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Posts posted by Emperorseb

  1. Are the TNA 2004/2005 PPVs any good? Are they worth a tenner?


    Of course they're worth a tenner. Decent period in TNA history, even if Jarrett was main-eventing far too often.

    I heard that the first Victory Road was pretty good


    New question


    Are TNA really pulling Doug Williams indy bookings and making him strictly exclusive to themselves

  2. I'm considering ordering Death Before Dishonor 8 tomorrow


    good 4 u



    If you guys wouldn't mind I've got a few questions

    Fire away



    Has anyone used the GoFightLive PPV steams before


    I have


    if so whats the quality like etc?

    kinda poor



    Are they reliable?

    Not really



    Also am I right in thinking it will start at 1AM like WWE PPVS?

    It starts at 8pm over there, so yeah i guess



    Do they have the intermissions in there entirety or are they on a tape delay that cuts them out?

    im pretty sure there is no tape delay, they show mostly everything live as it happens, during the intermission they would interject a match from ROHs past on the internet broadcast



    can you order the PPVs as a repeat rather than live?

    shortly after the initial broadcast, the show will be available to view like a Youtube video on the very same webpage, after you pay for it like normal




    You too.


    wow i really picked apart your post there :D

  3. So the Off topic questions thread isn't where it usually would be but instead disappeared off the front page and replaced by a thread that says Question Answer in the title like a red herring


    Most illogical


    and then like hanging out at a orphanage for lobotomised troglodytes with ADHD get insulted for such a simple mistake,


    maybe they're bitter that they cannot resist backing down from a challenge yet couldn't find the answer if their life depended on it


    but meh, what else is new around here


    I think the science is that you need a hobby. Far too much time on your hands!


    this coming from a guy who just made a post on here that has no relevancy no constructiveness no fucking thought whatsoever.

  4. Heres my guess to what the ROH Big Bang card will be


    <-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

    Kings Of Wrestling vs. The Briscoes for the Tag Titles has already been confirmed


    Trios Match

    Super Parka, Magno and Solar vs. Blue Demon Jr, Misterioso and “El Exotico” Cassandro


    Davey Richards vs. Brian Kendrick


    Eddie Kingston vs. Joey Ryan


    Colt Cabana and El Genercio vs. Steve Corino and Kevin Steen


    Necro Butcher vs. Erick Stevens Hair vs. Hair and Falls Count Anywhere


    Kenny King vs. Eddie Edwards for the TV title


    Tyler Black vs. Austin Ares vs. Roderick Strong vs. KENTA, Four Corner Survival for the ROH World Title


    [close spoiler]

  5. in mere hours this thread will close and the shit award will be given to a most deserving winner


    now before you resond to this with your grey feelings towards me and about this result,


    no no, dont bother,


    you people called it, you chose to be so black and white about it and said i was going to win this and in the end im not even in the top two



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