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Mr Tibbs

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Posts posted by Mr Tibbs

  1. Folks, I don't want infallible babyfaces, or storylines that are over in a couple of weeks. I've enjoyed this storyline and think that it has provided some of the best WWE TV this year.


    However, I firmly stick by my point that DB was made to look too weak this week. If DB hadn't beaten Orton and Cena clean as a sheet then maybe (and I mean Maybe) I could have seen his match with the Big Show from a logical point of view. However, that is not the case. Are we meant to believe that DB can beat Cena and Orton but cannot even hurt the BS at all. If they had had a competitive match (or BS had at least sold some of his offence) before the Shield ran in then I would have been fine with this. However, BS treated him like a jobber, like he was nothing and in the headlining position that DB is in I just don't think that's the right thing to do.


    You are correct when you state that logically, DB would get squashed by BS. However, the massive fly in that ointment is that BS over his WWE tenure has not been protected in the manner of Andre the Giant. He has been beaten in every major feud he has been in with opponents of varying size. Are we meant to forget that? Forget about all the jobs he did before. He treated DB in the way that Kane treated Zach Ryder and that is a fair comparison. Bryon can get beaten down each week by a number of wrestlers, that's fine because as you have said, he's the gutsy Babyface who's battling the odds. What should not happen is what transpired on Monday. That made no sense at all.


    As for the NWO comparison. Fair point

  2. Are you ever not a complete idiot?


    Just because Austin's storyline was done one way, that's no reason to do it the same way every time they do a similar storyline. Bryan is a completely different personality - he's not a physically imposing bald nutter who looks like he could kill you with a sideways glance. He's a small-ish chap with unkempt facial hair. It's called building a storyline, something you clearly have no patience for, in which case I suggest you go and find something else that suits your minute attention span. And he absolutely does not desperately need to win the title at the next PPV. The fun is always in the chase.


    So please explain to me what value DB got from looking like a jobber next to the Big Show? How did the Big Show's no selling of a former world champions offence in any way, shape or form build DB up for NOC? Please, I'm begging you to let me know how DB came out of this weeks RAW looking strong. It's not like previous weeks when the numbers game got the better of him! BS no sold his offence and swatted him down like a fly! Tell me that Sanka!


    I'm all for the thrill of the chase, but at some point the Babyface needs to end at least one week on top. Each week that goes by erodes the fans confidence in his ability! The heels end up looking cool and the babyfaces look castrated! Ala NWO!

  3. All I can say is I hope that Bryan is winning the title at Night of Champions because he was made to look sooo weak on RAW. How can it be logical that he beat Cena, clean as a sheet and yet, his offence has no effect on the Big Show. This is meant to be 1 of you're 2 top guys while Cena is away and the WWE made him look like a pussy! He's been outsmarted each week by Triple H! Were is the comeback? Was Steve Austin outsmarted by Vince McMahon every week! Fuck no, it's the babyface who should be outsmarting the heel. I'm not against the heel leaving the face lying at the end of the show, but fuck me, this is 4 weeks in a row!

  4. Well, no Carter means no TNA. No way would Daddy Carter pump his millions into a company that's not ran by his daughter.


    I wouldn't be surprised if the Carter's tried to sell this thing to Viacom. At the end of the day dispite all its' faults (and there are many) it still delivers a good rating that is well above the station average. The problem will be that they will probably give Eric the keys to the mansion!

  5. No, it was just forever. If Sting lost then he can never challenge for the title again. No matter who was the champ. Nice to know that TNA think we're stupid and have forgotten about that.


    I'm not one to defend TNA but they didn't try and treat the fans like they were stupid. Hogan was supposed to say that it was a non-title fight. Apparently this sort of Hogan mistake happens quite often. However, it's usually been on a taped show which has allowed TNA to edit the errors out. With this being a live show they could not do that!

  6. Magnus was not at the show due to a Visa issue which caused him to be late. He was there for the taping of next weeks show.


    On the Sting Vs Bully Ray World Title match, that was actually a duck up by Hogan. He should have announced it a non title match because (as you correctly pointed out) Sting cannot get another title shot. The match has been filmed as a non title match so this is yet another Hogan fuck up that TNA will have to fix.


    You just know that if Spike buy TNA that they will put Easy E in charge!

  7. No it wasn't. That Guest Booker was basically Jim Cornette spending two hours (or however long it is) exposing himself as an idiot. He's a guy that has all of Russo's bad creative instincts and combines that with not being able to accept that it's not 1987. I don't know what he was playing at that day.


    It was the part before he started booking the Angle that I enjoyed. The booking was not very good at all. I think if he looked back at that he would agree that it was not his finest hour. I'll take his body of work from SMW, WWE (97) and OVW as guidance for his booking acumen!

  8. In the latest issue in the Wrestlemania review Fin writes alot of fucking annoying smarky shite.




    He's talking about the backstage segment with Johnny Ace and says:


    "John Laurinitius then said his team's victory would be a Wrestlemania moment greater than Stone Cold tapping out to Bret Hart. He didn't mention that Stone Cold was bleeding heavily at the time. The WWE doesn't want to remind viewers of it's strict no-blood PG policy."


    So fucking snarky and nerdy. Such a knob


    So you buy the mag, read it, and then log on and bitch on line about it being shitty! Remind me who the mark is!


    Your like an ECW fan in 1996. Complaining about wrestlers selling out, then buying a WWE ticket (thus lining the WWE's pockets) to tell that wrestler that they sold out!


    If you don't like ot don't fucking buy it!!


    Tell me.....have you ever kissed a girl son?

  9. I still like reading Powerslam, although not as much as I used to. If we look at the most recent copy, there were some great articles. The one about Randy Savage was superb and glowing reviews where given to the MITB & Destination X.


    I thought the CM Punk article was well written too. Yes, he doe's go overboard on the Cena bashing, but he doe's make allot of valid points (and he didn't criticise Cena for overselling the table incident). Cena doe's undersell, his interviews are childish and horrible (and Cena is a great promo guy) and he needs to be carried in his matches. Plus, Punks promos have been on another level. Not many people could hang with him when their scripted and he's only told to hit certain key points


    Until Cena fixes some of the holes in his game, then I think it's going to be the same bashing every month

  10. You know, there are alot of things in this world that I find hard to comprehend and this is one of those. My partner and I have just been watching Sky Sports News and then the RAW show and we both sat there in a state of total shock. Try as I might to serach for a reason and meaning behind all this I find it impossible to excuse the man for his actions. We will never know why he did what he did, but I will still miss him and thank him for his in-ring contributions.

  11. That photo was one of my last great pro wrestling memories. I lost a lot of love for the sport when Eddie died.And now I hear of the terrible, gut wrenching news that Chris and his family are dead. I feel physically sick, like a meathook has ripped my guts out.How many more loved characters, let alone another surefire hall of famer (not a gimmicked WWE one..) must die due to drugs, due to the pressures of working so many dates? How many more ten bell salutes have to be heard before the arsehole promotors like the McMahons change their ways?RIP to Chris Benoit and his family. Another hero gone way before time, working and dying for a business that only cares about the $$s.I started loving wrestling since I got Sky and saw Flair become WWF champion. My remaining love for this business has died today.

    The thing is Benoit didn't die of drugs or the on-the road pressures, if you watched his WWE Bio DVD, it comes across pretty clearly that he loved the travel and schedule. He lived for the wrestling business. The WWE also gave him time of last year to rest and recuperate. The reasons behind this death seem a bit different.Wrestling has always been hectic; the road schedule is brutal, but not as brutal as it was during mid-eighties. Look at Ric Flairs schedule as NWA Champion, or what Bill whets expected in Mid-South.Benoit was in the top five wrestlers of the last 20 years. We will never see another like him for along time.
  12. From what I've read on Meltzers web site this is some serious shit that's going down. I don't want to speculate about anything though until all the facts have been published. All I'll say is that I will miss Chris Benoit the worker and hope that his memory of what he did in the ring will not be tainted by what may or may not have happened over the weekend.R.I.P Mr Benoit, we will never forget what you gave to us.

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