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Mr. Seven

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Posts posted by Mr. Seven

  1. Anyone played Deadly Premonition? I'm not far into it and despite its many, many flaws I'm somewhat loving it. It's basically Twin Peaks meets Silent Hill with graphics worthy of the Dreamcast and controls reminiscent of Resident Evil 1. The story is utterly bizarre and the lead character appears to be mentally unstable. I should think it's rubbish but something about it keeps drawing me in.

  2. Taken is excellent. It garnered some hilariously stuffy reviews that screamed of xenophobia but those critics missed the point. It doesn't attempt to be anything more than a straightforward action film. The fact that Liam Neeson is totally believable as a Jason Bourne-style badass who can and will fuck anybody up is one of cinema's finest tricks. Now I'm not saying the guy couldn't handle himself in a scrap, but when I saw the poster for the film my instant reaction was "Liam Neeson... really?


    By the film's end I was ready to surrender to the man should I ever walk past him in the street. I also adore the fact that it's only about 80 minutes long, is utterly ridiculous and has no qualms regarding the alleged xenophobia (It's Liam Neeson versus EUROPE!) and thus is populated full of hilarious stereotypes.


    Also, the phonecall is one of the greatest scenes. When he delivers that speech and the kidnapper goes "Good luck" before hanging up on him. Well if you're not in a room with your mates and a rake of beer shouting "OHHHHHHHH!!!" at that moment, then you've yet to watch the film properly.


    It NEEDS a sequel.

  3. Jesse James is meant to unlikeable though. Surely you want to compile a list of unintentionally hateful protagonists? Stick Bella Swan and Cathy Linton at the top either way.


    Also Bodhi is a prick but he's seductive, so yeah I can see the Tyler Durden comparisons. I love Point Break. I find myself defending Keanu Reeves quite a bit really. I think he's nowhere near as bad an actor as people make out.

  4. Absolute nonsense.

    Of course. You and green didn't nominate him for every nagative award. Green didn't accuse him of having a "Joe The Lion" style breakdown for giving his opinion. Gladstone hasn't (twice) posted that he should win this award. Just from my memory. Sure there'll be more.



    Pretty sure I nominated him for this award and nothing else. This might shock you, but I don't control what Green or Gladstone do. The notion that Family Guy PMSL is this put-upon victim is absolute rubbish. He's a desperately unfunny smart-alec prick, and nothing more.

  5. Then maybe you can understand how everyone else felt about the side-splitting 'Free The UKFF One protest' we had to endure earlier this year.


    You've really not taken your nomination here very well, have you?

    I don't particularly know the guy, nor can I think of even one of his posts. However, he takes an awful lot of shit from some of the clown club and the various hangers on (as does TripleA) so he's going to give some back. Don't try and pretend he's just reacting to this nomination. If people are going to troll someone, there's going to be a reaction. Don't try and take the higher ground to the response, you look like a fool.


    Absolute nonsense.

  6. The day Rupert Murdoch pays millions to broadcast Mike Castle's thrilling victories over Snake Plissken, I may concede the game worthy of a few threads on here. Until then, I'll continue to view it as Dungeons and Dragons without the saving grace of face to face socialising.




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