shocked on here by peoples views as T-bone is so over with the crowd it's untrue.


Robbie X v Ego Dragon , tbh I never saw any of the match but heard from loads of people that it was fantastic , also glad there were some nice comments about Robbie and people are actually noticing how much work he is putting in the gym !


Eve match was great in my opinion however the crowd struggle with the face v face until near the end when Rhia turned heel on Janey


Travis v Scurll was very possibly the best match ever in Southside , these 2 are with out a doubt 2 of the top workers in the UK , I promise anyone that buys the dvd would not be dissapointed and in my opinion MOTN . Iknew when I booked this that it would tear down the house and it disapoint in a single way.


El Ligero retained his belt by winning via DQ when Lowthian interfeared but the fans never saw it coming , after a few incidents the fans now are really excited to see them face each other 1 on 1 ! I thought it was a great match , Ligero is always fantastic and loved the Southside debut of Lowthian . I thought it was a perfect match up for 2 very contrasting styles.


Manson & Kirby v Ameen & Craze was everything you would expect it to be , My mother has even claimed to be Manson's new no1 fan . The match was funny and kept the crowd entertained with light relief before the main event. I particually liked the line from Manson " YEAH JUST LIKE WE REHEARSED BACKSTAGE "


Main event was brutal and in my opinion better than there first encounter , loved it when Burridge was using kids as weapons ! I really can't understand why Greg is not booked more as he is so over with the crowds , most of this crowd had never seen him before but he has a special way about him. However I don't wanna take anything away from MVK , he more than played his part and between them this was fantastic. I think the crowd really thought Val was going to win again when Kris Travis came out to distract Burridge and Val hit him with the belt . When Burridge finally won the crowd popped big time and Val's 11 month title reign came to an end.


MVK then said he was demanding his rematch at the St Neots Anniversary show - after some stare downs and arguments and Burridge accepting Val's challange ...... T-Bones music hits ...... He reminds Val that he is no1 contender and he is having his Title shot at the Anniversary show , at the point the crowd are bangin on th matt , kids shouting.


Burridge takes it upon himself to take on both , 3 way Hardcore match at the Anniversary show !


Overall really please but still think we have things we can improve on and fully intend to !


Thank you to everyone who attended and every one that helped make the show a success !

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Retribution 2 was a great show from start to finish, considering this was the first time that Southside has been to Huntington is was a legetimate sellout which is a credit to all the hardwork put in by all involved.


The new equipment was a nice touch and 1 of the best if not the best merchandise stands in the whole of British Wrestling today with a wide selection of products avaliable inc magnets, posters, calanders, t shirts, dvds and much more and fairly priced in my opinion too. I also personally love the banners that were displayed around the venue they are very proffesional looking and well designed.


As some have already pointed out there was a slight techanical delay at the start of the show but these things happen.


The opening promo between Val and Burridge was very intense and also comical as well and set their later match up well.


T bone opened the show facing Joseph Connors, T Bone is super over with the crowd and def has the look to be a future star the match was a good opening contest and saw T Bone pick up another victory.


Next up Ego Dragon faced the ever impressive Robbie X, Robbie has clearly been working out as the new look clearly shows and the hard work has paid off, I have always enjoyed Robbies matches and this was his finest to date both men worked extremely hard and this was a fine performance from both. The match saw some crisp flowwing action and some lovely spots in the end Dragon won the match. I look forward to seeing more of both wrestlers and Robbie is def one to watch.


Next up there was a guest match from Pro Wrestling Eve featuring Super Janey B against Rhia O Riley this match took a while to get going but ended up being Ok, however the crowd never really seemed to get into it which is a shame because both Janey and Rhia did try to get the crowd going at times, it ended with Janey B winning with an armbar.


The last match of the first half saw Travis take on Scurll this was the match I was most looking forward to seeing as in my opinion these are 2 of the best workers on the Uk scene at the moment. This match did not dissapoint and was def MOTN the action was back and forth with some amazing wrestling displayed by both, the match went back and forth with Travis eventually picking up the win (on a side note I saw Marty wrestle the next night and he again stole the show)


After a quick break which allowed the fans a chance to grab a photo with Marty Scurll (which the kids seemed to love) we had 3 more matches


Kicking off Part 2 of the show was a match betwwen the NEWS champion El Ligero and Lowthian, this was my first time seeing Lowthian wrestler and I wasnt sure what to expect from the match, Lowthian is a big solid looking guy and although it was a clash of styles the match seemed to work which is a credit to both men, El Ligero picked up a DQ victory after Ego Dragon interferred in the match.


The next match was a tag match pitting the team of Cameron Kraze and Price Ahmeen against Mad Man Manson and Kirby. Ahmeen and Kraze worked the crowd well and drew great heat inc chants of Baldy (Kraze) and Princess (Ahmeen) which the crowd love and seems to be the reaction these 2 get when they wrestle. Manson and Kirby came out to a good reaction and Manson in particular seemed very popular. I hadnt seen MMM wrestle before but he was so funny even sitting on my lap before the match and wearing Ahmeens top as a dress/nappy. The match itself was so comical inc a 4 way nipple twist, a beard and nose pulling/slapping contest and my personal favourite moment when Manson told Ahmeen to "run and hit him whilst he shut his eyes just like we practiced in the back". In the Manson and Kirby were victorious.


The main event was between the SWE champion MVK Val Kabious and Greg Burridge for the SWE championship, this was a rematch from Battle of the Egos back in Feb. The match was very hard hitting from the start and continued throughout, the crowd were very much in support of Burridge. The funniest moment occured when Burridge used kids from the crowd to stomp on Val. Both men worked extremely hard and both deserve huge credit for making this match for what it was. Your winner and new SWE champion Greg Burridge the place exploded.


Val demanded his rematch at the anniversary show this promted T Bone to appear and let everyone no he was the number 1 contended so deserved his shot at the title, in the end Burridge excepted both challanges thus setting up a 3 way title match for the anniversary show in Nov and it will be HARDCORE.


The crowd seemed to enjoy the evening and I personally cant wait for the anniversary show, If you havent been to a SWE show before and are a fan of wrestling I strongly reccomend going as you will not be dissapointed, im sure the anniversary show will be another sellout so get your tickets for Nov 6th in St Neot for what im sure will be another fantastic night from the SWE crew, this is without a doubt a promotion with a big future in the UK and is rapidly gaining a great reputation, and with shows like this it is easy to see why. It is nice to see promoters about who clearly care for and listen to the fans and all the SWE crew deserve a huge amount of credit SWE is a name to remember.

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