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False Alarm!

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Posts posted by False Alarm!

  1. Attendance is probably around 1,400 to 1,500.Jay Briscoe Interview. Sydal and Daniels are out. Delirious is the replacement partner. Delirious is "cutting a promo".1. Non-Title: Jay Briscoe and Delirious vs Matt Sydal and Christopher Daniels. Sydal and Daniels are full-blown heels. Delirious pinned Matt Sydal with the Bizarro Driver.2. YAMATO vs Claudio Castagnoli Claudio won in a solid match.3. Do or Die: Erick Stevens vs. Mitch Franklin Stevens mauled him.Sweeney was namedropping A-List celebs like Pauly Shore and Scott Baio; then introduced Chris Hero with Johnny Fairplay.4. Chris Hero Vs. Nigel McGuinness Larry Sweeney and Johnny Fairplay are out with Hero. Nigel won with a Rebound Lariat. He also clobbered Fairplay with a lariat.Rocky Romero is the new member of the No Remorse Corp.5. Jack Evans & Naruki Doi vs. Davey Richards and Rocky Romero Really good match. Evans won after the 630 on Davey.6a. Homicide vs. Brent AlbrightPearce ran in for the DQ very quickly.6b. Homicide and Colt Cabana vs Brent Albright and Adam PearceThey're brawling everywhere. Pelle and Hagadorn are at ringside just fighting for the hell of it. Jim Cornette has also came out. "Fire Russo" chant starts up. Colt pinned PearceIntermission now. They're setting up the cage.7. Steel Cage Match: BJ Whitmer vs Jimmy JacobsJacobs has lost two teeth. Both guys are spiking the shit out of each other. Simultaneously. There's 2 spikes and a chair in the ring. There is also a barbed wire bat in the ring now. Jacobs was brainbustered onto a chair. Table is out. Whitmer just missed a frog splash off the top of the cage. Jimmy won the match with a senton off the cage through a table. Lacey also took a K-Driller at some point. Jacobs "wins their feud" if such a thing can be said. Match was insane and great.8. FIP World Heavyweight Title Match Roderick Strong defends vs. Austin AriesStrong beat Aries with the Strong Hold. He also got powerbombed onto the guardrail and fell through a table as well. Delirious chased Strong out of the building.9. Dragon Gate Rules CIMA, Shingo & Susumu Yokosuka vs. Dragon Kid, Ryo Saito & Masaaki MochizukiSusumu pinned DK after rolling through a Dragon Rana(I think). Match was insane. Similar to last year, but longer

    Looks like a pretty awesome show. Really looking forward to seeing the cage match, and Dragon gate match up ~
  2. I watched the wonderfully over the top Con Air (not for the first time of course) last night. It's just a fun movie with great characters, silly action and it's extremely quotable too. Plus, you have John Malkovich hamming it up looking like a skinny Steve Austin, Colm Meany chewing the scenery and Nic Cage in a mullet sporting a dodgy southern accent and no-selling bullet wounds. What's not to love?

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