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Buzz Lightyear

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Posts posted by Buzz Lightyear

  1. From the new documentary:


    "WrestleMania 30 is coming up, but they’re already thinking about 31, 32, 33, 34, 35. I’m like that, always thinking ahead.”


    Can't help think he knew something was up and this was his way of doing the right thing for himself and his family before his time was up.

  2. Although he did look well, I did think at the time (WM & Raw) that physically he may have been ill. The way he walked, he seemed bandy & breathless, but didn't expect this. Also from his comments at HOF when he said no way would there be "One More Match" which shocked me because only a few years back I'm sure he stated if he returned to WWE he would like a WM match with Vince McMahon. It also wasn't that long ago he fought Orlando Jordan.


    The fact they didn't show him enter the ring or him moving the ropes shows that something was wrong. Really sad either way.

  3. Devastating news.


    Genuinely enjoyed reliving some of the memories from my childhood with him this weekend, enjoyed his HoF speech and loved him on RAW, came away wondering how they'd use him in future roles and woke up to this news.


    Gutted for his two girls who seemed to love seeing how much of a impact he made on the wrestling world during his run, a unique talent with a belting theme tune which to this day still gets me.


    Unbelievable timing, must have been really struggling.

  4. 1.24million viewers for last nights show. Take away thanksgiving episode, they're seeing a weekly increase in viewers. Positive steps.


    5/12 - 1.24

    21/11 - 1.19

    14/11 - 1.14

    7/11 - 1.02

    31/10 - 1.10


    Really like what TNA are doing with EC3.



    What a dick :laugh:


    I love the guy. Think he's exactly the type of thing they should be doing. A fresh young act on low wages. I think Spud and Zema Ion's roles are perfect for them too.


    With Bromans, this lot, Bad Influence, some of Sabin's stuff and the Aries/Roode team earlier in the year, I actually think a strong point about TNA is you can say they do comedic heels really well. In fact with the Aces funeral last week and alot of the early Joe Park, TNA really can get the light hearted stuff right in general.


    Just a shame they do absolutely everything else badly.


    Yeah been super impressed with him, and they seem to be building him nice and steady at the moment. Love his music too, fits him really well.


    He's the example for Ultimate Tiger. Really really hope they build him up using vidoes etc and make his debut on iMPACT mean something. (He's been working shows for Xplosion)

  5. Interesting comments from Lagana.



    An amazing team effort the last three weeks pulling off what was put in front of us.


    I'm guessing he means due to the company coming off the road etc.


    Going back to AJ, can see him sticking around with TNA. He's the face of the company, and they will sort the contract problems out (that's if he has any, could be part of the angle?).


    Rather see him working for TNA than dancing with the Brodus Clay and R-Truth.

  6. Last nights tapings.


    <-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

    Magnus defeated Styles in the No DQ Match on the show to become the official TNA Champion. After the match, Styles thanked the fans for everything and said he busted his ass for TNA and them. He said there was no place like home.


    So AJ is done with TNA for a couple of months, can't see him leaving.


    [close spoiler]



    In other news.


    They've signed Extreme Tiger. Really hope he gets the EC3 treatment in terms of buildup, as they did a great job showcasing him before he appeared in a TNA ring.

  7. But standards are so low in TNA, that you are bound to get rotten angles. Claire Lynch was as bad as the Barbed Wire Christmas Tree or the hanging coffin of Doom match or the time Pacman showed up and Mike Tenay spoke about stripclub shootings or the time Mick Foley asked Vince Russo on air to write him in a vignette or the time when I turned this post into 20,000 words talking about all the dumb shit TNA has done.


    If you ask me about 2012 I'd say they got Austin Aries and Bobby Roode over huge and revamped Samoa Joe's career. That's better than what TNA usually sick up. Especially 2013 when more people lost their value and gained it.


    Again, they did some good stuff but a lot of that was ruined by the really bad. They ruined AJ that year.

  8. That's exactly what they're doing, cleaning up the shit from the last 3/4 years and I don't think they're doing a bad job.

    That's just not true though. 2012 was probably their best year in terms of quality of shows. The characters were over, the PPVs were belting and the shows had a consistent groove to it. Right now its the same old shit they've done for years. A fucking tournament for a World title even though they already have a champion (who isn't there), a thousand gimmick matches on every show (who books a ladder match for round one of a tournament?) and an authority figure fucking about 20 minutes a show talking about nothing, safe in the knowledge that she wont get whats coming to her because she will never get physically involved. Same old ideas they've always had. Just waiting for a heel stable to show up.


    2012 was frustrating, Slammiversary was absolutely brilliant stuff (they best show they've ever done, and they looked great) but you ask any fan to sum up TNA that year and they'll say CLAIRE LYNCH.

  9. Its odd as fuck how they are taping TVs from now on. Just completely muddled up. Some matches are taped on one day and others on another day and its supposed to be for the same Impact. Just this big fart on. They might as well compile it how ECW did their Hardcore TV show. Do the commentary from Jeremy Borash's Mams house, film some footage at the tapings and just piss about with it until you can create something that resembles continuity. As Caveman Lynn says, stop bringing the announcers to TV. Just sort it all out together in a studio.


    No idea what Buzz is on about. TNA is in a holding pattern at the minute. It looks like a company desperately trying to glue bits back onto a broken tea pot.


    That's exactly what they're doing, cleaning up the shit from the last 3/4 years and I don't think they're doing a bad job.


    As for TV format, its to stop full show spoilers from getting out online. Never been a fan of multiple show tapings.

  10. When I went I thought the impact zone was tiny. If it's smaller they must really be using smoke and mirrors to create the illusion that the commentators aren't a few feet from the ring.


    They don't need the commentators out there anyway. Just have a shot of them holding mics in the room and everyone can make out they're Jesse and Gorilla in the sky box. Then they can read from their scripts all they like and never get caught.


    They didn't have any in commentary positions from the last two days of taping.


    The new iMPACT zone looks okay actually, the new camera angle is a little weird but looks okay. Hopefully company's next move is to update TV graphics and change the name to include the fucking day it's shown!!!

  11. What Buzz said, TNA's best years were when Jarrett had more power, BFG was the best TNA PPV in years and one of the best wrestling PPVs of 2013, it blew the critics out of the water in any event.


    Jarrett is TNA, he should always be involved. I've always been intrigued as to why he was removed from the position he once had, he held another position within the company but was based more at home. Family issues?


    Anyway I hope they continue the positive trend they're currently on. Going to take years for them to win fans over again (that's if they can) and they've no room for any mistakes.


    Enjoying what they're doing with EC3.

  12. Credit to TNA for what they've done since Bound for Glory. Had some positive TV reports from various sites (not perfect but a step in the right direction) they're starting to use new talent and focusing on the roster which have stuck by them for 10 years (The AJ's, Roodes, Storms etc).


    The next three weeks of TV are done, some interesting angles with new talent involved. Can tell that Jarrett is back involved with the company (which is a good move).

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