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Posts posted by claymore

  1. First off, I doubt that any of the promotions listed there are part of a conspiracy to kill off 1PW. Some of them might have agreed in principle to the idea of an interpromotional title, but if you think companies like SWA, who have no direct competition with 1PW, harbour some sort of grudge against the company and deliberately set out to destroy it, well that's a little paranoid.Secondly, I have some doubts about some of the names listed there. For one thing, one of the guys listed isn't the owner/booker/promoter of the promotion he's affilliated with.Third - COMPETITION IS A GOOD AND HEALTHY THING! In any field competition forces companies to make better products, provide better services, improve their marketing, increase efficiency etc. A little more competitiveness could be the kick up the backside that British wrestling needs. There's more money in British wrestling than anyone's currently making. You could argue a number of reasons as to why that's the case, but competition can be the driving force that propels a whole industry forward.

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